Read Always His Earl Online

Authors: Cheryl Dragon

Always His Earl (13 page)

BOOK: Always His Earl
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Before Myles could dart up the stairs, Basil was next to Claire and braced her other side. Myles watched her every step and expected Basil to carry her down the stairs if she grew too tired. Once she made it to the entry level, she seemed steadier and walked into the drawing room.

She settled in a chair and Mrs. Blake tucked a shawl around Claire. “It’s nearly time for tea. I’ll go make sure it’s all brought in here.”

“Thank you, Mrs. Blake.” George acknowledged.

“Are you sure you’re up to this?” Myles asked.

Claire smiled. “I made it. A sick room is depressing. This is much nicer.”

“I believe I know why they’re so concerned, my dear,” Basil said to Claire.

“Basil, watch yourself,” George warned. “We’re not abroad yet. The world just outside of that door could come crashing down on us at any moment.”

“I agree. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Nothing can be certain until we’re far from London.” Myles took the seat next to his sister.

Basil moved away. “Is there a plan to go soon? We can’t all go abroad. The estates have to be managed.”

“They will be,” George assured.

“If we move in a hurry, it might appear as if we’re running from something,” Myles added.

A loud knock at the front door made then all turn.

Claire went white. “Philips?”

Myles shook his head. He hated lying, but they had to uphold the ruse. “Let’s hope not. That’s why it might’ve been better for you to remain upstairs.”

Davis entered the drawing room. “There is a magistrate here to see you, my lord.”

George scowled. “Show him in.”

A tall man entered with a grim look. “I’m sorry to interrupt your day, Lord Thistledown. We’ve been trying to track down Lady Philips. The doctor said she might be here with her brother.”

“She came here to see her brother and fell very ill. Dr. Wallis has been looking after her. She’s improving but not ready to be returned home yet,” George said.

“When I’m fit, my husband will come for me,” Claire said shakily.

“It’s Lord Philips I’m here to discuss. It’s my sad duty to inform you, your ladyship, that Lord Philips has been killed in a robbery. We’re searching for his murderer, of course.”

“Robbed?” Claire gasped. “Murdered?”

“You’re sure it was Philips?” Basil asked.

“We are,” the magistrate said.

Myles put an arm around Claire. “I’m sorry, Claire. Don’t worry. I’ll take care of everything.”

Claire covered her face with her hands and shook her head.

“I’m sorry to trouble you while you’re still weak. All of his money and valuables were gone. He was found in a seedier area of town. If you know of anyone who might want your husband dead, please let me know so I can investigate.”

“He liked to gamble. Maybe he owed someone and who knows... I’m sorry; I don’t know of anyone specifically.” Claire leaned her head on Myles’ shoulder.

“Thank you. We’ll look into it as best we can. If we recover any of the stolen property, we’ll see that it is returned. If I need any more information, I’ll be in touch.” He bowed and left.

Davis closed the door and Myles sighed. George smiled and quickly hid it. “That’s a shame.”

“A shame? That’s an answered prayer.” Basil grinned.

“I can’t believe it. I’m still in shock.” She looked at Myles. “It’s true? I’m free?”

“You’re free and safe without running or hiding. All you have to do now is get through the mourning period at home with me. Once that’s done, you and Basil can marry with my blessing.” Myles finally let himself smile a little.

“Marry Basil.” Claire burst into tears and shook her head. “It’s real? It’s insanity. Philips is really gone?”

Basil knelt before Claire. “He got what he deserved. Fate smiled on us again.”

“No doubt about that, but it’s so hard to believe. It’s so timely.”

She looked at Myles. “You didn’t.”

“Didn’t what? I did nothing. A robber did it for us.” Myles shrugged it off.

She nodded. “You’ve become a much better liar, brother. I’m sure in the navy you had to conceal some things, but I still know you better than that. He wasn’t robbed, was he?”

“Of course he was. You heard the authorities themselves say so. That’s all anyone needs to know about it,” George said firmly.

“I have the best big brother in the world.” She hugged him tightly.

Basil turned to George. “You wouldn’t let me duel, but you’ll let him?”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. There was no duel. If there had to be one, however, Myles is her brother and it’s his place. Duels are about honor, not anger. When you’re her husband, it’ll be your place to defend her honor but not before,” George said carefully.

