A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits) (3 page)

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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“You guys realize we are back here right?” I say and they both instantly clamp their mouths shut. Just great, I haven’t heard them argue for a long time and the fact they’re arguing tonight of all nights is seriously pissing me off. The only thing that’s keeping me from using my Taser on them both is the fact Jacob’s fingers are now grazing the underside of my breast. I daren’t move for fear I’ll lose his gentle caress that is setting every cell in my body alight.

“Sorry,” Maya sighs and runs her fingers through her hair. “But let it be known, I’m not talking to him.”

James only chuckles which makes Maya growl and me snigger. My snigger is silenced when Jacob’s fingers trail over my lace bra, teasing the already erect nipple.

“You wet for me?” he whispers seductively in my ear.

I nod and gulp and nod again. Shit. My teeth latch onto my lower lip in an attempt to stop myself from groaning.

“Finally,” Maya calls as we pull over. Jacob releases me and if I was a crying woman, I’d be sobbing. That is until he pulls me to his side as I climb out and mumbles, “Stay with me tonight babe. Wear a dress, no panties.” My breath hitches. “I want to sink my fingers into you every chance I get.”


We head into Maya’s apartment, I go into her room and demand, “Get me a dress. Now!”

She blinks in shock before cackling like a hyena on crack. “Calm down. We’ll get you a dress.”

I strip down to my underwear as she doe
s the same, there are no secrets between us. Hell, in college we went skinny dipping together and we shared a room most nights because Summer snores like a bear with a bee up its nose and her room was next to mine so I bunked with Maya. Not that she didn’t complain as I’m unfortunately a, ‘snuggle while I sleep’ type of person. You put something in bed beside me, during my sleep I’ll find it and I’ll cling onto it. Doesn’t matter if it’s a person or a damn croc. So I’d tend to suffocate her, she didn’t mind the first few nights but after a couple of weeks I woke up with bruises where she’d hit me. Bitch.

“It has to be a sexy dress, a tight dress.” I start throwing things out of her closet. “Don’t just stand there.”

She laughs harder and leads me to the right section of her humongous walk in closet. “Here, pick something.”

“Is this the dress you wore on the red carpet? When you stayed with Jacob?”


Not wearing that. I manage to find a gorgeous beige, tube dress with a delicate white lace
material over the top. It makes you look naked under the lace, hugs every inch of your flesh like a second skin.

“Where are the shoes?”

She presses a button on the wall and I watch in amazement as the back wall opens up revealing rows upon rows of shoes, all heels, all designer and all fucking beautiful. Shit that’s awesome.

Maya steps forward grabs a pair of white heels and a beige and white lace bag, “These make the outfit complete. Jewelry is in there. Don’t wear anything that’s worth more than a hundred. You always lose them.”

“I do not.”

“Yeah… you do.”

“That was one time, and I replaced it.” Scoff.

She laughs again, “With a ten dollar replica.”

“You made someone very happy that day,” I remember the gorgeous diamond tear drop necklace that I wore and lost that was worth more than what I’ll ever see in my life time.

“Babe, you made someone happy that day. I was very sad that day.”

“Sorry,” we look at each other and smile. Most friends would never speak to each other after something like that. Not me and Maya, I’ve had her cars, her clothes, her money and not once has she asked me for anything in return or even asked for it back. Although half the time she doesn’t even realize it’s missing. I mention it to her in passing, for e.g. “I’m borrowing this.”

To which she would respond, “Sure.” And not even look at what it is. Crazy woman.


“That will look so hot on you,” Maya claps her hands and watches as I pull the dress on. She’s a little fuller in the
titty department and the ass department and her waist is slimmer than mine but it still fits me perfect. Shit… I look. “Fabulous!”

going to have to agree,” I grin and sit myself at her vanity table before digging through her eye shadow drawer. “Brown and gold?”


Maya gets dressed as I do my makeup and she does her makeup as I do my hair. We have this whole getting ready thing down to a T!

Then we stand side by side in her mirror room, it’s a small hexagon shaped room with mirrors on each wall so we can admire the outfit from every angle. We also take pictures and head into the living area.



Chapter Three

Alcohol and Fun Times


There are three things in the world that I find stunning:

Number one: The Niagara Falls.

Number Two: Me

Number Three: Marie.


And she beats the first two. By far. What’s worse is, she knows it and I find that arrogance and confidence so fucking sexy. I wonder if she’s wearing panties… the skin tight dress says ‘no panties here.’ There are no panty lines. She actually did as I told her to. This brings me a sense of shock mixed with male satisfaction. It must have been a while since she got any, that
meaning sex. Not that I can talk, I’m about to blow from just looking at her. Fuck her ridiculous ‘three nights of sex only’ rule! No pun intended.

“Wow,” James breathes when he sees Maya. Maya giggles and throws herself on him, literally on him. Her legs wrap around his hips and her arms around his neck.
So much for her giving him the cold shoulder. Crazy ass people.

I hold out my hand for Marie to take, she smiles uncertainly at me. Pulling her to my side I tuck
her hair behind her ear and lean into her neck, “Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?”

She groans in disgust before w
e share a laugh at my critically cheesy pick up line and I let her push me away playfully, but only for a second before I drag her back to my side.



There are three things in this world that I find fucking gorgeous:

Number One: Me

Number Two: Mount Everest

Number Three: Jacob


What makes it worse is the fact he knows it but he’s not overly arrogant about it. Of course he can be arrogant with it when he’s around me. He knows I find him attractive and reminds me often enough. Whenever we see each other people could easily mistake us for lovers.

We’re not.

