Read An Unexpected Husband Online

Authors: Constance Masters

Tags: #Romance

An Unexpected Husband (6 page)

BOOK: An Unexpected Husband
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“Like I said before,” she said, barely concealing her smile. She couldn’t help it really, although she kept arguing that they weren’t, she kind of liked the idea of them being a couple. “You should be worshipping me, I’m a protected species.”

“Hmmm. I do, that’s why I spank you. I even checked online and apparently, so long as I don’t use anything heavy it’s perfectly safe.”

Skye stopped with her hand and sandwich in mid-air. “You didn’t.”

He gave her an evil smile. “Keep on ignoring everything I suggest and being a smart ass and I might just practice out there in the parking lot.” He wiggled his eyebrows.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Wanna try me?”

“Not so much,” she giggled. She really didn’t think he would but she wasn’t going to press her luck.


*              *              *


It took a good half an hour for Skye to eat her sandwich, she must have chewed every bite twenty or thirty times. Finally she put the last piece in her mouth.

“How about dessert?”

“No,” Shaun said signalling for the bill. “You told your Mom we would be there at three o’clock. It’s two thirty now and we still have an hour to drive.

“Ok then…let’s go,” Skye said grumpily, recognising she wasn’t going to win.

Shaun rolled his eyes. He really hoped the entire week wasn’t going to be like this.

Shaun watched the road but also couldn’t help getting distracted by Skye’s antics from next to him. She was breathing in and then puffing her breath out and then turning a little to the side and then bending over.

“You ok?” he asked finally.

She sighed. “Yeah. I’m just seeing which position hides my bump the most.”


“Just trying to hide it a little, so I have a chance to tell them before they notice.”

“I don’t think there’s any position that’s going to hide it honey.”

“So you’re saying I’m fat?”

Shaun could have banged his head on the steering wheel. He’d walked right into that one. “No. I’m saying you look pregnant.”


“Look, just stop. It was your decision to not say anything until now. You must have known that it would come to this eventually. Now relax. It’ll be ok.”

“How do you know that?”

“Do you love the baby already even though you haven’t seen or held it?”


“Can you imagine anything the baby would do that would make you NOT love it?”


“Then imagine your parents after loving you your entire life. Would they just stop because you made the mistake of not telling them something?”

“I guess not.”

“No. I doubt it too. They’ll probably scold you and then hug you. I’m sure they’ll be over the moon about the baby.”

“I hope so.”

“So do I,” he said. Thank goodness they were nearly there. She really needed to get all this off her chest so she could stop worrying.


*              *              *


The car stopped outside Skye’s parents’ house and he looked over. She was feigning sleep. Shaun took a minute to really look at the house before coaxing her into facing this.

It was a regular house in a regular street. Two story cream coloured house with white trim. Flowers decorated a long path to the front door and there was a big elm out the front with a love seat underneath it. It was welcoming. The kind of house where there was always fresh cookies and hot coffee and woman at the door that wore a smile, and a man that took care of the garden. It was cared for lovingly by the owners. Similar to his own really. His Mom had a little help but the house was bigger, different but still the same in any way that counted. He didn’t know why Skye was so scared, unless it was more guilt than being scared.

“Skye? Honey we’re here.”

She slowly opened her eyes. “Really?” She looked out of the window and her fearful expression softened.

She’d be ok, he thought, she was home.


*              *              *


The front door opened and a nice looking woman with features very similar to her daughter’s came hurrying down the path excitedly. She was followed by a rather grumpy looking man who looked like he was trying to chase her down.

“Maddie!” he yelled. “Give them a minute.”

She turned to acknowledge him but kept walking. “Something’s wrong Rob. I can tell. I need to see her for myself.”

“I tell you woman, just give them a minute to get out of the car and you’ll find out.”

She didn’t have to wait long. Shaun was already out of the car.

“Hi, I’m Shaun,” he said. “Skye’s friend.”

Skye suddenly got some courage and opened her door. “Surprise!” she said, her obviously pregnant belly on display. She was really trying to make light of it but her eyes were brimming and filled with fear of what their reaction was going to be. “I wanted to get you something but you’re so hard to buy for.”

