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Authors: Ethan Radcliff

A Man of Honor (8 page)

BOOK: A Man of Honor
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Chapter Fourteen


He took a few days off before they moved the low life Abuto to Jersey. They were helping him close up his house on Long Island. A big motherfucker on the North Shore of Long Island. He decided to let Shauna take him to the club she had spoken so much about. He was also interested in meeting her new client, the guy from the United Arab Emirates. Dominic hated feelings of suspicion when certain aspects didn’t add up. He valued first impressions, namely his own. He was usually right on.

For now he’d let it ride, and Shauna did tell him she had a meeting with this Ahbeeb character soon. He was coming to the shop. He’d make sure he was there. For now, he concentrated on the night ahead.

Black Ribbons and Steel was the name of the club she wanted him to experience. He wasn’t sure he was ready for the so-called BDSM club.  Could he watch people having sex? That was a lame ass question; he loved porn but never had the opportunity to see it live. His wife had called him a pervert the first time he asked her to watch a porn movie with him. He did know of people who went to South America and watched live sex shows. Here in the US there were plenty of underground exhibitions, but he was a U.S. Marshal and would have to arrest them all.

These clubs were different. These were consenting adults in a private situation. No one was under age or forced into any situation. She explained the submissives had a safe word, that when said, the Dom or Domme stopped whatever they were doing or inflicting. Almost all who were serious about living the lifestyle and were committed had contracts. These contracts were very specific, and here’s where his mind was boggled. He had no idea this was such a finely structured way of life.

He’d learned since he’d been with Shauna that many people had many fetishes, some perfectly harmless, others quite disgusting. Here, people met, no money exchanged hands, this wasn’t sex for sale. They made their money selling equipment, clothing, BDSM apparatus, and they offered a service to construct private dungeons, much like having your basement finished. There was no law against that. Some states still hadn’t
formally repealed their laws against sexual activity among consenting adult, or hadn’t revised them to accurately reflect their true scope, so these clubs closely screened their members.

Dominic was put through the wringer. When Shauna had first brought up the question of him attending, he immediately told her no. As time went on, and their relationship evolved, his thoughts began to change; his needs along with them. Tonight he’d experience firsthand what the club had to offer.

“I love the suit,” she told him. “You look spectacular.” She’d picked the suit out for him carefully. Dark gray pinstripes, not one he would have considered, but now that he had it on he had to agree it was commanding. He had to laugh. She was so into his dominant nature.

Shauna made him realize his needs, in and out of bed. She made him see what he wanted in a relationship. Her moods suited his. She was very sexual, and the attraction was mutual. They couldn’t be in a room together for very long without fucking. At first, he was surprised and thought she was doing it to please him. Then the little games began and the role playing. Shauna enjoyed being who she was and kept herself in amazing shape. For her it was all part of the game.

Her body was amazing, but she worked hard at keeping it that way. She went to the gym daily, pedicures, waxing, and manicures were a regime she enjoyed and didn’t miss. She loved fashion, owned her own dress shop, and had phenomenal taste.

Because of her influence on him, the change in him was noticeable, mostly to those he worked with. With change came confidence. With Shauna, the needs he had, he was learning, weren’t dark and perverted, just kinky. He adjusted his tie, and then he felt the vibration of his phone.

“Fuck,” he mumbled.

He took it out and saw the number belonged to his partner, Jeff. “Yeah, what the fuck do you want now?” he demanded.

“Remember your friend Charlie Boccio?” Jeff inquired.

“Not my friend. Yeah, what’s going on?”

“He was supposed to testify in two days …”

“Don’t tell me that stupid bastard went and got himself killed.”

“Yeah, not pretty either. They cut off his cock and then shot him in the face. Looks like a new kid on the block with some new skills. Check out what I sent you.”

“A lot of pissed off DA’s, I’m sure. How the fuck did he get out and away?”

“Money, my man, is the root of all evil. Charlie had a hard time accepting that he’d be a regular working Joe. So he was meeting with a close friend and getting some green to stash away. But it seems that this guy was no friend of his.”

