Read Betting on Julia (A Melville Sisters Novel) (Entangled Covet) Online

Authors: Nina Croft

Tags: #Melville Sisters, #Werewolf, #Covet, #PNR, #Demon, #paranormal, #romance, #Operation Saving Daniel, #Entangled, #Nina Croft, #Sexy, #Betting on Julia

Betting on Julia (A Melville Sisters Novel) (Entangled Covet) (6 page)

BOOK: Betting on Julia (A Melville Sisters Novel) (Entangled Covet)
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Except she was beginning to believe that had been wishful thinking. She suspected normal was gone forever.

“I’m not sure,” she said. “But Daniel’s a very rich man, maybe it’s just a precaution.”

“But a new precaution?”

“Yeah. I’ll get it out of him on Sunday.”

“What does your brother do?”

He’s leader of a pack of werewolves.

Yeah, like she was going to say that. He’d think she was a nutter. “He’s a scientist, specializing in genetics, but he also runs a biotech company. A very successful one.”

Bastian cast her a sideways glance. She appeared a little preoccupied. She’d said her sister-in-law had come with good news, but it obviously wasn’t entirely welcome if Julia’s expression was anything to go by. She was chewing on her lip, her brows drawn together.

He knew how she felt. Tonight, he was struggling with his own internal issues. Dante was awake and trying to barge in on his consciousness. In the past, it had taken little effort to lock him away when he wasn’t wanted. They’d sort of come to an unspoken agreement: Dante stayed out of the way the majority of the time and in return, Bastian wouldn’t try and block him out when anything he might be interested in was happening. And only two things interested Dante: sex and violence. The sex usually involved the likes of Melanie, a few chains, and the odd whip or two. He was also quite fond of illegal cage fighting and was happiest when Bastian was doing the fighting. Bastian was happy to oblige and often took part in underground fights. He found the release of violence almost relaxing, satisfying a craving deep inside him, and he had quite a reputation in certain circles.

Maybe that’s what he needed. Sex was out; somehow, he couldn’t face the idea of Melanie or her like while he was in this thing with Julia. But perhaps a good fight, some blood and sweat. Maybe that would pacify the demon, and he would leave him alone for a while.

He’d phone when he got home tonight. Set something up.

They arrived at the restaurant, and he held the door while Julia passed through. She smelled sharp and sweet, and he breathed in deeply, then walked behind her between the tables. Tonight, she was dressed in a black leather miniskirt, black tights, and her knee-length boots. The high heels made her hips sway. He had a mental picture of her bent over, the skirt rucked up to her waist. She’d be all pink and white with dimples at the bottom of her spine and…

I like it.
Dante murmured in his head.
But maybe it needs something a little more…
Suddenly his vision changed, and he held a multi stranded flogger in his hand; it was raised above his head and…

“Piss off,” he muttered.

A soft laughter echoed in his head and was gone.

Up ahead, Julia stopped at what was obviously their table and glanced over her shoulder. “Did you say something?”


He sat down opposite her, ordered a bottle of red wine from the waiter, and sat back to examine her. When he’d first seen her picture, he’d considered her pretty. Now, with the real thing before him, he could see she was seriously beautiful, sort of angelic with her big blue eyes and golden curls. He felt an internal snort from Dante at the thought.

She still appeared a little distracted, her blue eyes clouded with some internal thoughts that weren’t making her happy. Maybe he should ask what was wrong. Isn’t that what friends did? “What’s the matter?”


“Your friend said she had good news, but you look sad.”

“Not really.” Then she gave a shrug. “Maybe a little.” She took a deep breath. “Lissa came to tell me she’s having a baby. Two babies actually. And I’m really happy for her—it’s what they want. But…”


Another deep breath. “I found out recently that I can’t have children. And it’s strange, because I never thought about them before and now…”

He reached out and took her hand. “And now?”

“Now I can’t seem to stop thinking about them and that’s so stupid. I’m not even in a relationship. Underneath, I’d always presumed I’d eventually meet someone and have a bunch. I loved growing up with a big family.”

“Are you sure there’s nothing you can do?”

