Read Angelic Ties [His Guardian Angels 2] Online

Authors: Jana Downs

Tags: #Gay, #Fiction

Angelic Ties [His Guardian Angels 2] (12 page)

BOOK: Angelic Ties [His Guardian Angels 2]
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Azrael ordered me to kill a nephilim before he reached maturity.” He swallowed as if the recollection was painful. “He was sixteen and out with his friends. I cut him down and got myself banished for it. I was mad at first, but once I got here and found my lovers…” Levi stroked a hand down the center of chest as if to calm him. He shook his head.

“I know how the hunters work because I was once one of those monsters. I know how they think, and if Azrael is leading the hunt, I know exactly how they operate.”

“It might be useful to have you around then,” Michel allowed after a thoughtful pause. “But we can’t stay here. We’re endangering Madigan and the community doing so.”

“Come with us to sanctuary. It’s a completely self-sufficient town.

Humans are there, too, of course, but for the most part the whole place is a collection of angels, fallen, and nephilim. It’s a neutral zone, and hunters aren’t even allowed in the city limits.” Marius offered the place up like the prize it truly was. If everything he said was true, then Madigan and the rest of them could lead a seminormal life until Madigan matured. It would be perfect.

“We’ll think about it and discuss it with the rest of our men,”

Michel interrupted before Bren could go ahead and agree to them
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following the threesome into the unknown. Michael’s angel was right.

They needed to be especially cautious.

Marius nodded. “That’s understandable. Our wedding is going to be there, so we’ll be headed that direction either way. The hunters won’t stop me from marrying the men I love.”

“Maybe it should,” Erik whispered bitterly. “It’s crazy trying to have a wedding while dodging blazing swords.”

“It’ll get better when we get to sanctuary,” Levi said, his eyes taking on the same determined glint that Madigan’s often did when arguing with one of the guardians.

“We’ll leave you to your rest,” Dex interrupted smoothly. “The kitchen is right down the hall as is the bathroom. If you want something to eat or drink, feel free. We need to seek our own rest with our mates.”

Bren agreed wholeheartedly. They’d been awake nearly twenty-four hours. To say he was tired was a vast understatement. He followed Michel as he took to the stairs, and Dex was a welcome and warm presence behind him as he climbed. Maybe things would look better once they got some sleep. They certainly couldn’t look any worse.

* * * *

Madigan came awake slowly, his mind a sluggish collection of hazy memories that swirled in his mind like bits of leaves tossed about by the wind. The warmth of other bodies pressed against his didn’t add to the desire for more information, either. He was relaxed and happy between his lovers. He rolled over and put a hand on Yuri’s winged back. His lovers enjoyed when he petted their wings. A hiss followed by a groan had him frowning. That was not the normal reaction.

His eyes popped open as clarity hit. “Shit!” he yelped, snatching his hand back from Yuri’s back. “Sorry!”


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The angel gave a forced chuckle. “All good, sweets. Just hurt is all.” The chuckle died off. “How’s Cross?”

“Alive,” Cross’s hoarse voice answered him, and Madigan gave a sound of pure joy before throwing his arms around Cross’s chest and scattering kisses over the still-healing wounds. “Miss me?”

“Yes!” Madigan started crying, clinging to his lover. He hadn’t thought he’d ever see Cross again after last night. He’d nearly lost all of his lovers, and the thought left him chilled.

“Wh’as goin’ on?” a slurred and sleepy voice asked from the floor. Madigan’s head popped up, and he was tremendously grateful to see Michel, Bren, and Dex curled up in a dog pile on the floor.

There obviously hadn’t been enough room in the bed with Yuri’s wings out.

“Just woke up. Is everything okay?” Madigan asked, adrenaline flooding through him in a delayed reaction to the trauma from the previous evening. He glanced at the window and saw it was full dark out. They’d slept the day away.

Dex relayed the information about the hunters, the extra nephilim, and the fallen who’d showed up on their doorstep not long after the three standing angels had deposited Madigan, Yuri, and Cross into their bed upstairs.

“I still don’t know why the spell my lord gave me didn’t work correctly,” Bren said as Dex finished speaking.

