Read A Deal with Benefits Online

Authors: Susanna Carr

A Deal with Benefits (7 page)

BOOK: A Deal with Benefits
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“Where are you going?” With one smooth move, Sebastian cornered her. She felt the edge of the pool against her back and Sebastian’s strong legs bumping against hers.

Her hands grazed his defined chest as she tried to tread. “My God, you are insatiable.”

Sebastian rested his hands on the pool ledge, trapping her. “You were the one who woke me up this morning. Not that I minded...”

She didn’t want to think about that. How she acted before she thought. She couldn’t even use the excuse that she had been dreaming. That would make Sebastian more arrogant than he already was.

Ashley treaded hard and fast with her legs but she was getting tangled with Sebastian’s. She was very aware of his body. His solid chest and golden-brown skin. The strong column of his throat and his sensual mouth.

Sebastian bent his head and kissed her. She arched her back as his hand slid down the curve of her breast. Ashley moaned as he rubbed his thumb against her hard nipple.

“I have a favor to ask,” she said breathlessly.

“I can’t wait to hear it.” He dipped his head and whispered in her ear, “You don’t have to be shy with me.”

“I need to visit Inez Key,” she said in a rush.

“No.” His quiet, authoritative tone bothered her almost as much as his words.

She reared back her head. “What do you mean, no? Aren’t you the least bit curious of why I need to go?”

He shrugged. “You have no authority on or responsibility to the island. It’s mine.”

“Shouldn’t I at least get bonus points for asking?” She realized what she’d said and shook her head. Why was she asking for permission? If she wanted to go, she would. Thanks to a very informative phone conversation with Clea, Ashley knew Sebastian had added security on Inez Key. But she knew all the best hiding spots.

Sebastian’s mouth formed into a grim line. “Don’t even think about it.”

“You don’t know what I’m thinking,” she said as she hoisted herself out of the pool.

“I’ll arrest you for trespassing.”

All right, he did know what she was thinking. Was her face that expressive? Or was she just predictable? “You’ll have to catch me first,” Ashley said as she strolled away. She refused to show how much she believed he would follow through on his threat.

“You won’t get far,” Sebastian said as he watched her from the pool.

Yes, she would. Ashley grabbed her towel and walked as regally as she could back to the penthouse. She was painfully aware of Sebastian watching her. Her skin felt hot and tight and her hips seemed fuller as they swayed with each step. She waited until she was out of sight before she wrapped her towel tightly around her body and ran down the steps as if she was being pursued.


, Ashley strolled from one guest to another at Sebastian’s glamorous cocktail party. They were on the rooftop of the Cruz hotel in Jamaica. The breeze carried the scent of the ocean and the tropical-fruit appetizers the waiters offered.

Ashley wasn’t sure why she’d quietly assumed the role as hostess. She could say that she was bored or that she rebelled from Sebastian’s attempts to keep her away from the party. The truth was she wanted to show him that she was more than just decoration. She had some skills that weren’t marketable but still valued in certain circles.

If Sebastian suspected that she would sabotage him, she hoped he realized he had no cause for concern. She knew how to act, what to provide and how to dress. Ashley’s skin was bare of jewels, but her simple white dress made her stand out from the dark suits and frilly and colorful dresses.

More important, she made sure everyone felt comfortable and welcome. She knew this party changed the way Sebastian saw her. She saw the admiration and pride in his eyes.

“I thought you didn’t like parties,” Sebastian said as she made her way to him.

“When did I say that?” Ashley asked. She tilted her head as she tried to remember. “No, I said I didn’t party. No late nights. No club hopping. Nothing like that.”

Sebastian didn’t try to hide his skepticism. “Not even in college? You had only been there for one semester.”

“And you think I got kicked out of school?” What made him think that? She had done some dumb things when she was a teenager, but she wasn’t a troublemaker. “No, I was struggling at school. I always had trouble with my grades. I dropped out after my parents died. I didn’t see the point in staying.”

She’d never wanted to go to school. Her parents forced her for their selfish reasons, but she had to admit that college offered her a respite from the tension at home.

“If you were such a poor student, how did you get into college?”

“My father pulled some strings and gave a big donation to the school,” she admitted with the twist of her lips.

Sebastian raised his eyebrows. “Must have been nice to have rich parents,” he said coldly. “They opened a lot of doors and gave you many opportunities.”

“That wasn’t why they did it,” Ashley said as she tightly gripped the stem of her champagne flute tightly. “They wanted me out of the way. But I know what you’re saying. I was given a lot. I had the resources to make something of myself. And where did I wind up? Broke, homeless and a rich man’s sexual plaything.”

Sebastian’s eyes narrowed. “You twist my words.”

She knew what he was saying. Really saying. That he could have conquered the world by now with that kind of financial support. “You may have had to crawl out of the ghetto but I’m sure someone helped you,” Ashley said roughly. “Teachers, neighbors, relatives. Maybe the kindness of strangers.”

