Read Betting on Fate Online

Authors: Katee Robert

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Series

Betting on Fate (3 page)

BOOK: Betting on Fate
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Hell no
. She bit back that response and went for a more measured, “No.” It was the truth. Sometime in the last twelve hours she’d done more than resign herself to having sex with Will Reaver. Good lord, a small part of her was looking forward to it. She couldn’t let him know that, though. Giving her body to him was one thing, but her mind had to remain her own. It


She hated how that little word made her warm all over. She didn’t even like this man and she already soaked up his praise like a cat being stroked.
Keep it together, Pen. This is all part of the game and you’d be a fool to forget that.

Will continued to watch her as if staring past her skin and into her soul. It was everything she could do not to shift under his gaze. “I will lay out my terms. If you’re agreeable, my collar goes around your neck and we begin.”

“You won the bet. You don’t have to rub it in my face.”

“I might have, but that doesn’t mean I’m treating this any differently than I would a normal contract.”

His sharp words stole some of her thunder. She straightened and looked away from him, though it was more difficult than she would have anticipated. Her gaze landed on the rack on the other side of the room. It wasn’t quite a St. Andrew’s Cross, but there was no mistaking how her body would curve against it, her hands bound straight out on either side of her, her legs spread wide. She shivered at the image.

She’d always been on the other side of things.
was the one who guided her subs past their initial nerves and into a scene that would satisfy them both.
was the one who decided what direction things would go, and who would call a stop once she’d wrung every last bit of pleasure from her submissive.

There was no opportunity for control on
side of things.

“Once you understand what’s expected of you, any infraction will be met with a suitable punishment. Do you understand?”

. The thought shouldn’t be enough to have her nipples perking up, but her body apparently found the idea of being on the receiving end intriguing. “I understand.”

He reached out and undid her coat buttons, one at a time. “I expect you to obey every command I give you as if it were the word of God. The sole exception is if you intend on using your safe word.” He parted her coat and slid it off her shoulders, leaving her in the dress she’d chosen specifically for tonight—in direct defiance of his orders to show up in her underwear. It was all about the little things.

The dress was simple to the point of being modest—except for the hem that hit the tops of her thighs—but it was what was beneath that she’d taken entirely too much time to pick out: a sheer white bra and panty set, complete with white garters and nude hose. What would Will think of

“Tell me your safe word.”


Will raised his eyebrows. “You hold me in such high regard.”

Of course he’d know she was referring to him—a little dig. “Maybe I just like the book.”

“No lies, Penelope. I won’t allow it.” He dropped her coat on the other side of him. “You will answer me honestly, regardless of how uncomfortable the answer makes you. Do you understand?”

That made her more nervous than the thought of sex. It indicated that he wouldn’t be satisfied with her body—that he wanted full mental submission as well. She licked her lips. “I’ve done this kind of thing before, sugar. I got it.” But that didn’t mean she’d obey.

He sent her a look that said he knew exactly what she was thinking, and it amused him. God save her from
Will Reaver. He pulled gently on one of her curls, and watched it spring back into place. “You only play with female submissives.”

“What’s your point? Everyone has a type.” She liked the softer feel of the women, the sweet edge of their submission.

“So they do.” Heat flared in his eyes, the break in his icy expression so unexpected that she forgot how to breathe. Will was painfully attractive as the Ice King. With something like desire burning through those blue eyes? She shifted, her skin suddenly too tight.

He was devastating.

“If for any reason you think I’m asking for something unreasonable”—his tone told her how unlikely he found that—“you will use your safe word and I will respect it.”

Something in her chest relaxed a little even as her desire ramped up. The safe word was sacred among people in this lifestyle, but there was something about him saying as much in that calm, confident tone of his that set her at ease. She had an out—an out he would respect. If things got too heavy, or if she stopped being able to swim and started to actually drown, there was a life raft within arm’s reach. “I’m sure I’ll find plenty unreasonable. It is
we’re talking about.”

He ignored that. “While I don’t find High Protocol necessary the majority of the time, I do expect you to address me correctly.” His blue eyes drilled into her. “Say, ‘Yes, Sir.’”

