A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1) (9 page)

BOOK: A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1)
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Of course, she laughed and told me to give him some time that he’d come around. She explained that Dad was a little possessive when they first got together. It was all about compromise, and we were still new in our relationship.

Friday finally came and none of our parents would tell us who the chaperone is. Mom told the girls and me to be at my house, and we would leave from there.

“I’m ready, let’s hit it,” Amaya yelled coming through the back door with Gia.

“We’re still waiting,” I said coming down the stairs with my bag.

“I think it’s my mom. She’s very slow and always late,” Gia said.

“Girls, time to go,” Mom announced from the living room.

“Thank you Mother Nature, it’s your mom,” Amaya sighed in relief, as did I.

We all strolled to the front door when the one person I didn’t want to see was standing there.

“What are you doing here?” I shouted.

“Looks like Oliver and I are going to New York City,” Thaddeus said. He crossed his tight, muscular arms across his chest. His dark blue t-shirt brought out the brightness in his eyes, and I couldn’t help as my eyes traveled to his light color jeans.

“No,” Amaya said next to me. “No way.” I finally noticed Oliver standing on the other side of Mom.

“I order you both to leave,” I yelled at them both as Amaya snickered.

“Xaviera, Amaya, it’s them or you’re not going,” Mom said firmly. “And don’t think I can’t pull rank on you, Princess.”

“It’s okay, we don’t have to go,” Gia’s voice was quiet, and she hung her head.

I looked at Amaya, and she stared at me. This was for Gia. It was her twentieth birthday. She had been there for us every step through our process, and we both knew that she was really looking forward to this trip.

Amaya stepped in front of her. “If it was anyone else, I wouldn’t go,” she said in a low tone, hoping no one knew she had a good side. “You’re carrying my bag, Oliver.” She turned on her heels tossing her bag to him, sashaying out the door and tossing another glare at Thaddeus.

“Come on, Gia, let’s go get the best dress in the history of Unit.” I hooked my arm around hers, not saying anything to or even looking at Thaddeus as we headed out.

Oliver’s sleek black Escalade was in my driveway, and Amaya was standing there tapping her foot waiting for us. After the three of us piled into the back, Thaddeus jumped in the passenger seat.

Nothing was said until we hit the interstate and we were almost halfway through the road trip.

“So how did you two get roped into this?” Amaya asked.

“We volunteered,” Oliver answered.

Amaya rolled her eyes taking off her jacket. Gia and I looked at her like she was losing her mind. Her shoulders were bare because her dress has thin straps.

I was about to tell her to put it back on, but I was cut off.

“Amaya put your jacket back on,” Oliver ordered.

She ignored him.

“Amaya,” his voice was firmer.

She crossed her arms, challenging him to do something.

He did.

Oliver jerked the SUV over two lanes of traffic, causing Gia and me to scream out. When he reached the shoulder, he slammed on the brakes and threw it into park. He undid his seatbelt and turned around to her.

“Put it on or we’re going back. We may not be in Unit, but you’re still my Matched,” he yelled at her loudly.

Gia shrunk into my side. Oliver, the nice, quiet one shouted at Amaya. His face was like stone, and when I glanced at Thaddeus he was looking straight ahead, not even fazed by what was happening.

“How dare you talk to me like that?” Amaya hissed.

“Put. It. On,” he growled right back at her without breaking the stare down they were having.

Amaya finally conceded and put it on. I never saw her face red from anger before. Once it was on, Oliver turned around and headed back onto the interstate.

The next three hours not a single word was uttered in the vehicle. The only thing that was around us was the tension. We made to our hotel, and the guys unloaded the car. Thaddeus checked us in, and the boys’ room was adjoining ours.

Amaya threw her bag on the first bed and ripped her jacket off too. “I hate him so much.”

“He did have a point.” Gia defended him.

Amaya narrowed her eyes at her. “I know this is your weekend, but let me vent for a moment, before you rescue Mr. You-Think-He’s-Perfect.”

“It’s not—” Gia started, but Amaya cut her off.

“We all know that you have a thing for Oliver, don’t lie.”

“Amaya,” I stopped her. “Enough. Let’s just make the best of this weekend, okay?”

“Fine,” she huffed falling back on the bed.

Gia and I unpacked and freshened up. I text Mom and Dad letting them know that we made it. We decided that we were hungry and the hotel’s restaurant was still open.

“Should we tell the wardens?” Amaya nodded to the adjoining door. “I can’t believe I’m a Protector to the Royal bloodline and I have a babysitter,” she was mumbling.

Gia knocked on the door. Thaddeus answered. “We’re going downstairs.”

“Okay,” was all he said, and shut the door.

“Does that mean we can go?” Gia asked.

I shrugged.

Amaya scoffed. “Well, I’m going.” She grabbed her jacket and purse. We followed her and when we were waiting at the elevator, the boys came up behind us not saying anything.

“I feel like a Kardashian,” Amaya said stepping into the elevator.

“Why?” I asked.

“Because we have fans following us around. All we need is a few paparazzi and it’ll be set.”

I couldn’t help the giggle that escaped me, and Gia did too.

A couple of floors down the doors opened, and I had to step back when someone else got into the elevator. When I did, my back was against Thaddeus’ chest. I could smell the ocean around me. I felt his hand on my hip, and my body betrayed me sending a shiver through me. Through the reflection of the elevator wall I saw the small smirk on his face.

I was still mad at him. I wasn’t going to back down until he realized he couldn’t control me. He squeezed my hip, and I did everything not to moan out. He’d never touched me there before. It was intimate, something I hadn’t experienced any other time with him. Yes, our kiss was something I still couldn’t put into words, but he held my face. He never touched me anywhere else but my hand.

