A Promise Worth Honoring (Promises Collection) (9 page)

BOOK: A Promise Worth Honoring (Promises Collection)
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About the Author:

"Cyndi Faria writes with passion and her stories touch the heart."

na DePaul, Bestselling Author


Cyndi Faria is an engineer turned romance writer whose craving for structure is satisfied by plotting heart melting contemporary romance stories about Native American Folklore, cursed spirits, lost souls, and even a haunted coastal town. If you love a tale with courageous heroes and heroines, where their unconditional love for each other gives them strength to defeat their inner demons, Cyndi Faria invites you to enter the pages of her stories and find happily-ever-after.


On and off her sexy romance pages, this California country girl isn’t afraid to dirty her hands fighting for the underdog and caretaking rescued pets. Find her helping fellow writers and leading readers to happily-ever-after at


My deepest appreciation goes to my friend and critique partner Virna DePaul, whose incredible insight helps me to craft each story with purpose and love. A very special thank you to an amazing editor Linda Carroll-Bradd, owner of LustreEditing.com, who sprinkles just the right editorial magic into each book so the story shines!


Thank you to the real life firefighters, especially those who serve at the Wilton Fire Department Station 81, for sacrificing their lives every day to aid our rural community.


And to my readers: your support and reviews mean the world to me. Thank you for being a part of my creative journey.  —Cyndi Faria


A Promise Worth Honoring

Copyright © 2013 by Cyndi Faria

All rights reserved.

Cover Photos: 123rf Stock

Cover Design: Cyndi Faria


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A Promise Worth Honoring
is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


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BOOK: A Promise Worth Honoring (Promises Collection)
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