A Four-Gone Conclusion: Lone Star Lovers, Book 5 (7 page)

BOOK: A Four-Gone Conclusion: Lone Star Lovers, Book 5
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“And do what?”

His shoulders lifted. His glance darted to Johnny then back to her. “Rub?”

“You’re not going to…come inside me?”

Killian and Mace chuckled.

“Ellie, someone else gets that privilege first.”

Chapter Five

Ellie swung her head to look at Johnny, who leaned against the headboard with his arms crossed over his chest. From the tension riding his square jaw, she knew without having it spelled out that he would be the first, maybe the only one to claim her pussy this night.

She swallowed hard, then groaned, the muscles of her neck burning from the effort of holding up her head. She dropped it over the edge of the mattress again, as much to relieve the strain as to hide her own expression. They’d see in an instant just how much she wanted him. “Dammit.”

All her blood rushed to her head. Maybe she’d die of embarrassment before they finished with her, but now she hoped she lasted long enough to know the pleasure of being claimed by Johnny.

Soft chuckles sounded all around her. Killian rose again, staring down at her. “Understand now?”

“Not really,” she said, her voice thick.

“Let us make the decisions tonight, okay? We’ll take care of you.”

And then he bent over her, and once again, guided himself into her mouth. This time when Jason’s fingers played with her ass, she was thankful her face was obscured even if she had to close her eyes to keep from being blinded by Killian’s swinging balls.

His cock was thick and pulsing, filling her mouth, her throat. She’d never considered herself a deep-throat expert, but a body’d never know it by the deep moans he gave up as he thrust into her mouth.

She sucked hard, letting her own arousal build as she proved to them all she was in this to the end. A slick finger plunged into her ass and she bucked her thighs, more of a knee-jerk reaction than an effort to escape the intrusion, but Jason kept her thighs jammed against her chest.

She could barely breathe, barely move—her body restrained, her excitement controlled. The finger fucking into her was joined by another thick digit, which stretched her, causing a burning sensation that only heightened her arousal. When the finger stopped swirling inside her and pulled away, and Jason moved to fit her legs around his waist, she was desperate for release.

He stroked his length between her drenched folds, making long firm glides that raked over her clit. She was grateful for the friction and quickly came unraveled. She sucked harder and harder on Killian’s cock while Jason thrust powerfully against her, dry-humping her faster and faster, until she shot over the edge, giving a muffled scream.

Killian jerked in her mouth, come jetted, and she swallowed around him, milking him until he pulled free and bent to lift her head to watch as Jason ground against her, his broad chest coated with a thin sheen of sweat, his lips peeled back over his teeth in a primal grimace. When he came, she clutched him with her thighs, holding him until he slumped against her breasts.

Her gaze met Killian’s upside down one. They shared a smile. Jason scooted back and pulled her under him. She didn’t know how much her neck ached until her head rested on the mattress again.

“Ouch,” she grumbled.

Jason’s chest rocked against her as he laughed. When he raised his head, he bent to kiss her. “Johnny’s luckier than he knows,” he whispered against her mouth.

She grinned lazily, gliding her hands over his damp back. “You gonna tell him?”

“Only if you think it will make him even madder.”

She glanced at Johnny, whose stony expression was back in place. However, there was a darkness lurking in his eyes that spiked her blood with renewed heat.

“Let’s give her some space,” Killian said, easing away from the bed. “Why don’t we head to the living room? We can turn up the air and put logs on the fireplace.”

Jason groaned, but rolled off her.

Cool air brushed over her sweaty body.
A fire?
She shook her head. “That makes no sense at all.”

Killian shook her head like she was mentally deficient. “We’ll stretch out on the rug in front of the fire. It’s romantic.”

“It’s eighty degrees outside.”

“Which is why we’ll up the AC.” He winked, then held out his hand.

She was reluctant to leave Johnny. But he didn’t ask her to stay.

Killian’s glance flicked from her to Johnny, as though he too waited for his brother to say something, do something. When his brother didn’t, he cupped his fingers. “Come on.” He tugged her up. “No clothes. That’s the rule.”

“You got many rules?”

“Just that you call the shots.”

