Read Ain't No Wifey 2 Online

Authors: Jahquel J.

Tags: #United States, #African American, #Urban, #Romance

Ain't No Wifey 2 (9 page)

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey 2
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              Once she was finished nursing, I put her back in the crib and covered her up with a blanket. She was the replica of Minka and Micah mixed. I didn’t know how they had such a perfectly blended baby but it made me sick. I quietly closed her room door and backed out the room. Soon as I turned around I heard someone coming up the stairs so I hid in the hall closet next to the baby’s room. I looked out the cracked door and saw it was the nanny with her ear glued to the phone.

              Ever since Minka got back into Miami shit had been going south for me. Kareema’s ass wouldn’t answer her phone and she was busy filming on her show. Micah managed to get the case I had with Minka thrown out. The judge couldn’t believe it went on as long as it did in California. I showed up dressed to the nines, ready to see my man and they didn’t even show up. I looked like a complete idiot.

              She peeked into the room and looked around. I guess she felt someone was watching her. Bitch, I was. She sat on the ottoman in the hallway, which blocked me from leaving. She was giggling and bragging to some nigga on the phone. Her voice was getting on my nerves, dumb bitch. Miya started to cry so she hung up the phone and went to tend to her. I used that as my escape route. I ran out the house to my car as fast as my six-month belly would take me.




              I shielded my eyes from the sun that was peeking into my bedroom. The morning came so fast I thought as I got out the bed. I walked down the hall and smell was enough to make my stomach turn. I opened the guest bedroom floor and looked at Byron’s dead body sprawled on the floor. I shook my head and sprayed the room with air freshener.

              Byron couldn’t accept that I was having a baby by another man so he had to go. If he couldn’t understand that Micah and I were going to be together I didn’t need him in my life. I looked around the room for something to help me move him. I needed to freshen the room up or else the smell would take over the entire house. I rolled him on a white sheet and pulled him into the closet. I started to clean the blood and the bodily fluids he released when I plunged the knife in his heart.  

              After getting everything cleaned up and cleaning myself up I dialed Micah’s number and listened to him say hello a million times before he hung up. I sighed and sat back on the couch. I looked up at a car pulling into my driveway and panicked. The women strutted to the front door and knocked on the door. I started to hide but I didn’t need her coming back. I swung open the door and she looked shocked to see me.

              “Hi, is my cousin here?” she asked,

              “No, why would he be here? Byron hasn’t been home in a week,” I replied, picking my nails.

              “He told me to come by and sign some contracts for something I was working on. I don’t understand why he wouldn’t be here. This is his house… right?” she probed. I didn’t like how she was questioning me and I damn sure didn’t like how she was staring at me.

              “Like I just said, he hasn’t been home in over a week. If you see him, tell him his fiancé is looking for him,” I barked then slammed the door in her face. She stood around for a minute and hopped in her car and left. I didn’t know if she believed what I said but I hoped like hell she did. I didn’t have time to kill another person. 







“Wake that sexy ass up, snow bunny,” I demanded and slapped her ass. She giggled and stirred from her sleep while looking at me.

“I’m up. What do you want to do today?” she asked, stretching up arms. I rolled my eyes at her needy ass. I didn’t want her like she wanted me. Lisa, the owner of the Miami Dolphin’s daughter and one of Micah’s many jump-offs came into my life for a reason. I was the reason. I sought her out for three weeks straight before I approached her. She was snotty at first but once she cracked that first smile I knew I had her. After fucking for only two weeks, I was already living in the bitch’s penthouse. I drove whatever car I wanted and had money at my disposal all because I laid good pipe down.

While on my stake-out of Minka’s house, I ran across some skinny bitch hightailing it across the lawn to her car. I was confused as to why she had Minka’s license plate on her car. Shit was getting more bizarre the more I followed and watched Minka’s ass. How many people did this bitch piss off? Lisa was just someone where to lay my head, fuck and floss with. I needed as much money as possible after I killed Minka and Ashley before dipping to Haiti.

