A Time Apart: Time Travel Historical Highlander Romance (6 page)

BOOK: A Time Apart: Time Travel Historical Highlander Romance
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“Don’t stop,” he urged her.


She released her grip as she slowly let herself slide down until she was sitting on her lover, with every last inch of his cock inside her. The thrill of being in control for once made her shiver and her excitement grew as strong hands reached for her breasts. Fingers dug in her soft flesh and her stiff nipples were crushed by rugged palms. She could feel the throb of cock and worked her hips back and forward to make the hardness grind on her slick inner skin. It was a sensation that sent her wild with desire and she rocked her body enthusiastically as her breasts were more roughly groped.


The surge of adrenaline coursed through her veins and the urgency to bring on her orgasm became more intense. Jenny leaned forward to rest her hands on a strapping torso and muscles tensed under her touch as she began to raise and lower her body. James dropped his hands from her tits and grabbed hold of her hips to help her ride his cock. They were both caught up in the pure delight of the sex as his cock plunged deep in her pussy time and again when she dropped down on him. It was a frantic coming together that pushed them ever closer to a high they were both desperate for.


“Wait for me,” Jenny urged as she heard his groans becoming louder.


Sweat trickled across her skin as she was engulfed in the heat of desire and she threw herself to greater efforts as she worked to take herself all the way. Her body responded to the rough action of cock savagely slamming deep in her cunt until the thrill of it carried her right over the edge. Her nails dug in James’s chest as she tensed for an instant before the heat of the orgasm erupted through her body and she rode the wave of ecstasy all the way up. The high of the climax brought out almost violent shudders that wracked her body and made her pussy walls tighten and ripple around cock. She tried to hold on to the sensation for as long as she good, but it finally began to die away. There was no chance for her to relax though.


She was bucked around as James was lost to the hunger for of his own needs. His             fingers tightened on her body when she started to ride his cock again before her own climax even faded and she fixed her eyes on his as their bodies crashed together. The pain in her hips grew as his touch dug in her flesh and she gave him everything he wanted until the pleasure overwhelmed him. His back arched up as the tension stretched to breaking point and he let out an agonized groan as the jolting of his hips sent a powerful stream of cum in pussy.


Jenny sat down to take him deep and rocked her head back as the torrent of cum erupted inside her. She squeezed her pussy muscles around cock as she was bucked around by the convulsions of the man under her and she clung on to his chest as she waited for them to die away. It brought the sex to an end and she collapsed forward to press her cheek on his chest. The racing of his heartbeat gradually slowed and as the rush of hot blood faded, his erection lost power and slipped out of her.


She closed her eyes as he stroked her hair and listened to the sound of his breathing as her head remained pressed tightly on his muscular torso. It was where she wanted to be and at that moment in time, she couldn’t imagine being anywhere else.


Chapter Six


Jenny saw Aggie hurrying down the stairs when she came out of the room she was cleaning. The fact that she now spent most nights sleeping in the master’s bed didn’t get her out of her maid’s duties and to her surprise she was becoming used to them. Not that she was getting any better at cleaning and James still criticized her whenever he caught her working. She guessed there was some truth in what he was saying although she suspected it was more of an excuse for him to punish her and it usually led on to some frantic sex. She wasn’t complaining about that and enjoyed the erotic games they played as much as he did.


The sight of Aggie’s urgency as she rushed towards the lower floors wasn’t what caught her attention that morning. It was the expression on the elderly woman’s face. It was definitely a worried look and she wondered what the problem was. She followed her down the stairs and out to the small courtyard in front of the building.


“I finished cleaning the bedrooms,” she said.


“Oh it’s terrible…, terrible,” Aggie said in an agitated tone.


“Are you alright?” Jenny asked as her brow creased in a frown. The old woman looked up and there was no missing the fearful expression that flashed across her face. “Aggie, what is it?”


“Trouble,” she replied in a hushed tone and hesitated before going on. “A trouble that will surely bring disaster to the clan.”


Jenny grabbed her arm to stop her pacing back and forth.


“What are you talking about?” she asked.


“I’m talking about war,” Aggie replied ominously.


The hair rose on the back of Jenny’s neck. She remembered listening to James telling the story of the feud between the Dungannon and Glennet clans a few weeks previously, but in the time since nothing more had been said about it. At least nothing more was said in the building where James was master.


