Read An Indecent Proposition Online

Authors: Stephanie Julian

Tags: #Sports & Outdoors

An Indecent Proposition (28 page)

BOOK: An Indecent Proposition
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“Anything you want, babe. You know you can have it.”

“Keegan took me earlier. Fucked me hard and fast and I liked it. But it made me want to do the same to you.”

His eyes opened and he stared straight into hers, lust gleaming in the dark depths. “I have absolutely no objection to that.”

Without warning, she sank onto him, taking him all the way in.

“Aw fuck, Jules. Yes.”

He stretched her tight, her labia swollen and tender from Keegan, her ass still overly sensitive. It made her want to ride him hard, feel that burn radiate through her entire body. Wanted Erik to burn with her, this time in a way that made him hers.

Behind her, she heard Keegan’s harsh breathing, wondered if he was stroking himself in time with her and Erik. She wanted to look but found herself transfixed by Erik’s expression. Harsh desire and frantic yearning proved to be a potent combination.

Her orgasm started low in her body. Her pussy tightened around his cock until he groaned, his eyes closing and his head falling back as she rode him harder and faster.

She saw the exact moment he gave in and let her have him. His cock swelled then begin to pulse deep inside her, prolonging her orgasm until she could no longer hold herself up and slumped forward onto his chest.

Erik anchored her to his heaving chest with an arm curled around her shoulders. And even though his breathing nearly drowned out all other sound in the room, she still heard Keegan’s low groan behind them.

She decided she wasn’t moving for the next week.


* * *


Erik woke when the bed shifted.

Lying on his stomach, he opened his eyes, blinking in the dark as he realized he wasn’t at home.

He was at Keegan’s. The previous night came back in a flash and he turned to catch a glimpse of Keegan’s back as he closed the bathroom door behind him. Beside him, Jules continued to sleep on her side, facing away from him.

Without a second thought, he rolled until he was spooned around her. Wrapping an arm around her waist, he pulled her even closer. She snuggled into him with a sigh, her body warm, her skin so fucking soft.

Damn, he could get used to waking up like this. He
to get used to waking up like this.

The three of them. Together. Making love all night. Having her waiting for them when they got home. Having her with them all the time.

It sounded like a dream come true.

And would probably never happen.

After they’d showered last night, they’d fallen into bed, Jules between them. There’d been no discussion. Erik had simply picked her up and laid her in the middle of the bed. Keegan had taken one side, Erik had taken the other.

It’d felt right. Exactly the way it was supposed to be.

This morning…

He sighed. This morning they needed to talk.

Because after his conversation with his sister on their way back to his house, Erik had come to a few realizations.

The door to the bathroom reopened and Keegan walked out, wearing a pair of boxers. He slid into bed again but lay on his back, one arm under his head, the other across his stomach. Just enough light seeped into the room that Erik could see him staring at the ceiling.

“What time is it?”

Keegan turned, his gaze sweeping down to Jules before looking at Erik. “Around six. Why are you awake already?”

“Because I’m not asleep.”

Keegan gave him the finger. Then turned back to his examination of the ceiling. “Go back to sleep.”

“What are you going to do?”

“Probably get up. I’ve got work to get done.”

No, he didn’t. Their work wasn’t the kind you could bring home unless he was talking about paperwork. And Keegan hated paperwork. Both of them did, which was why they had assistants.

 “She’ll be pissed if you’re not here when she wakes up.”

The “she” in question shifted against him, sighed, and said, “Yes, she will.”

Keegan turned again. “Sorry. We didn’t mean to wake you. It’s still early. Why don’t you try to get some more sleep?”

“I’d rather be awake with you two.” One of her hands rubbed along Erik’s forearm. With the other, she reached for Keegan, settling her palm on his chest. “You’re an early riser, aren’t you?” She yawned loudly. “We’re gonna need to work on that.”

That sounded like she planned to spend more time in bed with both of them. Erik definitely liked the sound of that.

Keegan laughed, a bare whisper of sound. “Yeah, that’s not gonna happen.”

“He’s been like this as long as I’ve known him,” Erik said. “He’s the only person I know who can get two hours of sleep and still wake up with a smile.”

“Yeah, well, I wasn’t raised with a nanny who brought me hot chocolate in a platinum mug every morning.”

Erik grinned at the old dig, though it was mostly true. He’d had a nanny and she’d made him hot chocolate every morning until he’d moved away to college. His mother certainly never did, though.

“Yeah, yeah, you were deprived. Your hot chocolate only came in a silver mug.”

“Sounds like neither of you had to worry about money growing up.”

Erik grimaced. “Shit. Sorry, I don’t mean to—”

“No, no. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded.” She squeezed his arm. “I’m just curious. Keegan talks about his family. You don’t.”

He tried not to tense but couldn’t help it. Her hand began to rub along his arm again. Soothing.

