Read An Heiress For The Bear (Sarkozy Brothers 2) Online

Authors: Meredith Clarke

Tags: #Paranormal, #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #Forever Love, #Adult, #Erotic, #Bear Shifter, #Chosen Mate, #Romantic Suspense, #Supernatural, #Protection, #Bachelor, #Single Woman, #Sarkozy Brothers, #Trust Fund, #Millions, #Pro-Bono Law Firm, #Charade, #Identity, #Benefactor

An Heiress For The Bear (Sarkozy Brothers 2) (12 page)

BOOK: An Heiress For The Bear (Sarkozy Brothers 2)
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Their coupling was quick and hot and urgent, filled with passion and lust and mind-boggling heat. Lukas moved against her, withdrawing then plunging deep inside her, and all Kat could do was grab his ass and pull him closer. He took her to incredible heights, and when they both climaxed as one, Kat was certain she'd never experienced anything as amazing as this.

Panting, kissing, and laughing, they both came back down to earth, with Lukas withdrawing and righting his clothes, his movements languid, unhurried. Not the furtive actions of a man worried about cheating on his partner.

Alana was saying the right things to set Kat on edge, to make her run from Lukas.

And she didn't plan on letting her succeed.



Now that the euphoria of their escapade on the balcony was over, he had to ask her and observe her reaction. Now, before they used any of her donor's money.

Lukas took her hand and led her inside, shutting the patio door. He didn't let go of her hand, just drew her to the narrow sofa at the foot of the bed.

"I have to ask you something." He smiled as her eyes widened, curious. "I just don't want you feel like you need to hide things from me." Now, her eyebrows shot up, reaching for her hairline.

She tried to tug her hands from his fingers, but he held tight. "So ask away," she said, narrowing her gaze while a small smile played at the corner of her mouth.

Maybe he was going about this the wrong way, but at least she wasn't running for her life.

He sighed. "I'm concerned about Mr. Anonymous."

Kat frowned. "Did something happen with the transfer?"

"No, nothing like that." He paused, staring at her beautiful face. "Are you afraid of him?"

Kat laughed, the sound shrill and nervous. "Of course not." She tugged her fingers from his grip. "Why is that any of your concern?"

He smelled fear on her now, and his stomach tightened. "I'm just worried. Every time you mention him, you sm--seem afraid." Lukas hesitated, swapping out the word smell for the more neutral seem.

She sighed and gave a soft laugh. "I'm not afraid of him, Lukas. The donor has absolutely no control over me." She shook her head, her smile wide and clear, and he believed her.

He shifted to face her. "Then tell me his name. Maybe it's better if I know who this man is that's giving us so much of his money."

Kat's face lost a little color, her skin alabaster. "He won't reveal his identity. Trust me."

"How can you know? Maybe explain to him how important it is that I know where the money is coming from, due to the sensitive nature of our activities."

Kat shook her head, her silvery eyes darkening. "Don't you trust me? I told you he's happy with everything. He wants his anonymity or... he may rescind his donation."

Lukas sighed and sat back. "So it's anonymous or nothing?"

She nodded.

He had no choice. For now, he had to accept the money without the donor's true identity. Then he drew in a harsh breath. "Okay. Fine. But only as long as you're okay. Can you promise you'll tell me the moment you feel threatened in any way?"

Kat shook her head. She was denying it, but her shoulders and spine were stiff and tense. "What makes you think I'm threatened?"

"Because I can tell you're afraid of something. And you always act this way when you talk about him. Naturally, I'm concerned."

She frowned, her shoulders relaxing as she stared at his face, probably thinking he was nuts for his magical ability to sense her mood. "Lukas, I don't know what's going on with you, but I'm fine. My donor is of no threat to me whatsoever, trust me on that." She spoke firmly, and the smell of her fear seemed to fade away.


But he wasn't going to question her any further. Maybe he'd have to just trust her.

25. KAT

descended the staircase. She'd worn a deep red velvet full-skirted strapless gown that flared out at the waist. She'd been smart and chosen two dresses, one simple black and not as decadent as the red velvet, but after Alana's behavior earlier, she decided to go all out and dress to please herself.

Damn the woman's cattiness.

Of course, the dress was of a kind that cost what many people would earn in a whole year. So she wasn't as thrilled with it as she'd hoped. It had been one of Wolf's gifts on the last trip she'd made to bless his marriage to his long time lover Patrick. She was happy for her brother, but understood why her father had more or less disowned his own son. Wolf drew criticism from others, made society question the values of their family. He'd besmirched the Carter name, and had been shunned for it.

But Wolf had been her rock, caring and loving, understanding what it was like to never find a place to fit in. His chosen a career as a fashion designer had also drawn comments, but she'd always thought her brother was filled with talent. Case in point, the dress she wore.

Kat crossed the tiled front hall and entered the living room that was the ballroom for the evening. The place was already filling with guests, most of whom Kat didn't know and didn't need to know. Her purpose here was specifically as an employee of Lukas.

Nothing more.