I remained calm as we reached the ground floor. Everyone walked out, but Thaddeus held me in place.

“You’re beautiful,” he whispered in my ear.

“I’m still mad,” I said upset at myself as my voice filled with the lust that I was feeling for him.

“I know, but it doesn’t mean I can’t tell my Matched she’s the loveliest woman in New York City.”

I tried to hide my smile but the doors of the elevator closed, and he saw my reflection. “Jerk.” I hung my head hoping my hair would hide it.

He chuckled. “Let’s eat.” He patted my hip, and I hit the ‘door open’ button.

He didn’t hold my hand as we approached our friends and went in. Amaya told the hostess there were three of us, forcing Oliver and Thaddeus to get their own table.

“Looks like Prince Perfect and you made up,” Amaya said looking at the menu.

I ignored her comment. There was no point in telling her anything, she was mad at the world right now. I turned the conversation to Gia since this was her weekend, and I was going to make it special for her. Gia told us she did some research and wanted to check out five different dress shops.

We ordered our food as she tried to describe what she was looking for. Gia’s party was going to be a formal party. She wanted it like a prom, in a sense. Unit didn’t have proms because we couldn’t dance with guys, so there was no point. However, we had always hoped to have something similar to that.

Amaya and I both said that we needed to look for something too. It was our first real formal party also. Of course, I wanted to check out the fabulous shoes. I told myself I wouldn’t buy more than two pairs. Well, maybe three.

We continued to talk about clothes, fashion, and before we knew it, we yawned. It had been a long day. We called the waiter over to get the bill, but Oliver already took care of it.

All five of us headed back to our rooms. Gia and I thanked Oliver for dinner, but Amaya didn’t say anything to him.

I was in the bathroom changing to get ready for bed when my phone buzzed.

Thaddeus: Maybe I over reacted a little bit when you said you were coming up here.

Me: A little bit?
I smiled at the display.

Thaddeus: I’m sorry. I just didn’t want anything to happen to you.

I bounced on my toes. He apologized.

Me: I understand. Thank you & your apology is accepted =)

Gia was already asleep when I crawled into the same bed. Amaya was a bed hog, and neither one of us slept near her.

“What are you doing up?” I whispered to Amaya. She was playing on her phone.

“Playing a game.”

“Are you okay?” I sat on the side of the bed. “I mean really, are you okay?” I repeated.

She put her phone down and shrugged. “I don’t know. I didn’t plan any of this. I should have left when I became of age.”

“I hate to say it because I’d miss you, but you can still leave,” I told her, sadly.

“I know.” She wiped the wetness from her eyes.

“Have you.” I wasn’t sure how to say it to her. “Have you thought about giving Oliver a chance? I mean, I didn’t know he could yell.” I softly giggled.

“He seems to do that a lot around me.” Amaya sniffed. “Maybe I could try.”

I held her hand. I know Amaya is stubborn, but I know that she’s a good person and just having a hard time.

“Let’s get some sleep. We have a long day tomorrow.” I put on my cheerful face hoping she buys it.

“Yep, it’s Gia’s day.” She smiled back.




“Three stores.” Gia looked like she was about to cry. “What am I going to do?”

“It’s fine. There’s still two more to go to,” I said putting my arm around her shoulder.

“We’re not leaving New York until you find a dress,” Amaya added.

Thaddeus and Oliver were trailing behind us as we walked through Times Square heading to the next store.

“Is this a sign? Like does this mean I’m not going to be Matched?” Gia gasped with her hands over her mouth.

“It’s a sign that Vera Wang doesn’t have her fall line out yet,” Amaya quipped at her causing all of us to laugh. “I have a good feeling about the next store.”

“Me too.” I agree with Amaya.

We both grabbed Gia’s hand and skipped to the store like little girls.

We were dying laughing walking into the store and people were looking at us, but we didn’t care.

We headed to the racks as Thaddeus and Oliver sat down on the couches. I was surprised that they didn’t complain one bit. They haven’t said anything really.

“Xaviera, I found you one,” Gia said across the aisle holding up a cloud of pink material.

“Oooo that has you written all over it,” Amaya cooed.

“Give it to me.” I reached for it running into the dressing room.

I shimmied out of my clothes and into the dress. “Oh man,” I whined.

“What’s wrong?” Gia said in the room next to me.

“Too short,” I moaned. I looked at the beautiful pink sequins and material. I hated that I couldn’t wear it. I slipped it off putting my original clothes back on.

I went back out and searched some more not finding anything.

“Xaviera,” Amaya called me back over to the dressing room. “She found it.”

I gasped running back over to them. “Let’s see.”

Amaya jerked the curtain back, and my mouth dropped. Gia’s dress was midnight blue. The sequins were heavy on the top and faded as they went down. It was tight but at her hips it flowed out all the way to the ground.

“Wow,” was all I could get out.

“You need a diamond headband,” Amaya said running past me to get one. She found one and Gia slipped it on. “Perfect.”

“One problem,” Gia pointed to her shoulders. The dress was strapless.

“Oh.” It was my turn to run away from her to the corner of the store. I stared at the wall until I found the perfect one. I raced back to her hearing Thaddeus chuckle as I pass him. “Here.” I hand her a shawl.

She placed it around her bare shoulders, and the dark material hid any shed of skin from the eye. “I found my dress.” Gia jumped up and down, and we squealed.

“Great, let’s eat. I’m starving,” Amaya said. She tugged the curtain back in place. We went to the couches, and I collapsed next to Thaddeus.

“We good?” he asked not looking up from his phone.

“Yes.” I lay my head back, exhausted.

“No,” Amaya said. “We need shoes. Plus, we haven’t found a dress, yet.”

BOOK: A Royal's Love (Unit Matched #1)
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