“That’s because mine’s pretty messed up.”

“My dad cheated on my mom while she was fighting breast cancer, cleaned out their bank accounts, spent the money on strippers, and then left us to clean up his mess. I know a little something about fucked-up families.”

Yeah, she did. If he ever found her father…

Erik’s arms tightened but he forced himself to think about what to say. Since she couldn’t see his face and the room was still mostly dark, he almost felt insulated from the past pain.

And he didn’t want to shut her down on this. He knew he had to be willing to share part of himself if they wanted to keep her here. He would share this.

“My mom is a stone-cold bitch,” he started, dragging out each word like he was pulling teeth. “She’s one of those women who looks like a mannequin, dresses like a model, never goes out of the house without makeup, and has the emotional capability of a gnat. My dad married her because she looked great on his arm and her pedigree matched his. They had two kids because that’s what was expected. After my sister was born, they moved to separate bedrooms and Kat and I tried to be ghosts.”

A weight had settled on his chest, a weight he’d become used to over these past three years. Only when he was with Jules did he not notice it as much. Instead of focusing on it, he focused instead on the heat radiating from her body, easing his muscles.

“Sounds cold.”

He hugged Jules closer, but he couldn’t continue to hold Keegan’s gaze. Keegan knew all of this. Didn’t mean it made it any easier to talk about. “We coped. My mom was harder on Kat. Her teen years sucked, and by that I mean they were hell. We both went to private schools but we lived at home. Kat wasn’t allowed to play sports so she didn’t have that outlet. I was expected to play soccer. My dad played and so did his father, so it’s kind of a family tradition. Luckily, I was good at it. Played almost all year round. Kept me out of the house.”

“Do you still play?”

“I did until the—” He refused to say accident because now he knew it wasn’t. But he didn’t want to get into that fight now. Not with Jules here. “Until the explosion.”

“Do you miss it?”

“Yeah. I do.”

“Then why don’t you go back?”

He hadn’t even considered it. “Too busy.”

Keegan’s eyebrows curved upward. Erik’s jaw tightened at the challenge, but there was no way he’d respond now.

“What does your sister do?

“She’s a lawyer, much to my mother’s regret.”

“Seriously? Your mom’s upset that your sister’s a lawyer?”

“Mom wanted her to go to college to find a good husband. Not a career.”

“That’s…kind of medieval.”

“My mother had emotion bred out of her. My grandparents were pretty much the same. I didn’t see them much growing up. I saw my mom cry once. After the explosion. And I’m pretty sure that was only because she knew I’d never look the same and she couldn’t handle that.”

 Jules fell silent then, though she continued to stroke her fingers along his arm, which began to give him other, more exciting ideas.

But there were still some things they needed to discuss.

“So have I scared you away with my dysfunctional family talk? You’ve met Kat and you’re still here so I guess that bodes well for the future.”

She stopped stroking his arm, her hand coming to rest on his forearm. “And what kind of future are you looking for?”

He knew what he wanted to say. He was more than ready to tell her exactly what he wanted. Full-time and exclusive. The three of them.

Keegan’s gaze remained steady on his. “You sure you want to do this now?”

“Now’s as good a time as any, I guess,” Erik replied.

“Then how about we do it over coffee?” Jules suggested. “I need some caffeine.”

Keegan nodded and sat up, but not before squeezing her hand.

“How about some blueberry pancakes to go with the coffee?” Erik sat up, trying not to grin. “I’m kind of hungry.”

Keegan gave him a look Erik knew well. The finger that followed made Erik lose the fight with his grin.

Jules’ stomach growled at the same time and Keegan’s smile became more natural. “Pancakes it is.”

Sitting up, Jules didn’t try to hide her nudity with the sheet, looking totally confident and so fucking hot, Erik almost reached for her. He managed not to but just barely.

She turned to him with raised eyebrows. “So if Keegan cooks all the time, what do you contribute?”

Damn, she made it almost impossible for him to be good. Hands curled into fists so he didn’t grab her, he turned and slid off the bed, grabbing his underwear from the chair along the wall where his clothes had ended up last night.

“I make a mean martini.”

From across the room where he was pulling on a pair of sweats and a long-sleeved t-shirt, Keegan snorted. “In his dreams.” He walked to a dresser, rummaged around. “Here, Jules. This shouldn’t be too big and I think I’ve got a pair of—yeah, here.” He handed her a t-shirt and a pair of flannel pants. “They’ll be big but they’ve got a drawstring. Erik, you know where the sweats are.”

“Next time, pack a bag.”

Erik had spoken the words casually but there was nothing casual about his meaning.

Jules turned to him, eyebrows raised. “That assumes there’ll be a next time, doesn’t it?”

“Then I guess Keegan better make breakfast fast so we can talk this through.”

BOOK: An Indecent Proposition
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