Read A Somers Dream Online

Authors: Patricia Isabel

A Somers Dream (3 page)

BOOK: A Somers Dream
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they made their way up the stairs, Penny couldn’t help but watch Shane. He had a nice butt and she was eager to see what it looked like without the pants. Following Shane, she walked into the bedroom and found that she wasn’t surprised to find it as elaborate as the rest of the house. She strolled around the room while Shane put her bags down by the bed. Again, the pieces were large but each had a kind of warmth attached to it with its dark, rich wood and cream coverings. Especially the four-posted king size bed which looked very inviting. Whoever decorated this place certainly did a fabulous job of it. “The bathroom is over there and there are clean towels in the armoire. If you need anything else, give a yell. I’ll be in the kitchen cooking up a storm” Shane gave a grin as he turned to leave but stopped in mid turn. He crossed the distance between them and kissed her. “Don’t take too long” he said “you got a half hour then things begin to burn”. Penny laughed while in a daze from his kiss “I won’t be long, I promise” and she nipped him on the chin. Shane gave a low growl and was about to ravish her again but decided against it. The time will come when he will have her, all of her, and until that time he must continue to imagine King Henry in a thong. Yep, that did it again. ‘
Good ole King Henry
’ he thought and went to make dinner. As Shane left the room, Penny grabbed a towel and headed for the bathroom. It was enormous. Penny believed she could fit her own bedroom in this place. Keeping with the décor of the bedroom, the bathroom also had dark wood with cream granite counter tops. The tiling matched with the wood and granite but she noticed some of them were also grey to match with the plumbing. She felt like she was in a Sunday with vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup. Delicious and beautiful. “
Like the owner
”, she thought as she began to get undressed. To the left was a walk-in shower with a rainfall shower head, “Oh this is going to be heaven” and adjusted the water. As she stood underneath the head, letting the water relax her, she started thinking about the kiss. He knew how to kiss, that’s for sure and she could still feel her lips burning for more. The more she thought about it, the more her skin tingled and the more her skin tingled the more she wanted him. She felt her nipples harden at the thought of his mouth pressed against them, his tongue lapping at the hard buds. She began to touch herself, imagining it was him pressing his hands on her body, caressing every curve, touching the most vulnerable places. Penny let out a small groan as her hands ministered the spot where she envisioned Shane touching her, kneading the right pressure with his one hand and entering her with his other. A slight sob escaped her lips as she felt her core tighten and spasm, her legs becoming weak. After gaining her senses, Penny realized that there was no way she was going to wait. “To hell with morals, if it’s going to be a sleepless night it might as well be worth it”. And with a smile, she finished her shower, dressed and went to meet Shane in the kitchen for dinner.





Dinner was outstanding. He wasn’t kidding when he said he could cook
, and what a cook! The stuffed chicken breast with roasted potatoes and vegetable salad was enough to make any mouth water and Penny cleaned her plate in no time. “Where did you learn to cook so good?” she asked as she swiped a piece of bread in her plate “I never met a man who can cook this good and not be a chef. It was delicious!” Popping the last piece of bread in her mouth, Penny looked over at Shane who was still finishing his plate. ‘
I’m a pig
’ she thought as she glanced down at her own dish which was as clean as if it was freshly washed. Shane took a sip of wine and smiled, it was nice to see someone who had a healthy appetite. “I just have a knack for cooking, always did. I used to think up recipes and try them out on friends. Eight out of ten times it was edible” he winked at her and she laughed. Conversation was so easy with him, even the silence was comfortable. “I’m glad you enjoyed it. Are you ready for dessert?” Shane picked up the dishes and walked towards the counter. He opened the fridge and pulled out what looked like a cake. Penny wasn’t sure she could eat another bite. “I don’t know. That meal was pretty filling. I’m stuffed” She walked over towards the counter with the wine bottle and refilled his glass and hers. She took a glance at the cake and noticed what it was, “Strawberry Short Cake? Oh that is so unfair. My trainer will so be unimpressed with me if I show up at the gym fifty pounds heavier. He’ll have me doing squats til the cows come home” Penny took a sip of out of her glass while watching Shane take out the dessert plates. She could feel her insides begin to tighten with wanting. ‘
Just a little while longer’
she thought, hoping she can last that long. Shane put the plates down and began to slice into the cake; he looked over at Penny and was surprised to see her staring at him, with a wanting look. ‘
King Henry, King Henry
’ he kept repeating to himself “I remember you telling me this was your favorite dessert so I took it upon myself to pick one up. Before she could interrupt, he added “Yes I bought it. I’m a cook, not a baker”. “Well, so much for marriage. I’m holding out for the whole package” she said chuckling “I’m surprised you remember me mentioning that. Most men I know can’t remember their home phone numbers let alone a favorite treat. What’s your secret?” Shane, looking serious, put down a plate in front of her, passed her a fork, took a bite out of his own cake and said “If I expose my secret, I would have to tie you down and keep you strapped here forever for fear of you spreading the rumour that I’m not a ‘
’ guy” He took another bite and grinned. She was so easy to get along with it was uncanny. She never looked offended or insulted and she had a sharp wit to match his own. Oh he knew all of this already after talking with her over the phone but it’s different in person, you actually get to see the reaction and the only reaction she shows is amusement. It was a nice change to say the least. Shane took a sip of wine and almost spit it out with the response she gave “We’ll get to the straps later, I want to know your secret” Shane was in a coughing fit and Penny immediately went over to him and began to slap his back. “Are you okay?” She began to rub his back and Shane realized how good it felt. He started to remember earlier in the day and had to begin singing Henry the VIII in his head before he grabbed her hand so she could rub something else. “I’m fine, really. Swallowed too much. I’ll be okay” Shane walked towards the sink and filled himself a glass of water. ‘
This is going to be a very long week’
he thought to himself and slowly, so as not to choke again, drank.