“How did he slip by all those people watching him?”

“A well-executed plan, my friend, and one we’re lucky to be no part of. He drugged them all. From the time he decided to turn state’s evidence, he had it all planned out.”

“And the drugs?”

“All worked out with the pizza they ordered the last night. Everything had gone well up until then. There was no reason to believe anything would go wrong.”

“Murphy’s Law. The agents okay?” Dominic asked.

They’re all fine. Feel like a bunch of assholes, can’t blame them.”

“Well as bad as the food is the department supplies, we’ll be eating it. That will be our safe meals from now on.”

“Aren’t we lucky,” Jeff said sarcastically.

“See you in the morning. We’re being picked up at ten a.m.”

“Adios,” Dominic said.

He swiped the screen of his phone.

“You have to leave?” she said, pouting.

“No, baby, they’ll be picking me up in the morning. One of the men we had in protective custody was murdered.”

“How on earth did that happen?” she asked. “Aren’t U.S. Marshal’s supposed to keep people safe? Umm … and not have them murdered under their noses.”

“Shauna, it’s upsetting. We’ve lost a credible witness also. We were hoping his testimony would lock up a lot of criminals. Some of the worst mob heads were very likely going down. Now we’re back at square one.”

“I’m sorry for that. I hope this isn’t going to put you in a foul mood.”

He caught the naughty glint in her eyes. For tonight, he’d push all the bullshit aside and concentrate on his desire for the gorgeous woman before him. She was a vision in red satin and lace. Underneath the dress was the sexiest bra and almost panties he’d ever seen.

There was a part of him that wanted to show her off and part of him that wanted to keep her under wraps and in that dress. Tonight he was there for observation and nothing more. She didn’t want him doing anything he didn’t feel comfortable with.

“Ready, my pet,” he whispered in her ear.

“You say that with such conviction, I almost believe you,” she said.

“You want a Dom, so I thought tonight I’d try the title on. Do you object?”

“No, it sounds natural.”

He kissed her on the forehead. Each day with her, each time he made love to her, they became closer.  She had said the right word,
as if they were meant to be together all this time.

They grabbed their coats, and she turned to him. “Oh, by the way, that new customer, the rich Arab, he’ll be there with a new submissive he just acquired.”

Dominic didn’t like the sound of that. He was a client, and he believed that was a bad idea. “How did that happen?” he asked her with obvious annoyance in his voice.

“Interesting you should ask. He saw the card on my counter at the front register. I’d just gotten off the phone with you. He’s clearly into the lifestyle. He recognized the name of the club immediately.” She tried not to make eye contact with him.

“Do you think it’s a good idea, mixing work with pleasure?”

“He’ll be there for dinner. Then he has a plane that’s taking off later, around eleven. I thought it was okay because he won’t be there later when most people begin some very naughty play.”

“So this is good for your business?”

“Yes, very. I’m not pimping for him, not hiring any escorts for him, or doing anything similar to that. I think maybe he’s just curious about this club, and the food there is a cut above most. The restaurant is expensive, one of the ways the club makes money. This is becoming a sport for the rich. Money, it’s the root of all evil,” she said, putting her arms around his neck.

“And us? How do we rate being able to attend such an elite club?” he asked.

She bit her bottom lip, and he could see the hesitation. How did he know she was going to lay a bomb on him? Did he know her that well?

“It belongs to my brother. Yes, my brother. Originally it was just a restaurant. It was my idea to add the little amusement area downstairs. Who knew it would take off the way it did.”


“Shauna, you never cease to amaze me.”

“You’re not angry?”

He looked into the mirror as he wrapped the dark gray tie around his neck, under the collar of his shirt. “Why would I be angry?”

She took the dark gray ends of the fabric from him and began to tie the knot.  “Well, I did give you quite a surprise. My brother really runs the restaurant part of the business. The little dungeon and club are run by Selena, his assistant.”

