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Authors: Cynthia Sax

Alien Tryst (3 page)

BOOK: Alien Tryst
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Joining without joining?
Kane stared at the alien,
not knowing what that meant.

“Pleasure her without penetration.” Crimson crept up Raff’s
neck. “She’s my sister. Don’t make me go into details.”

“I know what pleasuring without penetration means.” Kane’s
cock hardened at the thought of pleasuring Eshe. She was so soft, so his.

“Thank the stars.” Raff’s shoulders lowered, his relief
palpable. “Essie is proud and stubborn and she has a self-sacrificing streak
the size of your Atlantic Ocean. However, she also can’t lie worth a damn. Ask
her if she needs to stop. If she wrinkles her nose she’s lying.”

“Got it.” Kane wouldn’t allow anything to happen to her.

“Once my sister returns, exit the compound as quickly as
possible,” Raff instructed. “I’ll create a distraction, concealing your escape,
and then I’ll run interference with the other warriors, delaying your pursuit.
That should give you a head start.”

“Thank you.” Kane didn’t know anything about their protocol
but he knew how the military operated. Raff must be risking his career to help

“I’m not doing this for you. I’m doing this for Essie.” Raff
pulled his gun and handed it to him. “I’ve put the safety on, as you humans
call it, to prevent you from accidentally transferring any civilians. A warrior
will be able transfer you with one shot. It will take two shots for you to
transfer them.”

“That will give the warrior an edge over me.” Kane would
already be at a disadvantage, being unfamiliar with both the weapon and his

“The first shot will temporarily freeze them,” Raff
explained. “Shoot any warrior who approaches you. My sister will be able to
sense them.”

Kane set his pieced-together gun on the edge of Eshe’s desk
and tucked the replacement into his waistband. “I’ll protect her. I—”

The doors opened and Eshe staggered over the threshold,
lugging the black canvas bag. Streams of moisture ran down her cheeks and deep
lines were etched around her mouth. “I’m ready.” She sounded breathless.

“No, you’re not.” Kane clasped the bag and placed it on the
floor. “You’re in pain.” He ran one of his hands down her arm. Her white coat
was soaked, the material around her tattoo scorched.

“I’m fine.” Eshe wrinkled her nose.

She’s lying.
Kane gazed over her left shoulder at
Raff. Her brother inclined his blond head, silently confirming his suspicions.

“Is that your black Hummer parked five blocks north?” Raff

Kane narrowed his eyes. “Have you been monitoring my

“If you didn’t want your activities monitored, you shouldn’t
have driven a massive military vehicle past our facilities,” the alien male
drawled. “I’ll leave the bag by the vehicle.” His fingers closed around the
handle. “Fix this quickly and then leave.” He backed out of the office, giving
them privacy.

Kane gazed at the closed doors, conflicted. His mother was
in danger, needing his protection, but his woman was in pain, requiring his

My woman.
He’d known her for mere moments. When had
she become his woman, part of him?

“We should leave now.” Eshe swayed against him, her breasts
brushing against his chest, sending fuck-me messages straight to his cock.
“Your mother…” She paused. “I don’t know why we have to see your mother.” Her
eyes widened.

“Kane, I can’t think.” Her voice rose, her words tinged with
panic. “I have to be able to think.” She clawed at his chest, as though she was
trying to crawl inside him. “Please help me.”

“I’ll help you,” Kane assured her, choice having been taken
from him. Her alien intelligence was necessary to complete his mission, to save
his mother. “I’ll give you the relief you need.” He gripped Eshe’s ponytail and
pulled her head back, the musky scent of her desire triggering his dominant
nature. “But you must obey me…in everything.”

“Yes.” She undulated against him, grinding her mons into the
ridge in his pants. “I’ll do anything you want.”

He doubted that was true, his alien woman too independent,
too strong for complete submission. Kane looked down at his gorgeous
complication. The red-and-blue flames in Eshe’s black eyes burned with a heated
passion, her lips parting in an invitation no man on any planet could resist.

“I’ll pleasure you.” He lowered his head, his gaze fixed on
her face. “And then we can focus on our task.” He covered her lips with his,
surging into her mouth.

Kane groaned, the sound traveling down her
She’s so damn sweet.
He cradled Eshe’s face and sucked on her
tongue, hungry for her unique taste, a combination of succulent cherries and a
flavor he suspected was purely her.

She slid her hands upward, curling her fingers around his
shoulders, holding on to him as he explored her mouth, learning every inch of
her, getting lost in her taste, her heat, her wetness. It wasn’t enough for
either of them.

