Read A Stainless Steel Cat Online

Authors: Michael Erickston

A Stainless Steel Cat (8 page)

BOOK: A Stainless Steel Cat
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Tam felt the shiver go through her body as her pussy started thrumming with need again. "God, what you do to me, baby!" She exclaimed as his hand went down between her thighs and lightly rubbed her clit.

"Turn over and get on your hands and knees." Royce ordered her sternly.

Tam was slightly taken aback by his forceful tone. "Yes, sir!" She smirked but did as told. Once she was in position, Royce moved up behind her and rubbed the head of his cock up and down between her pussy lips.

"You like that, baby girl?" He asked as he smacked her ass with his free hand.

"Oh! Oh fuck yes, baby! Gimme that fuckstick!" Tam said in an authoritative voice. "Come on, Royce! Give momma that big white dick!"

"You asked for it, sweety!" Royce said as he thrust into her hard and deep, filling her completely in one stroke with his throbbing cock.

As his balls hit her clit, Tam screamed out when he started thrusting faster and faster. He slapped her ass again as he fucked her hard.

"Fuck yes! Spank my ass, baby!" She shouted, and in answer, Royce smacked her other butt cheek harder than before.

"GOD YES! I need a good spankin', baby! I've been a naughty girl!" She proclaimed.

"Good, because I'm going to spank you until you beg me to stop!" Royce sneered, enjoying the fact that she loved what he was doing to her.

As he fucked and spanked her, Tam's pussy was going into overdrive. She was wetter than she'd ever been before, and every smack of his hand on her bubble butt only intensified the feelings in her pussy. She was so close already, and what he said next pushed her over the edge.

"You like it when I fuck your hot cunt and spank you big firm ass, baby? You fuckin' love it, don't you! How'd you like it if I fucked your ass, baby girl?" He said, talking dirty to her.

"FUUUUUCCCCKKKKKKK YYYYYYEESSSSS III'MMMM COOOMMMINNNNG!" She screamed, her pussy clamping down on his shaft.

The convulsing pussy around him was too much for Royce, and he felt the familiar sensation of his balls tightening as his cock swelled inside her.

"SO AM I, BABY GIRL!" He shouted as he exploded into her, firing jet after hot jet of sperm deep inside her greedy grasping hungry cunt hole.

Tam felt it when he came, felt his pulsing cock as he ejaculated rope after thick hot rope into her. The sensation of his cock and cum inside her, and the burning of her hot ass, pushed her orgasm into another and yet another.

She collapsed forward onto the bed as her hands and knees gave out, and her pussy contracted around him, pulling him down on top of her.

"OOH GOD SOOOO GOOD!" Tam shouted as her third orgasm finally started to abate.

They lay there like that for a while, his cock still embedded inside her. Finally, he rolled off and collapsed beside her, and Tam felt his hot cum starting to leak out of her. She quickly put her hand under her pussy, then got up and grabbed her panties. She put them on, trapping his hot cream inside her and showed him as she patted her gusset. "I love the feel of you in me, baby." She declared in a low sexy tone as she laid back down and kissed him lovingly.

"Tam, I love coming inside you. It just feels right." Royce said as he blushed. "I love everything about you, sweetheart. You're sweet, beautiful, intelligent, and oh my God, you are so sexy!" His words came out in a rush.

As much as they'd done together in recent days, his words still took her off guard. 'He's in love with me? He's IN LOVE WITH ME!' Tam thought, a smile growing on her face. She'd been having similar feelings for him, and with their confessions and the new trust between them, she was allowing her feelings to blossom as well.

"I love you too, Royce." She said softly, as if raising her voice would break the wonderful dream she had been in since the other night.

Royce's grin nearly split his face completely, and he pulled her to him, kissing her with white hot passion. Suddenly, as if remembering something, he broke the kiss. "Hold on! I completely forgot!" He laughed, and before she could say anything, he jumped out of bed, still buck naked, and went into his closet. She couldn't see him, but he returned with a briefcase.

"From the job I did this afternoon after court." He explained, and she laughed at his audacity. After their court date, he had gone and robbed somebody.

He entered the combination and opened the briefcase, pulling out the files first. "California State Senator Lisa Keen." He said. "It seems she's been a very bad girl."