He adjusted her knot a little bit, teasing her, not looking at her. He just grinned. “His assistant?”

She pulled his tie slightly, bringing his face toward her, and let the corners of her mouth rise into a small sexy smile. “Yes, his assistant, and nothing more. My brother is gay. He’s not into pussy.”

“A pity. Does he know what he’s missing?” he asked, touching her face.

She let out a sensual sigh. “He said he tried but not his thing. I love him just the way he is, and I adore his boyfriend. They run a top-notch restaurant, which happens to have an amazing dungeon below it. Now let’s go.”

“Mmm, bossy,” he said, kissing her red lips lightly. “So how do I look?”

She raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow. “Too damn good.”

He grinned broadly and shook his shoulders. He ran his hands down her arms and kissed her bare shoulder. “Have you any idea how gorgeous you are, Shauna?”

Tears formed in her beautiful eyes. “Dominic,” she whispered. “I love you.”

“Shh, let’s not mess up your makeup. It’s time for us to leave. I’m hungry. If we do anything tonight, I need to eat.”

He took her into his arms. The overwhelming need to protect her encompassed him. Tonight he wanted it to be special. The memory of a blue dungeon filled his mind. The thought of having her under his complete control aroused him.

After tonight, he’d have two weeks to read up on what was expected of a Dom and if he truly fit the mold. He never wanted to hurt her but was willing to explore her need for more.

He helped her on with her coat, kissed her on the forehead, and took her hand. “To your chariot, madam,” he said, putting his arm around her waist.

Chapter Fifteen


As red as Shauna’s hair was, her brothers was sable. Her eyes were large and green, his dark and slanted at the corners; bedroom eyes. He wasn’t at all what Dominic expected, knowing he was gay. He was tall, well-built, and fashionable.  He was in no way feminine.

“Clarke, I’d like you to meet Dominic,” she said, hugging her brother.

“Nice to meet you,” said Clarke, extending a strong hand. “I hope you’re keeping my sister entertained.”

Dominic gave him a little smirk. “I try,” he said.

He gave Dominic a genuine smile of appreciation. A few feet behind him, walking up slowly and stopping to talk to seat patrons, was a young man, slighter of build and handsome. He came up behind Shauna, first hugging her close and kissing her on the neck.

“Shauna,” he said, keeping his head in the crook of her neck. “You always smell amazing. To what do we owe this pleasure?”

“Trey Daniels, meet Dominic, the love of my life,” she said, sighing as he removed his head from her shoulder to look up at Dominic.

Trey extended a hand. “Pleased to meet you.”

Dominic took his hand and was impressed with his firm handshake. The firm, hardy handshake always indicated to Dominic a confident and sincere person. Dominic liked that.

He took Shauna’s hand. “Do you mind if I have her back?” He passed the remark as a joke, and it went over as he intended. “Though I’ll admit she is delectable.” The grin Dominic displayed was sexy and evil.

“Oh, Shauna, I like him. Sure he doesn’t swing both ways. Mmm …”Trey cooed.

She freed herself of Trey’s hold and went into Dominic’s arms. “No, Trey, he’s all mine. Well, at least for now,” she said, putting her arms around his neck and kissing him softly.

“For now?” Dominic asked.

She got up on her tiptoes, despite her five inch red heels, and whispered into his ear, “You may want to take on another sub, of course in addition to me, after you experience the dungeon.”

“You forget my way of thinking, don’t you? I’m not sharing you with anyone. And I am not interested in taking on any other subs

“We’ll see, but I am, of course, pleased with our current arrangement.”

‘I don’t know about you guys, but I’m hungry,” said Clarke. He snapped his fingers for a waiter.

The waiter rattled off the house special. “Now the house special tonight is an awesome steak and lobster, quite self-explanatory, but the taste is out of this world. I mean over the moon, with a side of steamed broccoli and garlic plus a fried sweet potato that’s to die for.”

