Read After the Hurt Online

Authors: Shana Gray

After the Hurt (9 page)

BOOK: After the Hurt
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Fuck if it didn't feel as if it were happening now and not only as a memory. Leaning down, their lips had clashed and she'd nipped at his tongue then flung her head back. Her hair had been a brilliant arch reflecting the warm glow of the flames as she cried out with pleasure. He'd buried his face between her breasts, muffling the sound of his own pleasure and release. The memories, so real and vivid, of the spicy cinnamon scent of her skin as it warmed with her passion, seemed to hover on the air now. Tank bit back a groan and pressed his hand against his growing erection at the vivid memory.

“We did have some good times.” His voice didn't want to work for him and the words croaked. Pepper glanced at him; he knew she could tell what he'd been thinking. Her lips curved into a slight smile, one side rising higher than the other. The urge to lean over and kiss the other side made him sit forward, but he arrested the movement and settled back, making sure his hand rested loosely over his groin, cradling the glass.

The top she wore emphasized her tan and he wondered if it was an all-over one. He stiffened more. She'd done her fair share of nude sunbathing whenever they had a place private enough. She turned away to look around the room, the soft curve of her cheek ripe and dewy. His gaze ran over her features and down the lean elegance of her neck. Where he'd loved to bury his face and breathe in her subtle essence. Tank imagined pushing away the collar of her blouse to kiss the bow of her shoulder, letting his mouth wander to the smooth swell of her breasts. He could almost feel the rise of her nipples against his palm and longed to hear a moan slip from her lips as he tweaked the nipples into tighter buds. Did she have on a sexy little bra? He was hard-pressed to keep silent and took a quick sip of the single malt to stop it. It wasn't just their amazing sex, though, there had been so much more to them. Something he thought would have been for life. Only, she changed all that the moment she left.

“It's so nice here. You've done a great job.” He saw her body relax into the pillows. She was content and he was happy with that.

The difference in her was extraordinary. What happened to the fiery Pepper, the woman who nearly burst out of her skin to have her way? The more time he was around her the more he picked up on her differences. Her edginess still lurked below the surface. He wondered what would make it erupt like a volcano. But there was something else. Something he couldn't quite put his finger on. Whatever it was, it had changed her and he was beginning to think it might be a good change.

“What brought you back, Pepper? Do you still have money left? Are you okay?” There it was, out on the table. What he'd been wanting to ask since she'd showed up last night.

“I'm doing okay. How about you?” She swung her deep violet eyes to him and he was captivated. But he still sensed the mask she wore was firmly in place.

“Fine. It's all good,” he answered, but he wanted her to tell him more.

“Is it, really?”

“Sure, why wouldn't it be?”

“You just seem a little different.” She didn't let go of his gaze.

“Really? Well, remember, we haven't seen each other in a while. People do change.” He kept eye contact with her.

She nodded and sipped from her glass before saying anything. “Very true.” Her gaze slid away and she stared at the fire again.

He could tell she was keeping something from him and he wondered what. Had something happened? What was making her so guarded? Her features relaxed for a moment and her mask slipped, showing him a brief flash of sensitivity he'd not often seen.

He put his glass down on the coffee table and slid closer to her. He could no longer deny the urge to have her in his arms, even if it was only a casual hug. Their kiss earlier today still lingered in his blood. He lifted his arm and held it for the briefest moment before settling it over her shoulders. When she leaned imperceptibly closer, he curled his hand around her shoulder and was pleased when her body sagged into him. Tank tightened his arm. He pulled her close and stayed silent enjoying her familiar spicy scent. The quiet and subdued moment didn't stop his blood from flowing like lava in his veins.

Pepper rested her head on him but kept her hands in her lap, one held the glass. If she'd reached her arm across his stomach, it would have been the end of him. He glanced down. Her blouse gaped open, exposing the delicious valley of her breasts, and his heart leapt. He enjoyed the view for a moment and then looked away, feeling guilty. He was glad the pillow had fallen into his lap, camouflaging his growing erection. God, he was dying here.

As they finished their drinks and watched the fire, he didn't say a word; neither did she. Tank was content with the silence and her nearness. She must have been as well. They sat that way until the fire died down. A log snapped, falling in the grate. Pepper jumped. She sat forward, placed her glass on the table, then reached her hands over her head, stretching. He watched every move she made and didn't care if she caught him staring when she turned to look at him.

“Thanks.” Pepper smiled.

“Any time.” Although he wasn't sure for what. She stood, all fluid loveliness. Every move she made was magic and pushed all the right buttons, reminding him of their kiss earlier today. He wondered just how far he would have let it go if Olivia hadn't shown up.