“Then you would be wrong.”

Ashley felt her heart pinch. Sebastian had had a grueling and lonely journey to the top. She couldn’t imagine the strength and sacrifice it took to get to where he was. The more she learned about him, the more she admired and respected him. It made it difficult keeping her distance from Sebastian.

“And what about now?” she asked, deciding to take a different tack. “I’m sure that you would do exactly what my father did. If one of your sisters needed to get into a school, get a job or even a place to live, you would throw all of your money and influence to get it for her.”

Something flickered in his eyes, but his face showed no expression. She watched Sebastian take a healthy gulp of champagne. “Yes, I would.”

“And she would accept that help,” Ashley predicted. “That doesn’t make her spoiled.”

“Of course not. I expect my sisters to come to me whenever they need help.”

“But I’m a spoiled brat because I lived off my parents’ money?” she asked. “You think I haven’t worked a day in my life. That I’m just hanging around, working on my tan, until I land a rich husband.”

“Are you trying to tell me that you aren’t an heiress who enjoyed the good life,” he asked.

“I once enjoyed being a socialite when I didn’t have to worry about money or the future,” she admitted. The amount of money she had wasted in those years still made her sick to her stomach. “But that disappeared the moment my mother pulled a gun on my father. My friends used their connection with me to sell the most salacious and untrue stories about my family. My father’s money was gone and I inherited a mess. It has been a struggle for five years to keep what I had left.”

“You could have gotten a job,” he drawled.

She should have expected that she would receive no sympathy from Sebastian. “I couldn’t leave Inez Key. Everyone thinks I’ve been living in paradise. No one wants to look past the island and notice that I’ve been living hand to mouth for years. Any money I had went to taxes or to the islanders who relied on me.”

“If your home has been such a headache, why are you so desperate to go back?”

Ashley pressed her lips together. She had been trying to prove a point, but Sebastian only noticed the one thing she had been trying to hide. “You wouldn’t understand,” she muttered.

“Try me.”

She looked away as she struggled with the urge to tell him everything. Why did she start this? Why was it so important for Sebastian to see her as something more than a pampered heiress? His opinion shouldn’t matter so much.

“Inez Key is the only place where I feel safe.” She knew she’d told him that before but she wasn’t willing to explain why. That she wasn’t destructive or cruel when she was on the island. That she didn’t have the ability to destroy people’s lives and families if she disconnected with the world.

Sebastian’s face darkened. “Do you feel unsafe now?” he asked hoarsely as his eyes glittered. “Here, with me?”

She didn’t feel unsafe. She was scared. Worried of how addicted she was to Sebastian’s touch. Afraid of the emotions whipping through her. Frightened of what she was becoming. A sexual woman. Emotional. Falling in love.

“You’ve enjoyed yourself the past couple of weeks,” Sebastian stated. “And why not? Private planes, designer clothes and state-of-the-art spa services. We’ve been to the Bahamas, the Cayman Islands and now Jamaica. You’ve stayed at the most luxurious resorts that would put Inez Key to shame.”

And he thought it was all because of the money he spent? Let him think that. If he knew she enjoyed his company, his attention and his touch, it would give him far too much power over her.

She had been amazed that Sebastian had taken time out of his busy schedule to show her the sights. He had taken her everyplace she had underlined in her travel guide, but he had also taken her to his favorite spots. She had cherished those moments as they offered her a deeper understanding about Sebastian Cruz.

“Is that why you dragged me along on your business trip?” she asked coolly. “So I would see what the world outside Inez Key had to offer?”

“You don’t seem to mind. Your every need has been catered to.”

She had made the most of what he had to offer. It reminded her of what she used to take for granted. No wonder he thought she was a spoiled socialite. Little did he know that she’d had a makeover and subjected herself to the most painful spa services for his approval.

It was only later when she realized that she was following her mother’s pattern. She could tell herself that she chose bright colors because it reflected her mood. That the mane of hair was easier to deal with and the short dresses were needed in the tropical heat. It wasn’t true. It was all to please Sebastian.

Not that it mattered. He didn’t seem to notice her haircut or her smooth skin. The lingerie she wore was for his pleasure as much as it was for hers, but he managed to get it off her before he gave it an appreciative look.

“And your needs are catered to especially in bed,” he murmured.

Ashley blushed. She wasn’t quiet about what she wanted in bed. The nights they shared had been mind-blowing. She had never expected that it would become more magical. She clung to Sebastian all night, eager and greedy for his touch.

“I have no complaints,” she replied stiffly. She wondered how amazing it would be if Sebastian had any emotion behind every caress and kiss. Her knees weakened at the thought.

“Nor do I,” he whispered as he leaned forward. “You are a very generous lover.”

Her face felt incredibly hot from his compliment and the noise from the cocktail party seemed louder. She never refused Sebastian and it had nothing to do with her role as his mistress. She was always ready for him at the most inconvenient times. Even now her breasts felt heavy, her nipples tight, as her skin tingled for his caress.

