Read A Merger by Marriage Online

Authors: Cat Schield

Tags: #Fiction, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Women, #Romance

A Merger by Marriage (14 page)

BOOK: A Merger by Marriage
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“She’s in love with him,” Scarlett said, patting Violet’s knee. “And if anyone is to blame in all this, it’s me. I never should have given you his file.”

“Not true. I could have given him the file immediately or shredded the thing. He never should have discovered it sitting on my desk.”

“But you aren’t to blame for the way he reacted,” Harper insisted.

“In a strange way, even though I never looked at what was in his file, I feel as if I betrayed him.”

Scarlett shook her head. “You’re acting far too reasonable. Rant. Cry. Call him terrible names. He deserves it.”

That wrung a weak smile from Violet. “You know I’ll never do that.”

“Any chance this will just blow over?” Harper asked.

Violet exhaled shakily. “Maybe if it had happened weeks ago, but we’ve grown really close recently. We’ve talked about the future and agreed to give our marriage a chance.”

“That could still happen.” Scarlett looked hopeful.

“Preston is selling Titanium. JT has no reason to stay in Las Vegas.”

“Bastard,” Scarlett muttered. “I think for JT’s sake we need to find out the truth about his father.”

Before tonight Violet might have protested that it was JT’s business not hers, but since he’d called it quits, she no longer had to consider his feelings in the matter. Still, guilt tweaked her. What if he didn’t want his father exposed?

“I spoke with Charity Rimes earlier today,” Violet admitted. “I was going to talk to JT about it tonight before...”

“What did she have to say?” Scarlett demanded, her expression alive with curiosity. “Why did Tiberius contact her?”

“Remember how she was doing research on a serial killer who was operating in Los Angeles in the sixties? He invaded homes and attacked families. The police never caught him.”

“How is that related to Preston?”

“Turns out one of the families killed was named Rhodes. They left behind a ten-year-old son, Preston, who’d been spending the night with a friend.”

Harper had been leaning forward, fully engaged. Now she sank back against the couch cushions with a whoosh of exhaled air. “That’s awful.”

“Charity was blogging about the families who were killed and Tiberius had been running internet searching on Preston when he stumbled on her.”

“So, how does this help us?” Harper persisted.

“After speaking with Tiberius, Charity got curious about Preston and tracked down his high school yearbook.”

“And,” Scarlet prompted.

“She promised to send me the photo.”

Harper prodded. “Did she?”

“After what happened with JT I haven’t thought to check.”

“Where’s your phone?” Harper was on her feet.

“I left it in my home office when I went to get the files for JT.”

All three women raced to find Violet’s phone. Sure enough, an email from Charity Rimes sat in Violet’s inbox. She opened the message and held it so both her sisters could survey the image.

“That’s not JT’s father,” Harper intoned.

Scarlett agreed. “No it’s not.”

Violet felt a peculiar lightness envelop her. In her hands was a way to save JT. But did he want to be saved? More importantly, would he want to be saved by her?

“We need to go to the police,” Harper said.

“Which police?” Scarlett asked. “It won’t do us any good to take it to the Las Vegas PD because Preston lives in Miami.” She plucked the cell phone from Violet’s grip and began typing. “I’m going to send this to Logan. He’ll know the best way to handle it.”

Twenty minutes later, Scarlett’s fiancé sat on the coffee table and scowled at each of the three sisters in turn. When his gaze settled on Scarlett, he growled, “I thought I told you to drop it.”

“I did.” She gave him a winning smile. “Right after I gave Charity Rimes’s phone number to Violet.”

Logan sighed and shifted his hard gaze to Violet. “Have you spoken with JT about this?”

“We aren’t on speaking terms at the moment.”

That seemed to surprise Logan. “He should know what you’ve discovered.”

She shook her head. “I doubt he’ll take my call. Would you tell him?”

“You’re his wife. It would be better coming from you.”

“I’m the woman he married to get access to his family’s stock,” she corrected him. “And tonight he found out I had a file that Tiberius had put together on him. That I never looked at,” she added when Logan’s expression grew even grimmer.

“Every one of those files should have been burned,” Logan growled, shooting his fiancée an unhappy look.

