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Authors: Virna DePaul

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Bedding The Billionaire (Bedding the Bachelors Book 3) (31 page)

BOOK: Bedding The Billionaire (Bedding the Bachelors Book 3)
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Jamie smiled. He’d been surprised she’d wanted to go the poufy white dress route, not at all surprised by her choice in flowers and shoes, and ultimately didn’t really give a fuck what she wore for clothes so long as she was happy and wearing her wedding band in less than thirty minutes time.

The woman who was about to become his wife was sweet. She was a feminist and a fighter. She cussed a lot. She was a wild woman in bed. And despite the fact she was working hard to overcome it, he knew she still cared far too much what other people thought about her.

And he wouldn’t change her for the world.






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And if you enjoyed this book, I hope you’ll try:
Bedding The Wrong Brother
(Book 1, Rhys and Melina’s story) and
Bedding The Bad Boy
(Book 2, Max and Grace's story). In addition, Book 4, Bedding The Best Friend (Ryan and Annie’s story) will be out soon.

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Virna DePaul is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of steamy, suspenseful fiction. Whether it’s vampires, a Para-Ops team, hot cops or swoon-worthy identical twin brothers, her stories center around complex individuals willing to overcome incredible odds for love.
Bedding The Wrong Brother
, which begins the Bedding The Bachelors Series, is a #1 Bestselling Contemporary Romance and a USA Today Bestseller. Her PNR series with Random House includes
. She loves to hear from readers at




Max’s Magic Rule #2:

The bigger the risk, the louder the applause.


Max took his second bow of the night. The audience was on their feet, clapping and whistling, impressed by the show’s final trick, which he and his brother recently invented.

Glancing stage left, he saw Rhys standing in the wings, grinning. Of course, his grin probably had less to do with the crowd’s reaction than it did the woman standing next to him. Melina, Rhys’s wife, was beautiful, but six months pregnant with twins? She glowed with vitality, blushing when Rhys bent to whisper something in her ear. Max had never seen his brother happier.

When the curtain came down, Max strode toward them, laughing when Melina threw her arms around him.

“That was an amazing set, Max. Brilliant.”

He pulled back and flicked her nose, and his affection for Melina—whom he and Rhys had known since she was fourteen and they were sixteen—swelled inside his chest. Back then she’d already been in love with Rhys. Max had known it. Rhys had known it. Hell, everyone had known it. When Melina turned sixteen, Rhys had finally decided to ask her out but Max messed things up by kissing her. It had been a shitty thing to do, one motivated by jealousy, and because of his rash behavior they’d all paid a heavy price. Rhys and Melina essentially stopped speaking to one another, and Max often sensed his brother’s resentment towards him. Luckily, last year, Max had the chance to make things right. By forcing Melina and Rhys into a sexually charged situation, he’d gotten them to confess their true feelings. Soon afterward, they’d figured out how to meld their different lifestyles, which is how they’d all wound up in Vegas. Now Rhys managed the act and continued to invent tricks while Max took the stage solo.

Max looked around but didn’t see Melina’s best friends, who were visiting her from California. “Where are Lucy and Grace?”

Lucy’s name rolled off his tongue with ease. Grace’s not so much. It never did. Something about the woman got to him, even when she was just a voice on the phone.

Melina’s eyes flickered slightly. “They said to tell you they loved the show. Lucy had a Skype date with Jericho, and Grace decided to head back with her. She has a lot on her mind. A few things she needs to work out.”

Well, that was certainly vague. And intriguing.

Lucy was a redheaded spitfire with a smart mouth but a kind heart. She also had a penchant for dating younger men, brooding artists with lots of passion but little stability. Her new guy, Jericho, was hitting it big in California’s Napa Valley and had an art opening tonight.

Grace was quieter than Lucy. Not shy exactly, but definitely more restrained, with a hint of a southern drawl and a propensity for idioms that called to mind hot sultry nights and smooth bourbon. She had an irreverent kind of humor that sometimes sneaked up on him, but on the few occasions he saw her, Max felt the wall she put up between herself and others. Each time, he was tempted to climb it. Partially because he was curious, and wanted to appease that curiosity. Mostly because she was so damn beautiful. The combination revved him up. Made him think of all the ways he could rattle her. Challenged him to explore just how long it would take to melt her reserve and have her clawing at his back, clenching around his cock, and screaming his name as she came.

Imagining her spread and under him had become a small obsession, one he sometimes had difficulty hiding.


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Copyright © 2014 by Virna DePaul


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously.


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BOOK: Bedding The Billionaire (Bedding the Bachelors Book 3)
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