Another Man's Treasure (8 page)

BOOK: Another Man's Treasure
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She picked up speed until she reached a steady pace.  Her mind raced, going twice as fast as her legs.  She ran faster and did a mental inventory of her closet.
I need to do some unpacking to find just the right thing to wear. Hmmm….casual, sexy, slutty, sexy-casual


“If you think for one minute I am going to make this easy for you, think again Jude.  You think you hold all the cards, but I hav
e an ace or two up my sleeve.”


Miranda grinned as she talked to herself aloud.   Back at home, she stretched a bit, then went into the house, put coffee on to brew and headed upstairs for a long bath.


“Screw that, I am gonna take a shower. Last thing I need to do is drown this morning!” 


Miranda undressed and threw her clothes in the hamper.  She regulated the water temperature, stepped under the pounding jets and leaned her head back to wash her hair and enjoy the steamy shower. Today will be a day of unpacking, getting organized and settled…again.








At the stop sign, Jude signaled and turned right toward the office.  The sight of Miranda’s breasts in that jogging bra, his fingers touching the curve of them…
Ah, hell don’t go there dude.  You barely got yourself under control now
.  As he parked in his space and walked in the main entrance, the daily routine began again.  He had read the proposal and thought about it all night.  He better call Craig today and get some fine tuning done. 


“Good morning, Mr. Delaney.”


Tommy, the security guard, held the door open for Jude.   Jude laughed and slapped Tommy’s shoulder and he grinned


“Good morning Tommy, thank fuck its Friday, huh?”


“You got that right Mr. Delaney!”


Jude opened the door to the stairwell and started the climb to the 5
floor by taking the stairs two at a time.  The exercise helped relieve the sexual tension gripping his body as he walked into the office to greet his secretaries.  Only Janice was at her desk.  Jude inquired about Sarah.


“Today’s wires are on your desk already, Mr. Delan
ey.  Sarah is out sick today.”


“Nothing serious, I hope?”


“No, Sir.  She fell last night and sprained her wrist.  She called me last night to say she wouldn’t be in today.  She should be fine and back to work by Monday.”


“Good, but just in case Janice, please send her some
flowers from the office staff.&nbs ce sn>


“Will do, Mr. Delaney, I will have them delivered this afternoon.”


Janice dialed the florist and smiled.
Wow what a great boss.


Jude sat at his desk and made several phone calls, including the florist and the gourmet shop.  Flowers and imported wine will set the tone for tomorrow, he thought.  He planned to leave a bit early today to make all his stops and finish preparations. 


He had planned this night over and over in his mind. There can be no mistakes or omissions.  It had to be perfect…red roses, red wine and the hottest redhead he had ever laid eyes on, all in front of a roaring fire.  The corner of Jude’s mouth started to curl in a sly smile. Saturday evening was just around the corner.
The adventure of a lifetime begins. 
Jude sat for a few minutes, daydreaming.  He was finally going to get the evening with Miranda he always wanted. 
Oh, Miranda, if all goes the way I plan, I will never hear the words goodbye from your luscious lips again.











































Chapter 11



Jude opened the front door to the farmhouse and stepped back slightly to let Miranda pass by.  He extended his arm and nodded slightly.


“Please, come in.”


Miranda slipped past him, brushing up against the full length of his body. Damn, he smells good, she thought as she mentally shook her head, trying to gain control of her senses. Jude took her coat and hung it on a hook close to the door.


She couldn’t take her eyes off his arms and shoulders. Thick muscles stretched his tee shirt and a tattoo peeked out from under his sleeve. She could see every ripple and definition.
Man, this guy worked out.
Her eyes quickly scanned down his wide chest, an outline of a nipple ring pressed against his shirt, narrowing to his waist, to where his jeans sat right on his hips. His thighs were thick and bulky, tapering to nice firm calves and bare feet. Jude turned to walk to the kitchen and she noticed his tight, firm ass and her jaw dropped. 


Sweet holy hell, this guy was fucking perfect. I can’t wait to get my teeth on that nipple ring.  I wonder how much of his shoulder i
s tattooed.


Jude tipped his head and a small grin came across his face. He handed her a glass of a fine merlot. Miranda blinked, realizing she had been ca
ught staring.


“A glass of wine
, Miranda?”


“Yes, thank you.” She took the glass, brushing her fingers across his hand, and
took a small sip. “Mmmmm, it’s very good,” she murmured as she narrowed her eyes and smiled seductively.
Oh, she was going to enjoy this cat and mouse game…yes indeed…very much.