It isn’t enough for her
, Kane corrected. She needed
this to survive. He was a soldier and human, mostly human, able to postpone his
satisfaction until after their mission had been completed.

Kissing was unnecessary and he wrenched his lips away from
hers. “I’ll take care of you, Eshe,” he vowed. “Quickly.”

She frowned. “But—”

“No buts.” Kane reached between them, flicked the top button
of her pants open and lowered the zipper, the rasp obscenely loud in the silent
room. A wave of her scent swept upward, undermining his determination.

Focus, soldier.
He tugged her loose-fitting khakis
down to her knees. Tiny white cotton panties covered her mons, the fabric
pristine and pure. Kane wrapped his calloused fingers around the slender
ribbons at her hips and tugged, snapping them.

“Kane?” Her voice shook, her trepidation palpable, deserved.

Because he was a brute, a military mutt who wasn’t human,
, wasn’t anything, and she deserved better, the best, a
man who wouldn’t put her in danger simply because he existed. But for some
reason she belonged to him and he would take what she offered him. Kane removed
her panties, stuffing the flimsy fabric into his pants pocket. He would give
her what she needed.

“No talking.” Kane couldn’t look at her, couldn’t reassure
her. Because of who he was, what his grandfather had done, they didn’t have the
time for a slow courtship and loving words. They might not have a tomorrow.

Kane lifted her to her desk, spread her legs and gazed at
her. Eshe was white skin, blonde curls and pink pussy lips, beautiful and
responsive, moisture already glistening on her feminine folds.

“Lie back,” he ordered. She complied, reclining slowly,
submitting to his dominance, and his chest warmed with pride.

“Spread your legs wider for me. Let me look at your pretty
pussy.” He issued another command, testing her, as the success of any military
campaign hinged on trust, on a soldier obeying her superior’s orders. Eshe’s
face flushed and she opened fully to him.

“That’s it.” He drifted his fingertips along her, spreading
her wetness, and she trembled, her pale skin quivering.

“You’re hot.” Kane stroked her, skimming along her pink
flesh, circling her clit. Eshe’s breathing grew ragged and she tore at the
tattoo on her chest, ripping her flimsy white blouse, exposing the mark
completely. “Are you hot for me?”

“Yes. I’m hot for you, only for you.” She stared up at him,
her eyes wide and innocent.

She’s hot only for me.
Eshe was stunning, extremely
sexual, exquisitely female. She couldn’t be innocent, untouched by passion, by
other men. Kane circled her entrance, dipped one finger inside her and almost
lost all of his renowned control, her grip on him so damn tight. “How many
lovers have you had, Eshe?”

She lifted her hips, pushing his finger deeper. “To join
with anyone other than our One violates protocol,” she replied as though
reciting a law. “Please, Kane.” His gorgeous virgin wiggled, her ass swishing
against the metal desktop.

I will be the only man to touch her.
Kane’s soul
filled with satisfaction as he pumped her pussy, swiping his thumb over her
clit. Eshe panted, moving with him, unabashed in her desire.

Kane leaned over her body, unable to resist tasting that passion.
Their lips met, their tongues tangling, tumbling, twining. He added a second
finger, stretching her wider, preparing her for his cock.

No fucking today
, he reminded himself. Kane swallowed
her sexy pants, working her pussy hard, pleasuring her with his fingers. He
ached to be inside her, to claim her completely, to fill her with his cum. She
was so tight, so hot, Eshe’s body temperature matching his own. All of the
other women he’d been with had been cold by comparison, wrong for him, very,
very wrong. She was right, perfect, his.

Kane stroked into her mouth with his tongue and into her
pussy with his fingers, synchronizing the tempos. His pectoral muscles rubbed
against her taut nipples. His hard cock ground against her thigh.

Eshe writhed under him, the flames in her eyes flaring, a
fire raging out of control. Her wetness splattered his hand, her pussy
constricting around his fingers. She dug her fingernails into his shoulders,
piercing the cotton of his T-shirt, the pain exciting him.

“Behave.” Kane slung one of his arms over her hips, pinning
her ass to the hard desk, forcing her to remain still. The scent of her arousal
strengthened and he grinned. His kinky little alien liked being restrained. He
fucked her harder with his fingers, pressing his thumb over her clit.

“Kane.” Her voice stretched with need. He liked hearing his
name on her lips. “What’s happening?” She gazed up at him, appealingly
confused, in an erotic stupor he’d caused.

