Beautiful Curses: Book One (8 page)

BOOK: Beautiful Curses: Book One
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“So how did Mason see this photo? Did Ella show him?”

“I suppose. I don’t know where she got it from, but she did seem pretty friendly with one of my classmates when we went out for lunch in London. They were giggling about something. Maybe she made up a mock one and gave it to Ella to stir me. I don’t know, that sounds far- fetched.”

“Ella wouldn’t have any reason to pass around a fake photo. Who is this classmate of yours? Maybe she fancies you or something.”

“Mack! No, no way. She’s one of the lads. I don’t think she likes me. I think she liked James for a while, but he wasn’t interested.”

Liked James? Okay that just diverted my attention
Focus Jo, focus.

Spencer leaned back against the sink. “Jo, I really need to talk to Beth. It took a lot of persuasion to sort that Lisa mess out. I don’t think she’ll answer my calls or let me into her house. Not unless … you help me.”

Jo narrowed her eyes. “I vowed not to interfere between you and Beth.”

“I know. But I really need to sort this out. I’m going crazy. I can’t stand all the lies and don’t understand why having a relationship with Beth has to be so difficult. I really, really like her. Please. Help me?”

Spencer looked so helpless, and she was a sucker for doe eyes. “Oh alright,” she sighed. “What do you want me to do?”




Jo closed Beth’s front door. “Beth I’m here. I’ll wait in the lounge there’s a really good show on TV I want to watch.”

“I’ll just finish changing Jack and I'll join you in a minute,” Beth called out from upstairs.

Good that would make this easier.

Jo quietly opened the door again and let Spencer in. She gave him a tight smile, then shuffled past and closed the door.

As she walked down the road, Jo stuffed her hands in her pockets and bit her cold lips. Her stint at having a best friend might be over with this one move. Trust was one quality Beth valued above any other, and in a small way, Jo had just broken it.

Sighing deeply, she looked across the deserted streets and spotted James sitting in the parked car opposite the kids’ playground. Slowing with each step, she debated whether she should join him. Sitting in such close proximity would send the butterflies into over drive, and she had no clue how long Spencer would be. But the prospect of staying outside of this cold grey day didn’t sound very appealing.

Plucking up what courage she had, she quickened her step to reach the car, then opened the door and slipped into the warm passenger seat beside James.

He smiled faintly as she rubbed her hands together while they sat in silence for a few minutes. Jo felt increasingly uncomfortable, and needed to break the silence before she went crazy. She decided to take the opportunity to ask him the question that had been plaguing her for weeks. Taking a deep breath, she glanced at him. “Well, we've been speculating about Spencer’s girlfriends all holidays ... What about you? Do you have a girlfriend?”

James arched a brow and shook his head. “No. Not at the moment.”

Jo mentally blew out a big breath. Not realising how much of a relief that was.

“Were you dating someone and broke up?”

“I fancied a couple of girls last year, and we dated a few times, but nothing serious. Not like this thing between Spencer and Beth.”

“Yeah, I hope it works out,” Jo said quietly and played with the buttons on her coat.

“I have faith. I’m usually all about playing the field, but they’re good together. I’m sure they’ll sort it. After all they have their two best friends on side, that’s got to be a bonus,” James said and smiled at her.

She’d grown extremely fond of that smile, but ...
Playing the field?
That didn’t sound very promising.

“I suppose. I hope Beth understands.”

She could feel James eyes watching her closely, but she didn’t return his gaze, too embarrassed that she might get lost in those eyes of his and give away her crush. Thinking about that made her cheeks flush and she turned to look out the window to try and calm down.

“You're a really nice person, Jo. I’m sure Beth understands you only did it to help.”

“Thanks. I hope you're right. Beth’s a good friend. I don’t want to lose her.”

“You do have other friends you know.”

“I do?” Jo turned to look at him.

“Well, what am I? Yesterday's dinner?” James stated, poking himself.

Jo let out a fake laugh, his comment obviously meant to flatter her, except it had the opposite effect.

A friend. Just a friend.

Her throat dried, but she continued to smile. “That’s good to know, I might need another one after today.”

“Anyway, now you know about me, what about you? Do you have a boyfriend?”

Jo burst out laughing. For real this time. She couldn’t help it. The fact that James saw that as possibility was so obscure and the thought of going out with any of the boys she knew was so bizarre. Gabriella was the pretty, charming one they all flocked to. None of the boys gave her a second glance. But it never bothered her. No boy had ever held her interest before. Well, not until James.

“Let me see, I think the answer would definitely be, no.”

“Why definitely?”

“Isn't it obvious?” she said, believing this to be a rhetorical question.

