Read Anything He Desires Online

Authors: Katie Morgan

Anything He Desires (8 page)

BOOK: Anything He Desires
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Kristen couldn’t believe the change in Logan. He was doting and gentle. There were times she could see things simmering beneath the surface. If she was friendly to one of the men who supported the cause, she could almost see his thoughts in a cartoon-like bubble over his head, depicting him ripping the men apart with his bare hands. But outwardly, he was civil and he’d even tease her about ‘that rat’ or ‘that skunk’ or ‘that tadpole’ afterward.  Shanna had a rip-roaring time laughing at their antics.

When Kristen saw him taking to another woman, she would experience a tightening in her gut, like a small fist gripping her. She would start sharpening her pencils. Once, she even made Shanna look in because she’d thought someone was knocking, but it was only Kristen kicking her feet viciously under her desk. This was when he talked too long with the women who assisted them, but overall, she was able to hide her jealousy more than he was.

She hated being jealous but she had to get used to it and just deal with it if she wanted to be with him. Logan wasn’t only wonderful to look at; he had money and an air of mystique that drew women in. Some of the women came to donate just to stare at him.

Kristen reminded herself that he belonged to her and went on with her day. However, one woman made it hard to ignore her. Kristen found herself wanting to slice her open and chop up her guts, as Kimberly would say. . Now she knew how Logan had felt when she had taunted him with Carlos. It wasn’t a good feeling and she suddenly realized this love business was very complicated, full of rotten lettuces along with the delicious meat and mayonnaise and it brought out a side of her she didn’t know existed.

She had never been possessive or jealous or viciously possessive and jealous until this woman came in and asked for Logan. When Shanna, with a raised eyebrow at Kristen, pointed her in the right direction, the woman went straight into his office and took him in her arms as if it was the most natural thing ever and Kristen deduced that they were intimate at one time.

Pushed to her feet by Shanna’s arm-waving and the demon currently roaring in both her ears, she walked over for an introduction. She heard the woman say she had missed Logan since he hadn’t called her after their date. Kristen wanted to pound her with an industrial stapler.


Logan was trying to detach her from his arms. When he saw Kristen’s face, he knew he needed to get rid of her fast.

“Mimi, this is Kristen. She runs the center—” Mimi cut him off, ignoring Kristen.

“You told me that first night you got home that you’d call me. Didn‘t you tell me that?” she whined.

Logan wanted to shove the whole desk’s worth of paperwork into Mimi’s mouth and push her out the door or out the garbage chute.

Kristen turned and left, but not before he saw the hurt in her eyes. He needed to explain but first he had to get rid of Mimi.

“I need to get back to work and you need to leave,” he said, firmer now. She had always obeyed him and he knew she liked him to take charge. It was part of the reason he had kept her around for so long and kept contact with her while he was in prison. She was obedient and incapable of love. The only thing she loved was money and he was suddenly disgusted with her.

She turned with a pout and flounced of. He was happy to see her go but he knew it wasn’t the last of her. He had always been generous with the money and he knew that even if she could walk away from him, she would resist walking away from the money.

He found Kristen in her office.

“She was someone from the past. You remember I have this past that I’m never proud of having?  I didn’t tell her to come here and to be honest, I had forgotten about her.”


Kristen looked at him coolly. “She said she had seen you when you came home. Did you see her before or after you came to me the night you came home?” She dreaded the answer.

“I saw her before I came to you. The entire time I was with her I couldn’t get my mind off you. She was someone I’d been seeing even before prison and I have taken care of her financially. That will stop now. I promise. She means nothing to me. I only want you, Kristen. I’m quite addicted to you. You know that.”

Kristen considered what he had said. It was before their agreement and she couldn’t hold him accountable for past sins. But gosh, it hurt, just the thought that he’d wanted that woman.

“It bothered me to see her clinging to you. I’ll get over it. Just give me a minute.”

They both went back to work and they managed to finish all the plans for the grand opening. They also signed up several more kids and had made adjustments to the programs. At the end of the day, they were both tired and only wanted to go home.

“Did you have lunch?” he asked. She shook her head. She knew he had lunch because his housekeeper packed it for him. Sara had offered to pack Kristen something as well, but she didn’t want to take advantage of her.

“Tomorrow I’ll have her pack you something too,” Logan said. “For now I’m going to take you out to dinner.”

“I think you should ask me first,” she said teasingly.

He grabbed her and pulled her to him. “I don’t ask. I take. Do you want me to take you to dinner?” he asked but she knew it wasn’t really a question. She giggled. There really was no question whether she wanted to or not. He just needed to ask.

They had the total package of every girl’s fantasy dinner, fancy food and candlelight. He even ordered champagne. As she brought the glass to her lips all she could think of was the way his kiss tasted.

When she held the spoon in her mouth she thought of sucking his cock instead of the food off her utensil.  She craved him. She decided that he wasn’t the only one who could be in charge.

After they ordered and the rather snooty server left, she slid her shoes off and slid her foot slowly up his leg until she reached his cock. She massaged it with her toes until it was hard. It didn’t take long. She wanted it in her mouth so badly. She eyed the tablecloth speculatively. It draped the table completely, to about an inch off the floor.  She could make it under the table without attention because they were hidden in the corner.