After the dishes were put into the dishwasher and the kitchen cleaned up, Shane suggested they digest in the living room. Penny opted for a
cup of coffee instead of wine and they both sat on the sofa enjoying the quiet. Penny tried to stifle a yawn but Shane caught it “Tired?” He wasn’t ready for bed; he didn’t want the evening to end just yet. “Just a little. It has been an eventful day.” Penny wanted to get to bed so that she could surprise him with a full out seduction. If she waited any longer, she was afraid she would pass out before she got a chance to do anything. “Well, tomorrow is another day, isn’t it? Let’s turn in, you get yourself a good night’s rest and we’ll pick this up in the morning. I’ll cook you breakfast” Shane stood up and held his hand out to her. Penny began to remember how that hand made her tremble as she held it. ‘
It will make you tremble again real soon
’ she thought and followed Shane up the stairs towards the bedrooms. He stopped at her door, gave her a kiss on the forehead and wished her a good night. Penny watched him walk towards his room and open the door. As she turned to enter her room, she began to feel giddy. Quickly removing the contents in her suitcase, she pulled out her negligée, got undressed and slipped it on. It felt cool against her hot skin and her nipples reacted. She brushed her hair until the highlights shone and brushed her teeth and sat on the bed and waited. After a half hour, she opened her door and made her way to Shane’s room. Hesitating for just a moment, she took a deep breath then reached for the knob and opened the door.

Shane walked into his room feeling drab. He knew he wasn’t going to get a lick of sleep knowing she was just down the hall from him. ‘How the hell did we go from making out in the backyard to sleeping in separate beds?’ he said to himself knowing what the answer was already. She wasn’t ready.
He wished she was but he wasn’t going to push it. Patience was a virtue and he was going to prove that he was virtuous. Or at least kill himself trying. Heading into the bathroom to prepare for bed, because what else was he going to do, he looked at himself in the mirror, ‘Well, my man, looks like you’re gonna be doing a lot of wooing and cooing for the next few days’. And a lot of self-rubbing as well, something Shane was not looking forward to. After washing up, he brushed his teeth and slipped on a pair of pajama bottoms. Lying in bed, in the dark, with his arms behind his head, he started reminiscing the day’s events. Wrong thing to do. He could feel himself beginning to get hard, he was already hurting as it was, and this sure wasn’t helping. Just when he was about to give in and have a go at himself, he heard the door open. His first thought was she needed something and didn’t feel comfortable in retrieving what she required on her own. But that thought quickly disappeared when she closed the door behind her and started to make her way towards his bed. ‘
Guess I’m not gonna have to enjoy myself alone, after all
’ he thought to himself. He quickly closed his eyes and labored his breathing, pretending to be asleep. His wish was about to come true and he couldn’t wait.





















