Beauty (A Midsummer Suspense Tale) (7 page)

BOOK: Beauty (A Midsummer Suspense Tale)
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Sawyer growled as he surged against her, kissing her firmly and devouring her mouth. Her fingers popped the top button of his jeans and eased past the zipper, gripping his erection through his boxers. He was thick and long, growing harder by the second as she palmed him.

His mouth moved over her chin, her throat, nipping and sucking at her skin until she was squirming and mewling with the pleasure of it. He pushed her T-shirt up to fully bare her breasts and captured the nipple of one in his mouth while continuing to work the other with his hand. As if reading her mind or at least her reactions, he knew just how to touch her—how much pressure, what rhythm to use against her sensitive flesh, and within moments she thought she might come just by having her breasts played with. But then her pussy squeezed in wanting and she knew she needed more there, had to have him between her legs and pushing her to completion.

“Do you have a condom?” she managed between panting breaths.

Her nipple popped free from his mouth and he sighed heavily, warm wet breath striking her chest as his head bowed. He’d stopped moving, shoulders deflating. “Fuck. No.”

“Didn’t plan on getting lucky?”

He lifted his eyes to hers. “Didn’t plan on meeting you. Did you?”

Bryar shook her head.

“Fuck,” he repeated, a sentiment she shared completely.

She licked her lips, swallowed dryly and sucked in some of the chilly fall air. It didn’t cool her down at all.
. She was more than willing to hook up with a guy she just met when he had her whole body buzzing like this but she wasn’t entirely irresponsible. She knew nothing about him.

Her hand was still down his pants, though, and she delved past his boxers to feel his bare flesh. Sawyer gasped, eyes growing wide for a moment then his lids fell at half-mast as she slid her hands up and down his cock. She read his reactions, the quickening of his breath and the way his hips rocked against her, increasing her pace and rubbing the heel of her hand over the thick dome of his dick.

Sawyer leaned close, kissing her brutally so her lips felt swollen and thick, thoroughly tasted, then whispered hotly against her mouth, “If I can’t fuck you, I want to watch you come.”

Mmm, yes, she approved of that idea. “Rub my pussy.”

Her words made him groan, then he was jerking open her jeans, sliding his fingers past the damp cotton of her panties and into her even damper folds. She was soaked for him and his fingers glided smoothly against her slit.

She bucked as he thumbed her clit, the simple touch sending a jolt through her entire body, and when his fingers pressed into her, two of them driving deep into her core, she cried out. White-hot pleasure coursed through her. Oh God yes, this was what she wanted—or as close to it as she was getting tonight. Him moving in and out of her, driving her nearer and near to the edge of bliss.

Sawyer leaned back, his hips between her thighs managing to keep her braced against the tree while he worked her T-shirt off completely with his free hand. It remained tangled on one of her wrists, dangling to the side as she gripped his shoulder to keep her steady. Her other hand still worked at his cock, faster and faster.

He swept his eyes over her, trailing heat everywhere he looked, and she looked down as well. At her exposed breasts rising and falling with each heavy breath, at his hand buried in her pussy, at the beautiful hard dick in her palm. She was writhing between him and a tree, half-naked, a man whose last name she didn’t even know on the verge of making her come, the erotic sight and thought of it almost enough to push her over the edge.

“Fuck, I’m close,” he whispered, meeting her eyes in both warning and question. She could’ve backed off or slowed down, could even have left him hanging there, but instead she smoothly glided her fingers up and down his cock in swift strokes. He was thrusting into her palm now, fucking her hand as much as she was stroking him off. Then his eyes rolled back and his entire body shuddered. Hips bucking, he groaned as he came, his seed arching up to splash against his belly and chest.

Her fingers milked the last of it from him and his cock twitched as her touched swirled come over the sensitive tip.

With sinking realization, she found he’d stopped touching her—his hand was still between her legs, sure, but not moving, not rubbing her, and his head fell to her shoulder as he panted after release. Maybe he just need a minute, maybe—

But no, he eased her down until her legs were no longer wrapped around his waist but feet on the ground and pulled his hand from her underwear. Bark bit her bare back, now irritating without the previous pleasure distracting her.