His fingers twitched to touch her and his lips hummed to crush hers with his. He was growing antsy, and the fact she was making a move to leave was almost a relief, even though he dared to think how nice it would be for her to stay. Tank shook his head and reminded himself it wasn't right. A lot of time had passed and he needed to find out what her situation was. She still hadn't answered his question either. He had to figure out his own head too, and what he truly thought about her return. It had been too much of a whirlwind and he needed time to think. His day had been off-the-charts crazy.

“Penny for your thoughts.” Pepper's voice brought him back to the present and he looked at her, almost drowning in her violet eyes.

She stood by the window, the backdrop of falling snow creating a halo around her. He couldn't look away and wondered where his resolve to hate her forever had disappeared to. His anger at Pepper after she left seemed to be waning somewhat. When she showed up in the bar last night the icy rage came roaring back to the surface. Her timing had been horrible and perfect at the same time. Now here they were in the same room, behaving in this moment like nothing had happened at all. Like the slate had been wiped clean. Why was it the longer she was around the more his anger seemed to fade?

He knew he'd have to work out some kind of agreement with her to split the business. He would call Meg in the morning and have her rush the papers. He stood and when he did, Pepper stepped toward him, leaning down to pick up their empty glasses.

“Think I should go; it's getting late.”

“It is.” Tank nodded and followed her to the door. She stopped and turned to face him. He looked down into her smoky eyes and damned if there wasn't another crack in the lump of ice that centered in his chest. She seemed to be waiting for something and he raised his eyebrows.

“The key?” she asked quietly.

“Oh yeah, right.” A flash of embarrassment that he'd completely forgotten about the key was followed by disappointment that it was all she wanted from him. He fished it out of the pocket and led the way to her apartment. “It can be a bit tricky.”

“If you say so.”

He thought he heard humor in her voice with an underlying purr. Tank glanced at her. She was watching his hands. He fiddled with the key until the locks clicked free. After pushing the door open, he held it with one hand and stepped aside so she could get by. She hesitated in front of him but didn't look in his direction, keeping her focus on the floor.

What is she waiting for?

A kiss? A good-night hug? After their loss of control this afternoon, he wasn't about to tempt fate again. As much as he wanted to pull her into his arms, a simple good night would have to do. They had a lot to talk about before tumbling into bed together again. If they ever did.

“Night.” He was first to speak.

“Good night.” He barely heard her voice. A quick glance over her shoulder and she was gone. She closed the door quietly behind her, leaving him alone in the hall with the strangest sensation of loss.

Chapter 8

Pepper lay in bed wide awake. The light from outside played across the ceiling, mesmerizing her. She decided today she hated winter. It had never been one of her favorite seasons, but after coming home from the glorious South Pacific and beaches of Bali, she'd turned into a true tropical girl.

The snow had ramped up into a full-on blizzard. After watching it for a while through the window, all she wanted to do was crawl into bed and hide from it. Pretend Tank was next to her. She flung her hand out and frowned when it struck the cold, empty sheets. A kaleidoscope of shapes from the streetlights danced across the beamed roof, creating a perfect canvas for Pepper to lose herself in. She thought about Tank.

He was on the other side of the wall. Alone. Just like her. Had he softened a little bit? It sure seemed like it when he put his arm around her. She wasn't quite sure how to react and tried to keep her calm when all she wanted to do was crawl into his lap and curl up in the safety of his arms.
Hopefully that will come.

What had made him hug her? It was confusing and a complete surprise. Yet so wonderful. Snuggling into him had been so calming. Like she could shed all the worry and angst, even if only for a little while. She'd be safe and secure, not having to be on guard for every little thing like she'd had to for the past six months. Something she had missed terribly without realizing it until now. After tonight and his reaction to her, she knew coming home had been the right thing. She just had to convince him of that. His essence was still on her and she wrapped her arms around herself, not wanting to let it go. His aura, his energy, knitted right into her soul and lodged itself there.

She craved him. Wanted him here now. Her body hummed for him, letting her know just how much it needed to feel him. But he wasn't here; he was next door. Pepper closed her eyes and imagined his hands on her. Skimming over her skin, roaming and igniting her excitement. She grew aroused for him and it quickly rose to a fever pitch. Even just a virtual Tank could do this to her. In real life he was so terribly good too. The best. She let her mind wander.

Any number of images could have sprung forth. All could easily be used to fulfill her fantasy and slake her desire. She relaxed and let a memory pick her up to sweep her along on a lusty journey. The night they christened the club on the sofa by the fireplace downstairs had been one of the most erotic moments of her life. She remembered Tank leaning over her, assaulting her with sensation and touch until she'd squirmed under him. She'd begged him for release, but he'd denied her.

“I want to play with you,” he'd told her.

Pepper shivered in the bed now and imagined his hands on her breasts. She wasn't restrained, like she had been back then. She remembered how his kooky tie had come in handy that night. She'd never forget the intensity in his eyes as he'd lashed her arms above her head.