Penny tip-toed her way into Shane’s room and quietly closed the door behind her. She stood there for a few moments, letting her eyes adjust to the dimness of the room. She can see Shane’s silhouette on the bed and the butterflies began in the pit of her stomach. Slowly, she crossed the room and reached the side of his bed. She stood there, scanning the length of his body and her eyes rested on his face. He looked so handsome, peaceful, lying there she almost felt guilty waking him up.
Almost. She lifted her hand and slowly started to slide it down his chest, tracing his nipples as she went along. She heard his breath catch and looked towards him and saw two eyes staring back at her. She pulled her hand away and Shane grabbed it. “Don’t stop”, he said. With his encouragement, she continued her ministrations, starting at the base of his neck, slowly working towards the chest, across the nipples, down the navel and slowly past the hardness that was straining against his pants. She bent over him and lightly kissed him where her hand had left its trail, sensuously stopping to lick at his nipples as she made her way lower and lower and lower. Shane was about to lose his mind. He reached for her and drew her in for a kiss. Penny tumbled on top of him and joined in the assault he started on her lips. Tongue for tongue, they explored each other’s mouths, necks and ears, both wanting more and both striving to get it. Shane was about to slip off her negligee when she held his hands, she made the sound that would mean no and she put his hands above his head. As Penny straddled him, she slowly reached down to the hem of her negligee and slowly started to lift it, removing it completely. All Shane could do was watch and enjoy. “Absolutely beautiful” he said as he made to grab her to pull her down. “No”, she said “Hands stay above the head, no touching” and she, once again, put his hands behind his head. When she made that move, her breasts moved closer to his mouth and he tried to get a lick but she pulled back fast. Again, he made a move to touch her. “Am I going to need those straps you talked about?” and she put his hands back where she wanted them. “Most likely”, he replied and groaned as she bent over him. She remained hovered over him for a few moments, teasing him with her breasts which were so close to him but he still couldn’t reach. As she began to slide her way down, her nipples slightly touching his body made Shane groan in agony. As her hips reached his groin, she began to grind against him, feeling him as he laid there trying to remain still. “The hell with this”, he said and grabbed her so that he was on top of her. Penny let out a moan as Shane went straight for her breast and sucked on her nipple until it felt raw with need. Her hand cupped her breast, urging him to continue, to take his fill and he did just that. When he left her breast, Penny gave a slight cry; the feeling was so good she didn’t want it to end. Then, a new feeling washed over her as he made his way down her navel and felt his breath upon her mound. Shane began to kiss her, there, through the fabric of her underwear. Penny wanted to feel more; she wanted to feel his breath on her bare skin so she reached down to remove them. Shane brushed her hands away, “Oh no. Don’t make me get the straps. Behave” and he continued to kiss her, nip her slightly, and tease her by stroking his finger on her upper inner thigh until she was wet with wanting. Penny began squirming, lifting her hips for more as sweat began to bead on her forehead “Please” she begged, knowing that she will just die if he doesn’t take her now. “In due time, love” he replied “I want to taste more of you” and with that being said, he pulled off her underwear and lowered his mouth. As he licked and tasted her, his tongue delving inside, Penny grabbed his head and held him. She was losing her mind and loving it. Shane grabbed her from underneath and lifted her so that he could get better access, his tongue reaching in for the honey. Lapping away like she was giving him some type of life source that he needed and without it, he would die. Penny felt like she was going to explode, her insides were as tight as an overwound clock and she knew she was coming fast. “Shane, oh God please” she begged again needing to feel him inside her. “What do you want, love. Tell me. What do you want” he replied as he slipped his finger inside her. He could feel her tighten and that nearly undid him. His cock was so hard and throbbing, he didn’t think he could continue with this little game. But he wanted to hear her say it, he wanted her to say she wanted him, wanted him inside her. He didn’t have to wait long to hear those words and that made him even harder. “I want you inside me. I want it now” she was breathing laboriously now, panting each word as if it was difficult to form them. “What do you want inside you?” He was going to keep it going, continue the teasing until one of them lost control. “This” she said through clenched teeth, she slid her hand inside his pants, grabbed his cock, tightened her hand around it and pulled “This is what I want. This, hard and deep, inside me” That was the only incentive he needed. Reaching over to the night stand, he grabbed a condom out of the drawer. Shane pulled off his pants, covered himself with the contraceptive and hovered over her, staring into her eyes, seeing passion and wanting. He slowly began to enter her, she was wet and tight. Penny wrapped her legs around his waist and Shane almost lost control, so he stopped. “Oh my god, don’t stop!” Penny cried out and grabbed a hold of his backside and used her legs to push him further in. “Baby, hold on. You’re so tight and wet; I don’t want this to be over before it begins” Shane said through gritted teeth, he was going to lose composure. Penny didn’t care, she wanted to feel all of him in her, so she clenched her muscles tighter and made a move to roll over. Shane, not paying any attention, realized what was happening and held onto her lest he slip out. Now that Penny was on top, she began to move, grinding her hips, riding him without abandon. She could feel the urge pushing down, wanting out. She moved faster and faster, swaying and grinding with her hands on his chest for leverage and Shane holding onto her hips lest she buck herself off. “Oh God yes!” she cried out, feeling the intensity, the sensation that soon, very soon, she is going to be in heaven. Shane was ready, he could feel it, like a volcano ready to explode he was ready. He felt her spasm, feeling the hot liquid leave her body and he joined her, both giving out a cry of relief and satisfaction. Penny, feeling spent and weak, draped herself over his body. Shane held her close, feeling her heartbeat going a mile a minute, giving soft kisses and caresses as she tried to regain her strength. Penny lifted herself up on her elbows and looked down at him. “That was amazing”, she said “Can we do it again?” Shane smiled up at her, laughed and replied “For as long as you want”. Penny slid off to the side of him and, head on his shoulder, arm over chest and leg over leg, began to fall asleep. She was happy and sated and was already beginning to dream of round two. As Shane lay silently, listening to her breathing, he was already beginning to dread the time she had to leave. He decided he was just going to have to make this week the best week of their lives. Come hell or high water. With that thought in mind, he pulled off the condom, tossed it in the waste basket he had next to the bed and drifted off to sleep with Penny in his arms.

BOOK: A Somers Dream
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