Shaun was shocked by Skye’s sudden turn around and that she’d broken the news to her parents like that. “Sorry you had to find out this way,” he said.

Finally Rob broke the awkward silence. He put his arm around Skye. “Best we get you two and my grandchild into the house,” he said.

“Oh honey, why didn’t you tell us?” Maddie said. She was shocked. She’s spoken to her daughter at least once a week the same as always. How could she just not mention a baby?

“Wait until we get inside the house before you start badgering her Mads,” Rob said.

“You didn’t think she should tell her parents?” she said quietly to Shaun.

“Well. Yes.”

“For goodness sake woman. Shush,” Rob said. “They’ve just been driving for hours. Let them be.”


*              *              *


“Why?” Maddie said sadly. She was very happy that there was going to be a baby, but she’d missed so much of the pregnancy already and they weren’t married. People that were having babies should be married.

“I’m sorry Mom,” Skye said. “I was scared and I didn’t know how you’d react, so I put it off.”

Shaun watched her sadly, wishing he could jump in and make it right.

“And you young man…” Maddie said turning on Shaun. “What do you have to say about all this?”

He looked at Skye and his eyes told her he wouldn’t lie, not even for her.

“How long have you been a couple and why have we not heard about you or met you?”

“We met, while on vacation,” Shaun answered.

“Remember when I took a vacation after Christmas, on my winter break?”

“Yes,” Maddie said.

“That still doesn’t explain why we’re just hearing about this now,” Rob said.

“It does Dad, I told you I was embarrassed because it was a fling.”

“We didn’t expect to see each other again,” Skye said jumping in.

“So what happens now?” Maddie asked. “Will we be having a wedding?”

“Mom,” Skye said. “I’m not even certain if we’ll stay together.”

“We WILL be staying together,” Shaun said. “I hope there’ll be a wedding, one day soon.”

“I haven’t made up my mind yet,” Skye said.

“We have a baby in there, that about clinches it as far as I’m concerned,” Shaun said.

Satisfied that this relationship was at least moving in the right direction, Maddie decided to leave it for now. Shaun seemed to be pretty sure minded about doing the right thing so there wasn’t much more to do than leave him to try and win their daughter over.

“So what do you do?” Rob asked Shaun.

“I teach,” he answered. “As it happens, at the same school where Skye works. I can support your daughter and the baby,” he said.


*              *              *


By the fourth day, worrying about her parents, the good people, and their feelings had grown rather old. Her Mom in particular was getting on her nerves. She didn’t even notice that Shaun was looking decidedly unimpressed at the way she spoke to her parents.

“Mom for God’s sake will you just, leave it.” Maddie had been trying to talk to Skye about a stroller for the baby. Shaun frowned at the hurt look on Maddie’s face.

“Skye,” he said with a frown. “Can you help me find something up in our room?”

“Why?” she said grumpily.

“Because I asked you nicely and I need your help.”

“No you don’t.” Skye was grumpy and didn’t even care that her Dad was watching their spat.

“Ok I don’t. I’d like to talk to you about something.”

“Well why all the cloak and dagger?”

“I was trying to be discrete, but if you want me to just say it, we need to be alone to talk for a little while,” he said.

Skye was silenced when Shaun grabbed her hand and towed her up the stairs.

“What? What’s wrong with you?” she asked grumpily.

“I was going to ask you that exact thing. Why are you treating your Mom with such disrespect?”

“She’s getting on my nerves. She’s nagging about stuff I’m not even ready to worry about yet.”

“Because she wants to take you to buy a stroller for the baby?”

“It’s not the stroller, well sort of. She keeps going on and on about it like it’s the most important thing ever. Like if I don’t have the correct wheels and it doesn’t lay back to the right level that the world will explode. She’s driving me crazy. Maybe this visit is too long.”

“You’re being hard on her,” he said.

Skye sighed. She liked that her Mom and Dad seemed to like Shaun but he should be on her side, he should tell her Mom that they could buy their own stroller and that she should just stop going on about it. “We don’t need her to get a stroller, hence we shouldn’t have to listen to her go on and on. You said you can afford to get whatever the baby needs.”