Dominic looked down at her. “I’ll order for both of us. We’ll take the steak and lobster and a bottle of a good house red, please. How does that sound, baby?”

“Perfect, and you won’t be sorry, the food here is fantastic,” she added. She turned to her brother, “My usual table, please.”


She took Dominic’s hand and was about to follow her brother when she heard her name called. “Shauna, beautiful, Shauna,” said an unmistakable Arab accent.

She turned, and Ahbeeb was directly behind her. “Thank you for recommending this place. The smells are wonderful,” he said.

Holding onto his arm was an engaging brunette. She was taller than him and beautiful. Her white beaded dress was demure and sophisticated, catching Shauna’s eyes immediately.

She touched the dress. “This is stunning. Dior? Versace? Lauren? The brunette gave her a very self-satisfied grin.”

“No. I’m the designer, Donna Chase.”

Shauna stopped for a moment, and the wheels began to turn. She knew of her. She was from India even though her name was completely American.

“How nice to meet you, Donna.”

“We can’t stay for dinner. I must catch a plane, but Donna has agreed to let you carry her line. My beautiful, Shauna, I will call you tomorrow. Donna is coming back with me.”

Ahbeeb took Shauna’s hand and kissed the top of it. He then looked to Dominic and smiled. “She is lovely and quite a business woman,” he said directly to him.

“I regret that I must leave. I will be back in the states in a few months. Will I be able to call on you then?” he asked Shauna. Then looking to Dominic, Ahbeeb added, “This is, of course, business.”

“Of course you can. I look forward to doing business with you,” Shauna said as Ahbeeb turned and left.

“Interesting fellow,” Trey said.

“Indeed,” Dominic added.

“I’m sorry. He hardly gave me any time to introduce him. I’m sure when he’s back we’ll be able to talk further.”

“I think he was rude,” said Trey.

Her brother frowned. “Why did he even bother to stop by, Shauna? You have some weird friends. Well, nothing has changed since he came and went. I’m still hungry. You did ask for your usual table, Shauna, so would you please follow me?”

They followed him and Trey to the kitchen and then to small dining room behind the kitchen area. There was a small, round, ornate table placed in the middle and four well-padded chairs around it with a beautiful crystal chandelier above it. They sat as the wine came to the table. There were four place settings. “Do you mind if Trey and I join you?” he asked.

“Dominic?” she asked.

“I’d love to get you know you guys better. Of course,” Dominic said.

Trey sat down first. “Oh good, you’re a U.S. Marshal, right? Oh, that sounds exciting.”

“It is. Very,” Dominic said, eyeing him.

“Do tell. You must have had some rather interesting cases that you had to crack.”

Dominic let out a small laugh. “You could say that.”

Clarke came back to the table with the wine. He poured them all some and sat down himself.

“Trey tends to get overzealous.” Clarke said.

Shauna said nothing, just sipped her wine.

“Shauna, it must be interesting being with him, and entertaining too,” Clarke said.

“We don’t discuss a case he’s working on. That violates a certain code of ethics. My ass can attest to that.”

Clarke’s face lit up. “You didn’t.” He said. .

“Didn’t what?” Dominic answered.

“You spanked Shauna?” Clarke asked.


Dominic almost spit out his wine. “Excuse me?”

“He’s acting shy at the moment, but yes, he fanned my ass and warned me not to get involved in any of his cases.”

“That’s sexy,” Trey interjected, sitting back in his chair sipping his wine.

Dominic let a small smile cross his face. “I’ve explained to her that putting her nose into my affairs could be life threatening. She didn’t listen and paid the price.”

Shauna tapped her foot on the floor. “It’s not funny. I have to admit, it hurt my pride more than my ass.”

Clarke burst into laughter. “Oh, you are the right man for her. Shauna, you know I’ve always said you needed a good spanking.”

“I bet you liked it!” Trey went on.

“Be careful, Trey, you know my temper.” She teased.

A waiter entered the room with a large tray of
hors d'oeuvres.



