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Authors: Gracia Ford

Badass (9 page)

BOOK: Badass
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Tina and I were only a few minutes late, but I get the impression some of the ladies arrived a lot earlier. I don’t blame them because most of them are away from home.  The whole point of being in a new place is to explore. 

I drop my phone on the floor to get a sneak preview of her dress under the table.  As I do she opens her legs.  I can smell her fucking pussy across the table. I think she’s bare.  I want to fucking eat it, drink it, and suck her wetness.  She’s calling me with her fucking pussy in its full glory.  My cock rises to the occasion.  It wants to go home in her folds.  This woman has me under a spell, because I’m losing control.

She gets up and heads to the bathroom.  I follow her like a fucking dog on a leash.  Shit, the tables have turned.  I don’t follow women, they fucking follow me. I practically run to the bathroom like I am on a scavenger hunt. 

Shit, can the real Alex please stand up?

She grabs my hand and puts it up to her wet pussy.

No undies.

Shit, I am speechless.

I fucking created a porn star.

I hesitate as I touch her pussy. Half naked, my cock wants to slip into that pussy.  I lift her up and charge into the bathroom. Shit, I don’t even check if it is the men’s or the women’s.  I pound into her against the door.  If anyone approaches, they will hear her screaming with her back bouncing off the door.

Why can Mia do what no woman has ever been able to? What’s different about her?

She’s got me losing my control.  I don’t do random fucks unless I want to, especially when I thought I was coming out to eat. She’s making me fucking mad; mad for breaking the rules, and mad for making me fuck her.

Oh shit, I come so quickly.  I shoot up her like an injection and she shakes with relief as I let go of her.  She pushes me out of the way and grabs some tissues to clean up before she heads back into the restaurant like nothing happened.  I put my limp dick back in my pants.

I turn to see the urinals, confirming I’m in the men’s restroom. I start searching the stalls, because I can hear some noise.  I’m shocked to see some guy jerking off as if he is watching porn.  I am speechless when he asks if I could bring her back so he could jerk off again. Sick fuck.

I want to see Mia just one more time, maybe out in the parking lot or even better, on top of my car. 

I suppose it’s not so bad because after tonight I won’t see her again, ever.


fter the meal, the owners move some of the tables to create a dance floor. I’m so not in the mood, but the girls are calling out for me to do some dirty dancing. I feel her watching me. Every time I look in her direction her eyes are on me.  I hate it. Normally, I stare.

What the fuck’s going on?

After the last lady gives me a chance to escape, I head to the sofa to sit down.  I’m exhausted from all the dirty dancing, and the week’s events. Mia comes over and sits on me, no shame, no holding back, giving me complete access to her pussy in the corner of the restaurant. Here she is, grinding on me. I taught her well because the music’s playing and I’m hard. 

Fuck it, I’ll bend the rules again tonight.

She’s coming home with me.

I’m not going to apologize in the morning when I send her home, complete with an out of body experience.  Luckily, the other instructors are here. They love flirting with the ladies.

Tina seems to want to get more instructors involved, it took me a long time to get Carl involved. I did the first couple of camps alone.  I´m not too comfortable about getting any more involved, especially Steve.

Even boot camp is a push. Shit, how do I know that the guys won’t get greedy and have secret sessions?  Men get greedy just like women.  I don´t want anyone getting attached to these bitches.  In this day and age there are so many diseases floating around because one person gets careless. 

I’m a control freak and I like it that way.

This way no one gets hurt.

No one gets sick.

Chapter Sixteen

his fucking isn’t me.

Did I really bring Mia back with me?

Nah, I’m dreaming, have to be. I drank too much at the restaurant. That’s why I don’t like drinking. It makes you do stupid things you regret and you can’t take back.

Why am I still stroking her back?  We came back to my place and I stripped her before she passed out.  I was relieved, to be honest.  We kissed and couldn’t keep our hands off each other in the cab. 

Shit, it’s almost as if we were lovers.  I see lovers doing this type of shit all the time: in the club, on the street or, shit, even in the fucking gym. There’s always one thing on my mind when it comes to those couples.