Speaking of Ashley, the bitch sure knows how to move from one nigga to another. Last I heard she was with Aaron’s non-singing ass, now she was with a new rookie basketball player. Where the fuck was my son while she being a thot?

              “Juelz, I really want this to work with us. I could see me and you getting married,” she said. My eyes popped out my head. Here this bitch go with this shit, she barely knew my ass. I was about to become a damn murderer in a few short days and she wanted to marry a nigga. White bitches, can’t live with and can’t live without them.

              “That’s all nice, Lisa. After I finish this mission with the CIA, I’m going back to Haiti, baby,” I lied; her ass thought I was a damn spy. She was so damn gullible it wasn’t funny.

              “I can come with you, baby. We can start a business, buy or build a home there and eventually get married.” A light bulb went off in my head when she said that.

              “You’re right, baby. How about you fly to Aruba and get us a house or condo there.”

              “I thought you said Haiti. Why Aruba?” she looked a little skeptical. Maybe she wasn’t that stupid.

              “I changed my mind. I want to be somewhere tropic, disclosed, and away from everybody. If this is too soon, baby, we can wait.” She sat and I guess thought about it. She swung her arms around my neck and kissed me.

              “I will take daddy’s jet this weekend. We will be prefect for each other, baby. I just know it.” she jumped up and went into the bathroom and I let out a sigh of relief. 

              When her ass got the house and put it in my name, she would be the next one killed. I couldn’t chance her telling daddy or whoever else. She was as good as done. I felt bad because she was a sweet bitch. In the world where I came from, you couldn’t trust the sweetest bitch. You see Ashley’s ass was so innocent until she was backed into a corner.






              I woke up with a headache spinning out of control. Micah wasn’t lying next to me so I already knew he was at the gym or out. Lately, he had been on the go more often and keeping late hours at night. It didn’t bother me because he made it up to me each time he was out late.

Last night, we partied so hard it reminded me of my years before I was a mother. The party we ended up at was Meghan’s party. I hadn’t spoken to her in so long that it felt great to catch up with her. She let me know about Sasha’s mental disease and she warned me to be careful. She had been relatively quiet since my move to Miami. The only thing out of the ordinary was my license plate was stolen. That could have been anybody. I was Micah’s fiancé and fans love stealing shit and selling it on EBay.

              Micah came into our bedroom nice and sweaty from his morning work out. He kissed me on the mouth sloppily and went to shower. I lay in bed thinking of how I was blessed twice to have this man in my life. Miya was five months and as feisty and as much of a daddy’s girl as can be. If he was home, it was a wrap. I wouldn’t be able to hold her. She would stay in her daddy’s arms forever. I officially stopped breast-feeding her and bottle-fed her. She wasn’t latching on and it was causing a strain in our bonding. The doctor said it didn’t seem like she was missing out on nutrition. Once in a while, I would notice caked-up milk on her tongue.


I found myself glued to the TV watching the new season of
The Ex’s of Miami
and was fascinated on one particular woman on the screen. Patrice Fillmore, Micah’s ex. Here I was asking why he was keeping late hours and always missing and here his ass was shooting scenes with this bitch reminiscing on their old love. I knew this bitch had a motive when I approached him about their secret dinner. Women always had a motive when it came to Micah. Set aside, he dished out some good dick. But it was his pockets that kept women attracted to him.

              Ashley stumbled into the living room with a bottle of Myx Moscato in her hand already. I laughed because it wasn’t even after one yet. She looked at the TV and signaled for me to turn it up. We both sat and watched the show, speechless about how involved Micah was in this episode. It was one particular scene where she was sitting on the beach with a picnic blanket and food.

              “What the fuck is this, Minka? You should be worrying about why your man is on national TV with another bitch!” she yelled. I ignored her because my cellphone was ringing.

              “Hi, Minka, did you forget I was coming into town? I’m at the airport a damn hour already and I’m starting to sweat!” Morocco yelled thru the phone.

              “Shit, I’m coming. I’ll be there in a few.”

“Ashley, I’m not worried about Micah stepping out on me. He knows better,” I said as I left out the door, leaving Ashley to watch my baby.




