Read Arranged for Pleasure Online

Authors: Lacey Thorn

Tags: #Multiple Partner Erotic Romance, #Bdsm

Arranged for Pleasure (8 page)

BOOK: Arranged for Pleasure
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“Let me help, baby,” he crooned and slid his hands up her ribcage and in to plump her breasts and hold them up. She pulled back enough for him to duck his head and take one tight point into his mouth. He sucked greedily on the straining bud, and she wrapped her hands around his head, her fingers clenching in his scalp as he fed.

“Yes,” she cried out again and again.

“I want to fuck your ass,” Rafe told her, his eyes begging her to agree. “Can you take me there?”

One nod from her and he was snagging a condom, ripping the package open and sliding it on.

Adrian popped free of her nipple and slowly inched them back on the bed until he had made room for Rafe to join them. Reclining, he took her with him, finding her mouth and kissing her deeply.

She felt Rafe’s hands at her ass, spreading her checks and working lube into her anus. He was quick, but thorough, and soon she felt the broad head of his cock pressing against her.

She arched her back, lifting her ass and letting Adrian’s cock slip out just a bit while Rafe worked his length in. She swore time stopped when they both filled her. There was nothing so pleasurable as having two men filling her, loving her, totally focused on pleasuring her.

“Fuck me,” she begged, and as if they’d just been waiting on her, they did.

Both cocks pounded into her, forcing her body to accept all they had. Hard, fast, deep, they fucked her breathless. Rafe groaned and jerked out of her. Before she had time to voice more than a token complaint, Adrian had her flipped over on her back fucking her. She lifted her legs to wrap around his hips. Her hands clenched his shoulders, holding tightly as he rode.

With a harsh cry, he thrust deep and stayed, his hips giving hard pulses against her as he came inside her pussy. Each spurt of his hot come sent little tremors of pleasure off in her. Perhaps it was the newness of sex without condoms, but whatever it was, it intensified the pleasure, increased the sensations coursing through her body.

Adrian panted above her, his hooded eyes watching her face avidly.

She smiled softly, lifting one hand to caress the side of his face. “I’m real. This is real, and I’m not going anywhere,” she promised.

He softened above her, lowering until their chests met and his mouth could ease against hers. Air was too much in demand for more than a brush of lips, but that was all that was needed to convey how they felt before he pulled out and rolled away.

Rafe stood at the side of the bed, just looking down at her. The condom was gone, and she could smell the subtle hint of soap. She held her hand out to him. She needed him, needed his seed to join Liam’s and Adrian’s inside her. It was as if by taking their cum in her womb, they were claiming her, a part of her she’d shared with no other man. It marked her as theirs, and them as hers. Right or wrong, it was how she felt at that moment.

He moved to join her, slipping between her thighs and easily sliding his cock into her pussy. Slow and easy, he made love to her, crooning to her in his native Spanish. She didn’t know everything he said, but she required no translation to read the love in his eyes. It shone bright and clear.

This was what she’d run from? What she’d been afraid to embrace? Now, she couldn’t imagine running. Hell, she was afraid she might not survive the separations that were inevitable while they were still in the Army. She didn’t want to think about what they faced as Rangers.

Mi amor
,” Rafe crooned, and she met his eyes. “
Te amo, mi amor. Para siempre

She didn’t hold back the tears glistening in her eyes. He loved her. For always. Wasn’t it funny how the boy who’d always been there turned into the man who would show her a life and love she couldn’t live without? He’d never given up on her. He’d introduced her to Liam, then Adrian, and to the intense pleasure of being with all three of them.

He slipped his hand between them and pressed down on her clit. Rubbing softly, he continued to tell her how much he loved her. His thrusts grew faster, slammed harder as he pulled them both to the brink of orgasm and then sent them flying.

“Rafe!” she cried out his name as she slipped into yet another orgasm. “Adrian! Liam! I love you. I love you.” As the confession slid past her lips, she sank boneless into the mattress letting exhaustion claim her.

This moment, their lovemaking would make it all the harder to do what she had to later. But one way or another, the threat cast by Juliana Marino and the partner she claimed to have had to end.