“What’s done is done,” Scarlett replied unapologetically. “We need to move forward. Preston Rhodes is an imposter and it’s time that caught up with him.”

* * *

Clad in a towel, JT stood in the enormous walk-in closet off his master suite and stared at the array of feminine fashions that occupied half the space. In addition to Violet’s clothes, there were twenty pairs of shoes and assorted purses. Her jewelry was on his bureau, her lingerie in his dresser drawers. The scent of her clung to the sheets. Her cosmetics occupied the bathroom countertops. Traces of her lingered everywhere.


He’d been unable to sleep the night before so he’d sat in his living room, alternately staring out at his empty swimming pool and reading the file Tiberius had put together on Preston. He’d grown queasier with each page he’d turned. A dozen times he’d started to close the file, but then he’d hear Violet’s voice and knew he could no long pretend that his father hadn’t maliciously sabotaged his competition and blackmailed friends. He’d fled the truth for too long. His father was evil.

Sometime around dawn he’d drifted off. When he woke around six, he’d been having a dream where he chased Violet through a casino, calling her name, but she was always far out of reach. The memory of it left him with a cottony taste in his mouth and an ache in his temples. Interpreting the dream was easy. He’d lost the best woman he’d ever known because he was too closed down to give her the intimacy she deserved.

In the center of the large master suite, his empty king-size bed stood as a reminder of all the things he’d never enjoy again. Violet’s body moving beneath him. Her soft moans. The bite of her nails as she climaxed. The brilliance of her smile in the aftermath of their lovemaking. The utter peace he felt with her nestled beside him.

He could burn the sheets, replace the mattress, hell, even toss out all the furniture, but he’d never be free of the mistakes that had led him to shove her away. Worse, he suspected she’d forgive him for being such an ungrateful jerk if he’d just share with her his feelings about what haunted him. But he’d clung to the secret for so long. It was impossible for him to set it free.

For a moment he was almost grateful to his father for selling Titanium. Staying in Las Vegas would have been impossible. Only with a change of scenery could he hope to adapt to life without her. Not that it was going to be easy. He’d given her access to places inside him that no one else had ever seen. Or was that true? Thanks to the file Tiberius had put together on him, didn’t she already know all his secrets?

From the nightstand, his cell began to ring. Teeth locked together in irritation, JT left the closet and went to answer it.

“Yes?” he snapped.

There was a momentary pause before a man spoke. “JT? This is Logan Wolfe.”

The security expert’s connection to the Fontaine family immediately roused JT’s suspicion. “What can I do for you, Logan?”

“I was wondering if we could meet. I have something to talk to you about and it shouldn’t be done over the phone.”

“If this is about Violet, you can forget it. We’re done. End of story.”

Another short but significant pause followed JT’s declaration.

“Actually, this is about your father.”

“I don’t know what he’s up to but he can go to hell. I’m done with him. I’m done with Stone Properties. I’m done with everything.” Aware that he was working himself into a rant, JT sucked in a breath to steady his emotions. “Sorry,” he muttered more calmly. “It’s been a bad twenty-four hours.”

“I get it,” Logan said, sympathy in his voice. “I was there. And I have to tell you that the way you’re feeling right now is not worth taking out on a terrific woman like Violet.”

The unsolicited advice was a sucker punch to his gut. “You have no idea what I’m going through.”

“Trust me, I do,” Logan said, and the words were so heartfelt that JT believed him. “Scarlett and I almost didn’t make it because I overreacted to something that happened. I would have been the sorriest son-of-a-bitch on the planet if she hadn’t forgiven me for taking it out on her.”

JT’s anger faded, leaving a sick feeling in his gut. “It’s too late. We’re over.”

“Do you really believe that or is it just fear talking?”

JT had no answer.

After a moment, Logan said, “I know you and your dad have issues, but he is your father. Do you want to meet with me and hear what I have to say?”

“No. I don’t owe him anything.”