Relationships are for suckers.

People who believe giving their heart to another is the answer to their prayers have no clue.

They’re wrong. I’m the one living the good life, never tying myself to one person.

She’s making me question things. I fucking hate her for it. Why do I get this warm feeling having her by my side and in my bed? I’ve always avoided this because it leaves you vulnerable.

I’ve never had a woman in my bed.

Never, as in ever!

Shit, my mother did this to me. She’s to blame. She turned me into a cold-hearted bastard. She left me when I was a kid and it still fucking hurts, even though I’m a grown man. I thought I didn’t have a heart. How could I? My mom ditched me as a kid and only comes back when she’s run out of money, or to get away from whatever shitty situation she’s in at the time.

I used to think I couldn’t be worth anything but bestowing pleasure on a woman when she needs it the most and still don’t. What could I possibly have to offer? Everyone I know, all the guys in the gym and outside, all are in close contact with their mothers. The only ones who have no relationship are the ones whose moms are dead.

Shit, that’s the only reason a mom ditches a child because she isn’t alive in one sense or another. That or the child is just a waste of space and wants nothing to do with her. I’m just bad at emotional connections; not in business though, otherwise I wouldn’t be making a fortune by enhancing qualities in a person.

I bring in a six-figure income with no degree. I’ve gotten here by learning how to survive and working my ass off, literally and figuratively.

“So, are we just going to fuck?”

“What?” I’m so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t even notice she was facing me and stroking my hair.  Women are always after me, but they only want one thing: my fat cock in their pussy. They don’t want to lie down in my bed, nor do they want to have a conversation. All they want is my tongue in their pussy or down their throat, so I embrace what they want.

“I’m going to teach you something, Alex.”

Uneasy with her words and this situation, I’m finding it hard to deal with bringing her home with me and letting her sleep in my bed. 


“I’m going to make love to you.”

I am not down with this at all. Why did she agree to come home with me to make love to me? After tonight I’ll never see her again. Does she want to stay with me because I’m me or because she wants to try and figure out why I am the way I am? She knows nothing about me and I like it that way. I’m an asshole.  What about me is so appealing that she wants to make love to me? What does that even really mean,
make love?

She climbs on top of me slowly, never taking her eyes off me.  Her hands slowly touch the side of my face.  Her long hair forms a curtain. I gently brush it to the side. I’m not used to being gentle. This is foreign to me. I command and they do as I say. I’m not used to handing over my control, but I can’t say a word. This woman is dominating everything, and I find myself not wanting her to stop.



This is the woman I’ve had my eyes on from the start because of her wicked mom, but she’s different. Her beauty is pure and innocent completely unlike her mom.  She has never been coarse or demanding; the complete opposite of what I’d envisioned her to be.

She gently presses her lips to mine and I’m lost; lost in her touch and in her scent.  I decide to embrace it. I want her to control me, to do as she pleases with me. 

Sunday was meant to be a day to catch up on my sleep, but I’m getting the impression it’ll be spent catching up on sex with Mia.


t’s been one week since Mia’s session ended.  She came and I never let her leave. One week since the night I brought her home and we’ve been living like a fucking married couple. 

She stayed over on Sunday, and then Monday I couldn’t let her go.  Tuesday, I finally made my way into the gym and left after a half day.  Every day since then, she’s here at my penthouse waiting for me.  Surely she’s got a home to go back to, but the thought of her leaving doesn’t sit well with me.

She only booked a hotel here for a week, not eternity. I think she’s only been there once to pick up some clothes when she declared she couldn’t keep walking around all day naked, or in my shirt. Personally, I love the idea of her walking around naked all day in the penthouse.

I’m too scared to ask her for fear she may take it as a hint that I want her to leave. I can’t believe I’m even thinking this. I watch her taking out the pots and pans like she’s in her own apartment or home. I just got home from the gym and she’s asking about my day as if it interests her.  She asks me the same thing every night.

“How was your day?”