“You’re coming for me, Eshe,” he growled. “Now.” He plunged
his fingers deep into her pussy, slapping the heel of his hand over her clit.

She screamed, arching her back, her inner walls closing
around him. Color burst from her chest. Streams of blue-and-red light rebounded
off the walls, wrapping them in heat, pulling their bodies closer together.

Eshe bucked against him, her movements wild, intense,
awe-inspiring. Kane held on to her, pressing her face to his chest,
safeguarding her from harm. Her tremors slowly decreased in magnitude, her
breathing leveling.

A blast of energy pushed between them. Kane loosened his
grip on Eshe. The blue-and-red lights were sucked back into her tattoo and she
sighed, her eyelids fluttering.

“Do you feel better?” he murmured, brushing the hair away
from her face.

Eshe stared at him, her lips curling upward, the flames in
her unusual eyes dimmed. “I feel much better.” She was the picture of a pleased
woman and Kane’s chest warmed with pride.

“Good.” He tugged her pants upward, removing the temptation
of her bare skin, the lure of her wet, tight pussy. “We have to leave.” Kane
ignored his aching cock. A good soldier put the needs of others before his own

Chapter Three


Eshe fastened her pants, a sense of serenity falling over
her. The mind-numbing pain was gone, her need to join temporarily sated by her

She dropped her gaze to the pronounced ridge in Kane’s black
cargo pants. “You need release.”

She’d studied human anatomy for decades, seeking the
solution to the transference problem. She knew prolonging release for a male
was uncomfortable.

“My needs can wait.” Kane’s lips pressed in a grim white
line. “My mother is in danger.”

Why would he choose to forgo release? She could have
pleasured him while he pleasured her.

Eshe straightened, the answer obvious. He hadn’t wanted her
to touch him. She turned away from Kane, hiding her distress. Her One didn’t
want her.

Eshe donned her sunglasses, concealing her
eyes. “I’m ready.” She pushed away her concerns and focused on saving his
mother’s life.

“If I give you an order, you obey it.” Kane reached behind
him and touched the handle of his gun as though assuring himself it was still
tucked in his waistband. “Don’t speak. Don’t stop. Don’t draw attention to
yourself. Understand?”

Her brother was a warrior also. She didn’t like following
orders blindly, preferring to ask questions, to uncover answers, but she
understood their dangerous situation. Eshe nodded.


An alarm sounded and the red emergency lights on the walls
flashed, signaling an immediate evacuation. Eshe tensed, not knowing what she
should do.

The corners of Kane’s lips lifted. “We have our
distraction.” He clasped her hand, giving her the physical connection her souls
needed. “Follow me.”

He rushed through the doors, moving as quickly as an
expecting her to keep pace, and she did, barely, her muscles screaming a
protest, her lungs aching and her heart pounding. She’d spent too many days
seated in the laboratory, her lifestyle sedentary and her diet atrocious.

Individuals streamed into the hallways. Kane dodged the
slower moving humans, leading Eshe through the maze of bodies. As the rooms
emptied, the doors were locked, the classified areas sealed against any
intruders. The procedure prevented any backtracking, the crowd surging forward.

Hewitt stood by the heavy external doors. As Kane approached
the exit the soldier reached for his gun and Eshe sucked in her breath, certain
they’d been discovered. Hewitt paused and frowned. They passed through the
doors before he could stop them.

Beings, male and female, human and
, milled
around the entrance, their faces tilted toward the sun. Kane and Eshe didn’t
slow down, running toward the high chain-link fence.

“The top of the fence is electrified,” she whispered.

“Silence,” Kane ordered. Dogs barked as canine units
patrolled the perimeter. Kane pulled her to the right. They passed one, two,
three poles and he yanked on the fence.

The wire parted, revealing a hole large enough for one very
large half-human, half-
male. Her One was clever and resourceful.
Dismay mixed with Eshe’s admiration. With his skills, his dark good looks, his
fit physique, he could have any Earth female. He didn’t need her.

Kane pushed her through the opening first and then followed,
bending the wires to close their makeshift exit. He grabbed her hand once more
and they jogged along the road. Perspiration streamed down Eshe’s spine,
wetting her clothes.

They ran and ran and ran. The strain of finding her One had
siphoned much of Eshe’s energy and she slowed. She licked her lips, needing
food, sugar, rest. Kane decreased his speed to match hers, his expression
growing more grim.

She was a liability, hampering his escape, and this irked
Eshe. She pushed her body to its limits, her sole thought to continue forward.
They rounded a corner and she spotted a big black Hummer, an army-like vehicle
that could only belong to the male by her side.

