Bad Boy's Kiss (Firemen in Love Book 2)

BOOK: Bad Boy's Kiss (Firemen in Love Book 2)
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Bad Boy's Kiss: Firemen in Love, Book Two


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done with guys. I've been cheated on, lied to, and knocked up with a married man's baby. Men are nothing but bad news, and being alone suits me fine – until Max comes back to town and takes my breath away with a single kiss.

Eleven years passed since he left for greener pastures. He's a firefighter now, but to me, he'll always be a cocky, arrogant jerk. Too bad I'm a sucker for that sweet southern drawl, his lips on my neck, and promises of pleasure whispered in my ear.

I wasn't looking for love. Just one night between the sheets with him; that's all I wanted.

But when our worlds collide and everything falls apart, that one night becomes so much more...




Anna Southwell is the only woman who's ever shot me down. She's an attorney turned country girl, smart and tough as she is sexy. I'm a party boy who works hard and plays even harder. We couldn't be more different if we tried.

to have her.

But she's been hurt. She's pregnant and scared. If her crazy religious parents find out the truth, she'll lose her house, the farm,

I can't let that happen. When a wildfire accident put me in a wheelchair and left me stranded, she welcomed me into her home. Now I'm going to repay the favor, no matter the cost.

Even if that means giving up my bachelor ways to pose as her baby's daddy?

Yeah. She's worth it.






Chapter 1 - Max


“What do you think, man? Fake or real?”

The blonde girl at the bar kept checking me out. She watched me with a smile, sipped her martini, then slid the olive between her painted lips.

I felt for the condom in my wallet. Did I bring one? Of course I did. Never left home without protection, 'cause I never knew when I was gonna get laid.

Like tonight. Tonight, I was definitely getting a piece of

Brett shoved me. Jerk almost made me spill my beer.

“What? Can't you see I'm concentrating?”

“Fantasizing, you mean. You can't get a chick like that. Look at her. Thinks she's a princess.” He laughed when I glared at him. “Anyway, answer the question. Those puppies can't possibly be real.”

Her brunette friend came back from the restroom. They both turned, looked me up and down, and whispered to each other excitedly.

A threesome, ladies? Don't mind if I do.

The blonde wore so little clothing, not much was left to the imagination. Her skimpy shirt, black, sparkly, and low-cut, clearly screamed her intentions to the world. Guess if I had boobs that sweet, I'd show them off too.

“Eh, I dunno. I need a closer look before I can decide.” I grinned. “You can have her friend. She's right up your alley.”

Brett chugged his drink; he always relied on that liquid courage before making a move. Just as I popped a breath mint, the radio on my belt beeped with an incoming call.

“All units, we got a vehicle fire at the intersection of North 5th and Herring.”

We were pretty close to that location. It should have been us taking care of that fire.

But then the blonde winked at me, and my decision was made.

Brett grunted. “You wanna go handle this?”

I muted the radio fast. “It's just a car. Not like there's a building burning down, right? We take the call, you know these hotties won't be here when we get back.”

Yeah, we were on the clock. So what? Nobody had to know. Jayce and the other guys could do it.

“I guess, but...” He gazed longingly at the brunette. “Man, I dunno. Aren't you already in trouble? Boss said if you got written up again, you were done.”

“Let him write me up. I'm not passing up a chance like this. Neither are you.”

“But –”

I left him at the table and cut my way through the crowd toward the bar. Blonde was out of her drink. It was a perfect opportunity for me to play hero for her. Chicks

“Yo, bartender.” I waved to Joe. “Get the woman another martini.”

He nodded and hurried to fill her glass. The blonde giggled and did that flirty hair-flip thing. It was pretty much universal language for “take me home with you.”

“Hey, thanks. That's sweet of you.” She looked me over, then flinched a little when she got a good look at my face. “Um, my name's Candy. What's yours?”

I shouldn't have been insulted. Yeah, my face was kind of messed up, and people couldn't help but stare. I'd gotten used to it. Still, it stung.

“Max,” I told her. “And this here's my buddy Brett.”

The brunette latched onto him right away, but I could tell she wanted me too. Fine by me. I had more than enough for both of them.

“I'm Katie,” she said. Her eyes narrowed. “What happened to your face?”

Candy shrieked and nearly pushed her friend off the bar stool. “Jerk, don't ask him that! It's totally rude.”

“Sorry, I was just...”

I laughed it off and put my arms around both of them. Candy smelled like cheap perfume and vodka. Why was her hair
Just how much gunk did she slather on there?

“It's okay, I get it all the time. You wanna tell the story, Brett?”

He rolled his eyes. “We were at a call once. House on fire, couple of kids trapped on the second floor. This guy literally runs through fire to get to 'em.”

Candy squealed. “Oh, what a hero! Are you both firefighters?”

“Firemen are so sexy,” Katie added. She put her hand on my thigh. Score!

Joe dropped off Candy's martini just in time. I took the liberty of peering down her shirt while she sipped it. Hmm... They looked pretty real to me. Only one way to find out, though, right?

