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Authors: Ann Aguirre


BOOK: Aftermath
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“Fraught with action, farewells, and sorrow . . . Fans of this series won’t be able to put
down . . . Ms. Aguirre has left the reader hanging with a finish that guarantees the reader will be on pins and needles waiting for the next installment.”

Fresh Fiction
“A fabulous book . . . Fans of the big SF flicks out there, from
Star Wars
, will find everything they love about those stories in this one. Princesses, spaceship battles, monsters, lasers, and aliens,
has it all and is poised to thrust this series into a strong, tight spin to its (I hope) victorious end.”

“Rife with huge, tender emotions, rough anguish that makes me cry, and . . . snatches of joy that make all of that anguish worthwhile . . . This is the kind of story that makes the emotional roller coaster of reading so appealing.”

Lurv a la Mode
“Oh wow! I literally inhaled this book, and I could not put it down . . . an epic space opera with lots of space battles and action that does not stop until the last few pages . . . I highly, highly recommend the series as it’s one of the best, if not the best sci-fi romantic series that combines action and plot . . . five out of five stars!”

The Book Pushers
“Ann Aguirre blows me away in each book, and
may be her best yet.”

Smexy Books
“That I’ve become emotionally invested in these characters is a good thing; it’s indicative of Ann Aguirre’s stellar ability to create nuanced, painfully real, and vital individuals.”

Tempting Persephone
“Aguirre had tears running down my face . . . another fantastic story by Ann Aguirre, and if you haven’t started the Sirantha Jax series yet, you really need to.”

Literary Escapism
“The world-building was not only tight but excellent. Ms. Aguirre weaves some amazing cultural, environmental, and physical details into the Ithtorian world that I found fascinating, and it is what made this book stand out for me.”

Impressions of a Reader
“One of my favorite aspects of this series is Jax. I love her as a heroine, and this book really allows Jax to shine . . . If you are a fan of this series, you know the ending will have you flipping through the calendar to see when it is time for the next in the series. This book puts things into motion, [and] I cannot wait to see where they go from here. Rating: five stars.”

Smexy Books
“What marks this series as excellent is the complexity of character . . . Plus, there’s the fact that Ann Aguirre tells a good story, plain and simple . . .
was a fantastic installment in the series, and, while being immensely satisfying, it still left me wanting more in the best possible way.”

Tempting Persephone
“Aguirre’s rich and descriptive world and characters are as solid as ever in
, so established fans will definitely want to continue with their story.”

“Sirantha Jax is already a character we can’t help but love—independent, brash, funny, and brave. But in this book, she is also forced to look at herself . . . That she comes out on the other side better for the examination speaks both to her character and to Aguirre’s immense skills as a writer . . . I can say I eagerly look forward to more. This is spacefaring science fiction romance at its best.”

Spacefreighters Lounge

is not just the latest chronicle of Sirantha Jax; it is without a doubt the greatest as well. High stakes, crackling tension, and a tangled web of political intrigue would have been amazing enough, but the entire book is built on strong characters and stronger relationships between them, which is proof that you really can have it all. If you read Ann Aguirre, that is.”

Moira Rogers: Where Things Go Bump & Grind in the Night
“Fast-paced and thrilling,
is pure adrenaline. Sirantha Jax is an unforgettable character, and I can’t wait to find out what happens to her next. The world Ann Aguirre has created is a roller-coaster ride to remember.”
—Christine Feehan, #1
New York Times
bestselling author of
Dark Predator
“The details of communication, travel, politics, and power in a greedy, lively universe have been devised to the last degree but are presented effortlessly. Aguirre has the mastery and vision which come from critical expertise: She is unmistakably a true science fiction fan, writing in the genre she loves.”

The Independent
“A thoroughly enjoyable blend of science fiction, romance, and action, with a little something for everyone, and a great deal of fun. It’s down and dirty, unafraid to show some attitude.”

SF Site
“A terrific first novel full of page-turning action, delightful characters, and a wry twist of humor. Romance may be in the air. Bullets, ugly beasties, and really nasty bad guys definitely are.”
—Mike Shepherd, national bestselling author of
the Kris Longknife series
“An irresistible blend of action and attitude. Sirantha Jax doesn’t just leap off the page—she storms out, kicking, cursing, and mouthing off. No wonder her pilot falls in love with her; readers will, too.”
—Sharon Shinn, national bestselling author of
Troubled Waters
“A tightly written, edge-of-your-seat read.”
—Linnea Sinclair, RITA Award–winning author of
Rebels and Lovers
Also by Ann Aguirre
Sirantha Jax Series
Corine Solomon Series
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An Ace Book / published by arrangement with the author
Ace mass-market edition / September 2011
Copyright © 2011 by Ann Aguirre.
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For Liam
As ever, I start with my agent, Laura Bradford. We’re both busier than we used to be, but that means we can have a meaningful conversation in a few words. She still handles all my concerns with her customary aplomb, ever a source of reassurance, good sense, and valuable advice.
Next, I salute Anne Sowards, who saw Jax’s potential . . . and who usually doesn’t like first-person, present tense. I’m glad you made an exception. Our heroine’s come a long way with your hand on the rudder, so thank you for your expertise. There’s only one book left, and I’m proud of what we’ve accomplished. Thank you. And it’s about time Jax got her happy ending, isn’t it?
BOOK: Aftermath
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