She shook her head, smiling slightly. Trying to find something to laugh about because Johnny’s lack of reaction disappointed her. “As if,” she scoffed. “If you didn’t notice, I could barely speak.”

“A trait you and Johnny share.”

She snorted and laughed, glancing back to see Johnny easing off the bed. For the first time, she saw his whole body straighten, and she stumbled.

Killian’s arm caught her waist to keep her from going to her knees. He pulled her against his chest, his erection prodding her belly—this time without the protection of layers of clothing.

She marveled over how disturbing it was to feel the press of one naked man while watching another stride toward her.

Johnny was tall, rangy, broad. A smattering of hair around his groin but none on his chest. His dark cock was long and pointing upward—thick. The Logan boys were all blessed in that department.

She swallowed hard. When she looked up, his usual hard glare drilled her.

Killian squeezed her. “Like what you see?”

Ignoring Johnny’s lethal stare, she leaned back her head to meet Killian’s gaze. “And what I feel,” she whispered.

His hand snagged hers and he stepped back, letting her look her fill, until every part of her body blushed. His chest was cloaked in dark brown hair that narrowed over his belly then fanned out again at his groin. His cock was thick, reddish, and slightly curved toward the ceiling.

“Built for a woman’s pleasure,” he said, fisting his cock to stroke it while she stared.

Johnny growled.

Ellie shook her head and turned on her heel, walking away as quickly as she could on wobbly legs, Killian’s soft laughter following her into the living room.

She’d seen it all. Every glorious inch of every Logan brother. And it looked as though she’d be a very lucky girl indeed.

Keeping Killian’s advice about Johnny close to her heart, she decided she was done being shy. Done with waiting for them to decide how this was going down. It was her body they planned to enjoy. They could take their pleasure, they were more than welcome to it, but she’d take hers as well.

If Johnny Logan wasn’t happy about it, it was too damn bad. She’d felt just how much he hated his brothers’ bringing her to orgasm, but he hadn’t intervened. In fact, he’d held her while they’d plundered her.

Maybe Killian was only partly right. She was beginning to think Johnny liked sharing his woman more than he would ever admit. It gave him a chance to break free of his quietude, a reason to assert a possessiveness he hadn’t ever allowed himself to feel.

The thought sent a blissfully cool shiver down her back. Belonging to him. Being shared among the rest.

Maybe being a wife among the Logans wasn’t the sort of relationship she’d always dreamed she’d have, but she wasn’t going to scoff at it any longer. It could work out to be her wildest fantasy come true.



Johnny didn’t like the sassy sway of Ellie’s backside as she walked away. It was a slow, seductive wag that had his cock tensing even harder. Impossibly harder.

The woman didn’t need to tease. If she knew what was going through his head right now, she’d run screaming. She brought out the primitive in him. His basest desires. He didn’t know how much he could take before he threw her down and mounted her.

Holding her while she’d moaned and shivered through an orgasm had been pure hell. He’d wanted to be the one with his mouth pleasuring her, the one tasting her. And yet, he’d also wanted to be the one who held her while she shook. He’d been the one she kissed there at the end when she could have sought any of four mouths, but bent back to seek his.

However, watching her take on Killian and Mace hadn’t been as pleasurable for him. Was it because he hadn’t been touching her? He’d felt like a voyeur, watching the woman he wanted being used. She’d done it with throaty groans that had teased him to the edge of violence. Had she been goading him? Was he a fool to think she’d even given him a thought?

He raked a hand through his hair, striding with heavy stomps down the hallway. He knew Killian wanted her, but he’d made it seem at the start like he was setting this up for him.

Johnny felt surly and mean, and so goddamn hard he didn’t trust himself around her, not without his brothers there to protect her. Was this why Killian had engineered this night? He didn’t trust him to be gentle when the moment came?

He hesitated in the hallway, gripping his shaft and wondering if it would be wiser for him to jerk off before he went near her again, but then he heard laughter coming from the living room. Hers.

He sped up, entering the room, then slowed as he took in the sight.

His younger brothers had been quick to clear the furniture from in front of the fire. The large flokati rug had been pulled up to the ledge of the fireplace.

The twins sat cross-legged on the carpet while Ellie stood over them, staring down, her lips pressed together to suppress another laugh.

