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Authors: Scarlett Metal

All I Need

BOOK: All I Need
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All I Need


Volume One






All I Need


Copyright © 2014 by Scarlett Metal. All rights reserved.

First Print Edition:
September 2014



Limitless Publishing, LLC

Kailua, HI 96734


Formatting: Limitless Publishing





No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to locales, events, business establishments, or actual persons—living or dead—is entirely coincidental.





For my readers ~ Thanks for sticking

me this past year.












Chapter One





“Will I see you tonight after the show?” she as
ked, her voice high and whiny.

Thank God my back was turned to her so she couldn’t see me roll my eyes; there was no way in hell
she was going to see me later. I didn’t sleep with the same woman twice – ever.

I pulled my t-shirt over my head
and turned around to face her. She was still topless, showing off her perfect DD tits. Man, those fuckers were beautiful. Maybe I should reconsider. I shook my head, there would be plenty of girls with perfect tits to fuck after the show.

I’m going to be pretty busy later, so I don’t think we’ll be able to hook up. Sorry,” I said half-heartedly as I tucked my shirt into my jeans and buttoned them. “The bathroom’s over there.” I nodded towards the door on the left. “Thanks for the fuck.” I left the dressing room before she could say anything else.

“Make sure she gets the fuck out of there before I come back after the show,” I instructed the roadie
who was walking by.

“Sure thing,”
he said with a nod. He was used to getting rid of women for me. Most of the crew was.

Thanks, man.” I slapped him on the shoulder as I continued my walk. I needed a beer. And a joint. The tight little blonde back in my dressing room had helped calm the pre-concert jitters a little bit, but I still needed something to take the edge off. Despite doing hundreds of shows in my short music career, I still got a little stage fright, especially before a big show.

The band I was lead singer for, Hookers and Hand Grenades, was in the
middle of a huge summer tour. We were headlining with four other rock bands, traveling all over the country and doing outdoor festivals that lasted all day long. There were several dozen other bands performing throughout the day on the side stages. This fucking tour was huge. It started last week and was one big, wild party. I fucking loved it.

I became a musician because I was good at it and loved music, but I
have to admit I was totally drawn into the lifestyle. There is nothing like waking after noon with a couple of hot chicks in your bed from the night before. The endless supply of booze and drugs is a big plus too, and it doesn’t hurt having women screaming my name when I sing onstage and throwing their panties at me.

king of a drink, I needed one. I walked to the main area back stage where the party was happening. My drummer Zane was in the corner getting his dick sucked by some brunette. I caught his eye and he grinned at me before pushing her mouth further down on his cock. I shook my head and kept walking; he was as big of a man whore as I was.

There were people sitting ar
ound drinking and smoking pot. Another couple was making out on the couch. I even saw one girl snort a line of coke. I usually stayed away from that shit unless I was especially on edge; my drugs of choice were pot and alcohol.

The scene backstage was one of
pure decadence and I loved it. This –
was why I was a rock star.

I grew up with nothing.
It’s your typical Hallmark sad story about a boy whose dad was in jail when he was born. He was killed shortly after he got into the joint. When I was seven, mom got herself knocked up by her boss at the diner she worked in. She literally worked herself to death, dying of a massive heart attack. My sister and I became wards of the state. She was adopted right away, being five and cute as a button. I, on the other hand, was a brooding thirteen year old boy; no one wanted to deal with that.

I spent the rest of my youth in and out of foster ho
mes and found solace in music. The rest is history and something I’ll save for VH1’s “Behind the Music”. (Is that even on anymore?)

Diesel, the lead guitarist and my best friend handed me a beer. “Figured you could use this since there was nothing in your hand

Thanks, man,” I said before taking a long sip and emptying half the bottle.

“How was that blonde piece of ass?”

“Her fucking tits were amazing and she let me come all over them, but other than that she was alright; nothing special,” I shrugged. “Typical of most women, she wanted to see me later and I blew her off. She wasn’t even dressed yet when I left.”

He laughed and shook his head. “You would think the word would have gotten around about what an asshole you are.”

“I know, right?” I laughed and finished off my beer, looking immediately for another. My buzz from earlier had worn off and I didn’t like it. “They all think they’ll be ‘the one’ that can tame me, I guess. Dumb bitches.”

We laughed and walked
over the cooler full of beer. As we each grabbed one, Diesel spotted someone from another band he used to talk to and headed over there, leaving me alone. I found an unoccupied chair and took a seat to drink my beer and observe the people around me. Maybe I could find someone I could fuck after the show.

I glanced around the room
. The scene was pretty typical of backstage before one of our shows. The bass player J.J. is sitting on the end of the couch with his wife on his lap. He is the only one out of all four of us who is married. Clarissa was his high school sweetheart and a cool chick. She was on tour with us a lot of the time but we didn’t mind.

Zane had disappeared from the corner, taking th
e party somewhere more private. I was glad; we didn’t need to see him fucking. After a show, things would get a little out of hand back here and it wasn’t unusual to find a pile of naked bodies. Things were a bit tamer before we had to go onstage, but when we were done playing for the night we would really let loose.

