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Authors: Abby Gordon

Beck And Call (9 page)

BOOK: Beck And Call
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hypnotized, she tugged on her nipples until they were

hard nubs. She pinched them until she gasped at the

brief pain. And was stunned to feel her hips tilt as her

insides clenched.

“How does your body feel?” he asked.

“I…my insides tightened,” she whispered. “Is that


“Perfectly,” he assured her. “Now, close your eyes.

Listen and do what I tell you. Just feel, Serena. Feel.”

She reached for a clamp and put it on, gasping at

the pain. Soothing words had her breathing through it

and fastening the other.

His voice deepened as he told her to find her hard

little nub.

Her head lolled on the pillows as she teased her clit.

He told her to rub herself and feel how wet she was

getting. She flicked her fingertips over her clit several

times before rubbing with her palm. A low sigh escaped

her lips. Relaxing slightly, she felt the moisture. She

slid two fingers into her pussy and the muscles clenched

around them. Rolling onto her side to face the phone,

she whimpered.


At his next words, she pried her eyes open.
Lube the

, she told herself. Where the hell was the lube

and… there! It had slipped toward the foot of the bed.

She hurriedly put the drops on the vibrator. Picking up

the remote, she put the tip just outside the pussy.

Sliding it in, she pushed the button once and

moaned. Her thighs fell open to rest against the


“Tell me how it feels.”

“Like it’s vibrating every nerve I just touched, but

it’s more…everything. Nerves I didn’t know I had,” she

managed, trying to breath. “I…OH!”

Her upper body knifed up as the vibrations hit her

clit. With a moan, she fell back against the pillows.


“The little branch hit my…my…”

“Your clit?”

“Yes,” she gasped.

“Say it. Tell me how you felt.”

“It hit my clit and…and…it was like electricity

zapped me,” she panted. “Like I touched a live wire…”

“Do it again,” came his order.

“I can’t…can’t handle it.”

“Put it back on that spot.”

“I can’t!”

“Do it.”

Serena moaned, both unable to resist and half-

dreading the zap she knew was coming. Taking a deep

breath, she turned the vibrator and whimpered as the

soft rubber pressed up the hood and teased her clit.


“Hold it there.”

Serena closed her eyes and tried to fight the

sensations that flooded her body. Heat built up in her

pussy then spread throughout her body. As her muscles

trembled, her breathing came faster. Perspiration

dampened her skin.

“Master, please,” she whispered, barely able to hear

her own voice. “Let me take it out.”

“Press it harder,” he replied. “Tell me how it makes

you feel.”

She moaned as her head rolled on the pillow.

“Serena, obey me. Tell me what you’re feeling.”

“The pressure inside me,” she managed to whisper.

“It’s increasing.”


“Inside my belly.”

“That’s not where it is. Is it your pussy? Is your

pussy feeling it?”

“Yes,” she gasped.

“Say it, Serena. Say it and tell me what you’re


“Like a fire is building up in…in my…,” she

swallowed, shuddering. “In my pussy. I feel like my

entire body is burning up and I can’t stand it anymore.”

“You can,” he encouraged. “Press the vibrator

harder. What do you…”

Obeying him before he had finished, she cried out.

“God, master! I can’t…”

“Tug on the chain holding the clamps.”

Blindly her hand groped for the thin chain. A finger

hooked it and pulled. She gasped.

“Master, it’s like a…,” her poor brain struggled to

work. “It hurts my nipples but my pussy tightened


“Very good,” he murmured. “Take the clamps off as

you push the vibrator hard against your clit.”

She struggled to take a deep breath and finally

managed. Relieved, she exhaled and gasped as pain

merged with pleasure. Taking a quick breath, she

pinched her fingers around the first clamp handle. As

blood rushed into the nipple, she quickly freed the

second. Fire surged through her body.


She arched off the bed then curled up. Gasping for

breath, she rolled to her side. She felt blindly for the

remote and turned it off.


“Oh, my God,” she panted. “That was…incredible.

I’ve never had an orgasm so strong. Last night didn’t

come close to this.”

“Last night? You masturbated?”

“If you can call it that,” she smiled against the

pillow. “I was reading the story you marked from the

first book.”

“It turned you on that much?”

“Yes,” she said shyly.

“How often do you masturbate?”

“Would you believe that’s only about the fourth


“When was the first time?”

Serena took a deep breath and tried to speak in a

normal voice. “In college, my roommates and I got a bit

tipsy one night before graduation. Shelly showed us

what to do.”

“What about the story turned you on?”

“He was so forceful even as he was tender with her. I

got the feeling they’d been having marital problems

and he hoped to break down the barriers they’d


“Forceful and tender,” came the mulling tone. “I’ll

remember that.” There was a pause as if he was

gathering his thoughts. “I’m pleased with how things

went tonight, although you have earned two


“What?” she blinked, her mind still recovering from

the orgasm. “Why?”

“Discipline is key to our relationship,” he said in an

edgy voice. “Primarily spankings. And you have earned

two. Tell me what you did.”







remembering that from what she had read. “I don’t

know the second.”

“Constantly resisted my orders,” he reminded her.

“You don’t tell me
. Now, your friends will be over in

about ten minutes. I’ll call you tomorrow morning at

ten with the plans.”

“Yes, master,” she whispered, dazed.

“Good night,” he said softly, amusement in his


At the silence, she reached out and pushed the red

button to disconnect.

