Read Ace-High Flush Online

Authors: Patricia Green

Ace-High Flush (7 page)

BOOK: Ace-High Flush
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The young medical aide showed up a few hours later, and Gabby let her in with a smile, introducing her to her mother.

Her mother was polite, and seemed to accept having a stranger help her for a few hours.

"I wrote a medicine schedule for you, Colette." She showed her the paper. "If she complains of pain and it's not time for her medicine, you can massage her with this camphor stuff."

"Got it."

Gabby liked the intelligent look in the woman's eyes. Even though she was beholden to Ace for finding the service and having them call, it looked like it was going to work out. Relief about her mother's care had lightened her responsibilities for one evening at least. What she'd do when she had to go back to work, she didn't know. It was going to take several weeks of long photo shoots before she'd put together enough money to start paying for an aide all by herself.

One thing at a time.

Ace arrived exactly on schedule, and Gabby said her goodbyes and hurried out to meet him. His warm hug was a luxury. His kiss, a promise of more to come. He drove them to the restaurant, and took her hand as they left the car with the valet.

As they sat waiting for their main entrees to be served, they chatted about their days. Gabby carefully sidestepped any mention of nudity as she talked about possible new opportunities coming up.

"Soon, huh?"

She nodded. "Possibly. My agent said there's a hot prospect. We'll see."

"I know you need the money, sweetheart." He held her hand and rubbed her fingers. "I know it's a burr under your saddle blanket, but your mama mentioned bill collectors the other day. Are you in financial straits?"

Gabby withdrew her hand and put it in her lap, frowning down at the tablecloth. "She shouldn't have said anything. It's nothing I can't handle."

Ace leaned back in his chair, and Gabby could sense his eyes boring a hole in her forehead. "It's not urgent? You're not going to have anything repossessed or like that?"

"No. Gosh no. We have a little credit card debt." The chair she sat in was uncomfortable. She wanted to squirm under his scrutiny. "I don't want to talk about it."

"How much debt?"

"Ace," she hissed, trying to keep her voice down. "I said I don't want to talk about it. I can handle this."

"Alright. You come to me if you get in a tight spot, Gabby."

"Sure. Sure." Maybe she could change the subject. She started asking him about the bagel business and he left the bill collector issue alone. He didn't seem like the kind of person who would let it lie forever, though.

Gabby suggested a walk after dinner, and Ace was amenable to the idea, though he questioned her about Central Park when she recommended that as their destination.

"Isn't it a dangerous place after dark?"

"Not so much anymore," she told him. "Crime in the city is much less than it was."

"You're sure?"

She nodded. "And there are lighted paths. It should be fine."

Ace considered that for a moment, but agreed.

A few minutes later, they were walking in the park. The summer night was warm, but Ace appeared comfortable in his well-tailored suit. Gabby was glad she'd opted for a summer-weight dress, but her feet were going to kill her the next day. She pushed that consideration away and reminded herself to concentrate on the present. Tomorrow be damned.

A solitary loon called out as they walked by the Central Park Zoo, but they soon left it behind. The paths were well lit, but no one was about, despite the mild night.

As they neared East Drive, not far from the pond, they heard a scuffle in the bushes. Maybe it was a dog trapping a rabbit. Ace went on high-alert, making sure she was on his left side, leaving his stronger right side open.

"I'm sure it's nothing."

He listened intently. "I don't like it. It sounds like people."

She giggled. "Maybe a couple ducked into the bushes to—"

There was a groan and more thrashing about. A man's voice said, "Please, no!" The plea was followed by a grunt and a moan.

A sick wave of fear washed over her.


"I know, li'l girl." He led her under the light stand nearby. "I'm gonna check into it."

More scuffling noises and groans, and a reedy cry. "Ace, I'm scared. Let's go."

"I can't leave if someone's gettin' hurt. Stay here under this light."

"I have pepper spray, do you want it?"

"No. You keep your hand on it though." He reached into his boot and withdrew a black-bladed knife.

"Don't go, Ace. Don't."

"I have to. Somebody could be gettin' killed in there."