Pressing her into the couch, he'd tasted her. Licked and kissed every curve and rise of her body. Pulling on her peaked nipples until she was quivering, flicking them with his tongue as they rose to hard, demanding peaks. While he'd suckled on her, his hands slid lower to push her thighs apart. Here, now, lost in her fantasy, her body trembled with desire. The image of Tank cradled between her thighs back then seemed so real in her dark, hushed, lonely bedroom.

Pepper squeezed her eyes shut and let her thoughts bring Tank to bed with her now. She cupped her breasts as he had that night and flicked her thumbs over the stiffened nipples. The sensitivity of them took her breath away. She slipped her hand lower, over her belly, until she pressed lightly against her swollen folds seeking her stiffened flesh. She turned her face to the pillow and let it conceal her moan, even though there was no need to.
Pepper clenched the muscles in her bottom and a delicious thrill ran through her pelvis.

Her slow swirling fingers and Tank's image brought her closer to bliss. When the delicate throbbing began in her belly, Pepper increased the pressure on her clit. She held her breath, so close to falling into a pool of tummy-quivering release. Through the haze of her desire, thoughts of Tank, and soft moans, she heard a sound unnatural to the quiet of the room and the hum of her passion.

Pepper teetered, trying to hold back from coming so she could try to identify the noise, but she was too far gone. Her body trembled on the bed and a small puff of breath whooshed from her as the first wave of release rolled over her. Pepper grasped the sheets in a desperate struggle not to make a sound while her orgasm crashed around her.

She tried to get under control quickly and rolled to her side, keeping herself from panting and reaching for the carved wooden club she always kept next to her bed. It was a habit learned on her travels that she continued to keep: Always be prepared and have protection against nighttime intruders.

Pepper swung her trembling legs over the edge of the bed, adjusted her tank top and sleeping shorts, and stood. She tiptoed to the bedroom doorway. Her hair fell across her face. Shoving a hand through it, she peered into the darkened living room. The loft was hushed. Only the hum of appliances made a sound. She cocked her head to the side and listened, staring into the blackness, but couldn't hear anything else. Not much light crept through the closed living room blinds, but there was enough to make a slight distinction in the shadows. Some were darker than others.

Then she heard the old plank floor creak. Alarm tingled along her spine in hot sparks, melting into searing heat at the base. Her vision burst with colors and her nostrils cleared.

She heard another creak. Someone was walking around. Pepper gripped the club tighter and looked for her phone in the shadowy room. She swore under her breath. It had to be in the kitchen. A beam of light pierced the darkness. Prickles of fear shot down the backs of her arms and Pepper held her breath, flattening herself to the wall. They were in the den.

Should she call out? No, that would be dumb. She needed her phone! A scraping noise broke the quiet. The urge to flee burned inside her, making her muscles twitch. She slipped along the wall, keeping a sharp eye on the doorway to the den. She had to get to the kitchen, grab her phone, and get out the door before being noticed.

Feeling her way along the wall, she kept her gaze on the darkened doorway of the den and fought to breathe in slow steady breaths. There was a louder clank, and booted feet thumped on the floor. Then a shadow passed by the opening. Pepper froze and waited with held breath while more sounds and beams of light carved through the inky darkness. What were they looking for? She had to move or it wouldn't be long before they discovered her.

Pepper's heart pounded in her ears and the urge to dash overwhelmed her. She drew in a few quick breaths, telling herself it was now or never. Enough of creeping, and to hell with her phone.

One. Two…three!

She darted to the door and pulled on the handle. It wouldn't move. She was locked in. She fumbled with the knob until the tumblers finally turned over. Pepper panted. She was positive the thief would hear the rumble of the lock and her rasping breath. The muscles in her back trembled, waiting to be touched or grabbed by whoever was in the other room. Finally as if a gunshot rang out, the tumblers fell into place, she hauled the door open and slipped through, flying down the hall to Tank's door.

Pepper pounded on it with the club. She bounced on her toes, scared shitless, while trying to be quiet. When he didn't come right away, she banged harder. Noises from her apartment grew louder. She heard footsteps and what sounded like furniture being pushed around.

“Oh God, Tank, open the door!” she said, her voice barely above a whisper, and she flattened herself to the wood, hoping the deep door frame would hide her. Pepper banged again and finally the door gave way. She pushed it with all her might and fell into the room against a hard body.



Tank caught her as she flew through the door into his arms. She was in a high state of panic and obviously frightened out of her wits, her hair a wild mass of flaming tendrils and her face flushed. She clung to him, breathless, her fingers digging into his arms. He gripped her shoulders and lowered his gaze to her, wanting to get her to focus on him and tell him what was wrong.