“Have it your way. Take care, JT.” And then he hung up, leaving JT wondering if he was really as done with everything as he thought.


he black town car her grandfather had sent to meet her at LaGuardia Airport stopped in front of the building that held Fontaine Resorts and Hotels’ corporate headquarters in New York. Without waiting for the driver to open her door, Violet slipped from the back of the vehicle and crossed the sidewalk to the entrance.

Her heart was racing as she passed through security and ascended the elevator to the executive offices on the twentieth floor. She’d been here several times in the last five years, but those had been social visits with her grandfather. Most of her meetings with Fontaine’s top executives happened in Las Vegas via video conference.

“You can go right in, Ms. Fontaine,” her grandfather’s assistant told her. “He’s expecting you.”

“Hello, Grandfather.” By the time Violet crossed the enormous executive office, her grandfather had circled the desk. She walked straight into his arms and hugged him tight.

“My dear Violet.” He squeezed back and released her. “You sounded upset on the phone. What’s happened?”

“I’ve done so many things wrong I don’t know where to begin.”

“Start anywhere. I’ll try to keep up.” He drew her to the leather couch occupying one side of his office and surveyed her face for a long moment before calling to his assistant. “Jean, can you get Violet a cup of tea?” He settled her on the sofa as if she was a fine piece of porcelain and added, “Something soothing.”

Three minutes later Violet cradled a china cup of herbal tea and let the warmth seep into her skin. “Thank you,” she murmured. “I’m afraid I’m a bit of a mess these days.”

“Why don’t you tell me what happened.”

“As you know, I married JT Stone so that I could vote the shares of stock Tiberius left to me.” Violet could tell her grandfather was making an effort not to offer his opinion on her rash action. “It started out as a business deal.”

“And then you fell in love.”

Violet nodded. “He’s very guarded and has a hard time trusting because of the way his father has always treated him. But I really thought in time I could get through.”

“And now you don’t believe you can.”

“Scarlett gave me some files that she inherited from Tiberius. Apparently there was an entire storage unit filled with thousands of files dating back fifty years. He had one for each of us—” she paused “—even you.”

Henry smiled wryly. “I suppose when I entered your life, Tiberius wanted to make sure I wouldn’t cause you harm. I rather liked his protective streak. Made me glad that you had someone looking out for you while you were growing up.”

Something his own son had failed to do. It went unspoken, but Violet sensed Henry Fontaine was deeply disappointed that Ross had behaved with so little honor.

“When Scarlett started looking through the files, she discovered one on JT and his father. As I’ve already told you, Tiberius was making a move to take his family’s company back from Preston. I think he wanted JT as his partner, but wanted to make sure his nephew wasn’t like Preston.”

“And JT found out about the file?”

“Scarlett had given it to me. I should have shown it to JT right away but so much happened so fast and I forgot about it. Instead he found out I had it and accused me of using the information to trick him into getting married. Only Scarlett didn’t give it to me until after JT and I got married and I never read it.” The words tumbled out of her, each sentence coming faster until she ran out of breath.

“I’m sorry things are difficult between you,” her grandfather said. “What can I do to help?”

“JT is losing Titanium. Preston is selling it to punish JT for going up against him. I don’t think JT cares. He was planning on striking out on his own before I found out Tiberius had left me his stock. But that was before we got married. When Titanium is sold, he’s going to leave Las Vegas.”

“I’m still not sure how I can help,” Henry said gently.

“I’d hoped you’d be able to find out who had shown an interest in Titanium and somehow interfere with the sale. I need some time. The longer JT sticks around, the more chance I have to save my marriage.”

“And if he is still determined to go?”

“I belong with him. Wherever that is.”

Her grandfather’s expression registered surprise at her passionate declaration, but he didn’t hesitate before asking, “Are you sure that’s what you want to do?”

“Of course.” She needed her grandfather to understand why this was important to her. “I love him and whether he believes it or not, he needs me.”

“You know what’s at stake if you leave Fontaine Chic.”

“Any chance to run Fontaine Resorts and Hotels.” Violet gave him a sad smile. “In the last year I’ve stopped seeing myself in the CEO job. Harper is the one you should choose. She’s trained all her life to take over. You won’t find anyone more dedicated or driven.”

“I must say, I’m surprised.”