Kane removed a key fob from the pocket of his pants and
pressed the button, unlocking the Hummer. They moved to the passenger side.
Eshe’s black canvas bag was propped against the door.

Kane gripped it with one hand and opened her door with the
other. Eshe’s legs ached as she climbed into the vehicle. He set the bag in the
backseat and rounded the hood, sweeping their surroundings with his all-seeing

We did it.
Eshe sagged against the leather seat. Kane
filled the driver’s side with his big body, flooding the interior with his
musky male scent. She placed her left palm on his right thigh, reestablishing
their connection, and his muscles flexed, solid and firm under her fingertips.

Kane drove quickly, weaving in and out of traffic, having an

reaction time. Horns honked. A truck driver extended
his middle finger to them, offering them a crude nonverbal Earth insult.

The trees and houses blurred. Eshe watched the scenery,
relishing this rare opportunity to explore another planet, to be among the
natives. She’d visited many places, seeing only the inside of laboratories,
needed only for her brain.

Her One needed her only for her brain also. She glanced at
Kane. His jaw was jutted, his profile stern and hard. His raw masculinity
moistened her pussy and tightened her nipples.

He breathed deeply, his nostrils flaring. “Are you in pain?”

He smells my need.
Eshe’s cheeks heated. “I’m tired.”

Kane flipped open the console between them and extracted a
can. “This should help with your fatigue.” He handed her the fruit punch, the
metal cool against her skin. “I assume my craving for sugar is an alien thing?”

“It’s an
thing,” Eshe corrected, opening the
can, the fizz of released gases punctuating her reply. “We use more energy than
humans do.” She sipped the sweet liquid and smiled, the fruit punch reviving
her. “Here.” She passed the can to him. “You must need this also.”

Kane placed his mouth where hers had been and took a long
swig, the muscles in his throat convulsing. He’d taste sweet. She licked her
bottom lip, hungry for his touch.

Kane groaned, shifting in his seat. “You’re killing me,
Eshe.” He pressed the can into her hand. The ridge in his pants had returned,
if it had ever left.

She placed the can in the cup holder and openly studied the
outline of his hard cock.
Can a man run with an erection?
It should be
physically possible. The scientist in her needed to know and knowing required
more information. Eshe leaned over the middle console and ran her palm along
the intriguing ridge, exploring him with her fingertips, savoring his length
and girth.

“Remove your hand,” Kane growled.

“Okay, okay.” She obeyed, crossing her arms, ignoring the
burning in her chest, the pain that came from not touching him. “Many human
males welcome any female contact.” Her overprotective brother had warned her
away from human males, claiming they resembled rabid beasts, having no

“I’m not completely human.” Kane’s knuckles whitened on the
steering wheel.

“If you were completely
you’d need my touch.”
Eshe watched the scenery. A hawk perched on a wire, his gaze on the field below
him. Fir trees swayed in the wind. The space between houses increased.

“You’d want me,” she murmured, trembling, her pain
escalating. If she were a normal
, able to assimilate perfectly
with the humans, he’d want her also.

“I’ve had a hard-on since we met.” Kane placed her hand on
his thigh, easing her torment. “I want you.” He gripped the steering wheel, his
expression ominously dark. “But we have to focus on our mission.”

“Can you focus on our mission with a hard-on?” She used his

He didn’t answer her question.

Because he can’t focus on our mission.
Her spirits
lifted, hope returning.
He wants me too much.
“Let me take care of you,
my One.” She moved her hand to Kane’s groin and he jerked. “Let me pleasure you
as you drive.” She unzipped his pants, slid her fingers inside the fabric,
touched bare skin. Her One didn’t believe in excess clothing, this quirk
thrilling her.

“Eshe.” He spread his legs, giving her easier access.

“Concentrate on the road, Kane.” She curled her fingers
around his shaft. His cock was soft yet rigid, an intriguing combination. Eshe
pumped him as she’d seen the big-breasted women in the research videos pump
their pizza-delivering males.

“Ohhhh…” she moaned, recalling their sex noises. “You’re so
big.” A large cock was a sign of virility in human males, much revered in their
culture. “Yes.” Eshe ran out of dialogue. The research women hadn’t been prone
to excessive talking.

“Grip me harder,” Kane ordered, demanding more.

Eshe complied, closing her fingers around him tighter, happy
to have instructions. A bead of pre-cum formed on his broad tip. She swiped her
thumb over him, glazing his skin with the glistening moisture, and he
shuddered, his shoulders shaking. “You smell delicious.” She breathed in his
distinctive scent, imprinting him on her brain. “I wish to taste you.”