Dread wrapped a gray hand around her heart as she watched Ace slowly move into the bushes. She sent a silent prayer skyward.

"Hey! That’s enough of that! Back off!"

It was Ace's voice, raised in warning. Someone cursed and there was more scuffling. It sounded like fists thudding into flesh for a moment, with attendant grunts.

Maybe Ace was in trouble. Maybe the knife wasn't enough. Maybe he needed her pepper spray. She might be able to help him. Gabby climbed into the shrubbery, following the sounds and silently cursing her flimsy sandals.

Not far in, she came to a small clear patch, where tall trees kept out most of the moonlight. There was a person on the ground, and Ace was bending over him. Footsteps ran away through bushes across the clearing, and a man with a watchcap was scrambling to his feet. He soon ran away, limping slightly.

That left Ace, Gabby and the fallen man alone.


His voice was harsh when he answered her. "What the Sam Hill are you doin' here, Gabby? I told you to stay under the light!"

She came a little closer. "I thought maybe you needed help."

He growled. "You have got to learn to mind me, woman."

"I'm sorry." She was near where Ace was kneeling. "What happened?"

Ace prodded the fallen man, and elicited a groan. "Some young thugs—three of them—were muggin' this homeless guy. He's hurt, but I think he's comin' 'round."

"We should go. They might come back."

He gave her a scathing look. "And leave him here? What kind of man do you think I am?"

She realized she was being selfish and cowardly, but she was shivering with fear. It would have been out of character for Ace to desert a wounded man, no matter the danger. She wouldn't have respected him had he done that. Gabby straightened her shoulders and took a deep breath. "You're right. How can I help?"

"Help me tend him a bit. Is he bleedin' anywhere serious?"

Together they made sure nothing was going to kill the man within minutes. It was hard to see in the dark, but he might have been an Asian man, maybe 45 years old. His face was bloodied, though, so he could have been older or younger. His clothes were torn, but when Gabby touched him, she recognized the good quality of the cloth of his coat. If he was a homeless guy, he was one with a good tailor.

"Gabby, call 9-1-1 on your cellphone."

"Right. How will I tell them where in Central Park to find us?"

"Use your GPS app."

"Okay." She made the call and the police dispatcher said that officers would be there soon.

The poor man was groaning steadily now, still semi-conscious, and unable to answer questions. He was beat up badly. They waited with him until they heard noises and police radios in the bushes.

"Here! We're here!"

Uniformed policemen came into the clearing, and soon ambulance attendants arrived and the place was swarming with first responders.

Ace and Gabby shrank back away from the man as the EMTs stabilized him.

The next two hours were spent giving their accounts of the incident and providing information to the police. Ace made sure the attendants knew that if there weren't public funds to cover the man's medical issues, he'd be willing to help, and contact charities who might also donate. When they were excused for the night, it was almost midnight and they were both tired, their adrenalin spikes a thing of the past.

Once they were in Ace's hotel room, Ace pulled her into his arms and held her tight. "It's alright, li'l girl. I've got you."

Gabriella snuggled against him, breathing in his warm scent of cologne and Ace, and listening to his steady heartbeat. His jacket had a hole in the seam up near the shoulder, and her fingers found it, playing with the rough edges. She'd noted earlier that his knuckles were abraded and red. It appalled her that he'd actually fought the homeless man's attackers off all by himself. He could have been hurt, even killed!

"Do you always carry a knife in your boot?"

He nodded. "Except when I'm travelin' by air."

"Have you ever needed it before?"

"It's come in handy over the years."

Gabby raised her head and looked up at his face. His jaw was tight, but his eyes were warm on her as he stared down. "I hardly know you."

"We're workin' on that, sweetheart."

She pulled back and pushed her hair away from her face. A shower was definitely in order. "I need to wash up."

"Me, too. But we have a little unfinished business. You go get undressed and we'll have our

Something about the way he said it made it sound ominous. Was he going to say goodbye and take her home early? Had her behavior during the night's incident made her repulsive to him? No, he wouldn't have cuddled her like he did. He would have been cold, remote. But then again, she couldn't imagine Ace not being a gentleman, responding to a woman's needs for comfort and security, when it was needed. Only something awful could take away his chivalry.