Violet didn’t pretend to wonder what he meant. “I’m not giving up because I feel I’m not capable or because I’m not performing well, but because I recognize the depth of commitment the position requires and I’m reluctant to make those sacrifices.”

“I value your honesty, and you’re right about the job requiring all your time and energy. Since starting the company I’ve lost my wife and my son and I’ve had to face that neither relationship was as good as I wished they’d been.”

Nodding because her throat was too tight to allow words, Violet smiled at her grandfather. “Thank you for understanding. I was worried that after you gave me such an amazing opportunity, you’d be disappointed in my decision.”

“You are an intelligent, compassionate woman with a creative, enthusiastic business presence. From the first you’ve been an asset to the Fontaine team. And I couldn’t be more proud to call you my granddaughter. I’ve had my concerns that your heart might lie in Las Vegas and that you would eventually decide you wished to stay there, instead of coming here to assume the role of CEO. But now I see that what you truly love, you commit to, and I want you to understand that whatever happens with JT, you will always be a Fontaine.”

His words were a warm embrace and Violet smiled gratefully. “Thank you.”

She couldn’t help but contrast JT’s family experiences with her own. If she’d faced nothing but a string of ridicule and rejection from those who were supposed to love her, would she still wake up each morning feeling optimistic? Would she be able to create a safe haven that supported her and gave her a place to hide from all the negative words and actions that came at her?

“What are your plans for the rest of the day?” her grandfather asked.

“I thought I would do a little shopping for Scarlett’s bridal shower and then head back to the apartment.”

“I’ll make some calls to see what I can find out about Titanium and meet you there at six. I’d like to take you to dinner. There’s a restaurant I’d like your opinion on. I thought perhaps we could discuss the opportunity to open a new restaurant in Fontaine Richesse with the chef.”

“Grandfather, I don’t know,” Violet said with a laugh. “The last chef you found has made Harper’s life hell. I’m not sure the food is worth the drama.”

“I had no idea she was having trouble.”

And maybe Violet shouldn’t have spilled the truth. “It’s their personalities. Ashton is creative and spontaneous. And even more of a perfectionist than Harper, if you can believe it. He’s had input on everything from the font on the menu to the décor and is forever changing things in his obsessive search for better or more spectacular. I’m starting to wonder if they’ll ever get the restaurant open.”

“Is that why the opening has been postponed two times? She told me there was a problem with the fixtures being delayed.”

“Because he changed his mind on what he wanted at the last minute and new things had to be ordered.” Violet put a hand on her grandfather’s arm. “Please don’t tell her I mentioned this. She’d kill me if she knew I’d said anything.”

“Ross’s neglect made her think she had to prove her worth. Even after his death the need for acceptance drives her hard.” Henry’s eyes darkened with sadness. “I’ll figure out a way to speak with her without letting her know you and I discussed it.”

As Violet kissed her grandfather on the cheek, her phone buzzed. Her stomach in knots, she exited his office. She’d been waiting for this call for the last three weeks. What she’d put in motion might not solve her problem with JT, but it was the best way she knew to convince him she had no intention of letting him go without a fight.

* * *

JT stepped off the plane he’d chartered to Miami and headed in the direction of the Porsche 911 Cabriolet waiting by the hangar. His cousin Brent leaned his six-foot-two-inch frame against the sports car, arms crossed, looking relaxed and amused at JT’s surprise.

“What the hell are you doing here?” JT demanded, enfolding his cousin in a hearty hug, shocked by the strength of his emotion.

Brent looked equally caught off guard, but recovered quickly and gave JT a toothy grin. “Thought you could use a little moral support tomorrow.”

“You have no idea.”

“Violet couldn’t come?”

“She...” What excuse could he give for his wife not being at his side, lending her support, at such a crucial time? He owed Brent the truth. “We’re over.”

“No way. You two are crazy about each other.” Brent’s confused dismay added punch to JT’s self-doubt. “What happened?”

“It’s a long story and better told over drinks.” JT circled the car and opened the passenger door. “I’ve got a suite at the Marriott.”

Brent slid his long frame behind the wheel. “You’re not staying at Cobalt?” It was the premier Stone Properties hotel in downtown Miami where the stockholders’ meeting would take place the next day.

