Read A Wrong Turn Towards Love Online

Authors: Pepper Pace

Tags: #Romance, #multicultural, #Fiction, #United States, #interracial, #Erotica, #African American, #Literature & Fiction

A Wrong Turn Towards Love (9 page)

BOOK: A Wrong Turn Towards Love
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“Oh damn…” Bodie whimpered, His hips suddenly pumped wildly into her.
Shaun threw her head back and screeched, sounding much like the wildcats that cried out in the dark. She bounced up and down on the cock that she now rode with frenzied abandon.
“No…” he warned, but it was too late. He could feel his balls tighten. He pushed her away so that he could pull out but she was cumming too and she wailed and bounced even harder.
Bodie felt himself explode within her and he wailed right along with her. It seemed to endure forever; sparks of pleasure prolonging the orgasm even past the point of ejaculation.
Eventually there was not enough energy to even move and Shaun collapsed on top of the big mountain man in total exhaustion. His arms came up around her and she managed a smile.
Damn, what had just happened? It was amazing… “That was too quick,” was what he said even while his mind was thinking half a million different thoughts.
She raised her head from his chest. He could clearly see the damp ringlets surrounding the most beautiful face that he’d ever set eyes on.
“No it wasn’t. I needed that, Bodie. Just like it was.”
Mesmerized, he stroked her back gently. “Shaun,” he said after a few minutes. “Spread out my shirt and those coveralls on the ground.”
She gave him a curious look but did what he asked.
“Lay down.” He helped her. “It’s time for desert,” he said in a lazy country drawl, and then positioned his head between her legs.
The first crack of dawn fell onto the two sleeping figures; arms and legs all a-tangle. The sun was high in the sky before Bodie finally woke up from his cozy slumber.
He grimaced. His back ached, his neck was stiff and his jaw was sore. On top of that he had to piss like a racehorse. But then he stared down at Shaun all cuddled up against him, mouth slack and soft snores escaping and his grimace turned into a grin.
“Shaun, baby.” He gently kissed her neck and shoulder.
“Hmmm.” She stirred.
“Wake up, baby. We need to get up. It’s late in the day.”
She sat up suddenly, completely awake. “Oh…I thought I was dreaming.” Then she smiled. “It was a good dream.”
Bodie looked away unable or unwilling to speak aloud the words that described his feelings about last night. After an awkward moment he stood up on stiff legs and for the first time Shaun got to admire his nude body in all its glory. Damn…he was…damn…
He walked a short piece into the woods and relieved himself. Shaun wasn’t that brave and didn’t want to risk exposing herself to anymore creepy crawlies than what had probably already skittered over her while she slept, so she quickly dressed and found a place to crouch and pee. When she returned to the campsite Bodie had his clothes on and was bringing up his boots.
She knelt down beside him and looked out at the beauty of the surrounding forest. “I never thought I’d say this. But I’m going to miss these woods.”
Bodie paused and looked at her. In that moment there were so many things that he wanted to say to her, to ask her…maybe he was crazy to want it…so in the end he just nodded and finished tying his boots.
Shaun stood up uncertainly and looked for something to do. She kicked dirt on the remnants of last nights fire even though it was dead cold. She wondered if Bodie had any regrets about last night. Maybe the finger in the ass had been too much for him…
“Well,” he said, standing. “I guess we’re ready.”
They were silent as he searched for their reverse trail. Shaun didn’t want to break his concentration, but she so wanted to ask if last night had meant as much to him as it had to her.
She had never experienced anything so powerful or fulfilling. Making love with Bodie had been like experiencing everything for the first time. It was as if she had been walking through life in black and white and then suddenly color had been introduced.
She knew that she couldn’t just walk away from Bodie completely. But how did he feel? Was he just another good ol’ boy that had made the best of an opportunity to take a dip on the black side? Maybe he liked his all-white world up here on the mountain. The idea that last night was nothing more then slam-bam-thank you ma’am chilled her.
So in the end she didn’t ask.
They got back to the truck in the late morning. Shaun was filled with trepidation as they approached it, but nothing seemed out of order. Bodie found a hastily scribbled note on his steering wheel.
Lets say we forget about all this? No harm no foul. Tell that lady we are sorry. If you want me to pay to fix any bodywork to your truck I will just be bringing it to your garage anyway. Sully will be in jail for killing my brother so you will not be able to beat a hole in his ass for shooting at you. But I pretty much took care of that myself.
Bodie was laughing so hard he couldn’t read the note to Shaun so he just passed it to her.
She, on the other hand, was not amused.
“I don’t believe this.” She was shaking her head. “That’s it?! I’m sorry for terrorizing you, for almost kidnapping you, for shooting at you, and sending you on a high speed car chase; we just made a mistake?!”
“No, Bodie!” She pointed at him. “It ain’t okay! I want off this fucking mountain, out of this back wood state and back to Chicago where everybody is normal!”
Bodie started the truck. “You want some coffee first? Get cleaned up-?”
“No! I don’t want any coffee. I don’t want you to drive me to Richmond. I want to go back to the bus station, cash in my ticket and buy another one back to Chicago! Where’s my purse?!” She found it on the floor and searched it for her ticket. “I hate this stupid-ass place!” she muttered and then stared out the window with tears welling up in her eyes.
Bodie drove back to town silently, peeking at her often but seeing nothing but rage on her face.
He pulled up to the bus station in the exact same spot where they had fought off the Klan the day before.
Shaun barely waited for the truck to come to a full stop before she climbed out of it. She hurried to the entrance of the bus station and before pushing the door open she glanced over her shoulder at him one last time. Then she disappeared.
Bodie silently fumed. He ripped open the glove box and retrieved his pack of cigarettes. He smoked it trying to calm his anger. When it was down to the butt he threw it out the window and then peeled out of the parking lot still angry.

Chapter 7

Bodie was working on the engine of Toady Allen’s car. Toady was forever buying junkers for two and three hundred bucks and then expecting Bodie to work miracles. Rebuilding the carburetor wasn’t going to do it. Nothing short of a new engine was going to keep this thing running.
He slammed the hood and fished a rag out of the back pocket of his coveralls and wiped his hands.
It was after nine and he had already sent Pete and Bobby home. He locked up his garage and got into his new car, which was actually older than him. It was a black 1968 Dodge Charger that he had rebuilt over the course of the last six months.
He’d gotten rid of his truck. Somehow his tastes had changed.
At home he took a bath and had a couple of sandwiches then he decided to head over to Stubby’s to unwind. He turned the radio where it was set to a classic R&B channel and grooved to Marvin Gaye’s What’s Going On.
BOOK: A Wrong Turn Towards Love
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