The conversation at dinner was light and friendly. No one asked him any further questions concerning his job. Shauna explained they’d be observing tonight in the dungeon.

“Dominic’s never been to a dungeon before,” she explained, eating a piece of shrimp.

Trey shivered. “I’ve never been down there when there has been play in session. Call me a scaredy cat, but I like my play in bed with my man, not there in front of people.”

Clarke leaned back in his chair. “Shauna, I hope you explained to Dominic that the dungeon was your idea.”

She never took her eyes from the next piece of shrimp she ate. “I wanted a safe place for people like myself to engage in BDSM play. A well-maintained space with class.”

Dominic raised his eyebrows. That little tidbit of information she’d neglected to tell him. “So you’re the entrepreneur behind this little playground?”

She slowly turned her head toward him and gave him a very sly smile. “Did I provide the money to build the dungeon?”

Her brother interjected. “No. I did. I thought it was a great idea at the time. I was also interested in the lifestyle, and I wanted to find a Dom, a good one. I wanted to see what it was like to be dominated by a straight Dom.”

Trey turned in his chair, pouting. “You never told me that you wanted to be submissive. Oh dear, that might be a problem. You know I need to be taken care of and to be the submissive.”

“Trey, at the time I thought I’d explore the possibilities of being a submissive. There is a huge difference in thinking and being. I’m too Dom. It would have never worked.”

Dominic listened to the two men carry on and had to smile. You could see the affection they had for one another. He held Shauna’s hand as he finished the best piece of beef filet mignon he’d had in a long while.

Shauna licked the hot sauce off her piece of shrimp. Dominic watched her tongue. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to open up a can of worms. These two could argue over a piece of fuzz all night.”

Dominic burst out laughing as Trey choked on his steak. Dominic hit him on the back. “Hey, you okay?”

“I’m just gasping for air.” Trey said, taking in small breaths.

Clarke shook his head. “Unfortunately, you’re right, Shauna.”

Trey took his napkin and daintily wiped his mouth. “Yes, you pretty thing, you’re right on, but the make-up sex is phenomenal,” Trey managed to say.

A few hearty laughs resounded through the small dining room.

“So what do we owe you?” Shauna said, standing and straightening her tight fitting red dress. She licked two of her fingers and winked at Trey.

“Shauna, you almost make me wanna try a taste of pussy …”He stopped and looked at Dominic. “Sorry, but if any woman could make a man walk the straight and narrow …”

She walked over to Trey, bent down so he had a full view of her cleavage, and said, “You’re full of shit. I’ve got it on good authority that you love cock.”

The group laughed again, but Dominic watched every move she made. When she turned to him, his gaze was intense, causing her to snarl slightly. “I think you’re ready for some voyeurism. I think we both are.” She took his hand. “Follow me,” she whispered. “The club opens at ten p.m. Most of the patrons come a little later, but this is a good time to show you around.”

He felt his belly churn and his cock twinge. He wasn’t going to deny it, there was something erotic and fascinating about what he was about to see.

She led him out of the small dining room and through the kitchen to the main dining area. The large, mahogany, mirrored bar was all the way in the back and butted up against the kitchen on the other side of the large restaurant.

Behind the bar, through a doorway, was a large door, much broader than a normal sized one. A small keypad was on the wall, much like an alarm system, and she entered her password.

“If you try the door knob the door should be open, Dominic.”

He turned the large doorknob and pulled the door open, displaying a large staircase suffused in dark purple lighting. “Ladies first,” he said, taking her arm.

Once they touched the second step, the door automatically closed. “There is an outdoor entrance in the back. You can see this building is constructed in such a way that the basement is street level in the back. The main entrance is there with a small parking lot. I hope you like what you see tonight.”

He held her hand, ready for the entertainment she promised. His cock was already betraying him. He could feel the blood rushing, arousing him. He was warm to the touch, his inner heat was blazing, and there was no doubt he was already sexually excited at the thought.

BOOK: A Man of Honor
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