Read ANGEL: When Angels Cry Online

Authors: CJ Bishop

Tags: #cj bishop, #phoenix club

ANGEL: When Angels Cry (13 page)

BOOK: ANGEL: When Angels Cry
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The man’s face awash with city lights, Cole
could see the want and need written all over it. He released him
and grabbed onto his hips then squeezed his cock head through the
guy’s tight anal ring.

Gabe gasped, his fingers bending and turning
white as he pressed harder against the glass, his body beginning to
arch as Cole shoved in deeper. “Oh fuck, baby…yes…give it to

And he did, every thick inch, squeezing in to
his very core, his anal sleeve closing tight around Cole’s member,
clenching, sucking him in even deeper. “Oh my fucking…
” A fierce shudder
ran down through Cole’s body, causing his toes to curl a little.
His fingers dug into Gabe’s hips and his chest hugged the man’s
strong back. “I love you.” He trembled, slid his cock back out
about half way then snapped his hips forward, driving himself back
in with a single, hard thrust.

“Fuck!” Gabe shoved forward, his forearms
flattening against the glass, brow touching the window, breath
shaky. “Yes, baby…fuck me like you mean it.”

“I mean it.” Cole panted.
“A lot.”
He squeezed his hips
and went to fucking him with deep, long, hard jabs, shoving him
closer to the window. Gabe’s now quite stiff cock bumped the glass
with a consistent dull
, smearing cum juice across the clear

“Fuck me, Cole. Yes!”
His breath burst onto the
glass in steamy puffs as he stared down at the city below. The
window fogged around his forearms and brow as his body grew hotter
by the moment.

Cole grunted and puffed and groaned as he
fucked his lover urgently, balls smacking loudly against Gabe’s
sac. The sound of Gabe’s dripping cock head thumping hard against
the glass turned him on like mad.
“Fuck, baby!”
he groaned tightly and
slammed himself in deeper, harder. “Oh my god!” he grabbed Gabe’s
dick and jerked him off, fist snapping up and down his steel shaft.
“Fuck, Gabe! Fuck!
I’m gonna lose it!

Double fucking Cole’s cock and fist, Gabe
shoved his head harder against the glass and moaned, mouth open,
breath bursting out of him, fogging the window.
“Fu…fuuuck…Cole! Oh god! I’m there!
Oh Fuuuck!”

His declaration propelled Cole over the edge.
He yelled out loud and came hard, stabbing his cock
into the man and unloading his balls.

Gabe wailed as Cole’s fist pumped his cock,
and he exploded, cum splattering against the glass and sliding down
the slick surface. “Fuck!” he shuddered hard and thrust through
Cole’s hand urgently until he was empty and sagging against the
window, Cole pressed up tight against his back, caressing his sweat
slick body.

“I really love you, Cole.” Gabe panted
against the cool glass, breath steaming out in short puffs.

“I love you too, baby.” Cole kissed his
heated, damp shoulder, his lips lingering as he whispered, “What’s
wrong, Gabe?”

Gabe shook his head slowly, but there was a
distant, troubled look in his eyes as he stared out at the city.

“I thought I heard your phone go off.” He
said quietly. “Or was I dreaming?”

Swallowing thickly, Gabe murmured dully, “You
were dreaming.”

Cole hugged him tighter and touched his brow
to the back of his head.
And you’re lying.


Chapter Fifteen

Guilty Pleasures


“Why do you have to go to work early?” Maddy

“There’s just…” he swallowed thickly and
glanced away. “Some things I have to do.” Guilt shadowed his heart;
Maddy hated being alone with Wade and Axel, and wanted Angel there
as much as possible. And his reasons for leaving early…he could
tell himself it was a good reason, that he needed the lessons–but
that was bullshit. It wasn’t the
he was going to Dane’s apartment

So because you’re itching to get laid by this
guy–you’re gonna leave Maddy with these fuckers even longer?

Angel sighed. The guilt twisted up his guts
as he looked at his little brother’s tense face.
What if something happens to him
while you’re off fucking your brains out? What if Byrd comes over
and decides to rape him? You gonna be able to live with that? Will
the fuck have been worth it?

