Bandit Bound: A Bad Boy Romance Novel (21 page)

BOOK: Bandit Bound: A Bad Boy Romance Novel
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"Dinner? Are you a chef now?" Savannah said with a laugh as the two of them jogged to the house across the hot sand.


"I've always been a chef, you're just picky," Vincent teased back.


They walked into the front room and Savannah's mouth began to water.
Wow, that smells delicious
, she thought.
Did he hire a private chef?


"What is that?" Savannah asked in awe as her nose drew her closer to the source. She walked past the living room which was still 'under construction' (including a rather tacky but charming sign that literally read 'UNDER CONSTRUCTION') into the kitchen, where a glorious pot of pulled pork awaited her. The smell was incredible. It was the source of her mouth watering anticipation.


Savannah eagerly found herself a seat beside Vincent at the large dining table. Also seated were the children who were all smiling in anticipation of the meal.
There must be several pounds of pork in that pot
, Savannah thought.
I want to eat it all.


"Who made this?" Savannah asked skeptically.


"I did, obviously," Vincent said smugly with an apropos grin on his face.


"Bullsh--" Savannah said, pausing herself in the presence of the impressionable kids. "Yeah, right," she said. The children chuckled in unison, already knowing what she meant.


"I really did. Every time you've been out of the house, I've been learning. Watching YouTube, mostly, and sometimes opening a cookbook," Vincent replied.


Savannah looked at him as if he were joking, but by now she knew her husband well enough to tell when he was serious or not; he was serious. The gesture was sickeningly sweet and Savannah hid her blushing face from Vincent as she tried not to cry from joy.


"Go on, let's serve dinner, right guys?" Vincent said to the children who all let out noises of approval.


Vincent plated all of the servings sloppily; pulled pork on buns, on tortilla wraps, and some of the children just wanted to eat the pork as-is. Savannah placed hers into a toasted bun.


"To Savannah!" Vincent said, lifting his sandwich into the air in a cheers-motion. Some of the children were already too busy eating to mimic the gestures while others did so. Savannah had a few tears running down her cheeks.


"Thank you," Savannah said as she looked into Vincent's eyes. "Thank you for saving me."


"And to think you were
close to calling the cops on me that first day we met," Vincent teased and then took a bite from his sandwich. Savannah laughed and took a bite from her own.
Oh my God
, she thought.
This is... the best pulled pork I've ever had in my life!


"It's amazing," Savannah said after she swallowed her first bite.


"I have more good news," Vincent said. Savannah smiled wide and looked at him in anticipation.


"I've gotten into contact with some friends of mine with connections, and they're going to be able to reduce the statute of limitations for our, um, misdeeds, by
years. That means we can go back and visit in just two years!" Vincent said excitedly.


"How?!" Savannah asked with her mouth full. "Sorry," she added after swallowing her food.


"You let me worry about that! So, what do you say? A visit home and maybe a road trip two years from now?" Vincent asked.


Savannah smiled.


"Yes, but no more 'misdeeds', please!" she said, winking to Vincent in front of the oblivious but blissful orphans.


Vincent leaned over to Savannah and they kissed each other as deeply as they had for their first kiss. A little yellow warbler perched itself on the windowsill, drawing giggles and points from the kids. And for the first time in her life, Savannah felt free.



Thank you for reading!


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Kendra King




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BOOK: Bandit Bound: A Bad Boy Romance Novel
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