When he cleared his throat, she glanced his way, pointing at his brothers. “They have no sense of modesty.”

Mace grinned. “She thinks our ball-sacs must itch.”

Her arms folded over her chest. “I did not call them that.”

Mace’s head tilted back. “You didn’t call ’em anything. You just pointed and laughed. Took some of the starch right out of little Mace.”

“Mace isn’t little,” she said, another giggle erupting.

Johnny felt his eyes narrow, irritated that the twins had her attention, and that they’d managed to make her forget for a moment that she was every bit as naked as they were. He couldn’t. Her breasts were lovely, round globes, topped with cotton-candy pink nipples. Her belly was slightly rounded, womanly. Her mound was cloaked in fine, pale curls. Everywhere he looked was soft and feminine, and since he’d held her, he knew the scent of her was just as sweet.

Mace patted the white wool carpet. “Come on down. Enjoy the fire.”

“I’m not cold,” Ellie shot back.

“Sure about that?” he asked, his eyebrows waggling while his gaze zeroed on her nipples.

Ellie’s pretty breasts lifted, and she looked down as well. “That’s not because they’re cold,” she said, her tone tart.

Killian pushed through the swinging door leading into the kitchen, bottles dangling from his fingers. “Beer, anyone?”

Now, Johnny had never been particularly shy about nudity around his brothers. And there had been occasions, usually when they skinny-dipped in the creek, when a hard-on had become the butt of some raunchy jokes, but he found it damned uncomfortable joining the rest of them as they lounged casually on the floor, dicks tapping their bellies while they all stared at the same woman.

A woman who seemed to have just as little of the modesty she’d complained his brothers didn’t possess.

She sat between the twins, her legs straight and drawn together, toes pointing toward the fire. “It does so itch,” she groused.

“You could sit on something a little less furry,” Jason said, waggling his eyebrows.

“Guess I could,” she said, rolling her eyes. “But then, I wouldn’t exactly be resting, would I?”

“Think you couldn’t relax? Drink a beer, sitting right on my lap?”

Her jaw dropped, but then so did her eyelids as she not-so-subtly studied his brother’s impressive erection. “On your…lap?”

“I didn’t stutter.”

Johnny growled and prowled into the room.

Killian dangled a beer from his fingers. The wicked gleam in his eyes spelled mischief. “Wanna make a bet who moves first?”

Johnny’s cock jerked, bobbing to the beat of his heart. Something he couldn’t attempt to hide without his brothers laughing their asses off.

He strode toward Ellie, looming over her, willing her to keep her gaze locked with his, rather than stroking over his cock as she had his brother. If she did, he couldn’t be sure he’d hold it together.

“Maybe she’d be safer with Johnny,” Killian said, crimping his lips together.

Mace grimaced. “Just when I thought I’d get to be the first.”

Johnny felt his breaths coming faster, steam rising off his hot skin.

“I get choices, right?” she said, her expression every bit as mischievous as Killian’s at the moment.

Johnny knew he’d been maneuvered. That everyone in the room had made sure he couldn’t back down from the challenge. He reached to the side, felt the cold bottle slap against his palm. He waited as Mace scooted away, then he knelt beside her and stretched out his legs. He took a slow sip of his beer.

Her expression lost its sass, color washing over her cheeks, down her neck to her breasts. A hand lifted to press against her belly.

Killian stepped beside her. “Go ahead and take your seat, sweetheart. I have your bottle right here.”

“Oh hell.” She blew out a deep breath, her lips pursing.

Killian took her hand and urged her toward Johnny.

She gulped, but tossed back her hair. Then she came up on her knees and leaned toward Johnny, not meeting his steady stare as she gripped his shoulders and climbed over him. Her knees snuggled close to his hips. Her pussy poised over his sex.

He could feel her heat against the tip of his cock. He held himself rigid, waiting for her to take him inside her.

Her hand was cold when it wrapped around him and pointed it toward her entrance. Her whole body shivered. Her eyes closed, and she sank over the tip, taking him into her body.

She was so wet, so hot inside, he nearly groaned aloud. But he forced his face into a mask, watching her every expression, every movement as she worked her way down his cock.

BOOK: A Four-Gone Conclusion: Lone Star Lovers, Book 5
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