“You’ll support it?” Basil asked.

“I want you to be happy. Marriage means taking on more, but you have time to plan.” George nodded.

“I’ll find a profession. I know I’ve been adrift since Claire married that bastard. Now I have a purpose,” Basil said.

“Don’t worry about a profession. You like estate life and you’ve been very helpful running things. Especially since we took on the Harris estate. You’re good at it, Basil,” George confided.

“I could use help running mine. I’ve been at sea for years and never trained for it.” Myles would much rather hand things over to Basil and travel. “Your children will inherit the estates anyway.”

Basil shook his head. “You two are quite a team. Whatever you did, however you managed it, thank you. I’ll run one or both estates. More time with Claire and plenty of children, I promise.”

“Sounds like a fair bargain. We’ll travel to build the family fortunes.” George folded his arms.

“Can we go home then? This week?” Claire asked.

“Later this week, yes. First we must settle things. Collect Claire’s belongings from the Philips house. Close both London homes. We can’t look guilty because we’re not. I’m sure Philips has a brother or cousin to take his title so there won’t be much fuss for his estate on our end.” Myles patted his sister’s arm.

“Fine. Whatever you decide, I won’t argue. We won’t doubt you two for a second.” She grabbed Basil’s hand. “Myles and George are in charge of their respective families and we’ll simply wait out the mourning period. All I want in the world is the right marriage and children. Thank you, my lord. I won’t have to take that tea anymore.”

“What tea?” Basil asked.

Claire blushed. “A friend of mine gave it to me. It discourages pregnancy. I hoped if I didn’t have a child, Philips would send me away. I couldn’t escape the marriage, but we didn’t have to live together.”

“You’re a genius.” Basil kissed her lips.

“Basil!” Myles snapped. “Please keep that to private rooms and perhaps that tea should be continued at least until the wedding. I don’t want to know about anything until I see my sister out of black and wed in a church.”

“That’s a deal.” Basil held out a hand.

Myles shook it. The bargain and family connections were as sure as Philips’ death.

That night, after the servants were gone, Myles entered George’s bedchamber. Lying on the bed, he felt a relief he’d never believed would come.

“They know what we did,” George said.

“They suspect. Was it a duel? Did we hire robbers to murder them? They don’t know for sure. I don’t want to confirm it either way.” Myles snuggled close to George.

“Do you think Basil is in her room?” George asked.

Myles shook his head. “I can’t think about it. I don’t want to know about them anymore than they wish to know the details of our bed.”

“You as good as gave them permission. Who knew ladies had a tea?” George kissed Myles’ temple and chuckled softly.

“I know, but we’re fools to think they’ll last a year without some contact. If they protect our love, I’ll look the other way. I don’t doubt Basil’s intentions for marriage. He

has been the most devoted suitor I’ve ever seen. Present company excluded.”

“Thank you.” George tugged Myles’ clothes off him gently.

Myles enjoyed the sensation of George’s strong hand pushing off the nightclothes until they were both naked. His feelings for George were every bit as intense as the first time they kissed, but now they didn’t have to worry.

“You’re thinking too much again.” George kissed up Myles’ chest to claim his mouth.

Smiling, Myles grabbed George’s face to hold the kiss as he rolled over and had George pinned to the bed. Letting his tongue dominate George’s mouth, Myles went back to that day in the club and how they’d had to shut down their passions for the greater good. The feel of George’s arms holding him tight proved to Myles it was no dream. This was real.

“Forever,” Myles said.

“Try to get rid of me. You can’t escape either. I’ll send the old tars after you.” George pulled Myles back down for more.

Myles chuckled with no intention of escaping. “No one would leave you and your spoiling ways.”

“You’re not exactly poor now either. You can buy what you like, Myles. You don’t need me to spoil you.” George tried to flip Myles on his back.

Holding George down at the shoulders, Myles kissed his way down George’s neck and slightly hairy chest. Myles licked down further and found George’s hard cock ready for attention. Sucking along the shaft, Myles pressed the thick member into his hand.

“My turn.” George sat up.