I sighe
d and took a drink of my beer. Even I had to admit the chicks who followed us around and got back stage were tiring. They all wore skirts too short and shirts that had their tits spilling out of them. So many were too skinny and looked like they needed to eat a fucking sandwich. 

The more success the band had, the less of a challenge the groupies were, practically spreading thei
r legs the minute you said hi. I’m not even kidding – I’ve met a few who dropped to their knees to suck my cock without even telling me their name.

I would have to watch the crowd tonight t
o see if anyone caught my eye. I usually paid close attention to the females in the front rows during our shows. If there were any I would be interested in fucking later, I would have security give them a backstage pass. There have been a few shows where they ended up handing out five different passes. Let’s just say I had trouble walking the next day.

The roadie I saw leaving
my dressing room came by to let me know he got rid of the girl. I nodded and thanked him. I was about to get up to go back there to smoke a joint and relax when someone caught my eye.

The tour manager was talking to a redhead
who didn’t fit in with the other women back stage. She had on jeans and black knee-high boots. She was curvy and unlike the other women in here, had something I could hold onto when I fucked her. A tight black tank top accented her tits, revealing a small amount of cleavage. I wanted to run my tongue in between them, maybe even slide my cock up there. She wasn’t wearing a pound of make-up either. On her left shoulder was some sort of tattoo I couldn’t quite make it out because her long hair was covering most of it. 

Speaking of her hair, it was the
thing that made me notice her. It was red – a deep shade of red, with black underneath. I knew the color wasn’t natural but fuck it looked good on her. She reached up and tucked her hair behind her ears with a well-manicured hand. Maybe I should go over to say hi and find out who she was.

In this business there
aren’t a whole lot of women – at least not that I’d seen. It was an industry dominated by males. Most of the women I met were either groupies who wanted to fuck you or record executives too ugly to even touch.

s why this girl intrigued me. How did she get back here? She didn’t seem like she was here to get laid or Velcro herself to a rock star.

I drank the last of my beer and set it on the table in front of me before standin
g and sauntering over to them. I’d talked to the tour manager enough times that it wouldn’t seem weird I was saying hi. I didn’t give a fuck about him though; I wanted to meet the beauty he was talking too.

“Hey Drew,” I said, holding out my hand to greet him.

“Hey Cane, what’s up?” He gripped my hand firmly. “You guys ready to go on soon?”

“We sure are,” I nodded, glancing at her. She wa
s even more gorgeous up close. I thought about those red painted lips around my cock.

“Awesome.” He nodded.
“Hey Lindsay, this – “

“Cane, the lead singer of Hookers and Hand Grenades,” she said with
a smirk and held out her hand.

I took her tin
y hand in mine. “You know who I am?” Maybe she was here looking to get fucked. After all, weren’t they all?

“Of course I do.
Who doesn’t?” She laughed and I couldn’t help but smile. It was a beautiful sound and music to my ears.

“And who are you?”
I asked, still holding onto her hand, my eyes looking into her dark green ones.

She pulled her hand away.
“I’m Lindsey Jones, a reporter with the Rolling Stone.”

I felt my dick instantly shrivel. A reporter? I was speechless. The hottest chick here and she was a fucking reporter.

She’s here to cover the tour. She just got here today. There was a mix up in assignments so she didn’t make it at the beginning.

Cool,” I replied. I tried to stay as far away from the press as I could. Even though this one was sexy as fuck, I was no longer interested.

Well, I’m going to go back to my dressing room for a few minutes. It was nice meeting you Lindsey,” I nodded at her.

“You too,” she smiled at me.
“I’m sure we’ll see each other around.”

I’m sure we will,” I mumbled before turning around and walking back to my dressing room. 

When I got inside I immediately lit
a joint and took a long drag. I closed my eyes and blew out the smoke slowly, almost feeling the calm seep through me. I opened the mini-fridge and grabbed a beer before sitting down on the couch. I leaned my head back and all I could see was Lindsay’s face and kick ass body. I almost regretted kicking out the girl from earlier. Shit, I couldn’t even remember her name. Then again, I don’t think she ever told me. Anyway, I could really use a blowjob right now. For some reason I was wound tight.

I took another drag off of m
y joint and unzipped my jeans. I didn’t make it a habit of jerking off when I had pussy available to me, but I wasn’t in the mood to listen to another chick whine about seeing me again.

I freed my cock, already hard and hot, th
e pre-cum oozing from the tip. I grabbed a few tissues from the box nearby and began to stroke my cock furiously. Images of Lindsey on all fours in front of me while I pounded hard into her, filled my mind. I groaned when I released my load into the tissue, my heart racing.

There was a knock on the door.
“You’re on in five.”

I’ll be right out,” I called back, cleaning up and buttoning my pants. I drank the rest of my beer and took one last hit before I left my room.

I walked past Lindsay on the way to the stage, talking to another repor
ter, but she didn’t notice me. Her back was to me and my eyes were drawn to the curve of her ass in those jeans. I would love to peel those off of her and sink my teeth into the flesh there.

Hands off.
Damn, if I had to keep reminding myself of that, it was going to be a long tour.

BOOK: All I Need
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