She’d known this was coming. The bet had said the loser played collared submissive, and a sub with a collar didn’t get the option of obeying only during a scene. As her Dom, he could issue a command in the middle of the day and she’d be expected to drop everything and do as he told her.

This was exactly the reason she’d been so keen to avoid a relationship. She didn’t have the time or patience for someone who could potentially distract her.

It’s just a week, Pen. Seven measly days. You can last that long.
She put a little chirp into her voice, making the words just this side of disrespectful. “Yes, Sir.”

“We’ll have to work on your cheekiness.” He traced a finger down her sternum, stopping just short of the curve of her breasts. “Now, let’s begin.”

Chapter Three

Will had intended to take things slow. No, that wasn’t strictly the truth. The truth was that he had the irrational impulse to do exactly what he’d described to Penelope—fuck her over the arm of the couch they were currently sitting on. It didn’t make sense. He usually had a plan going into a scene, and he felt most alive when he was putting it into motion, one strike at a time. There was no room in his life for frantic fucking and desperation.

Even knowing that, it was still a struggle to remove his hand from her skin. She was soft in all the right places, and she smelled entirely too good for his control. The fact she kept up a steady dose of borderline disrespect only amused him—because she obeyed in the end. She would hiss and scratch and make snarling comments, but she would end up on her knees because that was ultimately where she wanted to be. He hadn’t misread the signs before—she truly did crave submitting, even if it seemed to make her uncomfortable.

Or maybe it was submitting to
that got her back up.

She looked away again, drawing his attention to her hair. It was twisted back from her face, the kinky curls bobbing. Her hair was something he’d always found intriguing because it was so wild and uncontrolled—the exact opposite of Penelope’s attitude. Even when he’d witnessed her scening with a submissive, she was totally and completely buttoned up.


She started to, and froze. “I don’t think so.”

Will sat back, noting the way she shivered when the space opened up between them. This would be interesting. “Stand, Penelope.”

“No.” Her body went tense, as if it was trying to obey despite her words. “You’re not going to touch me without my permission.”

Annoyance flared, but was quickly drowned out by anticipation. If he wanted to have a sub crawling at his feet and begging, there was a whole club full of them outside the room. What he wanted—what he was coming to recognize that he
—was this woman and her defiance. “Tell me your safe word.”

Confusion flashed across her face for a second before she hid it. “Dracula.”

He grabbed her wrist and hauled her forward, the momentum landing her in his lap with her ass in the air. Before she could struggle, he pressed his hand to the small of her back, pinning her in place. He let himself look his full since she couldn’t see his face in her position, no matter how much she twisted. He’d known Penelope had a body that made his mouth water, but with her dress up around her hips, there was little more than a scrap of white cloth covering her. He couldn’t stop himself from touching the pair of dimples at the bottom of her spine, the indentations a perfect fit for his thumb.

And her ass… Will used his free hand to trace over that deadly curve. Christ, she was magnificent.

“Let me go!”

Magnificently pissed. He slapped first one cheek and then the other, using enough force that it would actually hurt. “I have simple rules, Penelope, and I expect them to be obeyed.” He spanked her again.

She reached around to smack him, but he easily pinned her wrists behind her. Then he waited while she cursed and threatened. When she took a breath, he cut in, “Do you want to use your safe word?”

“Damn it, no.”

.” He spanked her again, and then palmed her ass, her skin so hot it practically scorched him through her thin panties. “Say it.”

Her breath hissed out. “No,

“And, to clarify, you gave me permission to touch you the moment you entered into this agreement.” He squeezed her ass and closed his eyes at how good she felt beneath his hands. “You’re mine, Penelope. You’d be wise to stop fighting it and be an obedient submissive.” But a small part of him hoped she wouldn’t give in that easily. She was a breath of fresh air. Just thinking of how he’d bring her to heel and tame that smart mouth of hers was enough to make him hard.

“Not likely,
.” She twisted and gasped when her stomach came in contact with his cock. She went still. “Ah…”

“I’m not unaffected.” He slid his hand down to cup her between her legs. Will almost groaned when he found her panties soaked. “And neither are you.”