“Isn't what obvious?”

She shook her head. “Let's just say I never think about dating boys and they never think about dating me.”

“So you're not attracted to boys.”

Jo didn’t understand his question at first, but as he continued staring at her, she realised what he must be thinking.

How did I give that impression?

She shook her head. “No. That’s not the reason, although I appreciate why some women prefer each other’s company. And, even if I was attracted to women I don’t think I'd be dating. I’m not interesting enough. Beth’s the only one who’s bothered getting to know me.”

Another smile itched at Jo’s lips. Of all the conversations she’d had this would have to rank as the weirdest, she wondered what Beth would think of the implications of her last comment.

James looked confused. “So are you attracted to men? Or secretly holding a crush for Beth?”

“Well even I admit she’s extremely good looking, but no, I think I’ll stay with the safe option, and continue to fantasise about fictitious men.”

“Fantasies with fictitious men?” James turned his whole body to face her, making her blush pink once more.

Crap! Why did I just say that?

“Um ... yeah, you know, the ones in period costume who speak the Queen’s English and enjoy a good port and a game of cards after dinner.”

The inside of the car seemed really hot all of a sudden and she wound down the window a fraction.

“And you say you’re not interesting. I’ve never heard anyone so honest about their fantasies before.”

Jo took another deep breath. “Well you’re in the minority. Most people find me difficult to talk to, except for my family and Beth of course. I should probably add you to that list, since I’m divulging all my secrets.”

“I count myself fortunate to be in the club,” he said, his eyebrows drawing together. By the tone in his voice Jo knew he meant it. He wasn’t serious very often.

She nodded and glanced out onto the deserted street, everyone must be inside by their fires. The temperature had dropped a few degrees in the past hour, but Jo still felt warm in the car. James's close proximity, kept the blood pumping through her veins.

This conversation wasn’t turning out the way Jo wanted. The idea was for her to find out about him, not the other way around.

“So answer me this, which one of your port drinking, card playing, fantasy men would you like to date, and why?” James asked.

There was no sign of Spencer to interrupt them, so she decided to play along.

“You really want to know?”

James nodded, sat back and folded his arms.

Jo fidgeted with her fingers. “You’re probably expecting me to say someone classic, like Mr Darcy, but I think he’s a bit overrated. I really like Colonel Brandon’s character from Sense and Sensibility. I liked the way he gave the girl time to fall in love with him. He just wanted to be there for her. Now that’s true unselfish love.”

Jo cringed, waiting for James to make a joke, or ridicule her for being so pathetic.

“Interesting. I knew you wouldn't say Mr Darcy. He’d be too brooding. I thought you might choose his friend Mr Bingley. He’d be easy to get along with. I don’t know this other character. I haven’t seen the film, but I’m curious to see it now.”

Jo couldn’t believe he was taking her seriously. “Um … I’ll lend it to you. It’s one of the best adaptations I’ve seen.”

James nodded and smiled at her.

“What about you, James? Which fictional female character would you date?”

“Let me see. That’s a tough question. Ah … now you’d probably expect, some hot lass, like Black Widow, but I think given the choice, I’d date Tinkerbelle. I felt sorry for the way Wendy pushed her aside. Peter Pan never rated her, but I'd like to date a magical fairy, and make all my wishes come true.” James grinned at Jo and she grinned back.

Huh. A magical fairy. Well she'd fit half that bill. The magical part at least. Not that she was about to reveal that to him right now. No matter how appealing the prospect of dating James might be.

“You do realise Tinker Bell is a tiny fairy with a lot of attitude,” she said, instead. “In fact, she’d probably be far too much woman for you. I think you should set your standards lower, like Sleeping Beauty before she wakes up, or Snow White after the apple drugged her. Then there’s always Jill after she fell down the hill.”

Jo giggled, starting to feel calmer and more comfortable. James reached across and messed up her hair as he started to list more fictional characters he’d add to his dating list. When he’d finished James suggested they go for a walk and get a coffee. They kept chatting, like they had known each other for years. It was so easy being with James. Jo could feel herself liking him more and more. Only problem was, she had no clue what to do about it.

When they finally returned, Spencer was sitting on the bonnet of the car. “Hey, you got coffee? Where's mine?” he asked, with a huge grin on his beaming face.

Jo blew out a quiet sigh in relief, and handed him her cup with an equally huge grin. “Here you go. We got a bit dehydrated waiting all those hours for you.”

James chuckled and Spencer pulled a face looking down into the dregs. “It’s all gone. What kind of a sister are you?”

“The best kind,” Jo responded quickly and Spencer pulled her into a quick hug.