“Come to the study, I have a fire going and dinner set up in there.”


Jude took her elbow and led her down the hall.  He could smell the light scent of lavender and it taunted his senses.




The study was warm and inviting, not at all what she expected.  Walking into the room, the fireplace gave off an amber glow against the beige walls and dark blue drapes. A dark navy sofa and plush Oriental rug faced the fireplace. A small table next to the sofa was set with fruit, cheese, and a bottle of champagne on ice. Turning to the other side of the room, she saw his desk.  It was crafted of antique oak with a large credenza behind it that held his computer and printer.  Directly across from the desk was a bare wall with the exception of a large mirror.  Nothing else adorned the walls. 


“Your study is quite unusual.”


“There are times I work from home, so I like my environment to be comfortable. That stuffy office is a bit too sterile for my taste.  Please, Miranda, sit and make yourself comfortable. There is fruit and cheese for us to enjoy and chilled champagne if you wish.”    


“This is all quite, shall I say, romantic,” she said coyly as she sat down at one end of the sofa. She knew full well what he was up to, and admittedly, she wanted the same.
I am going to lose it if he so much as touches me. 


Jude stirred the fire a bit, added a log and sat down next to her so closely that she coul
d feel the heat from his body.


“I am glad you find it so romantic, Miranda. You see, I plan to seduce you tonight.  I have planned this night from the first time I saw you stretching in your driveway.” 


Jude slowly brushed his hand against her cheek then ran his hand through her hair. He grabbed a handful and pulled her face close to his. Jude whispered against her lips.  


“Miranda, I want to fuck you tonight…hard. How does that make you feel?”


Miranda tried to pull back, but Jude had a firm grip on her hair. He snaked his other hand around her and placed it on the small of her back.  Miranda hissed, staring directly into his eyes.




“What makes you think I am going to let you?”


Instantly, Jude’s eyes narrowed, going from the clearest green she had ever seen to something dark and almost sinister. Something deep inside her clenched and she her breath caught. Losing control was not what she wanted, but the raw sexuality of it excited her…a lot.  She was already incredibly aroused and her pussy was soaking wet. Jude took his hand from her back and grabbed her face just under her chin. He kissed her hard, tongue pushing her lips apart, forcing her mouth to open wide and take him in. He moved his mouth down over her bottom lip and bit it hard.  Miranda yelped as Jude leaned back.


“Good, remember that feeling. Stand up Miranda, and take your pants off.” She leaned back with her eyes wide and started to object.


“I said NOW, Miranda. If I do it for you, you will go home tonight bare assed, because there will be nothing left of those fucking pants.” 


She stood up slowly and unbuttoned her pants, letting them fall from her hips to the floor.
Why was she listening to him?
She vowed to never let a man talk to her like this again. But, for some reason, Jude had this hold on her and she liked it. 


She stepped out of her pants as Jude grabbed them and threw them aside. While she was standing there with the glow of the fire behind her, he pulled her closer. He ran his finger through her red lace panties, pulled them off and tossed them aside.


Jude ran his hands over the inside of her thighs and rubbed two fingers through the folds of her pussy. 
Fuck, she was so wet.


He pulled her down to her knees in front of him and lifted her shirt over her head, exposing the matching red bra. Jude ran his thumb over the material
and felt her nipples harden with his touch. He reached around and unhooked it, letting her breasts fall free. Firm, large and nipples so hard… he leaned in and bit one, then the other. 


Miranda squirmed and reached for him. He pushed her hands down. She let her hands fall to her sides. Miranda looked at him with wild desire in her eyes and lifted one eyebrow. 


“No, just let me admire you. Sweet Jesus, Miranda, you are breathtaking. I want you to get up on the sofa, on your knees and hold onto the back.”   


“Mmmmm, I think you have a bit of a naughty side, don’t you, Jude.”  


“You have no idea.”


Jude’s eyes narrowed. A small grin crossed her lips and a sarcastic tone crept into her voice.


“I understand…Master
< kast cr/span>


Jude grabbed her, spun her around quickly and placed a quick slap on her backside. It stung a bit, but it was gloriously playful. 


Miranda, on her knees, leaned over the back of the sofa, grabbed a handful of material and waited. She heard Jude unzip his pants. He placed his hand on her ass and rubbed in circles, then planted a firm slap on one cheek. Miranda flinched, but enjoyed the sensation. 

BOOK: Another Man's Treasure
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