His jaw tightening, Angel squeezed his eyes
He shook his head. “Look, Maddy,” he murmured. “I can wait and just
go in at the regular time. It’s no big deal.” The disappointment
was audible in his voice but he didn’t know how to force it out.
Dane was the first man ever that he felt enough for to actually
to be
with him intimately. This was a new and exciting experience for
him, and he longed to explore it. He was a little scared too, but
not so much that it would stop him from testing the waters to see
if he could swim.

He didn’t know if he entirely trusted Dane’s
intentions or not–he had no experience with trust, didn’t know how
it felt, other than the trust he had in Maddy. He
to trust him, and Cole
and Gabe as well. They struck him as men of honor–or at least what
he assumed men of honor were like, he’d never met any before now.
But there remained that guarded side of him, always looking for the
wolf in sheep’s clothing, the
in the details. Maybe trust was
earned. In time, surely these men would prove themselves to be

“It’s okay.” Maddy said. “You can go.”

Angel looked at him anxiously, the guilt
still riding his shoulders. “I don’t…” He licked his lips slowly.
“I don’t have to, Maddy. I can stay.”

“I’ll be okay.” Maddy assured him, putting on
a brave front. “They usually leave me alone.”

Guilt and uncertainty continued to thwart
Angel’s departure. “Are you sure—”

The bedroom door opened suddenly and both
Angel and Maddy jumped, gasping. Wade lounged in the doorway,
leaning against the frame. “I thought it over and,” He shrugged and
looked at Maddy. “I guess it would be okay if you got a job. But,”
He added sharply, stabbing a finger at the boy, “If you open your
fucking mouth about our personal lives here, I swear to God I will
cut out your fucking tongue. You got that?”

Maddy swallowed hard, and nodded. “Yes.” He

“And you.” Wade turned on Angel. “If you can
make five hundred in one go, I don’t see why you can’t make a
thousand. If they’ll pay the five, they can sure as hell afford to
pay more.” This time he jabbed his finger at Angel. “Don’t fucking
give it away. Charge them more. Those horny rich bastards have the
money. So when you come home tonight–I expect to see an

Angel stared at him; he expected Angel to
bring home a
dollars tonight? Last night was a fluke,
Dane had given him his share. But what about tonight? Would he even
be able to get the five hundred–much less any extra? Did the guy
expect this kind of payout

“Wade…” Angel swallowed thickly. “Not every
night is profitable. It just depends on the customers.”

He winced when wade grabbed the back of his
neck and squeezed hard, a fierce grin on his face. “Don’t
underestimate that sweet ass of yours, baby. You shove it in their
faces until they’re begging you for a fuck.” He released him,
shoving him back a little. “That five hundred from last night…did
you fuck the guy for it?”

Rubbing his neck, Angel frowned, eyes wet.
“No.” he said thickly. “I just…danced for him.”

“And did you offer more?” Wade’s voice
lowered to a dangerous tone. “Like I
you to? Because I’m thinking if the
bastard was willing to pay out five for a fucking
–he would’ve paid a whole
hell of a lot more for a

“I…” Angel shifted anxiously. “I did offer.”
He lied. “But…he was married and he wasn’t looking to cheat on his
wife. He just liked to

“Just liked to watch.” Wade murmured sourly.
His hand snapped out and slapped Angel hard in the face. “Well
don’t waste your fucking time with the ones who just want to watch.
Find the ones who want to
. It can’t be that fucking hard to do in a place
like that.” He exhaled hard. “Don’t start thinking your job is
dancing. You know why you’re there–so start peddling that ass or
have hell to pay.”

Wade walked out and slammed the door behind
him. Angel quickly wiped away a few rogue tears then cleared his
throat and looked at Maddy who stared back, eyes wet, fearful.
Angel forced a smile. “Well, look on the bright side,” he said
thickly. “You can get a job.”




“You’re in early.” Max grabbed a stool next
to Dane at the end of the bar. It was barely five-thirty and Dane’s
shift didn’t start till seven most nights.

“Yeah, uh,” Dane cleared his throat and
shifted a little on the stool. “I’m meeting up with Angel. He…asked
me to help him with the dance lessons.” He took a long drink of
beer and swallowed hard, nerves on edge. Would Angel actually show
up early? Or had he changed his mind once he came down off the
sexual high that their private dance had incited? There was still
plenty of time for him to show up. Dane had said an hour or two
early. But if he didn’t show by six, he would have to assume he had
thought better of their little rendezvous.