Jenny couldn’t speak for the rest of the castle because she avoided it for fear of bumping into Donald or one of his loyal supporters. She recalled the threats made to her life during the council meeting and although she was under the protection of James, staying out of the rest of the castle seemed like the sensible thing to do. There was no doubt in her mind that she was still viewed suspiciously by many and she wasn’t planning to give anyone the chance to carry out the threats.


“Tell me what you’re talking about,” Jenny implored the older woman.


“A scouting party returned a few hours ago,” Aggie answered. “The news is that the Glennet clan is marching on the castle with murder in their hearts. The call to war has been raised.”


“Shit,” Jenny cursed as she realized what it meant. “Where is James?”


“There’s a meeting going on the Great Hall just now,” Aggie informed her. “He’ll be at that.”


Jenny was running straight away. She raced through the passageway that led to the larger courtyard and ignored the looks of the people she passed. The loud sound of Donald’s voice came to her as she hurried inside the main castle towards the meeting. She wanted to heat what was going on, but stopped short of going in the hall and stood just outside the door.


“We must ride out and face up to them,” Donald shouted in a rallying cry that rose above the cacophony of noise. “If we remain in the castle, we’ll be trapped inside and put under siege. We need to stop their progress and put them to the sword before they get here.”


His father held up a hand and the noise of the men’s cheering lowered.


“Donald is right,” he said. “The time for diplomacy has passed. Unless we defeat them, we will never have a peaceful life.” His voice rose to an almost deafening yell. “The time for war is here and now.”


Another huge cheer went up in the room and Jenny could sense her pulse racing. War meant people dying and she couldn’t bear the thought of that for James. She listened as she heard his call to arms.


“We must repel these bastard invaders,” he yelled above the noise. “The moment is upon us to show that the Dungannon clan will not be cowed into submission by anyone. Gather your weapons and your shields and prepare for battle.”


Jenny moved to the side and pressed against the wall as men came charging out the Great Hall. The initial flood of people gradually slowed to a trickle as the clansmen heeded the call of their leaders and went to arm themselves. One of the last to walk out of the hall was Donald and she recoiled when he turned his head to catch sight of her.


“This is your doing bitch,” he spat out in a venomous voice. He pointed an accusing finger at her. “My brother might be fooled by you, but I’m not.”


“No, I…” Jenny started and cowered as he moved menacingly towards her.


A voice stopped him in his tracks and he turned to look.


“We need to talk Donald,” his father said as he came out the hall. “Walk with me.”


The evil glare remained on her for a few seconds more.


“I’ll be seeing you,” he hissed as he moved to walk off with his father.


“Jenny,” James said when he came out of the hall seconds later and saw her. “What are you doing here?”


She raced forward and threw herself in his arms as tears rolled down her cheeks.


“I…, I heard the news,” she said.


“Don’t worry,” he told her. “It will soon be all over.”


She couldn’t bring herself to say anything for a few seconds as the sobs made her chest heave, but she managed to get control of herself.


“I don’t want to lose you,” she let out as she moved back to catch his gaze.


“You won’t lose me,” he said as he wiped the tears from her cheeks.


She closed her eyes as his lips crushed hers in a passionate kiss. His arms went around her as they embraced tightly and she never wanted him to let her go…, but he did.


“It’s time for me to join the men,” he told her.


“Be careful,” she said. “And come back to me.”


She watched him hurry off and couldn’t bring herself to move as the terrible thought of never seeing him alive again once he left the castle burned into her mind. It was a notion she couldn’t get out of her head. She heard the sound of hooves in the courtyard outside and finally walked to the door. James was on horseback along with a number of the other leading men in the clan. The sight of their swords and shields brought home what they were about to ride out to do. The remainder of the clansmen were on foot and in a matter of minutes their numbers swelled until the courtyard was full.


“Lower the gate,” Donald shouted.


The creak of wood came straight away as the drawbridge lowered into place and she watched as the Dungannon clan army marched across it and onwards to the open land beyond. She ran back through the narrow passageway to the sight of Aggie still standing in the smaller courtyard. The distress of the older woman was clear to see and Jenny put a hand around her shoulder to guide her back inside the building.