When Kristen suddenly scooted under the table and took his cock in her mouth Logan knew he had created a monster. What an adorable monster she was. She had the best sucking mouth and he was amazed at her skill.  Being the one in charge and giving pleasure made her moan. This was power, being able to make him do as she wanted. Logan knew about it because it was a power he liked wielding.

To even their standing a little, he reached down, wrapped his hand in her hair and pulled her off his cock just before he came. He wanted to see his cum in her mouth.

“Open wide,” he ordered.

She complied and he came in her mouth. He watched it slide down her throat.

“Swallow.” She didn’t need the command. She swallowed hungrily.

“Lick your lips.” She slowly licked her lips. Then she made her way back to her side of the table. She smiled at him and he knew she’d enjoyed giving him pleasure. The feeling of control it gave her made his Kristen giddy.  Two could play this game.


He ducked under the table. She was pulled roughly but quietly to the edge of her chair. His hands slid up her legs and her skirt pooled over her lap. He gently pushed her legs apart and immediately began his assault on her clitoris with his tongue.

She couldn’t believe he was giving her such pleasure in public. She whimpered into her serviette and allowed herself to release in his mouth.

He made it back to his side of the table just as the waiter was bringing their food. She felt completely naked and vulnerable but also hot and delicious. She was ravenous, but not entirely for food. Kristen just wanted to get home so they could continue where they left off.


The fact that she wanted him was obvious. She was flushed and her eyes were a smoky emerald hinting at her desire. Logan couldn’t get his cock to go down. He knew she wanted him inside of her and it made finishing his meal very difficult. They both ate quickly, barely tasting the food.  On their tongues, they could still taste the remnants of each other.

They drove home in the back of the limousine, teasing and tantalizing. They were still kissing and touching as they stumbled through the door.

Logan picked her up as tradition and carried her to the bedroom, where they were greeted by a very naked Mimi.

It was like throwing ice water on them both. Kristen pushed out of Logan’s arms. She started collecting her clothing and was out the door and in the limousine before Logan could stop her.

He wanted to wring Mimi’s neck. He had made it clear in the past that she was only to let herself in when she was invited and she knew he didn’t want her here tonight.

“Give me your key and get the fuck out,” he snarled at her.

She got up and shimmied over to him. “Is there anything I can do for you before I go?” she asked running her fingers down his chest.

“There is nothing you can do for me now or ever. Leave your key and go. You will also not be receiving your stipend because I don’t need your services anymore. I’ll give you compensation for your time and dedication but never do this again. Stay away from me and Kristen or you’ll be very sorry.”

She wiggled into her clothing, probably trying to tease him. He only rolled his eyes. The action was lost on him. He was only thinking about Kristen and how this must look to her. He could only imagine how she felt seeing a naked woman in his bed. If the roles were reversed, he would be beyond furious.

As soon as Mimi left, he tried to call Kristen but she didn’t answer. She did send him a text message.

“Going to sleep. We will talk tomorrow. I can’t deal with it tonight.”

He just sent her two words back because he didn’t know what else to say to make it better.

“I’m sorry.”

Logan didn’t sleep for most of the night. The thought of living without Kristen was unbearable to him. He had just known her for a short time and she had become so important to him. The feeling was both exquisite and frightening at the same time.

He didn’t know what to do to fix things but he would try. He really had no choice.


Kristen got to work before Logan. She knew she looked like hell. She hadn’t slept much but she had come to a conclusion. She was going to listen to what he had to say. He had obviously not planned for Mimi to be there. The woman was part of his past and even though she may not have him forever, he was hers for now and she would be damned if she would share him.


When Logan arrived, he expected to get the cold shoulder from Kristen. He was pleasantly surprised when she gave him a little smile.

“Can I talk to you?”

Her smile brightened. She did love it when he asked for things. “Sure.” He came into her office and closed the door.

“I didn’t tell her to be there. I really never wanted to see her again. The moment I met you I didn’t even consider her anymore. She was paid for and the only thing she will miss is the stipend I gave her to be loyal. I never cared for her. But you I care for more than I ever dreamed possible. She won’t be around any longer. I’m asking for you to forgive me for the disastrous end to our dinner last night.

“I believe you, Logan. And I forgive you even though I think there’s really nothing to forgive. She is your past and I want her to stay there. I don’t know how long you will want me but while we’re exclusive I won’t share. Can you deal with that?”

“Yes. I think I can do that.” He was already smiling in relief. He went to her and took her in his arms.

After a moment, she pulled away because he was overwhelming her.  They could talk more tonight.

“I have to work but maybe we could try again tonight.”

“I can’t think of anything I’d like more.” He kissed her before leaving her to work.


Shanna was at her desk and she raised her eyebrows at Logan. He flashed a little grin and she smiled back.

“I feel like I’m working in a soap opera. I can’t wait to get to work every day to see what will happen next.” She laughed and Logan joined her though it was a little sobering. His life had felt like a soap opera even before he had dragged Kristen into the crazy life he lived.

He swore to himself he wouldn’t allow any of the ugliness of his life to wear off on Kristen. She deserved the best and he would try to give her everything she wanted and desired. She was the most amazing woman he had ever met and he wanted her in his life.

The depth and intensity of his feelings still surprised him. He wanted to see if they would continue or lessen as time went by.


Kristen felt better now that things were settled with Logan. He had really changed. And all for her. He had always taken care of himself first before. But now he put her first and actually apologized. It was nothing short of a miracle.

BOOK: Anything He Desires
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