Maybe it would be better if he did. Do you really
think this could work? He’s a kid–just barely out of fucking high
school. You’re well on your way to thirty years old, over a decade
older than him. Maybe you should just let this one pass.

“Penny for your thoughts.” Max murmured and
sipped a glass of scotch that Dane hadn’t even been aware that Carl
had served him.

Dane shrugged. “Just thinking,” he shook his
head and looked at the man. “Do you think I’m too old for Angel? I
mean, shit, he can’t be more than eighteen.”

“Afraid you’re robbing the cradle?” Max
smirked and sipped his drink, eyebrows arched.

“Exactly.” Dane sighed.

Setting his glass down, Max twisted it in
slow circles, watching the contents swirl around the ice. “Think
about it.” He said. “The kid’s a
. Barely eighteen or not, he’s no
child. And from what I can see, he’s got a very mature head on his
shoulders.” He shrugged then stirred the drink with the tip of his
finger, pushing the ice cubes around the edge of the glass. “If you
have a chance at love,” he whispered. “Fucking take it. Don’t waste
it.” A notable strain thickened the man’s voice.

Dane reached out and rubbed his hand down the
back of his head. “You okay, boss?”

A short laugh caught in Max’s throat. “Fuck
no.” He downed the scotch and set the glass on the bar. “Not by a
long shot, baby.” He stood and smacked Dane lightly on the back.
“Not by a long shot.” He walked away.

“Is he…all right?” Carl asked with real
concern as he watched the man enter his office and close the

Dane glanced back towards the office. “You
heard him.” He murmured and looked at the bartender again. “Not by
a long shot.”

“What’s wrong?”

Sighing, Dane shrugged. “That’s not something
I’m at liberty to say.” He chuckled low, without humor. “Even if I
knew.” He glanced towards the club entrance, hoping to see Angel
appear–despite his doubtful thoughts. When he looked at Carl again,
the man was still staring at Max’s office door. “Are

“Huh?” Carl shifted his attention to Dane,
then rubbed the back of his neck anxiously. “Yeah. Why?”

“I don’t know.” Dane said slowly. “You seem
unusually attentive to the boss all of the sudden.” Or possibly not
all of the sudden? Carl was a fixture of the club and had been for
quite some time. Dane had to admit, short of ordering a cold drink
from the guy and engaging in simple casual conversation from time
to time, he really knew very little about him. He’d never paid
attention to who the man might be eyeing. Was it possible he had a
thing for the boss man?

“No.” Carl shook his head but seemed a bit
uneasy by the topic. He grabbed Max’s empty glass and set it down
behind the bar. “It’s just…he seems different lately. More
distracted, troubled.” He looked at Dane. “Does he have something
going on with that Kaplan guy? They’ve spent a lot of time closed
up in his office.”

Angel suddenly appeared at the entrance like
a beautiful celestial being from heaven. Dane stood up and smiled
at Carl and shrugged. “You’ll have to ask him.” Carl simply nodded
and wandered away as Dane walked towards Angel.




The vision of Dane coming towards him sent
Angel’s heart into a frenzy. His snug jeans hugged him in all the
right ways and the red and blue striped tank top exposed his
muscular arms, sucked against his thick chest and rippled stomach.
Angel hadn’t forgotten how that body felt beneath his fingertips–or
pressed up tight against him.

Get a grip before you faint right here on the spot
He took a deep breath and let it out slow. What if he were wrong
about why Dane had offered to use his apartment for their lessons?
If he came on to the guy only to find that the private dance thing
had just been an act, part of the job for him–Angel was sure he
would die of embarrassment and disappointment. He exhaled again as
Dane approached, a smile so sexy that Angel felt everything inside
him melt into a gooey puddle.

“Hey.” Dane’s smiled widened and Angel bit
back a whimper as the man’s dark eyes pulled him into that sweet,
bottomless abyss. “I wasn’t sure you were going to show.”

Angel licked his lips slowly, nervously, not
missing the way Dane’s eyes followed his tongue. “I’m here.” He
whispered, voice raspy, uneven.

BOOK: ANGEL: When Angels Cry
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