She then raced up the stairs to the bedroom she first used on her arrival at the castle and moved to the window. It gave a view out towards the army and she looked into the distance beyond it. There was no sign of the clan Glennet, but it seemed certain they were approaching. A battle was about to take place and when the men in green tartan disappeared from view at the far side of the glen, Jenny fell to her knees and prayed for their safe return.


She sat staring into space as the time passed and the ominous silence made her tremble. Not knowing what was going on was the worst part and her mind began to conjure up terrible images of death and destruction that made tears run down her cheeks. Minutes ticked by to become hours without any word of how the battle was progressing and her fears grew stronger.


She jumped to her feet at the sound of an approaching rider and looked out the window to see the man racing fast towards the castle. The color red stained his green tartan and the way his arm hung at his side made it obvious he’d been injured in the fighting. He was well enough to be shouting something, but at first she couldn’t make it out. It was only when he got to the end of the bridge that his words could be heard properly and Jenny needed to lean against the wall to stop herself collapsing to the floor.


“He’s dead,” the man shouted. “James is dead. The battle is being lost.”


Her desperate wail filled the room as the man kept shouting the same words over and over. Her worst fears were being realized and she finally couldn’t support herself. She slumped down on the cold stone as the tears flowed and her despair welled up.


The drawbridge was lowered to let the man cross and his shouts grew louder as he rode into the large courtyard. Jenny put her hands over her ears to try and block them out, but it was impossible to do and she was confronted by the terrible truth that the man she loved was not coming back. Her anguish intensified, but she tried to get back to her feet. She managed it to see out the small window that there were more injured men returning to the castle. Her blood ran cold when she saw that one of them was Donald and knew what it meant. She ducked away from the window as he rode onto the bridge and desperately tried to think of what to do. Her legs were paralyzed and when she heard the sound of hooves coming into the smaller courtyard, she knew that it could only mean one thing.


Donald intended to carry out the threat to end her life.


Fear erupted in her mind and she ran to the bed to try and drag it across the room, so she could barricade the door. It was too heavy and she dropped to her knees as footsteps came up the stairs. The door was almost ripped from its hinges as the powerful kick crashed it open. She backed away, but knew there was no escape from the blood-stained figure staring across the room at her. The gash on his shoulder was all too evident, but he raised his good arm and pointed at her.


“This is your fault,” Donald accused her. “I told my father we should have gutted you the minute James brought you back.”


“No…,” Jenny cried. “It’s not true. I…”


“Witch,” Donald yelled. “You cursed this clan the minute you entered Lochbrae Castle. Whatever evil spell you used on my brother didn’t work on me and I’ll see to it that you never curse anyone again.”


Jenny continued to back away when he stepped further in the room, but there was nowhere for her to go and she dropped to the floor when she got to the wall behind her.


“Now look at us,” Donald went on in a harsh voice “James is lying dead on the battlefield along with many others from our clan and we have lost to a hated enemy. It’s only a matter of time before they march on the castle and try their best to kill the rest of us.”


Jenny let out a despairing cry as he rushed across the room toward her. She put up her hands to try and defend herself, but she was no match for Donald’s strength. His fury made it all the more potent and he knocked her arms aside and grabbed her hair to drag her to her feet. Her screams were loud, but she knew that no one was going to come and help her.


“Bitch,” Donald bawled in her face. “My clansmen won’t be the only ones to die today.”


He let go of her hair and the back of his hand smashed across her cheekbone to send her crashing to the floor. The pain flared on her face, but she lay still as Donald ominously moved towards her.


“If the Glennet clansmen follow me here,” he spat out in a malicious tone. “It will be to the sight of their bitch spy dying.”


“No…, please,” Jenny let out as she looked up.


Her voice was wretched as she pleaded, but Donald ignored her to drag her back to her feet. She was powerless to stop him as he led her to the door of the room and out to the stairs. He let go of her arm to draw his sword and pointed it at her.


“Climb,” he said.


“Please…,” Jenny begged as the terror of the situation paralyzed her.


“CLIMB,” he screamed.


There was no choice but to do what she was being told and she stumbled up the stairs until she got to the door at the very top. She knew what was outside and her fear grew stronger.

BOOK: A Time Apart: Time Travel Historical Highlander Romance
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