But she didn’t have that power over him. Sebastian wanted her but only on his terms. His timetable.

“If you will excuse me,” she said as she forced herself to step away. They were not equals and they never would be. “I’m not being a good hostess. I should circulate with your guests.”

Impatience gleamed in his eyes. “Running away again,
mi vida?

She didn’t answer and she walked away. Ashley felt his gaze on her. She knew she couldn’t hide from Sebastian Cruz. He saw everything.

* * *

Sebastian fought the impulse to grab Ashley and pull her closer. To find a dark corner and reacquaint himself with her scent and taste. Instead, he restrained himself as he watched the haughty tilt of her head as she glided through the crowd.

Ashley may think she was an island girl but she was meant for the glittery world of high society. She had nothing in common with the guests, but she worked the room with effortless grace. The businessmen were dazzled by her friendly smile and their wives gravitated to her sunny personality.

“Who’s the girl?”

Sebastian’s hand tightened on his champagne glass when he heard the gravelly voice. He turned to see Oscar Salazar, one of his fiercest rivals.

“Salazar.” He gave the man a brief handshake. “I didn’t see you come in.”

“Your attention was elsewhere. I can see why.” A streak of red highlighted Salazar’s blunt cheekbones as he stared at Ashley. “You always had good taste in property.”

“Don’t let her hear you say that,” Sebastian warned. Not that he was going to allow Salazar that close to Ashley. He was territorial, but he knew better than to show it around Salazar. The man liked to compete. The more Sebastian wanted something, the more determined Salazar was in wrestling it free from him.

The possessive feeling was so strong that Sebastian almost vibrated with it. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this way. The women in his bed had always been interchangeable and temporary. If any of them tried to make him jealous, Sebastian didn’t hesitate to cut them loose. He never second-guessed or regretted his actions. He knew he could replace his lover with someone who was willing to follow his rules.

But it was different with Ashley. The woman didn’t understand the word
. She was exasperating, difficult and never boring. Why did he allow her to act that way? Was it because she was his mistress? Was it because he was her first? Or did it have anything to do with sex?

He wanted to share his day with Ashley. It didn’t matter if they were exploring the waterfalls of Jamaica, falling asleep in each other’s arms or enjoying a cup of coffee in a busy sidewalk café. He yearned for her. So much that he found himself calling her when he was at the office just to hear her voice.

“Who did you say she was?” Salazar asked as his gaze narrowed on Ashley’s slender body.

Sebastian gritted his teeth. He had to play this carefully. “Her name is Ashley.”

“She looks familiar.”

He doubted Salazar socialized with Donald Jones. He was too young and had only made his fortune a few years ago. “You probably saw her in Miami,” Sebastian said. He tossed back the champagne but didn’t taste it.

Salazar dragged his gaze away from Ashley. “She’s different from your other women.”

And that automatically made her an intriguing challenge. The ultimate prize. The man understood what made Sebastian tick. “I don’t have a type.”

Salazar smiled. “This one looks more innocent. Untamed.”

Sebastian curled his hand into a fist. “You don’t know anything about her.”
And you’re not going to

“But I know you,” Salazar said. “You’ll tire of her very soon.”

No, he wouldn’t. He wanted more than a month with Ashley. Craved for something more. “And you’ll swoop in and catch her?”

Salazar shrugged. “I wouldn’t normally take your hand-me-downs...”

Sebastian wanted to punch his rival. No one talked about Ashley that way.
No one
. Instead, Sebastian stepped in front of Salazar and stared him down. “Stay away from Ashley,” he said in growl.

Salazar looked very pleased that he’d riled him. “Worried that you don’t have that much of a hold on her?” he taunted.

worried about that. The only way he got Ashley back in his bed was through blackmail. He wasn’t proud of it. She wanted him but not enough to make the first move or accept his original offer.

“She’s mine,” Sebastian warned in a low voice. Most people would scatter from the threat in his tone, but Oscar Salazar’s smile only widened.

“Not for long.” Salazar returned his gaze on Ashley. “I could steal her away if I wanted to.”

“No, you couldn’t.” Sebastian’s heart pounded against his ribs as the need to defend his territory coursed through his veins. “You have nothing she wants. No extra incentive.”

“Incentive?” Salazar’s eyes glowed as he pondered the new information. “She has a price?”

“One you couldn’t afford,” Sebastian snapped.

“I’m sure I could get a bargain,” he murmured.

“You’ve been warned, Salazar.” He didn’t like this side of him, but he couldn’t stop it. He was ready to unleash all of his power and weapons on Salazar. If he had fangs, he would have bared them. “Go anywhere near her and you’re dead.”

“Understood.” Salazar took a sip of his champagne and casually strolled away. Sebastian wanted to follow, but one of his Jamaican business partners chose that moment to approach.

BOOK: A Deal with Benefits
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