A desire come true (The Never Changing Wish Book 1) (10 page)

BOOK: A desire come true (The Never Changing Wish Book 1)
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“Wash my hair.”

I process her request for a second, then grab the shampoo that sits next to me and purr a healthy amount in my hands. As her scarlet hair stands there, waiting to be touched, I comply and do as I’m asked.

I dab it with the shampoo, moving my fingers up and down the length of it. It feels good, so soft and moist, nothing like my hair. The smell emanating from it is intoxicating, so rich, and so sensible it makes me go crazy. After a minute of playing with her hair she stops me with one word.  “Enough.”

I stand still, waiting for the next task to do. She closes her eyes, enjoying the moment, engulfed in all the pleasure of being in power, power given by me to her. I could end this whenever I want, but I let it go on, for my sake and hers as well.

After a while, she suddenly takes her hand from the water and places on the counter of the bathtub.

“Wash it.”

And so I obey her command. Her inanimate hand sits there, caressed by my touch, able to do anything to it. Long silky fingers, soft skin from one end to another, amazing for the touch. I stare into the air, continuing with my deed. Her muscles completely relaxed from the water and hot air, like a sauna. I place my hand gently on her cheek, and slowly stroke it. She opens her eyes, just to meet mine a couple of inches away. Without a warning, her mouth is on me, our lips eating each other. Finally, the sweet elixir of life, I can taste it again.

Hands that until now were dead, now they squeeze my face, like they have a mind of their own.

I strip of my clothes and join in the fun. Half covered with water, I start kissing every part of Alice’s body, from the face down to her pussy. I submerge into the water and on the dark I play with her. She grabs my head and pulls me up. I look at her with a grin on my face, she with a shy smile.

“I missed you so much, Levi,” she cries out, taking me by surprise. Her arms wrap around my neck, tight as two snakes. I do the same, feeling her boobs pressed on my chest.

“I missed you to, babe. I will always be here for you. You know that, right?”

“Yes,” she whispers in my ear.

“Good, good, you don’t need to be sad, I’m here now. Come here.”

I lay back and drag her along with me, she falls on my chest.

I kiss her with passion, my erection at its max already. She can feel it digging on her thigh. Directing it, I insert my dick inside her, slowly but surely filling her out. She finally surrenders, letting me in control. I take swift action and start pumping faster and faster. She digs in with her nails, to the point small drops of blood taint the clear water. I continue, ignoring such trivial things, just offering pleasure to my girlfriend, to my love.

She comes with a loud sound, I too doing the same after her. We stand still for what it seems an eternity.


The next day I wake early, and so does Alice. The moment I raise my head off the pillow, she opens her eyes, like she was waiting for me.

The gym, the place where people gather to become the best version of themselves; body wise of course.

We arrive around ten. It’s a Thursday morning, pretty boring day. Not too many people at the gym at this hour. Alice warms up nice and slow, trying to seduce me with her sexy positions. I look at her with a blank face, not letting myself prey to her charms. I continue without paying attention to her anymore. She is doing legs and I chest plus triceps. Because of that, we stay separated most of the time. We offer each other glances, my mouth twitching a bit.

Half an hour into the workout, I see something that instantly catches my eye. I don’t turn my head but stare into the mirror. A guy, that is not any staff member, approaches Alice with a shy smile but still cool. I can’t hear anything they say, the music blasting throughout the gym. Alice returns his smile and says something that pleases the guy. I analyze every one of their moves and actions, my eyes glued to the mirror next to me. I don’t intervene, wanting to see what the outcome with be. One minute passes and the guy finally leaves her alone. I then turn and walk myself right in her direction. She sees me coming and realizes that I’ve witness everything.

“What did that guy want?” I simply ask with a straight face.

“His name is John and he asked me out,” she says.

“I don’t give a fuck what his name is. What did you say to him?”

“You don’t need to get so fired up out of nothing, ok? Come here, take a sit next to me and chill down.”

“You didn’t answer my question, Alice. So?” I continue with my inquisition, fully aware that I completely exaggerate.

“I told him I’m taken by a hot rich arrogant bastard that knows how to make me smile every time I’m down.”

I start laughing, unable to contain my amusement. She joins me, the two of us looking like crazy for the people around.

“Arrogant bastard, you say? I guess you’re true.”


Done with our workout, we go eat.

I love food. I always have to crunch something. I have a crazy craving. Good I’m not a girl. I smile thinking about this while Alice stares into her iPhone. We wait for our food.

“Babe, how much are you going to stare into the phone? Get your nose out of it.” I say a little pissed about this problem that almost all girls have these days.

“Yea, or what? She says biting her lower lip. Damn, so hot.

“Or I’m going to take you on this table in front of all this people. What you say now?” I respond without thinking.

“Lets see if you can catch me first!” she says and gets up, grinning at me.

“Sit down babe, your making a scene.”

“Make me,” she continues with the attitude of a ten year.

“Trust me, you don’t want that,” I say looking around to see if we got the attention of the crowd. “Alice, if I get up your domed. Sit!”

She rolls her eyes at me, like I talk bullshit. I like when she acts this way. It’s always fun when they oppose you for a time.

I get up, slowly but with all my muscles firing. The moment I’m standing straight, I blast at Alice, grabbing her in a second. She didn’t see it coming. Amateurs.

“Will you sit down?” I ask her with a low voice, trying to deflect all attention.

Her soft hands cup my face, every inch of her touch electrifying.

“Kiss me now.”