Great. He got her all hot and bothered and now he wasn’t going to finish her. Wasn’t
fucking typical?

She was about to chew him out when he dropped to his knees before her and turned his gaze upward, a wicked smile on his perfect lips.

“I’ve been wanting to taste you all night,” he said in a low growl, reaching up to grip the waistband of her jeans and ease them down her hips.


He’d left her panties in place and didn’t move them yet, instead settling his hands on her hips and holding her in place. The tight denim of her jeans kept her thighs immobile, when all she really wanted to do was wantonly spread for him. All should do was pant and stare down, watching and waiting.

He stared for a moment at her panty-covered pussy and then leaned forward enough that his nose brushed her mound and breathed in. Just that slightest contact brought shivers through her. She was primed and ready, needy and drenched with want.

He nudged her again with his nose and then licked her through her panties, his tongue pressing the cotton into her. Again she flinched, her hypersensitive nerves feeling it everywhere. Oh God she wanted more but he seemed determined to draw it out, no matter how she squirmed against his grip. He kissed her thighs, licked along her panties, and she bucked in his hands.

“If you’re not going to make me come, I’ll do it myself,” she said in a breathy, frustrated little growl.

Sawyer grinned up at her, his smile positively wicked. “I’d like to see that sometime.”

Oh, would he? She reached up and grasped her breasts, massaging them, working her nipples between her thumbs and forefingers, holding his gaze fiercely the whole time. Though she’d emptied him just minutes ago, his eyes went glassy with a surge of want.

He met her challenge by grasping at her panties and easing them down at last, down over her ass and resting with her jeans at her thighs. The chilly air hit her wet, exposed pussy and she shivered once, then again as his hot breath replaced it. The moment of anticipation stretched on and on until it was taut, and then at last his tongue snaked out to flick over her mound.

She thrust her hips at his mouth, bracing against the tree and still massaging her breasts. “Fuck, I need you to really eat me, I’m going to burst.”

He licked harder, still holding her immobilized so she couldn’t spread her legs, his tongue delving lower to hit her clit. The small, swift movements were teasing, building her into more and more of a frenzy until her hips were moving in little circles in time with his tongue.

Just when her frustrated want was reaching its peak, he jerked down her jeans and panties past her knees and shouldered his way between her thighs. His mouth came in full contact with her pussy, open and lapping at her juices, and she let out a cry of pure ecstasy. Her hands fell from her breasts, grasped his head and tangled in his hair, gaze falling down to watch him work between her legs.

Two fingers thrust up into her, then a third, moving easily through her soaked, hot channel. She trembled everywhere, her body alight with pleasure and barrelling toward orgasm.

His mouth left her pussy for a moment, eyes locked on hers, chin glistening with her wetness. “Come for me. Come for me nice and hard.”

It didn’t take much prompting—she was right there, right on the verge, as his fingers pushed in and out of her and tongue returned to rake against her clit. She squeezed his hair, couldn’t stop herself, as her entire body contracted and she cried out. Bliss radiated in all directions, drove through her in waves and waves that felt like they’d never end. Her back arched, head slammed against the tree, and felt no pain, no discomfort—nothing but rapture as she came against his mouth and hand.

Her body threatened to topple over as the orgasm slowly ebbed, and her heart beat so hard she thought it was knocking against her ribcage. Just as she started to slide down the three, her knees giving out on her, Sawyer moved to brace her up again. He eased her panties and jeans back into place, buttoned them closed again, and pressed a brief, tender kiss to her hip before rising.

Bryar swiped sweat-damp hair at her forehead. The chilly autumn air brushed against her skin, making her nipples now painfully hard. “That was...yeah.” She blinked, unable to find words.

“Good?” he offered as he scooped up her T-shirt and handed it to her.

“Good. Yes. That’s one of but many words I’d use.” She fumbled her way into the T-shirt, some dirt and leaves falling from it. It might be on backwards. She didn’t care.

Sawyer wiped his chest off with his own T-shirt, rolled it into a ball, and then slipped the button down on over his naked torso before tucking himself back in his boxers and jeans. He retrieved her jacket for her as well. She should probably put her shoes on at some point but that would involve moving from her position slumped against the tree at her back and seemed like way too much effort.