“S-someone…is…in…the apartment.” She gasped for breath before continuing and closed her eyes for a second before opening them. The violet depths were turbulent and bright. “They're…looking…for…s-something.”

He gripped her tighter and gave a little shake. She had to steady herself. “Calm down. Tell me what happened, slowly.”

She nodded and panted, then took a big breath and let it out between pursed lips. “I was sleeping,” she hiccupped. “Something, someone woke me up. Noises came from the other room —”

“Stay put.” Anger boiled in his gut. A break-in! Without thinking, he grabbed a baseball bat from the umbrella stand by the door and sprinted into the hall with the bat raised above his head. The hall was clear. Then he heard a light click when the door at the end of the hallway shut. Tank raced down the corridor and pushed the fire door wide. Cold air rushed up the stairwell.

The clatter of footsteps at the bottom reached him. Tank jumped down the stairs by threes, gripping the railing to swing himself around the turns. The exterior door was open a crack, letting in the frigid winter air and flurry of snowflakes. He sidled to the edge and peered around. He couldn't see anyone, just a few parked cars. He stepped outside. The frosty night hit him with a blast.


He took a quick look around the parking lot and didn't see anyone. The blisteringly cold snow stung his bare feet, forcing him back inside.

“Tank. Are you all right?” Pepper's voice echoed down the stairwell.

“Yep.” He let the door close and ensured it was firmly shut and locked before running back up the stairs.

“Did you see anyone?”

He glanced up to the top landing. Pepper stood with her arms crossed over her breasts, rubbing her legs together in the chilled air. Her hair blew like wildfire around her face from the icy gust of wind breathing up the stairwell. She had that just-been-made-love-to look and he wished he'd been the one to put it there. This late-night drama was not expected. Tank wrapped his arm around her shoulder and she snuggled up to him.

“No; whoever it was is long gone. Come on, it's friggin' freezing.”

He led her into the apartment and was glad the throw rug at the front door caught in the threshold, propping it open. Otherwise they'd have the whole key dilemma all over again. He went in first and switched on all the lights.

“Shh.” He listened to see if anyone else was lurking about.

“What? Do you hear something?” she whispered, leaning in to his back so he felt the press of her breasts against him.

“No. Just checking.” He stepped toward the den. “Were they in there?”


“Where's your phone?”

“In the kitchen.” She stepped out from behind him. He watched her walk away, letting his gaze eat her up. Her long tanned thighs and calf muscles were tight and nicely shaped under her firm flesh. She was much more muscular than she had been and it made him wonder again about her trip. What had she done, experienced, and seen? Looking at her athletic legs, bare and lean, reminded him how perfectly he fit cradled between her thighs.

Ah, sweet Jesus.

She came back and this time he appreciated her from the front. The tight pink T-shirt showed every dip, curve, and swell. The dusky areolae behind the thin fabric and her large nipples rose up to tease him. She made him hornier than hell and he itched to hold her breasts in his palms. Pepper's hips curved sensually under the baby doll shorts and his cock grew heavy just looking at her.

Now's not the time.

She handed him the phone and slipped her arm around his waist. He pulled her tight and dialed 911. “The police should be here for this.”

The night seemed to drag after the cops arrived. They asked questions, took some photos, and looked for prints. Nothing was found and it didn't appear that anything had been taken. There seemed to be no purpose to the break-in. Tank didn't keep anything of value in the apartment and Pepper had only her suitcases. The only issue was entry into the building. Did they have a key and if so, how? Was the door left open? Perhaps Pepper had somehow unlocked the loft door and that's how they got in. She admitted she was tired enough to have made the mistake. The police really couldn't pinpoint it to anything specific, so they reported it as a random break-in.

The cops would file an occurrence report and told Tank to call if anything further was discovered. They also advised him to change the locks. Finally, after all the hullabaloo, they were alone. Tank was exhausted, but he didn't want to leave Pepper by herself. If the person had a key, they could still come back until the locks were changed. Although highly unlikely, there was still a remote chance.

“Listen, stay here. I'll be right back.”

She gripped his arm. “Where're you going?”

She still looked rattled and he knew he was right about what he was going to do.

“To lock my door. I'm staying here with you until morning.”

“You don't have to do that. I'll be okay.”

He tipped her chin with his forefinger. “All the same, I'd rather be here. If that loser has a key they could come back any time and, if they do, I want to be here.”

She smiled at him and his heart skipped a beat. Oh man, he was falling under her spell in a hurry. He left the loft and made sure the door clicked shut behind him. Tank didn't feel safe leaving her alone, even if only for a few moments. In his loft he quickly grabbed his phone and a sweater and shoved his feet in a pair of slippers. After snagging his keys from the counter, he made sure his door was locked, then knocked on hers.

BOOK: After the Hurt
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