Chapter Six




Kat ignored the voice in her head telling her not to leave, begging her to stay, warning her she was fucking up royally. This situation would never end if Juliana and her “accomplice” never had a chance to approach Kat without her bodyguards surrounding her.

Kat couldn’t keep living under house arrest. She wanted to get on with her life…with her new life with her three men. And they couldn’t move forward until they dealt with this issue. Kat was an action girl, and she’d reached the end of her patience. She couldn’t sit around waiting anymore, wondering when or even if something would happen. It was time to create an opportunity.

She eased the door shut, knowing everything would be over if she accidently woke up one of the men. Juliana was out again, escaped this time, and they were fairly certain she was headed in this direction. Her last words to Tara had been about Kat. Juliana had sworn someone was watching Kat, preparing to play with her. But no one had attempted anything. No pictures. Nothing. It left Kat with her nerves constantly on edge. It just made no sense.

Everything with Tara had started with pictures being sent to her phone. Then Juliana had tried to kill her. So why was it different with Kat? No photos, no notes, no contact of any nature. It was driving her crazy, sending her thoughts spinning in circles.

What if they were all wrong? What if there was no one watching Kat? What if they were watching River or Tara, just waiting for an unguarded moment to take one of them? What if Kat was the decoy and one of them was the real target? Juliana was crazy as shit, anything she said was suspect.

Kat should call River, call Tara. Check in with them and make sure they were being careful, not making any little mistakes. She should go back to the house, cuddle up with her men, and forget leaving them.

She heaved a weary sigh. But thinking about all of them—her friends, her lovers—only served to remind her of why she was leaving. Juliana Marino and the threat she represented needed to be removed from their lives for good. That way all of them could move on. She really hoped her future included Rafe, Liam, and Adrian.

She slipped quietly into the garage, being careful not to turn on a light and give herself away. She was worried enough about one of them waking at the sound of the garage door opening. They’d be out the door and after her immediately. Part of her even hoped they’d stop her.

She leaned against the car and heaved another sigh. “What am I thinking?” she whispered out loud. Uncertainty filled her. Was she doing the right thing in leaving? Or making the biggest mistake of her life?

Too late, she noticed the shift in shadows. Too late. She was too late as the hand covered her mouth and the pungent, sweet scent of chloroform filled her lungs. One strong arm banded around her chest completely locking both her arms at her sides while the other hand kept the doctored cloth securely over her mouth and nose.

“I knew if I was just patient, you’d come to me,” a voice crooned in her ears. “I told Juliana to wait. She was so impatient, so eager for your blood. She wanted me to take you weeks ago.” A chuckle filled Kat’s ear where the voice whispered to her. “I’m betting you’ll be well worth the wait.”

Everything was going fuzzy. Kat could feel herself losing consciousness. Her last thought was a prayer. Please let Rafe, Liam, and Adrian find her before it was too late.

She awoke to the sound of arguing. Her head ached, and she gagged at the acrid taste filling her mouth. She tried to remain as silent as possible and slowly took inventory of her body. She still had her clothes on. Her hands were stretched above her head and secured to the headboard of the bed she was lying on. Her legs were free. Unfortunately, that wouldn’t do her much good if she couldn’t shake of the lingering effects of the chloroform.

It was like a scene in a bad movie, the ones she always scoffed at. What type of woman allows herself to be chloroformed? Apparently, she did. She cracked an eye open and after blinking a bit was able to bring the room into better focus.

It was almost like a closet. Tiny, so tiny, there was no room for much other than the bed and a small table. She could see the gleam of knives on the table and felt what little saliva she’d worked up dry out immediately. Did they plan to use them on her? A slide show of the pictures of the other woman played in her head with the focus set right on their slit throats.

“Be patient, Juliana.”

Kat tried to focus on the argument outside her door. The male voice was the same one that had crooned in her ear while she’d been drugged. There was something odd about it. He spoke so low, so husky, it was almost hard to hear him. The feminine one had to be Juliana’s. She’d made good time getting back here.

“But it’s been so long,” Juliana moaned. “I want to touch her. I want to play. Remember all the things we did last time we were together? How good it felt?”

“Yes, I remember everything, Juliana.”

Was that exasperation Kat heard in his voice?