Tam knew the name. Lisa Keen was on several committees, and although the Newspapers were convinced she was hiding something, they could never get any evidence on her.

Then he pulled out the cash. Stacks of 100 dollar bills. "See, I've found this to be true. When dirty politicians and businessmen get found out, they have to have a backup plan to get out of the country. After the Bernie Madoff fiasco a few years back, EVERY corrupt big wig has an escape plan." He tossed a fake driver's license and passport onto the bed with the files beside the money. "Pay cash for a one-way ticket to a non-extradition country, change into a wig or something..." He pointed out her picture with a blonde wig to cover her natural brunette hair... "and yeah. Disappear and never be seen again where the US Government can reach them."

Tam laughed lightly. "Ok, smarty. How did you know all this?" She asked with a grin, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I read a book some guy wrote a couple years ago on what he would do if he ever found himself in Bernie's position." Royce shrugged. "I read a lot at the orphanage when I wasn't honing my body and skills. Sweetheart, I've wanted to do this since I was a kid. Some movie I watched where the main character was a cat burglar. He made really good money."

Tam laughed again, and pictured in her mind young Shiloh Royce, training himself physically, reading books on how to commit crimes and get away with them. Learning to use lockpicks and other instruments used for the art of stealing. She remembered his fight with Darnell, and thought he'd moved like an MMA fighter, dodging and weaving and striking quickly and with force.

"You know, that actually makes sense." Tam said and chuckled. "Baby, you are one of a kind."

"So are you, Tam." He said and kissed her lightly. "Now, let's see what kind of haul I got here..." He quickly started counting the stacks of bills. "Fifty Grand!" He grinned. "Now THAT's a payday!" $50,000 could go a long way in a third world country with no extradition treaty with the United States, and Tam had to agree. As far as the US was concerned, though, it was enough to live fairly comfortably for about six to ten months.

"Aren't you worried that your bank is going to report your deposits to the Feds?" Tam asked.

"That's why I do it in increments. In the morning, I'm going to buy six or seven money orders. Golden State doesn't report deposits of less than 10K at a time. I usually get 5K money orders, and deposit them two or three times a day after a few hours in between." Royce said. "It works."

Tam saw the logic in that, and realized just how smart her boyfriend was. 'My boyfriend, and I feel really good with him!' She thought to herself. 'I really do love him!' She realized at that moment. She'd already said the words, but her thoughts were now all about him. She had never felt this good with Darnell, even before he'd become the asshole he was today. Behind the tough and cool façade, carefully hidden from view, was a genuinely good guy who cared about those he considered friends and loved ones. She could tell that there weren't very many of those in his life, growing up with a high turnover rate in the orphanage. New kids would come in, older kids would be adopted... And that would be her next inquiry, to the orphanage itself. St. Agatha's would have some questions to answer.

Mr. Wolfe looked up from the latest reports on his new housing development as Darnell knocked on the open door frame and came in as Wolfe nodded with a smile.

"What can I do for you, D?" He asked.

"Hey, Boss. Jared told me to clear it with you first, so I'm asking your permission to find out where that Royce kid works and pay him a little visit outside the restraint zone from the order." Darnell asked, keeping his voice as level as possible.

Wolfe sat back and steepled his fingers as he looked at his Chief Enforcer. He narrowed his eyes in thought. "Why, D?"

"Because he made me look like a fool, and because there's more to him than most see on the surface. I read his file from where he grew up, and some shit just doesn't jibe. As much as I hate to admit it, that kid's got skills. I just want to have a talk with him is all." Darnell said, then continued after taking a breath. "Hell, he might be an asset."

Wolfe raised an eyebrow. "He's that good?"

"He knocked me down the other day, sir." Darnell bit his pride and admitted it.

Wolfe smiled. "You know what? That's not a bad recommendation. I think I'd like to meet Mr. Royce. Make the offer, and bring him to me if he accepts. Ask him politely, but if he says no, leave it at that and let him go about his business. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir." Darnell nodded.

"Good. I hope you succeed, but if not, don't worry about it." Wolfe nodded and dismissed his Number 1 Enforcer.

Darnell was smiling to himself as he walked out of Mr. Wolfe's office.

He took Hook and Slake with him as backup, just in case the kid got violent. They camped out about six hundred feet from the complex that morning, waiting to see if he left the apartment.