“Heh, you do it,” I respond staring into her eyes.

“Ok, grumpy.”

Moist lips connect with mine, tingling my inner nerves. I press hard, pushing her into the table. For around 10 seconds we stay like this then gently pull away.


The food arrives.

“So, Alice, you meet Gerald and Gloria. What do you think? I know Gloria can be a complete bitch sometimes. But I must say she always acted with me differently. I don’t know why. I guess she likes me!” I say smiling.

“They a little crazy; it’s all good.  You know, I got my share of people in my life. My cousin and others as well. What can you do, right?”

“Hmm… yea, what can you do,” I murmur, remembering different situations where something could have been done. Times when the jobs I was doing demanded me to be someone else, to act under certain rules.

“On a brighter note, do you enjoy your gift from Australia?”

“I love it, so big and soft, but in the same time hard and stable. I can take a nap in it.”

I laugh.

“I don’t recommend it. You can sleep with me. Better for both of us.

“Good you don’t snore. Or maybe you do?” she says in a playful way, teasing me.

I never snored. Not that I remember doing so. I always slept alone, so there is no one to confirm if I did it or not. Brooke and I had a relationship in which she stayed at my place for one year. Not once did she ever complain about my bad habits. The only explanation I could find at that time was I didn’t had any bad habits. Good for me, I guess.

“Never. Did you ever heard of a god snoring?” I say, of course, praising myself.

“You, a god? God of what? I am your goddess. Better you don’t forget that.”

She acts as I do, like she is my female image. I stare at her, as into a mirror.

“Ok, ok, I surrender to your charms. You can pay for the meal, right? Being a god and all. Money is no problem for a divine, am I right?” I look at her as she brain storms.

“Nice one.”

“That’s all you gonna say? Nice one. And I thought you were smarter. Clearly not to my expectations.” I smirk.

“Shut up. You stupid. I win. I’m not talking with you anymore. I’m eating now.” Visible pissed, I let her eat in silence. I too finish my plate, enjoining every bite.


“Hey, a friend of mine throws a party this Saturday. I got invited of course and I want you to join me. Oliver and Mia will be there as well.”

“And the girls?”

“I’m sorry, only for us. You come or I go alone?”

“Okay. You don’t need to be so stern. I don’t like it, ok?”

“Hey, come here. I’m sorry, okay? Give me a hug.”

She hugs me tight and I return the gesture.












Chapter VII



Today is Friday. My favorite day of the week.

Today I am at the hospital.

Today is a sad day for Levi and his family. I’m sad too.

Last night Levi got a call. His uncle is in critical condition. He may die in the next couple of hours. We are in New York. We took a fast flight around midnight. Levi didn’t even sleep until now. His face is so relaxed. He’s in my arms, his head on my chest. He’s so peaceful when he sleeps. I examine every inch of his face, making my way from the lips to his hair. So beautiful, so masculine. I wish I could hold him forever like this.


Levi’s brother spends most of his time in New York. When we arrive, we find him already here. His face is blank but still calculated. He lets no emotions pass. He left 30 minutes ago with some business.

Its noon and Levi wakes from his deep sleep. I kiss him on his forehead, he doing the same.

“How is he doing?”

“His fine now, the doctors said it’s all ok. You don’t need worry, ok?” Let’s go eat something, I’m starving.”

“Me too. But first, let me check on him. After we go eat.”

We do as he says. Later in the day, after hours and hours of torment, a ray of hope shines upon us. The doctors inform us that his uncle is in stable condition. The worst part has passed. He was lucky but not for long. His life expectancy is only a couple more months at best.


All well, we return the next day home.


Saturday. Levi told me a while back about a cool party that is tonight. I wonder what kind of parties Levi goes to.

As I mention the event, you can still see his still affected.

“If you want we can stay home. We don’t need to go if you don’t what to.” I comfort him as well as I can.

“He grabs my hands, puts them together, feeling the heat of his body.

“I’m ok. I told you we are going. It’s what I need to remove this state I’m in. Besides, I want you to be happy.”

“I’m happy when you are happy, babe. Trust me.”

I caress his chest, sensing his heart beating inside him. So powerful, so steady, like a clock.


We leave the house around nine. Oliver is driving his SUV. Mia is in the front seat and us too in the back. Mia is on her phone, talking with a friend. We sit in silence, myself thinking about the people I will meet and all the crazy stuff I hope will not take place tonight. I look at Levi, not able to imagine what he is thinking of.


Leon, I heard, is the host. Levi didn’t actually tell me anything about him, just that he is an arrogant bastard. That sums it up! Who knows, maybe his a nice guy, but I doubt it.

As we get in front of the house, you can hear the music. The beat echoes inside my chest, making it vibrate. I like that feeling.

This guy’s house is huge. We get out of the car and make our way to the front entrance. There, two bodyguards check everybody. With them stands a young blonde, holding the invite list.

Of course, our names are on the list. We pass the gate and insanity breaks loose. At least 300 people are here. The party is held in and outside the house.

This guy has three pools. Everywhere you can see people having a great time, dancing to the music. I look at Levi. He is unfazed by all of this. I guess his used to this kind of stuff. Maybe he does the same; have crazy parties as this one.

Mia separates from us, going ahead. Oliver remains, just to welcome Leon and his friend Zane. The guys directly head into the house, up the stairs. I follow them, not knowing what to do. On the second floor we find them. Leon is sitting on a leather couch, Zane is at the bar.

BOOK: A desire come true (The Never Changing Wish Book 1)
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