“Yes and I can but it’s more than that. You cut her out of more than half of your pregnancy. She feels left out.”

Skye rolled her eyes dramatically. “It’s my Mom…she’s used to me. If it was your Mom I could understand you worrying.”

“If it was MY Mom you spoke to like that I wouldn’t be worrying,” he said seriously. “I would have bent you over and spanked your bottom rosy by now.” Skye could tell he wasn’t messing around. He was deadly serious.

“Ok. I get the point,” she said. “Let my mother take me shopping and smile happily so she feels useful.”

“I don’t want to overstep with your parents which is why I’m warning you first. But this IS a warning. Knock. It. Off,” he said seriously. “Or else.”

“Ok, ok. I’ll be nice.” I’ll let her buy me whatever she wants. Be careful what you wish for, she thought. Won’t hurt to mention how hard it’s going to be to manage on one salary when she has to take maternity leave. If he wanted to play bossy she’d hit him right where it would hurt the most, his pride. No one did pity like her Mom when she felt sorry for someone.

Shaun smiled. “That’s good honey,” he said. “Go shopping with your Mom. Have lunch and talk to her about baby names, let her buy you a damn stroller. It’ll make her feel a little less left out of the loop.”


*              *              *


“Do I have to go?” she whined effectively the next morning. She’d just gotten out of the shower. She ran the tip of her finger up his arm while her other hand held a towel in place.

“Yes. We’ll be leaving for my Mom’s the day after tomorrow,” he said.

“Don’t be mad at me please?” she begged sweetly.

“I’m not honey, but I won’t put up with you being a brat either. You’re going to be a Mom yourself soon. Treat your Mom the way you’d like our child to treat you.”

She cuddled up to him, resting her face on his chest while he wrapped his arms around her.

“It’s the hormones. I can’t help it, one minute I’m up and the next I’m down.”

“I know,” he said. “Still you’re an adult and you have to have some kind of self-control.”

“Why don’t we lie down for a while,” she said.

“You tired?”

“Um, yeah, we could call it tired,” she said catching his bottom lip with her teeth as she kissed him.

“Oh! You’re TIRED.”

“Uh huh.”

She stepped back a little and turned around so her tummy wouldn’t show when she dropped the towel.

“Hey…don’t turn away from me,” he said smacking her bottom. “You’re beautiful. I love that belly.”

She hoped he did, she doubted it though. He wrapped his arms around her from behind and nibbled and sucked down her neck and across onto one shoulder. As she arched her back and pressed back against him she could feel his erection pressing against her.

He turned her gently and pressed his lips against hers firmly, coaxing her lips open with his tongue. That was all it took and she lost it, her hands clawed at his back and her tongue swirled against his as she ground against him. She wanted him badly and she intended to have him now.

She crawled up onto the bed, her ass facing him and what she wanted from him was clear, from her flushed and wanting expression to her wet pussy lips open and waiting for him.


*              *              *


“Please Shaun,” she begged.

Eagerly he crawled up behind her. He kissed each cheek before giving each one several light smacks. She wanted more he could tell but he didn’t want to make any noise with her parents so close. He settled his swollen cock at her wet entrance and squeezed each cheek apart before ramming deeply inside her.

She writhed underneath him with a deep moan and pushed back hard, marvelling at how deep he went with each thrust. “God yes,” she said into the pillow he’d thrown under her head.

“You’re so soft, so wet,” he whispered as he slammed into her again, and again repeatedly pulling right out before pounding into her deeply once more. “Never enough, I can never get enough of you,” he growled into her ear. With a few more powerful thrusts he emptied himself deeply inside her. He held her tightly and stayed inside her while she shuddered over and over with her own release. He fell onto the bed on his side and pulled up against him.

“So good,” he panted.

“Uh huh,” she whispered. “Now I can cope with a shopping trip with my Mom.”

He chuckled into her shoulder and held tight for a few minutes until he had to reluctantly let go so she could go and take another shower.

BOOK: An Unexpected Husband
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