She bit her lip. “Pretty sure. Anyway, enough of that—it’s history. I’ve come to terms with it. But Lissa’s news brought everything back. Now let’s have a nice time. You can take my mind off it with funny stories about being an accountant.” She gave him a big smile that showed off her dimples as she shrugged out of her jacket.

She was wearing pink again. She really seemed to like the color. A soft pink sweater that buttoned down the front, molding her full breasts and revealing at least two inches of cleavage. She leaned across to pick up the menu, and his dick jerked in his pants.

“There are no funny stories about being an accountant,” he said. “Maybe you should tell me about being a journalist instead.”

They both ordered pizza—hers a vegetarian. Julia chatted about her work as she ate hers with her fingers. The whole thing. Then she eyed up the remains of his meat feast.

“Go ahead,” he said. He had no appetite, not for food anyway.

She grinned, licking tomato sauce off her fingers and taking a swig of red wine. “This condition. It has one good side effect—my metabolism has gone crazy.” She waved a hand down her body, reached across, and picked up a slice of his pizza. “I’ve always had to watch what I eat, but now I can eat anything and I burn it off.”

He considered asking what exactly was wrong with her, but she seemed to have gotten over her earlier blues and he didn’t want to bring them back. He liked seeing her smile.

Somewhere during the meal, she’d slipped open another button on her sweater, so now he was staring at three inches of very impressive cleavage, and however hard he tried to avoid the view, his gaze kept slipping downward.

She finished his pizza and excused herself to go wash her hands. He watched her ass as she sashayed across the room.

You are one sad case.

He ignored the comment.

You can’t touch her. The moment you do, she’ll realize you’re not the nice guy you’ve been pretending to be.

He gritted his teeth.

You can’t hide it from me. I know what you want, what you like, and it’s not nice vanilla sex with a nice girl.

“Fuck off,” he growled and got an odd glance from the waiter.

But Dante was right. With the demon this close to the surface, he couldn’t risk losing control.

“Are you okay?” Julia was back. “You were frowning,” she said.

“I’m fine.” He forced a smile.

As she took her seat, she tugged up her skirt and crossed her legs, and he couldn’t miss the flash of pale skin. She was wearing stockings, and his dick jerked again. So much for good intentions. He was hot and hard and uncomfortable.

“Are you really okay?” she asked, reaching across the table and resting her hand on his forearm. A tingle ran up his arm, down his body, to settle in his gut. He couldn’t believe it. Melanie in a red corset and stilettos had never had this effect on him. Maybe he needed to end the evening before he lost the ability to control himself. If that happened, his control on Dante would also slip, and that was precarious anyway tonight.

“Yes, I’m fine. I was thinking about Melanie. She loved pizza as well. So do you want dessert?” he asked, hoping she’d say no and they could get the hell out of there and away from what was becoming slow torture.

But she smiled and licked her lips. “I’d like ice cream. Strawberry ice cream—it’s my favorite.”

“Let me guess—because it’s pink.”

“Am I so obvious?” She pouted and licked her lips again, then rested her elbows on the table and her chin on her hands. The position had the effect of pushing her breasts together, increasing the amount of cleavage she was flashing his way. He glanced up from the picture and found her watching him, an almost calculating expression in her eyes.

It occurred to him that he was being played.

For a second, he wondered whether this whole thing was a setup and she was somehow in league with Dante. But setting him up for God knows what? He dismissed the idea. No, she was just being friendly…very friendly.

It was a long time since he’d played this game, but if he wasn’t mistaken, she was flirting with him. He called the waiter and ordered her ice cream and sat back to study her. He couldn’t afford a wrong move.

But wasn’t this what he wanted?

No. He was looking for love not sex. And right now he was supposed to be her friend. He needed her to fall in love with him, and, though he was out of practice, he guessed she would have to like him first for that. He couldn’t take things too fast.

All the same, he was unable to drag his eyes from her as she ate the ice cream. Yeah, she was definitely coming on to him. At least his dick was sure of that. He was rock hard and hot as hell. She licked the spoon and heat coiled in his belly. Maybe he should order some ice cream himself, cool himself down. Dip his dick in it, offer her seconds. That rosebud mouth, wrapped around his cock, licking his balls…

“Are you still with us?”

Her question interrupted his fantasy.
. “Sorry. I was thinking about …balance sheets.”