She made her way between groups of well-dressed guests, keeping her head down as she headed to Sam, who stood beside the bar. No sense in meeting the eyes of someone who would recognize her. Too late, she realized she'd risked her identity being revealed if an invited guest happened to know her.

Her desire to dress up and feel good about herself could be her undoing.

She forced a smile onto her face as she stopped beside Sam, who was giving her a top-to-toe examination.

"You clean up nice," she said as she too gave him a once over. He'd chosen a dark suit and a bright purple satin tie. He hadn't removed the ear piercings or his eyebrow ring, though. She grinned. "Love the bling."

The bartender set a drink in front of Sam, and he lifted it in Kat's direction. "To the most beautiful girl at the ball."

Kat laughed and hated that she began to flush. She never took compliments well, especially since most of her life, people had told her how good she looked, often when it wasn't warranted. She'd ended up never believing them. Mostly because they either said it because they were paid to, or because they wanted something from her.

Someone came to stand beside her, and when she looked up, she had to smile at the sight of Lukas, his midnight dark tux stretched solid across his wide shoulders.

Damn, he looks good.

"I'd like to have a word with you alone, if that's okay?" His request was kind and gave her an out if she wanted it. She didn't.

She nodded and gave Sam a farewell smile as she accompanied Lukas through the now-crowded room. He led her to a set of drapes that hid a pair of patio doors. She raised her eyebrows as he opened a door for her. "Mr. Sarkozy, abandoning your party already?"

He let out a rumbling laugh and guided her outside with a hand on her lower back. The touch sizzled through her, and she wanted to stop and throw her arms around him, but she didn't. Lukas led her along the patio toward the stone balustrade. The light from the room shone in a long strip along the slate tiles, but Lukas took her to the edge of the balcony, a foot away from the light.

He came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "You look incredible."

"You're not so bad yourself." She grinned and leaned back, and his hands closed over her breasts. She let out a groan when he squeezed then released. She giggled. "You'd better stop. Someone will come."

"Even if they come they won't see a thing. I have excellent hearing."

She snorted then sucked in a breath as he drifted one hand across her stomach, gliding it lower until he cupped her between her legs, the thick fabric of the dress hindering him a great deal, much to Kat's frustration. She thrust against his hand, wanting more.

And Lukas began grabbing handfuls of the fabric, murmuring something about Kat and her long skirts. He lifted them up, sliding his hand up her leg and gripping her thigh tightly, eliciting a husky moan from Kat when his fingers curled toward her core.

Lukas gripped her thigh hard, but the pressure felt intense and glorious. He moved his hand away from her breast and she felt bereft. But then she gasped as he shifted his direction and slid his hand down the front of the dress, closing over her right breast. Skin against skin created a blazing heat that made her press herself to him.

He was driving her insane.

Beneath the dress, his fingers closed over her core. Pushing aside the flimsy lace of her thong, he thrust his fingers into her heated warmth, sliding along her slick folds, back and forth. His thumb circled her clit while his fingers pressed against her entrance.

"Lukas." Her whispered voice was filled with frustration as she bucked her hips against his teasing fingers. When he slid two fingers inside her, she let out a soft cry.

He stilled his movement. "Be silent, or I'll have to stop."

"You're cruel," she whispered.

He laughed against her back, the rumble of sound vibrating through her body.

"I'm silent," she said, urging him to continue.

And he did.

He moved his fingers deep before withdrawing, then plunging inside again. When he introduced another finger, she leaned back against his chest and raised her hips. "What are you doing to me?" she whispered.

"I'm making you mine."

Her explosion was close, so close. "I already am," she cried softly as he moved faster, slamming his fingers deep inside her, his thumb still brushing against her sensitive nub.

She felt her body tense, felt herself tighten around his fingers. With one last thrust, he brought her to the edge and threw her off the cliff into delicious ecstasy.

He held her tight as she shuddered through the waves, his fingers not moving from within her. She shifted as reality slowly sank into her awareness, and when Lukas's fingers tightened between her legs, she knew they weren't alone.

"Lukas. It's time we attended to our guests." Alana's cool voice pulled Kat from her delicious moment back into reality. But even as she pulled away from Lukas's hold, he followed and slid his fingers along her slick lips. She was wet again, just the mere touch of him making her ready.

"I'll be there in a minute," Lukas said as he circled Kat's clit again, his movements hard and hot.

Kat bit down on her lips to keep from crying out.

Alana clicked her tongue. "Lukas--"

"I'm in the middle of a discussion with Kat regarding our donor," he said as he moved his fingers along her length, then slid inside her again. "I'll be in as soon as we're done."

Kat arched her hips against his fingers. Was this going to happen again, even with the ice queen standing a few feet from them?

Lukas withdrew his fingers, then plunged inside again. Kat began to shudder.

Okay, so maybe he is going to make me come again.

As Alana's heels tapped against the tiles and she went back inside, Lukas shifted around Kat, his fingers moving briefly from her core as he sank down in front of her. Lifting her skirts, he closed his mouth over her clit, sucking hard, then slid his tongue deep inside her.

BOOK: An Heiress For The Bear (Sarkozy Brothers 2)
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