Bermuda Nights - The Boxed Set (36 page)

BOOK: Bermuda Nights - The Boxed Set
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A heartbeat … two … and then I raced across the space. Evan was on his feet to receive me in a hard embrace, drawing me in with rock-steady arms. He smelled of musk and I soaked him in, laughing and crying all at once. Around me I could hear the movements of the cops, feel the bustle as they gathered up the detritus of the battle, but it barely touched me.


It was all over. Evan was mine.



Chapter 12

The foliage along the Charles River was in full autumnal splendor, with deep crimsons vying with brilliant tangerine. I twined my fingers into Evan’s, breathing in the crisp air. This is what I loved most about Boston. This season, this multicolored tapestry, the sense that nature had shared this beauty with admirers for as far back as anybody could remember.


Evan looked down at me with a smile. “So Kayla’s doing all right?”


I nodded. “The D. A. assigned her to do work with the local recovery center, talking with other addicts about what she’s gone through. It supports her cover story, that she was almost prosecuted but let go due to lack of real evidence. And it’s helping her a lot, too.”


“It’s a hard thing, to kick heroin. I’m glad she has support.”


“It’s been a long time coming,” I murmured. “I had no idea that any of this was going on. I suppose this cruise was good, in a way. It got her burden out in the open so she could be helped.”


We were passing in front of the Hatch Shell now. I stopped, looking out over the river. I had watched numerous fireworks displays from this vantage spot. While I had always appreciated their beauty, the natural show that autumn was putting on for me now was far more moving.


Evan wrapped an arm around my waist. “And you. How are you doing?”


I leant my head against his chest. “I’m really enjoying the volunteer work I’ve been doing at the women’s shelter. So many women end up in there because of drugs. Either they use to escape from an abusive partner, or their drug usage drags them down a path they never would have followed otherwise. We have far more women than we can help, with the funds they have right now. And it seems that more show up on our doorstep each week.”


He nodded, his eyes somber. “It’s a sad statement on our society, that we have such overwhelming need for these services.”


I bit at my lip for a moment, then turned up to him. “They’ve made me an offer.”


He stilled, his eyes on me. “What kind of an offer?”


“They want me come and be their financial manager. They’ve seen already the kind of ideas I’ve come up with, and they have faith that, if I joined them, I could help them do so much more.”


His gaze was steady, supportive. “Is this what you want to do?”


“It would mean a cut in pay, but I know I’d be so much happier. Where I am now, I’m pushing beans around. I’m adding and subtracting tokens in corporate buckets. But there –” I could feel my heart swell. “There I’d be making a real difference.”


He smiled. “Then do it.”


My brow creased. “Are you sure? You seem quite fond of my apartment on the Charles. I’d probably have to move, to something smaller, something –”


He drew me in closer. “Does that really matter to you?”


I shook my head. “If we are together, then I don’t care if we’re in a one-room studio and sleeping on a futon.”


He ran a hand through my hair. “My detective’s salary isn’t quite
bad,” he murmured. “I think we might be able to afford a proper king-sized bed.”


I raised an eyebrow at him. “King-sized? And just why would we need a bed that large?”


His grin spread, and I knew that look in his eyes. “Let me take you home and show you.”


Thank you so much for sharing in Amanda and Evan’s story!

The next series being released is Italian Nights, which follows Brandon as he explores Italy and the Mediterranean Sea.


If you enjoyed this story, please leave a review on Amazon and GoodReads. The more readers we can get to join our community, the more we can help the cause.



To Ruth, who believes steadfastly in my dreams and helps them shine.


To Toni, who helps the stories become the very best they can.


To George and Bob for their encouragement.


To Sandra, whose amazing editing talents help each book reach its potential.


And, most of all, to all the loyal fans of this series. It is your encouragements and comments which keep me writing.


Together we can make a difference!


About the Author

Ophelia Sikes fervently believes that every one of us deserves dedicated, passionate love in our lives – coupled with a soul-deep respect which supports our dreams.


Ophelia has lived within an hour’s drive of Boston for nearly all of her college and adult life. For many years she worked in Cambridge, commuting in and out through Boston’s trains and subways each day. Numerous delightful evenings were spent at Boston bars, restaurants, and museums. Even though she now works from home, she still gets into Boston as often as she can, to enjoy the countless gorgeous offerings that this historic city presents.


Ophelia’s been on the Boston to Bermuda cruise ship run three times, and highly recommends the adventure!


Half of the proceeds of this book’s sales benefit battered women’s shelters.


Please send along as much feedback and suggestions as you can. The more we can polish these worlds and characters, the more we can help the cause.




Ophelia Sikes can be found at:


Books in the Worcester Nights series:


Book 1 - Dwell in Possibility


Book 2 – A Soul Ajar


Book 3 – A Song of Soul and Hope


Book 4 – Stop One Heart from Breaking


Boxed Set of Books 1-4



Books in the Bermuda Nights series:


Book 1 – Resonating Souls


Book 2 – Wine-Dark Dreams


Book 3 – The Soulless Abyss


Book 4 – Wanting All


Boxed Set of Books 1-4



Books in the Italian Nights series.


Book 1 – Love’s Heat

Table of Contents

Book 1: Resonating Souls

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Book 2: Wine-Dark Dreams

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Book 3: The Soulless Abyss

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Book 4: Wanting All

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

BOOK: Bermuda Nights - The Boxed Set
2.65Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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