“Truth, pet.” The nickname slipped out as easily as his fingers slipped beneath the fabric separating him from what he wanted. He traced her opening, fighting for control, fighting to keep things moving at the pace he’d set out, and not rush forward. The moment she knew how close to the edge he was, she’d do everything in her power to push him over. He couldn’t afford that, especially during their initial interaction.

Even knowing that, he couldn’t help sliding first one finger and then two into her. The feeling of her pussy clenching around him was enough to have him fighting back a groan. He wanted to drive himself into her, to lose himself in her.

. He wrestled his impulse under control, but only barely. “Would you like me to make you come?” He tried to keep his tone even and chilly, but the words came out hoarse with need.



Her breath sobbed out and she went limp, her head almost touching the carpet. “Yes, Sir.”

Thank Christ. He didn’t waste any time pushing a finger into her again. Her wet heat tightened
around him and, this time, he couldn’t hold back a groan. “How long?” She didn’t answer, so he worked a second finger into her. “How long since you let a man touch you like this?”


He withdrew long enough to rip her panties off, leaving her bare from the waist down, except for her garters. It was a picture meant to be marveled at, and he had no problem showing his appreciation. He lifted her, keeping a hold of her to ensure she didn’t topple over, and pulled her in to straddle him. She caught herself on his shoulders as he spread his legs, forcing hers wider. He took in her wide eyes and the way her body shook with each breath she took. She was right there with him.


He traced his thumbs beneath the strap of the garter, up to where it wrapped around her waist, and then down to the dip where thigh met pussy. A glint of metal caught his eye. “Pierced.” He parted her, revealing the curved metal barbell that nestled up against her clit. “How long have you had this?”

“A few years.” She bit her lip. “I got it after I graduated college.”

“Because of a boyfriend?” He rolled his thumb over it, contemplating the possibilities and attempting to convince himself he didn’t truly care what her answer was.

“No. It was something I wanted, so I got one.”

No hesitation and no questioning. She’d wanted something, so she’d gone out and pursued it. “Do you do that with everything in your life?”

“Yes.” She caught herself. “Yes, Sir.”

He sat back, sliding his hands down the outside of her thighs to cup her knees. “Show me how you like it.”

She blinked. “Excuse me?”

He took one of her hands off his shoulder and pressed it between her legs. “You want an orgasm? Give yourself one.”

They’d gone from zero to a solid sixty-five in three seconds. Penelope stared into his blue eyes, frozen by the heat there. If she’d thought the flash before was shocking, the sheer desire written over his face now was enough to leave her reeling. He wanted her—though
was too mild a word for the look he raked over the front of her body, branding her to the core.

“Take off the dress.” He eyed it with something like distaste. “I gave explicit instructions—only your underwear.”

brought her back to reality. Will being rude. Surprise, surprise. “Sugar, I wasn’t going to walk around New York City with only a coat between me and the rest of the world.”

His hands coasted up her body, skimming the dress off her and tossed it aside. “Next time, you’ll be wearing nothing at all underneath the coat.”

Crap. Her nipples tightened at the thought of being basically naked and surrounded by unknowing people. Naturally, the bastard saw her reaction. “Touch yourself, Penelope. My patience is wearing thin.”

She actually stroked her clit a few times before she realized she’d just obeyed without a fight. They’d been in this room less than ten minutes, and she was already well on her way to being a good little sub. She watched his face, the way he followed her fingers’ movement getting her hot despite herself. “Did you know?”

“Hmm?” He moved his hands back up her thighs to stroke the straps of her garters.

“Did you know you were going to win when we made the bet?”

He finally raised his gaze from where she touched herself. “I suspected.”

She remembered how cocky she’d felt, more than willing to rub Will’s face in her success. She’d been a damn idiot. “You’re an asshole.”

He didn’t so much as blink. “And you’re a disobedient sub. Do you know what I do to subs who disobey?”

She had a feeling she was about to find out. She pushed off his lap, well aware that he could have easily kept her in place if he was so inclined. “I’m sure you’re all too eager to show me.”

