Read A Rose Between the Thornes Online

Authors: Raven McAllan

Tags: #Propriety is a lonely bedfellow, until twin delights show this lady her true desires.

A Rose Between the Thornes (3 page)

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“You are taking this jape too far.” Her voice was not as stern as he supposed she meant. Rather it was interested, and yearning. Amused, he waited for her to continue. “I am not interested, not at all.”
Her back was ramrod straight. Her lush lips were pursed and disapproving. Her uneven breath, and the hard nipples pressed against the soft material of her gown gave lie to her statement.

“My dear, I am neither a half-wit nor a blockhead,” Jasper drawled in the best manner of a gentleman of his standing. “This is no jape, this is what is to happen. You may seek to deceive yourself as to your interest, but you cannot do so to me. Your body gives you away. If I were to lift your skirts and plunge my fingers into your cunt, they would be coated in your essence.” He wondered how she would respond to his crude words. The pictures that filled his mind sent a streak of heat through his body.
Soon, I will do just that.

She gasped, and her eyes shot fire. If she had a knife, he was in no doubt it would be between his ribs. He could see how she clenched and unclenched her fingers in rapid succession

“If you were to do any such thing, not only would you be in exile again, you would be dead,” she retorted. She did not deny his assumption however, and her checks showed bright under the rogue. Would those other cheeks color so enticingly when his hand caressed them—and more?

“You,” she continued, “are a—”

She had no chance to finish. He pinched her arm in warning, for as they edged closer to the supper room, people were gradually moving nearer.

“Ah, Nathaniel.” He raised his voice as his double appeared alongside. A look passed between them. “I am persuading Lady Symons she is indeed hungry and we are the very people to help her satisfy her appetite.”

A sudden pain in his hand reminded him that the lady in question had sharp nails, which she used to good effect. Jasper saw the red crescents show starkly on his hand. That was one act he looked forward to chastising her for at a later date.

Nat chuckled. “If you cannot tempt the lady, Jas, it seems your powers of persuasion are not as they once were.” With a brief wink at Jasper, he turned to Sophia. “Perhaps you would accompany me instead, my lady?”

Jasper watched as Sophia looked his twin up and down. They had reached the supper room. He steered her toward a table to one side of the room, slightly apart from the rest, while glaring at a young cub who deemed it might be permissible to join them.

“As, according to your mama, and confirmed by your brother, you share everything, I feel ‘twould be jumping from the frying pan to the fire,” Sophia replied. “Therefore I think not; and my nails are available to remind you also.” She curtsied and walked toward her niece. Jasper realized Hermione had been watching the interchange with interest.

He nodded toward the women. “Do you think we can expect a visit from the hands-off wardens?” he asked Nat. His twin chuckled.

“Who knows?” Nat replied. “Is she disinterested, or playing a deep game?”

Jasper sighed. His body tingled with arousal and he was hard pressed not to show the evidence of it. “She has an unconscious desire to be caught. Her body language was such that she was excited and eager. However, her upbringing does not allow for such emotions. The ladies of the ton would never be so vulgar to show their feelings in public. Alas, also with most, not in private either.”

Nat grinned. “Somehow, I don’t think that applies to Rose Sophia. I’m sure she will have no problems expressing her emotions. I look forward to it.” He leaned close to Jasper. “As soon as possible I hope, before my cock decides I am neglecting it and its needs.”

“That goes without saying, for I am in the same boat. I think we need to arrange a game of cards. Will you see that a table is vacant for us?”

He felt Nat’s eyes on him. “We do it openly,” he continued. “In theory above board, and for penny stakes. Only the three of us will know of the wager issued to her.” He whispered something in Nat’s ear.

Nat grinned, pure devilment showed in it and his eyes. “And will we play fair?” Nat asked.

“All’s fair in love and war, and this is both. Of course not.”

Chapter Two

“Have you spoken to your men?” Sophia demanded. She tried to keep her voice level as she addressed Hermione, but found it was difficult to keep her temper. Sophia’s body prickled with the intensity of her emotions. She may well be annoyed, but she was enervated. “Are they here?”