What just happened? What did she just do? Did she,

a girl from a little town near the Canadian border and a

family that filled four pews of the church they’d

attended for five generations, just masturbate with a

vibrator while a sexual dominant instructed her?

For a long moment, she stared at the vibrator.

Letting it fall to the comforter, she drew her knees up

and hugged herself. It was the strangest, weirdest, most

thrilling thing she’d ever done. Closing her eyes, she

reviewed what had happened.

Punishment. Her eyes flew open and landed on the

phone. Whatever they were going to do, it seemed as if

he intended to spank her. Twice. Her pussy clenched at

the thought of him putting her face down across his

thighs and spanking her. Her face flushed.

Serena Marie, you are turning into a harlot,

her mother’s voice. I did not raise you to behave this

way! I raised you to be—

“No!” she protested. “I’m a grown woman and I will

decide what I do.”

Pushing herself up, she hurried to get ready for the


Calling for pizza from the restaurant down the

block, Serena pulled on jeans and the sweatshirt a

brother had given her when he’d gone to Disney World.

Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she had to

appreciate the irony of the character. Sleeping Beauty

had always been her favorite.

“And now I’m waking up,” she smiled.

Hurrying into the living room, she put the coasters

out before going to the kitchen and pulled out

ingredients for a salad. There was a knock on her door

just before it opened.

“Yoo-hoo,” Debbie called out.

“In the kitchen! I need someone to open the wine

and get the plates.”

Debbie and Claire appeared in sweats and

oversized Ts. To Serena’s distress, Claire’s eyes still

looked slightly frozen. Their hair was damp as if they’d

taken showers after their workouts and come straight

over. She wasn’t worried about their casual style. She’d

have washed off her make-up if she’d had the time. The

memory of
she hadn’t had time made her flush.

“You haven’t opened it, yet? What happened to our

always-ready hostess?”

“Um, a phone call,” Serena replied, feeling the heat

in her cheeks.

“A phone…” Debbie paused, her hand in the drawer

searching for the corkscrew. She turned and stared.

Across the narrow galley kitchen, Claire paused in the

midst of reaching for the plates. “From your parents?”

“No,” Serena shook her head, busy chopping the


Debbie leaned forward, eyes narrowed.

“Oh. My. God,” she breathed, straightening. “You

had phone sex!” she screamed.

Claire almost dropped the plates and Serena nearly

cut her fingertip off. Hands shaking, Claire put the

plates on the counter and stared at her roommate.

“Sheez, Debbie,” Serena muttered, bending to pick

up the carrot slice that had rolled off the counter. She

tossed it in the garbage can. “Why don’t you open the

door and yell it down the hall? I don’t think the

Thompsons’ in three-D heard you.”

“Sorry,” came the giggle. “It’s just so out of

character for you. I mean, the rose this afternoon and

now this. I just can’t believe it.”

“Out of character? I have had sex before, you know,”

Serena said stiffly.

“I didn’t mean that,” Debbie frowned. “It’s just…”

She paused and shook her head. “You seem happy,

Serena. If this guy makes you happy, then good for you.

After Todd, you deserve happiness.”

“Thank you,” replied Serena softly, glancing over.

“It’s still a bit new. And I’ve never had, um,” she

grimaced, “um, phone sex.”

“Well, it must have been pretty good,” Debbie

grinned. “Because you look…” she frowned. “What

would you call it, Claire?”

The other woman looked up from the silverware

drawer. At the obvious pain in the younger woman’s

eyes, Serena felt a brief moment of guilt at her


“She’s satisfied,” Claire answered with a soft smile.

“Who is he, Serena?”

Serena hesitated. She wasn’t even going to get into


“I’d rather not say. Like I said, it’s all still new

and…” She looked at them. “He makes me feel things

I’ve never felt before and I’m not sure how to deal with


“Be careful,” warned Claire.

“He isn’t involved with anyone else. He…” she

smiled slightly. “He wants me to feel good. He told me

that my pleasure comes first for him. He said he would

do everything he could to make sure I was never hurt.

No one’s ever said that to me.”

“Wow,” Claire whispered. “Next time you talk to

him, definitely ask if he has brothers or cousins you can

hook us up with.”

“Hmph!” Debbie snorted. She glanced at Serena

and winked at her. “Just because I’m happy for Serena

doesn’t mean I’m ready to settle down and make


“Wait a second!” Serena gasped, even as she

understood that Debbie wanted to get Claire’s mind off

her heartache. “Who said anything about settling down

and making babies?”

“Hey, you just turned thirty, remember?” came the

tease as Debbie pulled a bottle of chardonnay out of the

fridge. “That clock is ticking louder. Tick. Tock. Tick.


“Honestly!” groaned Serena, scraping all the carrots

into the bowl where lettuce, celery, and scallions were

waiting. “You’d think I had one foot in the grave!”

“Claire, where did she put her cane?” Debbie

grinned as she worked the corkscrew. “She seems to

have forgotten where it is.”

“Forgotten it? Give me a cane and I’ll whack you

with it you, you young whippersnapper!” Serena

laughed, trying and failing horribly to sound like an old

woman. All three women giggled hysterically. “Oh,

Lord, and we haven’t had any wine yet. You are so slow,


“I’m working on it,” she laughed.

“Maybe I should help?” Serena offered. “Even my

poor, weak muscles should be able to move faster

BOOK: Beck And Call
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