Ever since I was served with that gag order, I was unable to contribute anything to the show. They cut my scenes and limited my paycheck. I knew it was Milan’s ass why I was served. Why wouldn’t she let me live? I didn’t want to do nothing to her, but ruin her husband’s life. I guess I was doing something to her; she wouldn’t be able to live if it wasn’t for Donovan’s ass.  Just like a nigga to go get a boogie bitch that knew nothing about his struggle. According to Wikipedia, she came from money.
I watched the commercial of Milan’s new single, called Groupie Luv. I cringed at her single’s cover. The bitch was bad and I couldn’t find one thing to hate on.

I wondered if the rumors were true about her ass but pushed the thoughts out my mind when my buzzer rang. I looked at the security camera and it was Sasha standing there looking around. I hadn’t heard from the bitch since I got to Miami and she disagreed to buy me a new car or house. I was going to set her house on fire but when her little fiancé agreed to pay for my condo and car, I agreed.

The only thing I had to do was sign a statement about Sasha telling me the baby wasn’t Micah’s. Now a three-bedroom condo and nice BMW later I was living comfortable and didn’t need Donovan or his stink ass daughter. Little bitch was a daddy’s girl already. She wouldn’t know her rapist ass daddy if it wasn’t for me bringing her to California. The producers were harassing me about doing more scenes with my daughter and her father. Not to mention there was a new cast member who use to date Micah. How was I supposed to compete with that?

The only good that came into my life was my new boyfriend; he was cute, caring and he had money. I met him one night a club and we hit it off ever since. He was a rapper and up and coming but he still had money so that was a plus. He didn’t spoil me like I thought he would but he made up for that with the good dick he spoiled me with.

The only thing that seemed to be a problem was my daughter. Whenever Donovan let her come over, she was a brat and he hated it. Tavia always threw around how much money and cars her daddy had. He hated when she did that and would tell me to scold her about it. Like I said, the little bitch was spoiled and listened to no one but her daddy and his bitch.

              I watched as she buzzed my intercom again and looked around frustrated. I watched her and laughed. Her crazy ass wasn’t coming into my condo. I didn’t want anything to do with her or the lies she had circulating in the press. I barely was able to keep my lies together these days and I didn’t need to be spotted with her conniving ass. I walked off to the bathroom to get prepared for my long day of shooting my scenes, finally.



              I walked into
Villa Blanca
with my head high up, I wore a borrowed outfit but nobody else had to know. My heels clacked on the cobble stone floor that was outside of the restaurant. As I approached the private room I saw the camera and producers scattered around. I walked passed them and right into a room with three other women. There was one in particular who I saw in the tabloids. I made sure to sit next to her because I had questions. She looked over at me and smiled. Since we were waiting for the producers and cameramen to get ready, I decided to chitchat with her for a bit.

“Hi, my name is Kareema, and you are?” I decided to break the ice. 

              “Patrice, you’re Donovan Jackson’s ex. Right?”

              “Yes, I am… I didn’t catch whose ex you are?” she sipped her wine and turned her attention back to me.

              “Micah Jackson,” she responded.

              “They will hassle you to get in scenes with him, so sweetie don’t go make any big purchases just yet.”

              “I already have, that Bentley out front and the house over in Miami Beach is because of Micah...” She sipped her drink.

              “I highly doubt that... He’s engaged. Let go, honey,” I advised.

              “His engagement has nothing to do with what we have going on.”

              “Alright, ladies. Be natural and please, whatever you do, don’t break anything. If you do, it will be coming out of your money,” Richard, the producer, warned us.

The rest of the filming I stayed quiet, trying to piece together what this chick just told me. If it was in fact true that Micah was cheating on Minka, I knew he would pay whatever amount of money to keep that quiet. Everyone knew she was his heart and he couldn’t lose her again. Big mouth Sally should have watched who she gloated to because I was about to cash in on her ass. Let’s see once I blackmailed Micah if he kept her as his sidepiece. The whole point of being a side bitch was to be quiet and here she was announcing it. He would drop her ass like a car with four flats. She wouldn’t be valuable to the show any longer.

BOOK: Ain't No Wifey 2
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