“Really?” She smiled, and he got the impression she didn’t believe him. How amazing.

He needed to get out of here, get her home, get himself a fight, banish Dante for a while, and maybe he could contemplate sex with Julia that might not scare her for life.

Dante chuckled in his mind. The demon would sabotage this if he could. The wager could be lost tonight if he wasn’t careful.

Chapter Six

“Are you finished?” Bastian asked as she scraped the last of the ice cream from her bowl.

She put down her spoon and sat back with a sigh. “Yes, thank you.”

“I’ll get the bill.”

“I’ll pay half.”

“There’s no need.”

“There’s every need. We’re friends remember. Friends share the bill.”

He didn’t argue. He wanted out of there. Needed the chill air to cool his heated blood. She rose to her feet and picked up her jacket, tossing him a quick glance.

He helped her into her jacket, which was a mistake. Touching her stoked the fires burning inside him. Still, he couldn’t resist stroking his hands down her arms as he settled the jacket on her shoulders. He had to fight the urge to bury his face in her golden curls, breathe her in. Just hold her.

You’re going sappy, mate.

He ground his teeth, but didn’t answer. One of the problems was, he didn’t know how much of the feelings were his and how much were Dante’s. When he was awake, the demon had the habit of complicating matters, entwining his will with Bastian’s. He made a concerted effort and pushed the demon into the corner of his mind he usually inhabited. And felt immediately better.

Julia walked close to him, closer than she had on the way over here, her shoulder brushing his arm and he was totally aware of every inch of her.

“You’ve gone awfully quiet,” she said.

“I’m fine.”

“You don’t sound fine.” She stopped walking, and he had no choice but to halt beside her. Either that or keep on going and leave her behind. Hardly likely to improve the path to true love.

But need was building inside him. His only hope was to get her home and away from him, before his control shattered and he… Actually, he wasn’t sure what he would do except it would involve both of them getting naked and sweaty.

He took a deep breath. Maybe he shouldn’t go anywhere near home right now. Because if she invited him in, he didn’t know if he had the strength to say no. And if he got her inside and alone, in this mood, he was likely to scare her off so fast she would run and never look back. Probably put her house on the market, emigrate…

Maybe Dante was right, and he was no use to a good woman anymore. Maybe he was too far gone to the dark side. Shit.


She put her hand on his arm, and he felt the heat through his clothes.

“Sorry. I was thinking that it’s a long time since I’ve been out with a girl. Even if we are just friends. It made me think of…” Shit what was her name again?

“Melanie,” she finished for him and tossed him a grin. “We need to take your mind off her, once and for all.”

He must have appeared a little worried, because she patted his arm. “Don’t worry. I still just want to be your friend. But you know, there is such a thing as friends with benefits.”

“There is?”

She glanced around at the street. They were in a wide road, a mixture of small businesses and homes, well lit and quite busy. But off to their right was a dark alleyway between two building, and she slipped her hand into his and tugged him in that direction.

“Where are we going?” He tried to tell himself that the tremor in his voice wasn’t fear, but this was so not a good idea right now. But she was strong—stronger than he would have expected, and she pulled him into the shadows. Without an outright tug-of-war, he had no choice but to go along with her.

“Look,” she said, turning to face him and dropping his hand. “Neither of us wants a relationship right now. But we’re both single, and I’m pretty sure we both fancy each other.”

She fancied him? Fuck that seemed a tame description for the fire streaking along his nerves, the heat uncoiling in his gut, the blood surging into his cock.

Head tipped to one side, she studied him. “Am I wrong?”

He cleared his throat and tried to think of the right answer. “What are you suggesting?”

“That we enjoy each other. No strings, just some simple fun. You’ll get your confidence back, and I’ll…”

“What will you get?”

Her lips curved into a small smile. “Why don’t we see?” She reached up and slipped one hand behind his neck, her fingers ruffling in the hair at his nape, and a shiver ran through him. She was too close, any nearer and she’d bump into his erection and feel just what he wanted her to get.

This couldn’t happen, not tonight when his hold on his control was so precarious. But before he could think of an escape plan, she came up on tiptoes and kissed him.

