Read A Tempting Christmas Online

Authors: Danielle Jamie

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Erotica

A Tempting Christmas (7 page)

BOOK: A Tempting Christmas
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“I am sorry, but he just rubs me the wrong way,” she continues. “He is such a pompous ass sometimes. I would love to throw one of my high heels at him and ruin his ‘too gorgeous for him’ face. Then it will finally match his personality.” She starts laughing hysterically, “It makes me giddy just thinking about it.”

“Okay, okay…I get it! You hate my boyfriend. But can you please keep your eyes on the road, and try to not kill me before we get to the club?” I ask, rolling my eyes and pointing at the road.

I’m surprised her Jeep is still on the road, from the way she drives; especially in the middle of Los Angeles’ insane traffic, on her way to all her auditions.

When we arrive at the club, it’s already packed, but thankfully we are VIPs, so we sail right past the mile long queue. Rihanna’s
Rude Boy
is blasting through the speakers, sending jolts of electricity through my body and tingling at my toes. Dancing to heart thumping music is the next best thing to sex.

“I’ve been waiting for this all week,” I scream over to Brooklyn while we wait at the bar for our drinks, swaying to the music.

“Girl, we are going to dance our asses off tonight, let loose and maybe make out with tons of sexy ass men,” she yells back at me, while making kiss lips in my face.

“Maybe you will be kissing a handful or two of guys, but my lips will not be. I will, however, enjoy myself watching you make out with some sexy ass men. I can live vicariously through you.” I wink at her and pull my drink from her hand.

We weren’t even halfway through our drinks before men start flocking to our table, offering to buy us drinks and take us to the dance floor. Brooklyn was eating it up. She thrives on attention, and she’s never disappointed.

I look at the men, and think of Logan. There’s nothing wrong with dancing as long it doesn’t go too far, so I make my way to the dance floor. We dance for hours with a group of guys who are definitely easy on the eyes. Two of them attempted more than once to grab my ass and try to kiss me, but I quickly put a stop to it, and after a few rejections they got the hint.

My feet are aching, so I decide to rest them at the bar, and get a refill on my White Russian. As I reach into my purse, I feel it vibrate and know it has to be Logan calling me, or sending a goodnight text. My heart flutters just thinking about him. When I pull my phone out, two new text messages show on my screen…I’m right.


Hey babe just wanted to see if you were having a good time, miss you xoxo

I scroll to the next one and reading it puts the biggest smile on my face.


You must be having a blast with Brooklyn; I’ll see you tomorrow for lunch. Miss you so much, wish you were here

I send a quick text back asking if he wants me to leave and head over to spend the night, but he texted me back insisting I stay and have my girl’s night.

After dancing for two more hours, I look over to the bathrooms, and see Brooklyn getting hot and heavy with one of the guys we met earlier. Well, it looks like she’ll be getting that work out in tonight, I say to myself, tipping back the rest of my drink.

Well, at least one of us is getting laid. Looks like I will, yet again, be having a date with my “B.O.B” -
Battery Operated Boyfriend
, while Brooklyn gets her world rocked by a real man. I haven’t had sex since last Sunday; you’d think Logan would be begging me to come over and rip his clothes off.

I decide to send him another text, letting him know we’re calling a cab and heading home. It’s around 1:00 a.m., but I figure there’s a chance he could still be awake. Brooklyn decided to leave her Jeep in the parking garage for the night. I told her I can drop her off to get it on my way to lunch with Logan tomorrow.

“Who are you texting? Logan?” Brooklyn giggles, while trying to stand on the curb.

Thankfully her boy toy isn’t too drunk so he can help her stand until our cab gets here. I only had three drinks, and not really feeling anything besides a vague buzz, but I don’t want to chance driving.

Getting a DUI wouldn’t be the best idea after just getting promoted, and I don’t need my face all over magazines like the one I work for. The downfall of having “Country Music’s Number One Duo” for your parents is anyone, and everyone thinks your business is their business.

“I’m texting Logan really quick, telling him goodnight and letting him know we’re heading home. He’s more than likely asleep by now, but you never know, maybe he had a lot of work to do and is still awake.”

“Why even text him to say goodnight? I think you should get your ass in that cab and have it bring you to Logan’s. Go pull that stick out of his ass, and tell him you need some mind blowing, toe curling sex and you are not waiting until tomorrow!” She yells for the entire street to hear, then bursts out laughing again.

Man, she’s trashed.

Hopefully she stays awake long enough to even have sex with Mr. I look like a rock band wannabe. 

“You’re right! I think he would love for me to come over after five days of nothing! He should be over the moon if I show up ready to tie him up, and show him a good time,” I giggle as Brooklyn makes a face of utter disgust, sticking her tongue out and making a gagging noise. Ignoring her, I continue, “He texted me earlier saying he missed me. I think he insisted on my coming out with you tonight only because he knew how badly I needed to get out, and have some fun after such a stressful week at work.”

With that, I made up my mind; why should she be the only one with a nice warm body in her bed tonight? I have a boyfriend, and I have no reason to sleep alone. After seeing her all hot and heavy with,
tall, scrawny, and trying too hard to look like a bad boy over there
; I needed sex…now.

Sharing a cab ride with Brooklyn, and her flavor of the hour is interesting, to say the least. He’s kissing up and down her neck and collarbone, and groping her ass in the back of the cab. This time, it’s my turn to make a gag face. I finally learn his name is Trey, but only because Brooklyn keeps saying it over and over as he caresses her body.

I’m sure I won’t need this fact though, as I’m pretty certain neither of us will ever see him again after tonight.

After the cab drops off the two lovebirds, I tell him to head over to the Flynn Hotel & Suites where Logan lives. I hope he isn’t too exhausted from working all night; he has a lot going on with new partners joining his modeling agency.

If he is asleep though, I know a few ways to wake him up. I feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach as I step out of the cab; I don’t normally just pop in and surprise him, but I think he’ll appreciate my spontaneity.


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This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.


The characters, places, situations and events of this story are developed materializations of my imagination and, therefore, belong entirely to me. Distribution of this story is only permitted with my written consent, and any use of the aforementioned factors must be approved of also. Please do not steal; I shouldn’t be punished for your lack of originality and dedication.


I don’t own any of the name brands i.e. Nike, Gucci, etc. that might appear in the story.


A Tempting Christmas


A Tempting Christmas is a work of fiction. Names, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.


Copyright © 2014 Danielle Jamie Wright

All Rights Reserved


Published in the United States by Danielle Jamie Wright



BOOK: A Tempting Christmas
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