“Sin Spells, by their definition, are spells of a selfish nature. It was designed to be administered either to yourself in your spirit form or to Madigan. It probably wasn’t designed to work on other guardians. Lucifer never did organize things that way,” Yuri provided from his position on his stomach. He would heal quickly, at least according to what Madigan knew about his guardians and their healing capability. “Madigan probably used some of his angelic power to alter the spell enough to work on Cross. Raphael is the healer out of the archangels. It would make sense that his son got some of his gifts.”

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“I agree. That would make sense,” Cross said, tucking Madigan against his chest. “I can’t believe I nearly lost all of you.” Madigan squeezed him as tight as he dared. Dex started mumbling to himself, a sure sign he was talking to someone else.

“Lord Gabriel says that he believes it would be a good idea to travel with the fallen and his nephilim. The sanctuary that they speak of is one of the largest in North America. It was established by one of my lord’s sons back in the sixteen hundreds,” Dex said after a moment of indecipherable muttering.

“So this means we’re leaving?” Madigan trembled at the thought.

This wasn’t just something that was going to go away. It was finally sinking in that the danger was not only real but potential every time he left the house. “What about the bakery?”

“We can move everything to the new sanctuary. The fallen says that it is a fully functioning town, so I imagine they’ll need a bakery as well,” Michel soothed. The three men in the floor lumbered to their feet and crawled into bed as best they could with Yuri’s condition.

“We’ll start over, baby. Don’t worry about this being the end.

Think of it as the beginning,” Dex said, kissing the curve of Madigan’s foot as it poked out from under the covers. “Lord Gabriel is already speaking with your father on setting us up a house and a business for you to work in. It’ll be a few more days here, and then we can make the journey.”

“What about the hunters?” Cross asked, cracking his eyes open.

Bren provided the answer quickly as if he’d already been thinking along those lines. “Another reason we need to wait a few days. The fallen and his nephilim will be with us, so I’m hoping we can find a way around the hunting party or at least get a few reinforcements. I know of some of my line who would help.”

Cross nodded and seemed to relax a little bit. “Looks like you guys have everything figured out without me.”

“Oh hell, Cross. We’d be lost without our fearless, pain-in-the-ass leader,” Bren teased. Madigan watched the interaction with a smile on

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his face. It was like he could see the bond growing between them, expanding to a level of deep affection that he dared hope was the beginnings of real love.

Madigan suddenly felt the pressing need to show all of his men how very much he loved them. Their eyes went to him as if they knew the direction of his thoughts.

“I think I’m still too banged up for this,” Yuri said regretfully.

Madigan leaned over and pressed a kiss to his lips.

“No worries. I’ll get you next time,” Madigan promised. He expected Bren to grab him but was pleasantly surprised when it was Michel and Dex instead. The two males pressed him between them, letting him feel their need.

“God, that is fucking beautiful,” Yuri murmured. Knowing that he was watching them touch one another added to the fire of Madigan’s want. “Didn’t know if I’d ever get to see this again.” The attack had been horrible, but Madigan couldn’t help but to feel a little thankful at the reminder of the impermanence of things. He’d been so caught up in his cabin fever that he hadn’t really appreciated the wonderful relationships he’d been forming with these wonderful men of his.

Thankfully, he was naked under the sheet, and Dex slid off the bed so that Madigan could lie on his stomach and still reach the hardening cock that was going to be in his mouth soon. He couldn’t wait to taste Dex on his tongue and feel him in his soul. Michel’s hand palmed his ass, and he knew Michael’s angel would be the one filling him up. Michel must’ve grabbed the lube because the cold gel pressed against the tight entrance to his body with Michel’s fingers as he stretched him.

Madigan’s eyes went to Dex as he opened his mouth for the big angel’s dick. Gabriel’s angel was already panting, and a drop of clear pre-cum decorated his tip. Madigan sucked him into the back of his throat with no hesitation at the same time Michel’s thick head popped through the ringed entrance of his body and began the slow glide
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forward into his unresisting body. A flicker of movement caught his attention out of the corner of his eye.