At the touch of her lips, everything went rigid, his muscles locking tight. Then she ran the tip of her tongue along his lips, and his control unraveled.

“Fuck,” he muttered. As his mouth parted on the word, her small tongue pushed inside, and he was lost. She tasted of heat and spice and cool strawberry ice cream. His arms went around her, beneath her jacket, and he deepened the kiss, his own tongue thrusting into her mouth, sliding along hers, filling her. She melted against him, pressing her hips against his.

“Oh.” She went still and dragged her lips from his. “So you do like me, then?”

He growled low in his throat, and her eyes widened.

Get a grip.

The thought was his, not Dante’s. Dante was urging him on. He ignored the little voice, but unfortunately, he couldn’t ignore the soft woman pressing against his rock hard dick. She shifted her hips, and his cock throbbed.

He had to kiss her. He had to taste her, sink himself into her, take her…

Jesus. Slow down. Get through this. Just a kiss. They were outside on a London street…

Down a dark alley…

Julia slipped her hands under his jacket, tugged his T-shirt out of his jeans, and then her hands were on his body, skin to skin. Sliding them around his waist, she splayed her palms over his back, lifted her chin, and gazed into his eyes. Hers were so blue they were almost black. Her mouth was slightly parted, and the tip of her tongue poked out and licked at her plump lower lip.

“Kiss me, Bastian.”

And he couldn’t resist. Just one quick kiss.

He gathered her in his arms; she was so small he had to bend over her, curl his body around hers. As their lips met, he forgot everything in the taste of her.

He couldn’t get close enough. Backing them up until she hit the wall behind her, he slid his hands down to her waist, then around to cup her ass. He lifted her, so her face was level with his, and he kissed her some more. Deep, wet kisses that fed the hunger churning within him. He needed to get deep inside her.

He kissed up the side of her cheek and whispered in her ear, “Wrap your legs around me.”

Her eyes flashed open, shocked but dark with desire. She nodded, but the tight skirt hampered her movements. Gripping the hemline, he yanked the leather up over her thighs. His hands encountered bare skin, and glancing down, saw the white flesh of her thighs against the blackness of her stockings.

Shit, the stockings. He’d forgotten the stockings and another wave of heat washed over him, threatening to suck him under. He fought for control as her legs wrapped around his waist and squeezed.

And finally, she was snug against his cock. For a second, he savored the sensation, before shifting her slightly, so she was balanced in place, her back against the wall. He pulled back so he could stare down into her face.

“Friends with benefits?” he murmured and bucked his hips so his shaft rubbed against her core.

Her eyes widened. “Oh yes.”

He rotated his hips and her lashes fluttered closed. She bit at her lower lip with her sharp white teeth as he held her easily with his hips, his hands free, and he hooked one in the top of her sweater and tore down. The tiny pearl buttons gave easily, baring her to the waist. Her bra was dark pink, her breasts full, and the nipples hard and poking through the lace. He bent his head and nipped her with his teeth.

Bite her.

He ignored the voice, though it was a reminder he needed to stop this before he lost all restraint. He knew Dante’s taste in sex, and it was unlikely to coincide with Julia’s. But he needed a little longer. With one hand, he freed her breasts from the cups. Her nipples matched her bra, dark pink and swollen, and he suckled from each until small mewling noises emerged from her throat. She wriggled her hips against him, sending a jolt through his cock, up his spine. His balls ached.

He eased back a fraction of an inch, so his hand could slip between them. Curling his fingers around the soft skin of her inner thigh, he found the edge of her panties and cupped her sex. Even through the lace, he could feel the moist heat of her arousal, and it drove the last control from his mind. He slipped a finger under the lace and into the sodden folds of her sex. So fucking hot. He paused for a second and stared into her face.

Her head was back against the wall, thrashing from side to side, her eyes closed tight. The air around them crackled with a strange magical energy. Was he losing it? But the sensation came from Julia.

He pushed a finger inside her. She was tight but let him in easily and went still. Withdrawing, he explored, spreading the slick wetness over her. Finding her clit, swollen with need, he circled it with his fingertip and her eyes flew open. Something shifted behind them, something wild and untamed. And he knew he was going to take her here, shove his dick into her, fuck her senseless, and she would let him. He tangled his fingers in the lace and ripped her panties down the side, balled them in his fist…

“Hey, get a room.”