"I'm not sure what we need to discuss, Ace, but I need a shower."

"Go get undressed."

"'K." A few minutes later, she'd folded her wrinkled dress and tossed her flimsy shoes in a corner of the suite's bedroom. Her underwear got put aside. Naked, she called his name, and he came into the room. He'd took off his jacket and rolled his sleeves up. His gaze wrapped her up like a fur coat, and she reveled in the burgeoning response on his face and down lower, in his pants.

Maybe he wasn't rejecting her early. Maybe he was going to say something incredibly romantic. Could he be in love with her? A little thrill went through her at that idea, accompanied by a thudding sense of dread. It would never work. She couldn't fall in love with him. She had too much going on, too many secrets, too much responsibility. There was no time for a real relationship. There might never be time.

"You're in trouble, li’l girl."

Gabby felt like someone had spilled ice water in her lap. "Huh?"

He came closer and took her upper arms in his hands, leading her over to the bed. "You didn't mind when I told you to stay under the light where it was safe. You came traipsin' into danger like it was a shoe store."

"I thought you might need help!"

"What were you plannin' on doin' to help me?"

"I had my pepper spray."

"Have you ever used it?"

She bit her lower lip, growing defensive. "No. So what?"

"You're nearly as likely to spray yourself in the face, unless you practice with it, Gabby. The wind can blow it back at you and you'd be incapacitated, one more person for me to be concerned about durin' a fight. Or you could have sprayed me by mistake, leavin’ me to fight those men with my eyes waterin’."

Wow. "I...I didn't know that."

He shook his head, and stood her by the bed. When his hands went to his belt, she knew she was in deep trouble.

"You're not going to spank me with that belt, are you? You're going to take off your pants and we're going to make love, right?"

He quirked a dark eyebrow at her. "What do you think?"

Her butt hurt already, just thinking about it. "I'm really sorry that I worried you. I won't do it again. Honest."

"No, you'll mind for a while, then probably need another whoopin’."

Her temper flashed. "There won't be 'a while'! You're going back to Texas tomorrow."

He shook his head. "The police want me to stick around so I can identify those robbers."


"Yeah, 'oh.'" He tossed his belt aside, and gestured toward the bed as he began to unbutton his shirt. "Climb onto the bed, li'l girl."

Relief washed over Gabriella. No spanking, only a reprimand. Joyfully, she crawled over the comforter and laid herself out at the center of the bed. She watched him undress, and her ardor grew. He was so solid, and hard in all the places she was soft and cushy. She loved the way they fit together.

Gabby held her arms out to him as he knelt on the bed. She couldn't figure out why he didn't look happy in anticipation of joining with her, but he took her in his arms and all confusion flitted away, replaced by excitement. She was wet and eager to be filled.

He fitted her knees around his hips and ran his cock over her wet center, teasing her with each stroke over her clit. But he didn't penetrate her, and she wanted it badly. Ace kissed her breasts, teasing her nipples, and slid down her body to nibble at her belly, then worked his way up to her mouth. Their kiss was harsh, his possession of her mouth brutal. Gabby reveled in it, taking as much as she was giving. Their escape from danger made her want to grab on and not let go.

Once again he slid down her body, kissing and nibbling as he went. When he got to her pussy, he got kissing-close and breathed on her. The warmth excited her more and she moaned, running her hands through his hair, encouraging him to taste her. Instead, he knelt up and spread her knees apart more.

"You've got to learn to mind me, Gabriella," he told her, raising his hand to bring it straight down to smack her pussy.

She cried out. The pain was sharp, both from the shock of the blow and because it insulted her tender nerve endings. "Ow! Ace!"

He slapped her again, and she tried to draw her legs together, but he was kneeling between them. She squealed and protested with each spank, and there were plenty for her to complain about. Her quim was on fire, her clit engorged and throbbing. Gabby couldn't quite tell if she was more excited or more anguished. The combination was potent, and she knew she was getting wetter, despite the misery of her burning pussy.

BOOK: Ace-High Flush
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