Between Two Wolves (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Menage Werewolf Romance) (14 page)

BOOK: Between Two Wolves (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Menage Werewolf Romance)
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Chapter Twelve



My last stop was the gym. There was nothing
there for me to get, but I wanted to say good-bye to Jack. I felt like I owed
him something, an explanation, or a thank-you. He’d been in my life for only a
short time, but it was his voice I heard most often. Could be that he reminded
me of an older version of my dad. Or it could be he didn’t take any of my shit,
and I appreciated that.

“Hey, Red. About time you show up. You
missed some sessions.”

I leaned on the counter, watching the
guys in the ring. Jack came around, stood next to me.

“Yeah. About that. I need to cancel the
rest of my contract. I’m moving.”

He looked down at me, and I swear the air
between us changed. I thought he was going to yell, or give me the silent
treatment. But after a moment he broke into a smile. I had to admit, it was the
first time I’d ever seen Jack smile. He leaned forward, and I tensed, expecting
a smack to the back of my head. But instead he kissed my cheek. I wasn’t sure
which startled me more, the smile, or the unexpected show of something
resembling affection.

“About time you found your pack, Red,
whoever they are. You’ll fit in just fine.”

He stepped back. I stared. Had I just
heard him say what I thought he’d said?

“You heard me.”

I stared harder, a ripple of energy
rushing through my body and I felt goosebumps crop up on my arms. I’d heard his
words, but I swear his lips hadn’t moved. He simply smiled, and walked back
behind the counter.

“Just let me get the cancellation form,
and you’re good to go.” He shuffled papers. I watched, stunned, a million
questions on the tip of my tongue. But I knew I couldn’t ask them. I signed the
form he pushed at me.

“Forwarding address? You might have a
refund coming.”

I shook my head. “Not…really.” I didn’t
think our road even had a name.

“Off the grid. I understand.”

“Here…” I scribbled Maggie’s address. “My
friend. She’ll see that I get it.”

He glanced at the paper. “Works for me.
Listen, Red. You take care of yourself. It’s a different life, but if there’s
ever been anyone who can handle it, it’s you. You’re one of the toughest broads
I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with.”

Someone in the ring called Jack’s name.
He nodded.

“I got a client waiting. Take care, Red.”
He smiled at me again, and then he was gone.


* * *

I was back at the cabin just before
sunset, which made the walk up the trail much easier. The boxes from my old
apartment could wait until tomorrow, until Colt and Jericho could help me.
guys…my wolves.

Even though I’d only been gone twelve
hours, I missed them terribly. Missed their scent, the way they moved,
looked…the way they looked at me. Touched me. I was smiling long before I saw
the cabin, before I saw Jericho and Colt sitting on the porch.

They came down the stairs and I got the
biggest bear hug.
Or I guess wolf hug would be the proper term. Whichever,
it was just what I needed.

“Glad you’re back. We missed you.” Colt
kissed me on one cheek, Jericho the other. The kisses might have been chaste,
but their hands were making it clear they had something a lot less innocent in
mind. And that suited me just fine.

“I missed you guys, too.”

“Where’s your stuff? Do you want to bring
it up? We cleared room in the loft.”

“Boxes can wait.” I pulled Colt close,
kissing him hard, a big wet kiss with plenty of tongue. Before he could say
anything, I did the same to Jericho, tugging his bottom lip, putting just
enough pressure on him to remind him I’d bitten him before.

“But I can’t.”

“Whatever you want, Red. Inside or out?” Colt
spun me away from Jericho, pulling me into his arms.

“Out. And I know a place…” I pushed away
from Colt, skipping out of his grasp. I ran around the cabin, following the
trial we’d taken the first night I shifted. I wanted to be in that space with

Colt caught me easily, grabbing me around
the waist. I was laughing as he pulled me down onto the soft pine needles that
carpeted the ground. It smelled cool and fresh, like Christmas warmed by the
sun. I rolled onto my back, looking up at Colt, backed by the clear indigo of
the coming twilight.

“Your eyes look silver at night, did you
know that?”

“And your eyes shine like diamonds.”

“Isn’t she the most beautiful thing in
the world?” Jericho dropped down onto the ground beside us. “You’re a beautiful
woman, and you make a beautiful wolf.”

My face went hot. “You’re making me

“And it makes you all the prettier.”

“Did we come out here to talk, or did we
come out here for something else?”

It turned out we were there for something
else. I let the guys take the lead, my wolf content to bask in the attention
and the love. It was darker, but I could still see if I wanted to, if I kept my
eyes open. But I closed them, seeing them in my mind’s eye as they worshipped
my body.

They took turns, moving over me, nuzzling
and kissing, sucking my breasts until my nipples were hard and aching. I arched
against them, winding my fingers in their hair, holding them against me.

Jericho broke away, moving slowly down my
body, leaving a trail of fire on my skin with his kisses, his tongue, his sharp
teeth brushing against the edge of my navel. He moved lower, and I gasped as
those lips and tongue, and sharp teeth brushed against something else,
something far more sensitive.

Hands spread my legs, but I was already
letting them fall open. Fingers caressed the soft skin of the insides of my
thighs, playing over my heated flesh. I grabbed at the pine needles beneath me,
crushing them, the smell of pine filling the air. I wanted those fingers to
move higher, to touch me at my core. But they only teased me, only fanned the
fire they’d started. I could have begged them, silently, just with my mind. I
didn’t. I let them play.

A kiss softer than a butterfly’s wing
touched me, and I drew in a sharp breath. The kiss was followed by another,
lips firmer, pressing against me. Then the flick of a tongue, at the edge, closer.
But not there yet.

The other stayed at my breasts, sucking,
stroking, gently, in time with the kisses between my legs. I shuddered, slowly
my breathing, unable to slow my heart. It bounded, and leapt in time with the
touch of the man between my thighs, with the one at my breast.

And then there was more, kisses becoming
deeper, the flick of a tongue, circling, testing. Then suddenly plundering,
probing, delving deeply into me. I sighed, ass pressed against the ground,
fingers wound through thick hair.

Deeper and harder, licking and sucking at
me until I couldn’t stand it. I arched violently, digging my fingers into the
earth, but didn’t cry out, didn’t scream my ecstasy to the sky. I kept it
inside, kept the power contained, turning it inward.

My wolf danced with me in sheer joy,
feeling everything I did, loving every second of my pleasure. She wasn’t
controlled or contained, held back, or held down. All was as it should be.

I opened my eyes, watching the stars
overhead, turning on the great wheel in the sky. I’d touched that wheel, thanks
to Colt and Jericho. I smiled and my wolf did as well.

She and I were one.






About The Author


Catherine Vale has been
writing fiction for as long as she can remember, but it wasn't until she wrote
her very first paranormal romance story that she found herself hooked on the
raw, edgy love affair of shifters, vampires and other dominant alpha males, and
the captivating women that love them. 


Catherine Vale writes both
contemporary and paranormal romance for readers who are willing to take a walk
on the wild side of love. Her stories always include powerful alpha males,
smart and sassy heroines and a happily-ever-after (even if she often puts her
characters through hell to get there!)


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Other Books By Catherine Vale



Wolves Next Door

Touch Of Vampire

Two Bears


Of Honey

Of A Mate


The Bear

On The
Prowl (Jaguar Series)

Of Fire
To Catch A Cheetah
See full list of available books at
and join her newsletter for
updates, new releases, appearances, giveaways, and more!



BOOK: Between Two Wolves (BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Menage Werewolf Romance)
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