The voice came from the edge of the alleyway and acted like an icy-cold deluge. He turned his head and saw a group, watching them.

A growl rose up in his throat.

Someone else laughed, and he swallowed the growl.

Let them watch.

Dante’s words echoed in his head, and for a second he seriously considered it. The need clawed at his insides. He took a deep breath. Slowly, he withdrew his hand and wrapped his control around himself.

“Fuck off,” he snarled. The laughter was cut off and the strangers moved on.

He rested his forehead against Julia’s, breathing evenly, willing his body to obey. Gradually, the demon backed away, and the sting of desire subsided. He raised his head and kissed her chastely on the forehead.

“Sorry,” he said.

“Don’t be. I did sort of ask you to kiss me.” She exhaled loudly. “And that was some kiss.”

She loosened her grip around his waist, and he lowered her to the ground. For a second, she wobbled, balancing herself with a hand on his arm, but then she stepped away, tugging her skirt down over her thighs.

“Crap,” she muttered.

He followed her gaze and found her staring down. Her sweater was open to the waist, baring her breasts, which were spilling out of the cups of her bra. She adjusted herself, pulled the edges of the sweater together, but most of the buttons were scattered. In the end, she fastened her jacket over the top. “There, decent.”

“I’m sorry,” he said again and shoved the pink lace panties in his pocket.

She grinned. “Wow, when you lose it, you really lose it,” she said. “Hey, that was meant as a compliment.”

“I’ll buy you a new sweater,” he said.

“No need.” Her gaze drifted down his body, snagging on the bulge that still pressed almost painfully against his fly. She swayed toward him, shook herself, and stepped away. “Let’s get home.”

They were quiet on the walk back. Bastian did his best to clear his mind, and he’d regained his control by the time they halted outside Julia’s front door. She turned to him, put her palm against his chest, and smiled. “You want to come in for a drink?”

Without giving himself time to think, he shook his head. “No.”

A frown formed between her eyes. “No?”

“I think we both need time to calm down.”

“We do?”

He lowered his head and kissed her really quickly on the lips and backed off. “Good night. I’ll speak to you tomorrow.” And he turned and walked away.

Julia closed the door behind her and leaned her back against the wood.

Her body still buzzed with need, and she was soaking wet—the no panties hadn’t helped—she was feeling distinctly slutty. Not to mention unsatisfied.

She shuffled into the sitting room. The half-empty bottle of champagne still sat on the table. She grabbed it on the way past and flung herself down on the sofa. Taking a slug straight from the bottle, she nearly choked as the bubbles tried to escape back up her throat. She took another sip and rested her head against the cushions, closed her eyes, and remembered the feel of his mouth on her breasts, his long finger pushing inside her, stroking her clit.

Fuck she was one frustrated bitch.

She took another gulp of champagne to put off thinking about the worst bit of the night.

The bit where
had woken up about the time Bastian was sticking his tongue down her throat. And she’d been one unhappy-tail-between-the-legs

A razor-sharp claw flicked her from the inside. “Ouch.” She was guessing
wasn’t too fond of her name. “Well, stop interfering in my love life, and I’ll stop calling you
,” she muttered.

While she’d done her best to ignore it at the time, now she had to think this through. She’d become really good at sticking her head in the sand and pretending her life wasn’t a pile of doggy crap. But it was time to face up to an unpleasant truth:
did not like Sebastian.

This was bad news.

The whole try-and-have-lots-of-sex-with-hottie-neighbor technique had been all about keeping
quiet and in her place. And that wasn’t scratching Julia’s insides while she tried to have a medicinal shag with her sexy neighbor down a dark alley.

had terrible taste. Sebastian was stunning, gorgeous, sexy, and he could kiss… What was there not to like?

All the same, she was going to have to stop seeing him.

She slammed the now-empty champagne bottle on the table.

He was coming to lunch with her sisters on Sunday. That alone had been enough to frighten off at least two former boyfriends. But would it be enough to frighten off Bastian?

BOOK: Betting on Julia (A Melville Sisters Novel) (Entangled Covet)
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