Katie pulled Brett aside and started hounding him with questions. Poor guy looked like he was being cross-examined on the witness stand. He was so polite, he'd never tell her to shut up.

Me, on the other hand? I didn't have time for talking. Why bother with conversation when it was obvious where this was gonna go?

There was a little dish of peanuts on the bar. Candy tried to seductively crack one open, but ended up breaking the tip of her fake nail clean off.

“My nail!” She shrieked. “I just got these done this

Katie immediately rushed to her friend's side. “Oh, it's okay. We can glue it back together at your place.”

“I can't just
it! Look, I lost one of the rhinestones!” She got down on her hands and knees and searched the dirty bar floor. “Help me look for it, Katie.”

I sighed loudly. They didn't notice. Was it any wonder I remained single? I didn't have the patience for this crap.

Well, at least the view was decent.

Brett's radio beeped three times. “Units, we have a fire at Sleepy Ridge Apartments, 1103 Columbus. All available units, please respond.”

He nudged me. “Man, we can't keep ignoring these calls. Hank's going to wonder what we're up to.”

Damn it! Staring at Candy's ass while she crawled around on the floor made me so hard, I could barely think straight. I wasn't leaving here without getting some action from at least one of these girls.

I polished off my fifth beer while Brett explained to them we had to be on our way. They uttered groans of disappointment. Then, Candy gasped.

“Hey, I know! How about giving us a ride in your truck?”

Katie clapped her hands. “Yeah, that would be so much fun! Show us how you use that huge hose of yours.”

They burst into laughter. Didn't tell them they weren't the first chicks to make that remark, and they wouldn't be the last.

“It's quite a beast to handle, I'll admit,” I continued. “It's very heavy and thick. And if you're too rough with it,

They loved that one. Maybe I did have a messed-up face, but I made up for it with my sparkling sense of humor. As long as I could make a girl laugh, I knew I'd be able to get her into my bed, easy as pie.

Brett wasn't in the mood for jokes. He shoved me out the door, with the ladies trailing along behind us. They gushed over our truck, which of course we'd parked front and center in the fire lane. That's what it was there for, right?

“Ooh, first-row parking! You boys are so lucky,” Candy cooed. “Hurry up and put out this little fire so we can all have some fun.”

Brett sighed as I helped the stumbling girls into the backseat. With their short skirts, it wasn't easy. Got a nice look at Candy's pink underwear as I boosted her up, though, so that was all right by me.

“Dude, we gotta focus on the job first,” he scolded me. “I wanna get laid just as much as you, but we're on the clock right now.”

“Ugh, fine. Get in.” I fished for the keys in my pocket. “But soon as this is done, we're going back to your place.”

“What? Why mine?”

“You're the one who has a hot tub, obviously.”

In the truck, I fumbled to get the key into the ignition. Why were my hands shaking so much? Didn't think I'd had
much to drink. I could usually down a twelve-pack by myself easily.

Oh, yeah. Dinner. Working a double shift meant I'd totally forgotten to eat earlier. That probably had something to do with it.

“Hey, man. Are you okay to drive?”

Brett's brow furrowed as I slammed on the gas. The truck lurched forward and the sirens began to blare. Candy covered her ears and cried about how loud the noise was. Katie was busy taking pictures of everything on her phone.

“What do you mean, am I okay? I've only had a few beers.”

I rolled to a stop at the light. The bright red glow made my vision blur and eyes water.
Okay, man, stop seeing double. We're almost there.

The operator put out the call again. Brett responded, telling her we'd be on the scene in minutes.

“This is super exciting,” Katie howled. “Does this thing go any faster?”

Despite feeling unwell, I gave her my best sexy smile. “You bet it does, girls. How about we make a deal? I'll put the pedal to the medal... if you two show me just how excited

They exchanged glances. Brett shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He wanted to scold me; I could tell, but he wisely kept his mouth shut.

“Well, we're all going to have some fun together, aren't we?” I winked. “Surely you ladies don't mind getting a bit close with each other, if you get my meaning.”

“Damn it, Max, pay attention to the road!”

Thanks to Brett's warning, I hit the brakes just before rolling through a stop sign. Eager to get this over with, I slammed on the gas. Thank God for the siren that got the annoying traffic out of our way.

“Um, 'close?'”

I nodded. “Let us see what you can do. No reason to be shy with bodies as lovely as yours.”

Katie set her hand on Candy's knee. I knew that look on her face. Both were plainly nervous; I bet neither of them had been with a woman before.

It was
freaking hot.

Brett adjusted his crotch as he watched them touch each other. I chuckled and nudged him.

“Quite the show, isn't it? Hope you got that hot tub heated up and ready to go soon as we get there.”

“Duty calls first. Can we at least
to focus on the apartment that's gonna burn down if you don't move your ass?”

Clouds of gray smoke billowed in the near distance. The sky glowed a dull orange as flames colored the darkness. Almost there now. Just a couple more miles...

Candy groaned softly. How could I not turn around and look?

BOOK: Bad Boy's Kiss (Firemen in Love Book 2)
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