Sure enough, he came out shortly before 9 AM, and Darnell had to close his eyes when he saw Tam in just her robe kissing him goodbye at the door. He felt his stomach knot up in jealousy, but realized he had to see this through. 'Fuckin' white boy ain't gonna know what hit his sorry ass!' He thought.

The Royce kid was dressed in a nice polo shirt and khakis with all black sneakers, and he got into Tam's car. 'She gave that fuck the keys?!" He gritted his teeth as he saw that. He had to calm himself with visions of Royce dead along with Mr. Wolfe. It would be Darnell's job as Chief Enforcer to take over his deceased Boss's business.

That was the reason he'd brought Hook and Slake. They were 100% loyal to Darnell over and above whatever loyalty they felt for Wolfe. They would do what needed to be done to 'convince' Royce to come to the party. But for now, they were going to play nice.

Royce drove the two miles to the closest convenience store that sold Money Orders, and purchased 6 of them for less than 10K each. He deposited one in his account at the closest Golden State branch, and decided to check out the nearest Ducati dealership for his dream bike.

The Ducati Il Mostro 696 at the dealer was listed at $9000 dollars, and Royce talked with the saleslady for a while. He used his charm to haggle five hundred off the price tag, and she was more than aware that the cute guy in front of her was young enough to be her son. She kept blushing at his compliments anyway, and even wondered what he would be like in bed.

When the paperwork was drawn up, and he gave her a large and the small money orders, and she handed him his change. He shopped for a leather jacket and helmet with the change, and after he'd paid for it all, she told him that his motorcycle would be ready in an hour. He left the purchases with her to be picked up with his bike, thanked her, and left.

He was walking back to the car when he felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up. He looked around and saw three men walking towards him. He recognized the one in the middle as Darnell, and he made a run for the car at a dead sprint. Darnell and his boys were sprinting too, and they reached the car at about the same time.

"Look, guys. I don't want any trouble here." Royce said with an easy smile.

"Good, because we don't either." Darnell said with an answering smile. "Look, man. We got off on the wrong foot. Now, I have an offer for ya."

Royce felt his gut telling him to sucker punch the asshole and run, but he would much rather talk his way out. No way would he be able to take all three of them.

"Look, Darnell. I don't like you already. What kind of offer would you possibly have that could interest me?" Royce kept his voice through sheer force of will.

"Mr. Wolfe wants to meet you. He heard about what you did, and he thinks you could be an asset. It's a damn good payin' job." Darnell shrugged. "Hey, if not, no problem. I'm sorry about the other day. Everyone snaps every now and then, right?"

Royce's brain was screaming at him to turn it down, but a small part was curious about the mysterious Mr. Anthony Wolfe.

"So what's the offer?" Royce heard himself saying.

"Come meet with Mr. Wolfe. Hear what he has to say. If you don't like it, you'll be free to leave." Darnell shrugged.

"Ok." He said, nodding once. "I'll follow you in the car."

"Don't worry about that, man. We can drop you off here after the meeting. Cool?" Darnell said with a friendly smile.

The alarm klaxon was really going off in Royce's head now. But that one tiny part said that if worse came to worst he would be able to get out of it intact. He still had his blades on him, after all. The shuriken in his belt buckle, and the dagger under his belt in the back.

"All right. But I call shotgun." Royce said with a smile.

"No prob, man." Darnell agreed, nodding once.

They arrived at Mr. Wolfe's mansion in Beverly Hills half an hour later. Royce sent Tam a text to let her know something had come up, and he would be home ASAP with her car. She texted back saying there was no rush, and he could take his time.

The entire ride, Darnell had been nothing but nice to him. They'd even started talking about Football, and Darnell admitted he was impressed with Royce's knowledge of the 49ers.

He parked the car, and Royce was ushered in to see Mr. Wolfe. Darnell was surprised to find the rest of the Enforcer squad there with Mr. Wolfe, all of them standing behind his chair. This wasn't part of the plan.

"Ahh, you must be Mr. Royce." Wolfe said with a smile. "It's good to meet you. Believe it or not, you come highly recommended by Darnell here." He indicated his Chief Enforcer.

That took Royce by surprise. "How so, sir?"

BOOK: A Stainless Steel Cat
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