“No. We’re finally free. Since that day in the club, I wanted to have my way with you. The problems are gone and now I will.”

“You think I didn’t want to? You know better.” George ran a hand down Myles’ back.

“I know. You can have your way tomorrow night. We’ll be quite bored for the next few days or so, at least compared to the stress we have just endured.” Myles ended the conversation by sucking George’s cock down to the balls and bobbing on it.

Groaning, George fell back on the pillows and gave in. Myles sucked the tip of George’s cock and stroked the shaft faster and faster. George lifted for more until Myles squeezed. At the first drop of cum, Myles pressed George’s cock to his stomach and watched George grunt and moan in orgasm.

Only when George was still again did Myles lick up the cream spanning from shoulder to stomach on the large man. Myles kissed George and pushed George’s hand away when he tried to grip Myles’ cock.

“Turn on your side,” Myles said.

“That’s all? I’m unimpressed.” George reached for Myles.

“No, you’re not done.” Myles rubbed grease on George’s ass as he turned on his side as ordered.

Pressing his chest to George’s back, Myles held tight and filled George’s ass until their bodies were one. Myles kissed the back of George’s neck and wrapped one arm around his chest while the other slid around George’s neck to hold him close in every way he could.

“Not bad,” George said, craning his neck to kiss Myles. “I’ll try it on you in the morning.”

Myles smiled and fucked George’s ass slow and steady, watching the pleasure register on George’s face. His body relaxed even more into Myles’ and rocked back to speed things up.

“Mine.” Myles massaged George’s muscled chest with his hands and pinched a nipple playfully. When George groaned, Myles bit his neck in return.

George squeezed Myles’ cock hard in his ass and the pressure made Myles shake. His restraint was failing as he eased from George. The time to play was over. They had all night and the rest of their lives to explore each other and try everything.

Filling George’s ass hard and fast, Myles didn’t let up or give George a chance to change the game. A constant moan came from George’s throat as Myles truly took over. George could outrank him and take precedence in public but in private, they were one. They were together or they were nothing.

George’s hands covered Myles’ as he came deep inside George. The raw relief of climax wrapped around his body while George made Myles feel free. It was better than swimming in the wide ocean or the buzz of a strong drink. Hugging George, Myles never wanted to move.

“This might work even better face-to-face.” George turned and faced Myles before he could react.

Tangling his legs, Myles was too sated to argue. George kissed him as their chests, stomachs, and groins met. Their arms wrapped tight around each other and George’s kiss stole Myles’ will to fight. George could take the lead in the next round.

“So will I get the adjoining chamber at your estate?” Myles asked.

“Damn right. I get the same one at your estate until we sort out who’ll live where and how it’ll all fit. Until Basil and Claire are married, we can’t leave them alone in a house together,” George replied.

“Good. I can’t give this up. Not for a single night.” Myles held George tighter.

“Never.” George kissed his forehead.


mberson Park, Lord Thistledown’s Estate

Christmas 1817

The Christmas feast done, George sat back and watched the happy glow of his family. Basil had flourished in both marriage and the responsibilities of running the estates day-to-day. All signs of depression and moodiness had disappeared once Claire was once again a fixture in his world.

As the twin boys bounced on Basil’s knees while Claire attempted to capture the scene in a drawing, George saw the pride and calm in his brother. Fate had given them all a blessing of sorts. Two heirs, only months old but healthy and sweet, were there to claim George’s and Myles’ estates rightly one day.

“I think they should have a girl next. We need someone to spoil,” Myles said to George.

“Twins weren’t enough? You two are amazing.” Claire shook her head.

Myles chuckled. “Twins were perfect for protecting our estates. They need a sister. Women are civilizing.”

“You two are fairly civilized and settled. How was Italy?” Claire asked.

“Fine. Now that the war is over, there may be some new opportunities here. We’ll likely stay here for the winter.” George shrugged.

She no longer looked frail, George noticed. The pregnancy had agreed with her and seemed to have improved her health and strength. The twins were still very young and she’d recovered remarkably well. One would think she was raised to be the lady of such a great estate. All had complimented her charitable works and concern for the tenants.

BOOK: Always His Earl
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