A strangled noise came from Kane’s throat that Eshe
interpreted as consent. She set her sunglasses on the dash, draped her stomach
over the middle console and lowered her face between the steering wheel and her
One’s rigid body. Clasping his base, she extended her tongue and flicked his

The Hummer swerved, horns blared and Kane cursed. He tasted
of sweetness, intoxicating and right. Eshe laved his skin with her tongue,
circled his rim, followed a vein down his shaft, wetting him, cleansing him,
teasing him.

“Fuck.” Kane rested one of his palms on her head. “That
feels good.”

I pleased him.
The heat from her mark spread across
her chest, his praise rebuilding her battered self-worth. The research women
did more than lick their males. Eshe pushed her lips over Kane’s cock head, and
the vehicle’s speed increased, the floor vibrating under her.

She sank lower and lower, his cock filling her mouth. His
tip tapped the back of her throat and she tilted her head, taking all of him.

“Yes, Eshe.” Kane’s fingers twisted in her hair as she
sucked. “Fuck me with that sweet mouth of yours.” He pulled her upward and pinpricks
of pain shot across her scalp, stimulating her. She maintained the suction as
she withdrew, her cheeks indenting around him.

“You’re so hot.” He guided her up and down him, taking
control of their joining. “Wet.” She slid her tongue along his shaft, savoring
the feel of him. “Perfect for me.” His pace increased, his hips lifting.

Kane ravished her mouth, using her for his pleasure, and
Eshe followed his lead eagerly, learning how to satisfy her male. His coarse
private curls tickled her chin and the fabric of his pants brushed against her
cheeks. His body heat engulfed her, seductively warm.

Kane grunted as he thrust into her mouth, his clasp on her
hair intense and arousing, not allowing any retreat. Eshe’s lips hummed and her
cheeks ached. He was driving insanely fast, even for an
, their
surroundings whizzing by them. She didn’t care, all of her focus on her One, on
his fulfillment.

“Fuck.” Kane’s voice deepened. “Fuck.” His thighs shook.
“I’m going to—”

She sucked hard and he roared, driving upward. Hot spurts of
cum shot down her throat and filled her mouth. Eshe swallowed and swallowed,
savoring his sweetness. He thrust once, twice and stilled, his hold on her head

“I needed that. Thank you.” He petted her hair, his caresses
gentle, caring.

Does he care for me?
Kane’s cock softened in her
mouth. She licked him clean, his taste resembling liquefied sugar, and she
carefully fastened his pants.

Human males, unlike
, mated with any viable
female, the species notoriously fickle. Eshe straightened and studied Kane’s
face, searching for signs of affection. He didn’t look at her, his gaze fixed
to the road.

I’m simply a viable female.
She sighed, turning her
attention toward the outside world.

* * * * *

Hours later, Kane continued to drive, compelled to reach the
city tonight. Eshe slumped over the customized middle console, her hands
pressed against his leg, her mouth, the mouth he’d pounded his cock into,
slightly open. She twitched as she slept, her breathing ragged.

She’s in pain.
His heart twisted with that
realization. Not that she’d ever admit to it. His sexy alien was as stoic as
any soldier, not complaining once about their drive-through greasy
burger-and-fry dinner or his lack of talking or the lame-ass thank-you he’d
given her after the hottest blowjob he’d ever had in his long, lonely life.

Kane ran one of his hands over Eshe’s rounded spine and she
moaned, pushing into his palm. Her white doctor’s coat was soaked with
perspiration, her body hot to the touch. They’d have to stop, delaying the
completion of their mission. He removed the elastic from her hair and spread
her straight blonde tendrils over her shoulders.

I need her to transfer my mother
, he told himself.
is why I’m putting Eshe’s needs first.
He pressed a button on his dash and
the vehicle dialed his parents’ home phone number.

“Kane, is that you?” his mother answered. “You’re calling us
late at night. Is everything okay?”

“Can you and Father stick around the house tomorrow
morning?” Kane ignored her question. Everything wasn’t okay and he wouldn’t lie
to his mom.

Eshe straightened, the flames in her alien eyes high and
bright. He pressed his index finger to her lips, signaling for her to be quiet,
and she nodded.

“Sure thing, hon.” His mother sounded as worried as Kane
felt. “I’ll make pancakes. Your father bought a big jar of maple syrup
yesterday from the farmers market.”

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