“Can’t argue with that,” he said and kissed the top of her head.






Gabriella walked behind Spencer blowing on her wet, painted fingernails. He demanded she follow him into his room for a private chat, and she’d decided to indulge him.

He quickly shut the door behind him, as Gabriella sat on his bed with her legs crossed. Placing his hands on his hips, he stared at her for a moment. She raised her brow and he let out a big breath. ‘Ella, why don't you want me to go out with Beth?’

Gabriella gasped. “What do you mean? What makes you think that?”

“You’ve been showing your friends a photo of me with a supposed model girlfriend. Apparently you met her when we were in London. Why would you do that, when you know Beth and I are together?”

Gabriella glanced down at her nails and blew on them again.

“Well?” he demanded.

“How did you find out about that photo?”

“The point is, Beth found out.  And after all that nonsense about Lisa, you can imagine how she felt about a photo of me with another girl.”

“Yeah. That must have been
So, how did she find out? She never has anything to do with my friends?”

“Mason, told her.”

Blasted Mason. He never did anything right. He was always messing up.

“Mason? I only asked him to deliver a message to her the other night, not give her intimate details of your life.”

“Details that weren’t true and nearly led to us breadking up.” Spencer pulled his hands through his curly brown locks and glared at her.

Gabriella took a moment to respond, trying to appear like she was organising her thoughts.

“Look, I only wanted to prove how cool your life is. I didn't mean any harm. It was a way of protecting you too. My girlfriends are always asking about you. I thought if I made up a really hot girlfriend they’d leave us both alone.”


“Remember when we were in London and you were helping your friend with her photography assignment. She was really pretty and she kissed you on the cheek to thank you. Well I took a picture of you both with my phone.”

Spencer opened his eyes wider and shook his head. “You do know she really is a model and has a boyfriend the size of a bull. I'm glad you didn't share that photo with any of my friends from London, or I might be dead!”

“Like I said, I only wanted to show my friends. I didn't think they'd tell anyone else and I destroyed it, so it won't come back and bite you.” Gabriella stopped and checked the colour of her nails. Perfect pink. Excellent it had set nicely.

“So, you weren’t trying to break us up?”

Gabriella scoffed. “Of course not. I didn't know about you and Beth then, and I showed Mason and my friends just before Christmas.”

Spencer’s face relaxed and he put his hands by his side.
He was too easy.

“I suppose that all makes sense,” he said with a sigh. “But you have to tell your friends the truth.  Beth and I intend to be together. I don’t ever intend breaking up with her. We’re in it for the long haul.”

Gabriella looked up at him with wide innocent eyes, while her newly manicured nails pressed into the palms of her hand.

The long haul?
Who was he kidding?

“Really? That’s surprising. You've only been seeing her for a couple of weeks.”

Spencer sat next to her on the bed. “Yeah. I know, but I think I'm falling in love with her.”

In love? Not happening.

“I hope you aren’t thinking proposals,” she said, putting on a high pitched voice, her nails pressing harder into her palms.

Spencer ruffled his hair again. “No. I'm not that impatient. Who knows what's in our future, but for now, we are together, and I want it to stay that way.”

Gabriella didn’t understand his feelings. Not that she wanted to. For now though, she had the part of the concerned sister to play.

She patted his knee. “I promise I’ll clear things with my friends and I promise they won't cause any more trouble.”

“Good. Thank you.”

“Um ... but I don't suppose you’d let me tell them how you left a model for her?”

“No. No more stories, Ella, just tell them the truth.”

“Alright ... Only can I say one of your London friends led me to believe you were dating a model?”

“Absolutely not.”

“Fine,’ she pouted at him. ‘They're not going to like it and probably won't speak to me again.”

Spencer smirked. “If you have to make something, tell them I told you to do it to keep your girlfriends off my back. It sounds like I have an inflated opinion of myself, but anything to save your reputation.”

She smiled sweetly. “Thanks. That might just work. And Spencer, I really am sorry. I hope you believe me and forgive me.”

He put his arm around her and gave her a quick hug. “I can never be mad with you. I’ll always forgive you.”

Gabriella gave him a bright smile and got off the bed. “Well, now that's cleared up I need to get ready.”

Spencer frowned. “By the way, who were you really with the other night? We saw Mason outside the cinema and he said he hadn't seen you all night. I was a little worried.”

Gabriella didn't answer straight away, and then tapped the side of her nose. “No more stories, right! Just know that I'm safe and you have nothing to worry about. I might tell you someday,” she said, grinning to herself, as she walked out of the room.


BOOK: Beautiful Curses: Book One
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