“If you want to give me your phone, I’ll program my number into it?” he offered.

Shit. She didn’t even
a cell phone. “It’s, um, not on me. Give me yours anyway? I’ve got a good memory. Or I will. In a minute. When my head clears.”

He gave her a lopsided grin and went to slip his shoes and socks on.

She supposed that meant he wanted to see her again. Right? So it wasn’t entirely a one night stand-against-a-tree handjob kind of thing? She wasn’t even sure where he lived, if his sister’s place was even remotely in this area or if he’d be back again.

When she thought she could move again, Bryar found her sneakers and got them on, then at last her leather jacket. Her bra was still sticking out the sleeve, so she stuffed it in her pocket instead. Her brain seemed to be working again, so she had Sawyer give her his number, and repeated it back twice so she was sure it was locked in her memory. There was a pause of silence afterward, like maybe he expected hers in return, but she didn’t want him calling and getting the aunts. They’d just pester her with questions.

Besides, it wasn’t like she
thought he was going to call her.

Parting after what had just happened seemed odd, like she didn’t know what to say.
Hey, thanks for the orgasm. Let’s do it again sometime.
Instead she just stared at him, words caught in her throat, until he closed the distance between them and leaned down to kiss her.

Their lips pressed together said what she couldn’t on her own, the kiss long and passionate, leaving her breathless.

“I’ll see you,” she managed afterwards.

He raised his brows and quirked a grin. “I hope so.” Then after a brief kiss to her temple, he backed off and headed in the direction of the beach.

Bryar’s heart fluttering, she turned and swiftly headed along the trail home, practically skipping like a giddy school girl the whole way.



Chapter Five



First official day of work.

Bryar still grinned stupidly at the thought. Well, maybe there were
reasons she was stupidly grinning, but none she was willing to admit to herself. It wasn’t like there’d be a repeat of last night or as if that was going anywhere. Sure, she had Sawyer’s number but she wasn’t sure she’d call. And she didn’t give him one in return—how lame was it that she didn’t even have a cheap prepaid cell phone so had no number to give him unless she wanted him talking to her aunts? To be realistic, she wasn’t entirely sure he’d have called her even if he had the number. He seemed to like her, but that was last night. No telling what the next day would bring for him.

Still, she felt good. Relaxed. Happy. Wishing for more but determined to keep her focus on work today and nothing else.

She’d made a quick breakfast and skipped out before her aunts were up and about so she could be at Gina’s early. Her boss—seriously,
to apply that word when Gina was her age and more co-worker-like—was at the shop between five-thirty and six most days since she did the baking. She’d wanted Bryar there by eight-thirty so she could go over basic duties, and then it would be on-the-spot training when it opened at nine. That particular day she’d work until one or two in the afternoon—it would depend on how busy things got—and then her next shift would be Monday afternoon when she’d learn about receiving orders.

Come winter, she’d probably have to break down and tell the aunts if only to have access to the family’s single vehicle on particularly snowy days, unless she hit a rainy day before that. Perhaps rather than just saving for an apartment, she should be planning to get a cheap car. Although living in town would forgo the
for a vehicle.

Or I could just sleep in my car
. She snorted at the thought. Besides, she was getting ahead of herself. She had to keep the damn job first before she was going to get paid for it, and that meant getting her ass there on time.

She was at the shop by twenty after eight. The bakery was dark out front and the closed sign hung over the door, so she went around to the back. The gravel parking lot was empty but for a couple of “RESERVED FOR EMPLOYEES” spots behind some of the buildings, included Gina’s, and she found the kitchen light on. A brief knock at the door produced Gina, bright and chipper with her hair tied back under a kerchief and pink apron dusted with flour. She let Bryar in, showed her where to stow her coat and purse, and immediately went over the basics. Where everything was, the store policies in case of inquiries. Proper packaging of orders. Operation of the cash register and debit machine. It was a lot to take in—by the time Gina turned the sign to “OPEN” at nine, Bryar’s head felt stuffed full and at any moment the knowledge might come rolling out her ears.

BOOK: Beauty (A Midsummer Suspense Tale)
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