That damn heat in his eyes was answer enough. To her everlasting shame, she felt an answering need rising beneath her skin. She crossed her arms over her chest. “We negotiated. That’s enough for tonight.” She needed some time and space to get her head back on straight and remember that she had no business feeling anything as dangerous as desire for this man.

“On the contrary. I’m not done with you yet.” He had her up and over his shoulder before she could draw the breath to rip him a new one.

She bit her lip as he carried her across the room, hating how being hauled around by him made her body pulse with the beat of her heart. It shouldn’t make her squirm to be tossed over his shoulder like a sack of flour, but her body wasn’t listening. “You’re insufferable.”

“You’re not the first one to say so.” He dropped her on the bed with enough force that she bounced.

She immediately clenched her thighs together, refusing to let him in. “Apparently hearing it wasn’t enough to make you change your ways.”

“Open your legs.” The command lashed her, his tone harsher than anything she’d heard before.

Penelope flinched and obeyed. She caught herself halfway through the movement and tried to reverse it, but his hands were there, spreading her knees wide. He used his grip to haul her to the edge of the bed so her ass was halfway off the mattress. Will pressed her knees up and out, and then met her gaze. “You will hold this position.”

She forced herself to respond. “And if I don’t?”

“Then you’ll receive your first punishment.” He looked her over. “I don’t expect it to be your last.”

Her mind raced in circles, torn between wanting—needing—to know what her punishment would be, and the desire to obey him. She was losing ground, and fast, but she still tried to rally. “Are you going to fuck me, Sir?”

He went still, looking at her like she was crazy. “Normally, women don’t consider fucking me a punishment.” He let go of her legs and stepped back, that damn amusement back on his face. It was official—she
amusing him. “For that, I think you’ll wait for the pleasure.”

Which pleasure?
Even knowing she should be happy that Will was holding off having sex, disappointment soured her stomach. It might be bad for her mental health, but the truth was that she wanted Will Reaver inside her and driving her out of her mind. He never had sex with his subs in the public playroom, but she could imagine how well he took care of them by the expressions of exhausted contentment on the women’s faces after they left a private session with him.

Jealousy she had no right to tightened her chest. He didn’t hold back with those other women, but he was going to make her wait? Maybe she’d miscalculated. She kept very still, holding the position he’d maneuvered into and tried to put a contrite expression on her face. “I’m sorry, Sir.”

He laughed, a deep sound that seemed to start in his stomach and roar outwards. Penelope stared. Had she ever heard him actually laugh? Chuckle, maybe. But an actual laugh? No, never.

Will shook his head. “I suspect this week will be anything but dull with you wearing my collar.”

As if just remembering something, he turned and walked across the room, leaving her lewdly splayed. She had the hysterical thought that she should consider herself lucky this was happening in private and not where everyone on the third floor of Serve could see.

She doubted she’d be so lucky for the rest of the week.

He returned with a collar. “I contemplated white, but white is a color you’ve taken as your own.” He ran the thick black leather through his hands. It was stitched with a floral pattern that might be roses, a surprisingly pretty and feminine touch. “This is to mark you as mine. You will wear it whenever we are alone together, as well as the moment you set foot through Serve’s doors.” Will leaned over her, his hips lining up with hers, the ridge his cock made beneath the fabric of his pants rubbing against her clit, and fastened the collar around her neck with excruciating slowness. He kept shifting as if trying to get it in a better position, and each movement sent a zing of pleasure through her. She bit her lip to keep a moan in, but she couldn’t stop her hips from rolling against him.

The collar was heavy against her throat, but it was the look on his face that made it hard to draw a full breath. He bracketed her throat just beneath the leather. “My collar looks good on you, pet.”

The weight of his body on hers made her whimper. He was so…big. Larger than life. It was everything she could do not to wrap her legs around his waist and beg him to take her now.

shocked Penelope back to herself. She might be his sub for the week, but she wasn’t about to beg him for anything. She tried to take a calming breath, but all she got was a lung
of his woodsy scent.

He leaned back, the move settling him more securely between her thighs. “It’s a struggle, isn’t it?”

BOOK: Betting on Fate
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