JT grimaced. “That’s another story better told with alcohol.”

“Sounds like it’s going to be a long evening.” Brent started the car.

The explanations began when the two men settled into a booth at the hotel’s bar. JT figured he’d start with what happened with his father and work his way into the more painful story.

Brent didn’t look surprised when JT recounted how Preston had informed him that Titanium was going to be sold. “It’s the only property without any significant debt,” Brent reflected. “He needs the capital to make the balloon payments coming due.”

“Despite how hard I fought to get my father out,” JT said, for the first time voicing what had dawned on him several days earlier, “I’m not really sorry to be leaving Stone Properties.”

“Really? The last time we talked you were determined to take over. It’s your legacy.”

JT shook his head. “A tainted one. My father ruined so many lives in order to take over the company. How can I sit in the CEO’s chair and not be haunted by what he did to my uncle and countless others?”

“So, you’re giving up?”

“I’m moving on.” JT offered his cousin a wry smile. “Feel like buying thirty percent of Stone Properties?”

“You own forty-eight percent.”

“Eighteen percent of that is Violet’s.”

“But if you two are divorced, she can no longer vote the shares.”

“True.” JT’s focus sharpened. “Are you telling me you’re interested?”

“With restructuring, the company could be made solid once more. I thought you’d want to be the one to do that.”

“And now that you know I’m not?”

“I will.”

The idea that his cousin wanted to take over Stone Properties gave JT a great deal of satisfaction, but there was still the problem of not having enough shares to remove Preston as chairman of the board. He refrained from bringing it up. The mood at the table had brightened considerably and JT wasn’t about to kick sand on the fire.

After several more drinks over which Brent spelled out his plan to fix Stone Properties, JT’s cousin grew somber.

“Are you drunk enough to tell me what went wrong between you and Violet?”

“No.” JT offered an unhappy smile. “But I’ll tell you anyway.”

He then explained about Tiberius’s files and how Violet had been in possession of one on JT. “She played me.”

“How do you figure?”

“Every dirty little secret I have was in that file.” All except one. The worst one.

And no one would ever know what happened the day his mother died. How he could have been the one to save her if he hadn’t disobeyed her.

“She knew exactly how to make me...” JT stopped. He’d been about to say
make me fall in love with her
. Because that’s exactly what had happened. Suddenly he felt ill.

“Make you what?” Brent prompted.

“Make me trust her.”

“She seemed pretty trustworthy to me,” his cousin said. “Loyal, too.”

“She is.” JT was aware he wasn’t thinking straight. “I mean she seems trustworthy.” In fact she had been. Violet hadn’t done a single thing to hurt him. Quite the opposite. She’d supported him.

JT dropped his head into his hands. “Oh, hell.”

“I’m guessing you just realized you messed up.”

So what if she’d had a file on him. So what if she’d memorized the damned thing. The fact that he refused to let her in, to open up his past so she could understand why he retreated the way he did, hadn’t left her much choice. Given her open nature, it must have been stressful for her to come up against his defenses day after day. Sure, he’d let her in a little, but that could only have given her hope that he’d share more.

But how could he let her in when what lay hidden was so ugly? He was selfish and filled with bitter anger. His childhood scars made it impossible for anyone to love him, even Violet. So he’d pushed her away.

“I don’t feel like drinking anymore,” JT said, besieged by the need to retreat and regroup. His nerves were raw and exposed. If he went into the stockholders’ meeting like this tomorrow, his father would eat him alive. “I’m heading back to my room.”

“Sure.” Brent regarded him with concern. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

“No, but after some aspirin, a shower and a few hours’ sleep, I might be able to get through tomorrow.” What happened after that was anyone’s guess.

* * *

Her grandfather’s Gulfstream enabled Violet to arrive in Miami an hour before the shareholders’ meeting was set to start. JT wasn’t expecting her and she wasn’t sure what sort of reception she’d receive. With each mile of road that passed beneath the town car’s tires, her anxiety grew until she ran out of time to worry. She’d arrived at Cobalt.

BOOK: A Merger by Marriage
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