“What did you get into?”

I answer, knowing I need to get this thing off my chest. When she finishes cooking whatever it is that smells so good I’ll ask her.  No fucking beating around the bush. I’ll get straight to the point.  Why is she still here? Is she running from something?

I sit at the small breakfast table and figure out that she’s cooking my favorite meal, Spaghetti Bolognese. I love that smell.  The hot tomato sauce and the spicy mince has me salivating.  Ever since I went to Italy, it has been my all-time favorite meal.  She asked me what it was before I left for the gym this morning. I never thought she would go to the trouble of cooking it tonight.

This whole thing is like a fucking fairytale. Who would have thought living domesticated with a female could be enjoyable?

A fairytale, yet, it feels so real.

As we sit down to eat, I thank her for the meal and take a couple of mouthfuls. The boiling hot sauce and the spaghetti mixed in my mouth are heavenly. Damn, the woman can cook.

“So....” I tread slowly as I swallow the contents of my mouth.

“So,” she replies, giving me her killer smile. 

That smile can melt hearts.  That smile’s melting mine.  I avoid eye contact, so we can continue the conversation and I don’t stray away due to temptation. I want to put her on my lap and fuck her right now. I need to focus on our talk. There are too many unanswered questions.

“It’s not that I don’t want you here, but I just don’t get it. How come you’re not going back?”

She shifts uncomfortably in her seat. We’re sitting across from each other at the small round table, the one with two chairs. Why two? Because the only other person I ever eat with in this apartment are my only old friends, Matt or Kevin. Tina comes over once in a while for business meetings. Usually, I go to her place though. She says my place is a bachelor pad, unlike hers.  


What? Who the fuck is Nathan?

She pauses and swallows what could be her last bite for the evening.  Her face goes pale as if all the blood has drained to her feet.  She’s far from the beauty in her little tank top and shorts who I saw cooking in the kitchen a few moments ago.

“My mom signed me up with you.”

She avoids looking at me and starts sipping water.

I have never seen her look like this.  The closest was that night in the dungeon, but that night changed her. She became more confident and willing to speak her mind, like she was finally breaking through her shell.

I remember when she first joined boot camp she was quiet.  She would train and do what she was told, but was timid.  Now, I’ve unleashed a different Mia.

“He’s my fiancé,” she says, breaking me from my thoughts.

I suddenly remember that day at boot camp and it all hits home, making complete sense. I forgot her reason for joining the camp... until now.

“He cheated on me.  We’ve—”

She’s choking, trying to get her words out, and now I feel guilty for making her feel like this, but I need to know the truth.

“Been brought up together to get married since we were kids; sort of a modern-day arranged marriage. The plan was to go to college and take a place at our parents’ businesses. Then, I caught him. I found out he’d been with others.”

Shit, what a prick. All I can think about is beating his face in.

“That shit.”

“That’s not all. Mom said the reason he did it was because I’m shit in bed. She put me in this program to—” She breaks down in tears.

I go and hug her as memories of her cock-sucking mom come to my mind.  She had no right to betray her own blood. Her mom was talking shit anyway, just like mine has so many times before, because she’s the best I’ve ever had, and that’s saying a lot. 

The prick is a fucking piece of work. Your woman’s shitty in bed, so you bed anything you can get? That’s not right. What the fuck is wrong with people?

“Sounds like he never wanted to get married,” I say with no emotion.

“This is what I’ve learned.” She relaxes in my arms. “But our parents won’t accept us breaking it off.”

I say nothing. We just stand, having more in common than I originally thought; just two people trying to survive in the world, coming from shitty situations and even shittier parents.

She has a path to follow. I’m not sure I could ever understand. I had a family that dumped and used me from time to time, but I rid myself of them.

Her world is so fucking different from mine, yet similar. She went to weddings, birthday parties, and had celebrations that I had only attended for friends, never for family members. She had a family. I had parents. I wondered what that felt like, but at what cost? A family that only cares about themselves really isn’t a family at all.

BOOK: Badass
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