“Not as yet. Why?” Hermione watched her closely and Sophia struggled to calm herself. Those young men may be agitating her, but she did not feel it behoove her to set the dogs on them just yet.
Not until I discover just what they intend.
“I had wondered,” Sophia said, “if they were to make an appearance here tonight.”

“I think not. An alleged prior engagement at Edmund’s, no doubt hastily arranged when they realized there was to be a string quartet present.” Hermione laughed. “Cards hold more allure than violins.”

As a scraping noise was to be heard from the back of the room, Sophia could not help but agree. She shuddered. Never a fan of string quartets, the thought of an hour or so of pretending interest was beyond her. What on earth could she do to spare herself?

“Lord Cressley, on your right,” Hermione said in a warning tone. “I will not desert you.”

Sophia rolled her eyes. The self-important prosy peer was the last person she wanted to see. It was unfortunate with supper now occupying so many people it would be difficult to escape the onslaught of Lord Cressley and gain respite from the music now setting her teeth on edge.

A different onslaught came to her rescue.

“My dear Lady Symons.” The bow was all that was proper; the look in the eyes was not. “I believe you play cards? My brother has procured us a table.” He held out his arm. To the unobservant it was impossible to discern which twin addressed her. She looked closely, ah...perhaps it was in the eyes.

“Shall we?” he asked. He nodded politely at Hermione who grinned. “May the best woman win.”

Sophia laid her hand on his arm and allowed herself to be led towards the card room. Behind her she heard the gasp of disgust from Lord Cressley and a swiftly cut off giggle from Hermione. Then Hermione’s voice explaining Sophia was promised elsewhere reached her. She would thank her niece later.

Her escort put his hand on the small of her back as they approached a table at one end of the room, where his double waited.

“Next time I rescue you, I look forward to your thanks, shown in a myriad of ways,” her escort said. “My cock is eager and anticipates its participation.” His hand moved briefly down and gave her buttocks a swift caress. Such a brief statement of intent had her juices flowing. Before she decided how to reply, or indeed whether she should at all, he raised his voice. “Here is Lady Rose to play with us.” The smile that accompanied this statement showed her he had omitted what they would play on purpose. He stood back to allow his double to greet her.

“Dear Rose.” The use of her name was accompanied by a grin of pure devilment. She chose not to respond. She may well be interested, her pulse jumping and her quim damp with the ideas flitting through her mind, but she had no intention of showing it. These men were clever. They needed no help in whatever game they chose to pursue. Again her hand was bowed over and kissed. “We thought to play.” He waited, before going on smoothly. “At present, cards with you. Do you desire it...” The pause this time stretched until he raised one eyebrow and gave a brief wicked grin. “ much as we?”

She looked from one to the other. How did people decide who was who? A swift perusal of each, from identical wicked grins, to immaculate smallclothes and perfectly tied cravats gave no hint. Was it the eyes?

“For what are we playing gentlemen?” She allowed twin one to seat her, then waited until he had taken his own seat and twin two did likewise. “Penny stakes?”

“Of course,” the man on her right answered suavely. “With a little side bet perhaps?”

Sophia looked at him steadily and knew this was the twin she had been first introduced to and her surmise was correct. A slight, very slight, darker hue in his eyes gave him away. To most, she assumed it would not be noticeable, so mild was it. To her, that delicate tint was glaringly obvious.

“And what, my dear Jasper, do you think we should play for?” she asked using his first name deliberately. For as an older lady, surely that was acceptable? Did he realize the disparity in their ages? She saw by the look in his eyes he knew what she was trying to do. She felt the glance they exchanged rather than saw it.


She blinked. “I beg your pardon?” Had she heard aright?

“Sex, in a manner we so choose, you and us,” Nathaniel replied. “Both of us. All of us. There is no negotiating on this. One night for each game you lose by. We play for one hour.”

So they think I will lose
. She fancied they might be in for a surprise. “And if I win?” she queried lightly. “Sex in the manner I so choose—
I do? Or a forfeit, from each of you, to be decided by me at a later date? No negotiation.”

They may be telepathic, as she believed twins often were, however, the surprised look that passed between them was everything she could have wished for.

“Of course, my lady,” Nathaniel said. She nodded, and turned to Jasper. “And you Jasper? What say you?”

“I say, ‘tis a rare person who can tell us apart, something that bodes well for the future, perchance? You will know who is inside you, and where.”