“But we can’t do anything right now. I told you to be patient, to wait for me to come for you. I just managed to get her and now you turn up. You could have been followed.”

So, he hadn’t known Juliana escaped? And it sounded as if he wasn’t happy about it.

“I couldn’t pass up the opportunity,” Juliana whined. “The door was open.” She giggled, sounding eerily like a young girl. “That silly girl didn’t realize I was there. She was more intent on stealing. So I slipped out while she was going about her business.”

“It wasn’t a good idea. They’ll be looking for you now. Most likely here. I told you not to go after that girl. I told you to be patient. You never listen, Juliana. That’s why you were sent away to begin with. You’re too impetuous. You don’t stop and think.”

“I’m sorry. Please forgive me. Please don’t be mad at me.”

“I’ll always watch over you, protect you.”

“I know. I love you. You’ll always be there for me.”

“Are you ready to play?”

“Yes, please. Oh, yes.”

Kat’s eyes flared wide. They were coming in. The doorknob wiggled just before the door pushed wide. A wedge of light increased as the door widened, and Juliana Marino was silhouetted in it.

“You’re awake,” she said, and the smile that lit her face made Kat’s blood run cold. There was evil there, pure evil, and it scared her as nothing else ever could.

“You must be Juliana,” Kat replied. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

Juliana laughed. “I’m sure you have. I bet your friend still dreams about me.”

“Killing you maybe,” Kat stated, watching the flare of anger that filled Juliana’s eyes. “She’s good at killing crazy Marinos.”

“My brother was nothing like me.”

Interesting how being compared to Raymond seemed to piss Juliana off.

“No?” Kat taunted. “Hmmmm, you’re right. He was actually so much better. I mean he hid his crazy, didn’t he?”

“Shut up!” Juliana yelled at her.

“She’s only trying to get to you. Calm down.”

Kat’s jaw dropped open. Now she knew what was off about the masculine voice. It was Juliana talking. Holy crap, she was crazier than any of them had realized.

“I want to taste her blood. I want to touch her and make her feel pain,” Juliana cried.

“Patience, my love. Patience.”

It was terrifying to watch Juliana have a conversation with herself. Not only did her voice change, but her entire face and bearing. As Juliana, she seemed young, eager. As whoever else she was, there was confidence, maturity. It scared Kat to death. Her only chance was to keep Juliana here and not let the other one take over. She had a feeling that would be very bad.

Kat wiggled her legs just a bit, making sure they were ready if Juliana charged at her, because Kat planned to keep talking until she did. If she could knock Juliana out or at least really hurt her with a well-placed kick, it would give the guys more time to get here and help her. There was no doubt in Kat’s mind they would be looking for her, and she wouldn’t give up until they found her. But how long had she been out?

Juliana took a step into the room, and Kat spoke up again.

“He was a decorated detective. Everyone liked him. Funny, isn’t it? How everyone loved him, and he’s the one who had you sent away.” Kat laughed. “You’re nothing compared to your brother. Nothing.”

“Shut up!” Juliana screamed. “You don’t know anything.” She turned back into the other persona.

“Calm down, Juliana. She’s just trying to get to you.”

Kat gritted her teeth. “What’s the matter, Juliana? Are you afraid of me? Can’t handle me yourself? Another reason your brother was so much better. He could fight his own battles. He didn’t need anyone else’s help.”

“Raymond was stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! He deserved to die!”

“She’s just baiting you. Calm down.”

Juliana lifted her hands to hold her head. “Shut up,” she screamed, but this time Kat was certain it was meant toward the voices in Juliana’s head.

It was bizarre to watch Juliana speak to herself it two such unique voices.

“You need me. I’ll protect you. I’ll take care of you. Shhhhhh.”

“No! I don’t need you anymore. You left me to fend for myself in there. Every pill they forced down my throat. You didn’t come to me. You didn’t help me.”

“I’m here now. Let me take care of things.”

Juliana screamed and fell to the floor, both palms pressed into the sides of her head as if trying to contain whatever was shouting inside.

Kat’s heart was galloping.
Holy fucking shit!
Nothing could prepare a person to deal with something like this, someone like this.

BOOK: Arranged for Pleasure
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