* * * *

Bren pulled the covers down Cross’s naked body and looked up at him through lowered black lashes. “Don’t know if I can,” Cross murmured, stroking a hand through Bren’s raven locks. The emotions he saw churning in those pitch-black eyes made a flutter of sensation fumble around his chest cavity for endless minutes.

“If you can’t, just tell me. I’ve got to touch you, though. Really.”

The admission warmed Cross exponentially. He wanted Bren’s mouth on him, needed his heart with him. They’d never been closer than they’d been at his moment of death. Even if he had been unaware of his surroundings when he’d slid from this world and into the spiritual realm beyond, he’d felt Bren’s agony over his passing. Beyond the fear and the anger had been love. Cross was sure of it. He didn’t imagine Bren would be fighting the pull between them for much longer.

“Touch me, Bren,” Cross whispered, cupping the other man’s cheek for an all-too-brief moment before the other man pulled away and went to his task.

The warm, wet suction of Bren’s mouth on his cock had Cross gasping painfully. The holes in his chest were a definite distraction, but thank God, he was an angel and healed relatively quickly. The pain quickly subsided into pleasure as Bren’s skilled tongue and lips created a riot of sensation on his sensitized organ.

“Bren.” He gasped the angel’s name. “Love you.” He didn’t want to stop the words from coming out. He knew they were perfect and wonderful and right.

The dark-haired angel drew off his cock with an audible pop.

“Love you, too, red.” He put his mouth back down and got to work.


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* * * *

Madigan’s heart soared as the words two of his angels exchanged reached his ears. He groaned around Dex’s cock as Michel changed the depths of his thrusts, nailing his prostate with ever-increasingly powerful lunges. There was a desperate edge to their lovemaking tonight. Distantly, Madigan realized he should try and be quiet because they had guests just downstairs, but damn if he could be with the sounds and smells of his mates around him. Nephilim hunger.

They would understand.

It took no time at all to get Madigan near his peak. His prick was throbbing with every delicious push and withdraw that Michel and Dex were giving him. He was stuffed full and loving every second of it. The sounds of Cross’s ecstasy as Bren sucked him only added to his arousal and his hunger for more of his angels.

He squeezed his eyes shut, trying desperately to stave off the orgasm that was boiling through his blood, demanding he come and come hard. Michel’s hand found his cock beneath him and pumped his wrist in time to the equally matched thrusts in his mouth and his ass. His eyes crossed and stars exploded behind his lids. His butt clenched down on the hard shaft piercing him, and a groan of pure ecstasy sounded as his dick twitched twice before giving up its liquid pleasure in generous helping on the sheets beneath.

Dex stiffened right after, shoving deep into Madigan’s throat as he reached his own climax. Michel followed almost immediately afterward, screaming his “I love you!” to the ceiling as he did so.

There was nothing Madi loved more than to feel one of his men jetting inside him. It made him feel warm and loved and wonderful.

As they pulled from him and arranged him more comfortably on the bed, they all pressed kisses to Madigan’s face, which only made him blush and giggle. Even Yuri managed to push himself into a reasonable position to lay a deep kiss on Madigan’s mouth. He sighed contentedly. He felt safe again.

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They lounged against one another and talked about their plans for the next few days in the moments of their afterglow. Madigan knew this was right where he belonged. He’d miss his life here, but greater things waited for him in the city of sanctuary. They were tied together, more tightly bound than before due to their trauma, but Madigan had confidence that they’d be stronger because of it. They were joined, now and for the rest of their considerably long lives.

They all had just better get used to it. He looked around the room at his men. It looked to him they were well on the path to being a happy family, and Madigan wouldn’t have it any other way.

End of Book 2: Angelic Ties

To be continued in

Book 3: Angel Kin



Jana Downs lives in the beautiful mountains of Western North Carolina with three cats, one dog, several dozen fish, and a very understanding partner-in-crime who hates to read but makes exceptions for her stories.

You can usually find her either watching bad reality TV, buying way too many books on Amazon, or dreaming up another man or two to occupy her time because life is good but several drop-dead gorgeous nonexistent men is just better.

Also by Jana Downs

Siren LoveXtreme Forever ManLove: His Guardian Angels 1:
Angel Bound

BOOK: Angelic Ties [His Guardian Angels 2]
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