She could not help but chuckle. Truly they were incorrigible. “And our wager?” she prompted.

“Be ready to enjoy all we decide to give,” he said. “For assuredly we will win.”

A thought struck her. She knew this might not be as straightforward as she had first believed. They were devious. “You play as individuals? For two against one is surely not a fair division.”

Nat laughed. “Oh, love, we play alone, we fuck together. And we say now we both must beat you.” He laughed as her eyes widened. “At cards, in the first instance, or all bets are off. What say you?”

Sophia looked at each of them in turn. Her heart leaped with the thought of what his statement meant. She could see no catch, but felt certain there must be one. Slowly, after the silence grew so long and she saw them glance uneasily at each other, she nodded.

“No man beats me in any other way, and if I can help it, not at cards either.” She smiled. “Gentlemen, let us play.”

They played. At first Sophia was satisfied with her game. The scores were even, no one person played to a greater degree than the others. Then slowly she saw her score falling behind. She became suspicious. Sophia had no false modesty, she knew she played cards well. Her mind was well suited to the intricacies of the game. However, now she wondered; just who was cheating and how.


Nat was not surprised at the way she played cards—in the manner he assumed she would make love: with total concentration. And she was good, very, very, good. He hoped it bode well for their future entanglements.

With that silent communication only twins understood, he flicked a nail over the edge of his card. Time to win.

Slowly, carefully he helped his sibling, as they both inched ahead. Nothing obvious, nothing to arouse her suspicion, although he knew Jasper was playing as illegally as he. Nor by too many games, for in no manner did either one of them want to startle her. If they caused her to renege, they would have no recourse to endeavor she paid her dues. Not with a wager such as they had made. Nevertheless, cheat they did, just enough to ensure interesting interludes to come.

He glanced at an elaborate timepiece on a nearby mantle.

“Our hour is up,” he observed, trying to keep satisfaction out of his voice. “What is the score, Jas?”

Jasper glanced at him, and then at Sophia, sitting between them, lips pursed.

“My lady, you owe us twenty nights, where we choose our delights. As and when we desire. You agree to this?”

Nathaniel looked at her pale face. Her eyes glittered with suppressed emotion. He could only hope it was passion, not temper. He waited.
What would she say?

It seemed an age, as she slowly looked from one to the other, before nodding. “I do not fail to honor my bets, gentlemen.” She stood up, all dignity. “Even though I doubt the validity of your win. Now, I will leave you, and trust you will inform me of when and how I pay my dues?”

Both men rose and bowed.

“Of a surety, my lady,” Nat replied. “We will inform you in due course. And may I say?” He kissed her hand. “How much we enjoyed playing with you, and will do so in other ways, I am certain.”

Sophia snorted, there was no other word for it. “Toyed with me more like. However a bet is a bet. And I assume there will be no cheating with my payment?”

Jasper burst out laughing, ensuring some disapproving looks from the matriarchs playing whist on a nearby table.

“Never, on our oath.”

“Hmm, do I trust your oath? It seems I must. I bid you good night, gentlemen.” She curtsied and walked away, dignity in every step. No one would have known from her demeanor she had wagered her body and lost.

Nat looked at his brother. “Plot and plan? And play cards for more than penny stakes?”

Jasper nodded. “Mrs. Carstairs’?”

“Mrs. Carstairs’ it is, but for cards only. No cunts, not now. We need to keep our cocks in our breeches. Conserve our cum until we spill in the lovely Lady Rose.”

Nat laughed. “So true. Now, I feel we need to make our farewells to Mama and begin.”

They did. In a manner guaranteed to make their opponents curse and mutter under their breaths. Several hours later, slightly bosky, and several hundreds of pounds richer each, they made their unsteady way along Pall Mall.

“So, we are decided?” Nat asked. He carefully swerved around the watch, a stray dog, and a lamppost. It had been many a week since either had indulged so freely, and now in the fresh air, he felt decidedly unsteady. “We begin in three days?”

Jas swayed and nodded his head carefully. “Ag...agreed. May we also agree that the brandy we have imbibed too much of was inferior, and useful only for boot blacking?”

BOOK: A Rose Between the Thornes
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