He wants to be.

I want to be.

Why aren’t we you ask? Well, because… we’re explosive. We work great together as friends and we fit together perfect while bumping the nasties. The problem is, we’d fall too fast. We both know it so we both fight it. After that first night, we decided on two more. Those two more nights will not be wasted. They won’t be drunken fumbles or fucks during a fleeting visit. If we only get two more nights they both have to be as perfect, if not better, than that first night.

Other than wanting to screw each other
hard and often, we are close friends. He gets me, I get him. It’s better this way. We’re worlds apart yet also too alike so it’s safer this way for both of us.

I’ll continue the tale of two sluts
coming together (literally and figuratively) later when I don’t have a party in my honor to attend.

Loryn better be quick or shit
’s going down.

“You’re squeezing me,” I say to Jacob as we stand in the center of the room watching James and Maya fondle and kiss each other as if their friends aren’t in attendance. He softens his hold of my waist but not by much
, and looks down at me with amusement twinkling in his eyes. “What?” I’m suspicious of the look he’s giving me.

The twinkle vanishes and is replaced with dilating pupils and a smoldering look so… well smoldering, I have to squeeze my thighs together to remind my
‘mini’ that it is not time to wake up yet.

“What?” I repeat, albeit a little breathlessly.

He doesn’t respond, unfortunately his chance is taken by Maya who is suddenly cheering. In walks Loryn, on her own. Fuck, Lucas must have been too tired to make it.

She shrugs and
I can see the disappointment evident on her features, but there’s also a smile of understanding ghosting her lips. “Ready?”

“Where are
Summer and Chris?” I remember them climbing into their car behind us but I forgot to ask where they were going.

“Summer went home, she’s meeting us there. Something about her dress being pressed,” James responds flippantly, his eyes never leaving his wife’s ass as she struts across the room and pulls Loryn into a hug. That man has it so bad for her it’s almost pitiful.

Steadily on my six inch high heels, I make my way to the kitchen and grab a bottle of wine from the refrigerator. Maya and Loryn join me, wine glasses at the ready.

“You look
perrrtie,” I coo at Loryn and give her a brief hug.

She smiles sweetly, “
Thanks. You look pretty hot too.”

“We getting blotto?” Maya asks with an impish grin.

“Sounds like a plan,” Loryn agrees and so do I.

I down my wine, eager to get this night moving along, the girls join me as they talk kids. Loryn seems to be settling into the role of step motherhood well enough. She and Amelia have a pretty good bond which I know Lucas is more than happy about. His daughter is his world after all.

“Hurry up ladies,” Jacob leans casually against the doorframe, his thumbs hooked through the belt loops of his jeans. Hell if that isn’t the sexiest stance I’ve ever seen a man use. “We’ve got a party to attend.”

Maya rushes over to her husband who is waiting for her behind Jacob. Loryn links her arm through mine, “So, how did the shoot go?”

Jacob catches my eyes as I squeeze past him and smirks knowingly.

“He was a handful,” Jacob’s breath quickens at my hidden meaning. “But we got there in the end.”

“I have faith in you,” he says as he follows us out of Maya’s home. Loryn nods in agreement, “Me too.”

Well I’m glad somebody has faith in me, for my faith in myself is entirely lacking at present. As it always is when I take important photos. It’s only nerves, and nerves are a good thi
ng to have. They make the end result that much more gratifying when you realize your nerves were for nothing.


“I’m really looking forward to tonight,” Maya announces after we climb into the back of the limousine. And then her phone rings, cutting her off from saying more. “Oh, hi Joseph!” Her smile broadens, James’ face drops.




I feel bad for the guy. I really do. It would kill me to be in love with someone as beautiful as Maya. James is right in saying Joseph probably does want her. Why do girls never see that shit? They take a guy’s kindness as just that… kindness. When in reality they want in their pants.

For some reason this thought brings my eyes to Marie, she’s the most beautiful woman I’ve ever laid eyes on and I don’t just mean the outside
, which is in fact perfect. She’s strong, independent and intelligent, not to mention secretly sweet with a vulnerability to her that she never shows anyone. Not even her closest friends. If I were in James’ shoes right now, with Marie as my wife and some punk sniffing around her under the pretense of his job… I’d probably be in jail for aggravated assault. Fortunately I’m not in James’ position… I’m actually in Joseph’s position. I want in Marie’s pants, it’s as simple as that. Fortunately, she knows it so I don’t have to pretend I’m not. Fortunately, she wants it so I can be as forward as I want.


“That’s great for me, yeah. Book two seats for next weekend.” James’ face pales when he realizes exactly what Maya is proposing. “Just a second,” we’re all holding our breath when she turns to James. “Do you want the steak or the ham on the flight baby?” His smile is back as he murmurs the word steak.

Then he kisses her on the nose and all is well in the world. Is it really as easy as they make it look? The who
le being in love gig I mean. The jealousy issue doesn’t look fun though. I can’t recall a time I’ve ever felt jealous when it comes to a woman.

S’up stud?” Marie asks and looks at her nails to, no doubt, check the peach colored polish for chipping.

I look down at her and lean into her ear
so my lips brush the lobe as I talk, “The sky is up. Clouds are up.” I grip her hand and place it over my throbbing crotch, “My dick is too. Which one do you like best?” Instead of being offended like some women probably would be at my forwardness, instead of being turned on by my boldness and the feel of my dick in her hand, Marie chooses to laugh loudly and draw the attention of the group. I shrug and move away slowly, basically making out to the group that Marie is in fact crazy.

BOOK: A Little Bit of Truth (Little Bits)
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