Read Big Brother's Breeding Dance (Virgin Sister Impregnation Sex) Online

Authors: Nicole Snow

Tags: #incest erotica, #brother sister sex, #sibling sex, #virgin deflowering, #breeding sex, #breeding erotica, #impregnation sex, #virgin impregnation, #bred by brother, #sister breeding

Big Brother's Breeding Dance (Virgin Sister Impregnation Sex)

BOOK: Big Brother's Breeding Dance (Virgin Sister Impregnation Sex)
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Big Brother's Breeding Dance


By Nicole Snow


Content copyright 2013 Nicole Snow. All
rights reserved.

Smashwords Edition.


The following ebook is a work of fiction. Any
resemblance characters in this story may have to real people is
only coincidental.


All individuals depicted in this work are
adults over the age of eighteen years old. None of the characters
in this story are blood related.


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Stacy's hungry eyes have watched her
handsome older brother forever. But she wants to do more than roam
her step-brother's body with carnal looks, and the town's summer
dance presents the perfect opportunity for more...


Jack's little sister blossomed into a
beautiful woman while he was away at college. He's eager to dance
on one condition: Stacey must do absolutely anything he wants after
their night on the dance floor ends. No exceptions.


It sounds like a bargain, but sweet virgin
Stacey has no idea her brother likes to romp hard, bareback, and
always comes deep inside his lovers – especially when they're young
and fertile!


Warning: This story
features taboo breeding sex, Brother-Sister love, and explicit
Word count: 11,000+ words.


I: A Date, a Dance, and a Demand


I stood at the edge of his room, my palms
flat against the cool wall for support. My disbelief melted before
my eyes as I watched him sleeping.

Wow. It wasn't just my imagination – he
really looked like a Greek God up close!

Jack's chest rose and fell in the soft
moonlight seeping through his blinds. I rolled one hand along my
lower belly. My thin gown cinched between my legs, feeling
marvelously hot and thick.

Lust steamed through my veins like dense
smoke. My lips became an O, a passage for a silent moan.

If it weren't for the tight gray boxers
hugging his hips, I would've seen every inch of my big brother in
all his glory.

But I wasn't dissatisfied. No sir.

I'd never been a greedy little girl. I
thanked the heavens for everything I got, and that went double for
smoking hot glimpses of big brother.

My eyes wandered across his rigid torso,
studying the hard physique he'd carved through High School and

The buff boy who'd left us four years ago to
move across the state line for engineering school had returned a
man. And what a man!

A familiar heat pulsed between my thighs. I
closed them together, mirroring the taut muscles throughout the
rest of my body, gingerly chewing my lip as Jack slept on.

I wonder if he's dreaming about sex?

Seeing the hard ridge beneath its gray
sheath brought forward all sorts of naughty questions. Then again,
from what little I knew about men, I'd heard they sometimes get
erect at night, no matter how bland their dreams.

My heartbeat thundered beneath my ribs. The
gentle, steady tempo vibrated across my whole body, lighting my
blood on fire.

I moved with the flames. When I looked down
again, swooning lightly, I'd taken two steps into his bedroom
without thinking.

Danger, lust, and a little dash of shame
crashed inside me like a train going off its rails.

My vision temporarily blurred. Staring at my
older brother's gorgeous body for too long was just as hard as
gazing at the sun.

This is crazy,
a little voice said inside
You have to back away from

Right now! Before you do something really

And my brain wasn't running on anything but
stupid. The ache in my sopping wet core spread through my legs,
begging them to take another step forward, to slide into bed with

If he didn't wake up, I'd
take his waistband and yank it to his thighs, revealing his last
beautiful secret and making it all

Mine, mine, mine! I practically felt him
clasped in my small fingers already...

Hot. Thick. Full of promises.

No,” I mouthed. My reason
regained the upper hand, turning my legs like a reluctant

My right foot fell on the crack at the
entrance to his room. Behind me, he stirred.

I came to a dead stop. Jack's body arched as
he groaned and stretched, repositioning his handsome bulk in his

My blood went cold. I held my breath as long
as I could, terrified that he'd wake up and find me in his room,
staring with a hunger a man like him couldn't mistake for anything

Shit, shit, shit! Oh, please let me get out
of here...I'll never do this again. I promise.

The white lie I told myself worked. Jack's
heavy, slow breathing resumed behind me.

I twisted my neck to look at him one last
time before I tip-toed away from his room. Yes, it was worth it.
I'd nearly paid the ultimate price for feasting with my eyes.

But how could I regret anything? How could I
forget about the lean strength concentrated in his toned limbs, and
that virile bulge in his boxers...

Back in my room, I crashed into bed. My
veins were still simmering, caressed by the adrenaline storm
coursing through me.

I lifted my ass and tore my panties to my
knees. My long fingers went to work immediately, searching for my
clit and racing wet laps around it, recalling my brother's beauty
imprinted on my mind.

True, I was a virgin to everything except my
own hands, but I knew my way around my own body.

I shoved the corner of my pillow into my
mouth and gnawed hard as pleasure exploded inside me. The fireball
started in my stomach and burst like a dam overflowing, radiating
outward, covering me in its sticky hot bliss.

I screamed, keeping my volume as low as I
could. My room was across from Jack's and right next to Mom and

I had to keep control, even through the
ecstasy roiling my blood. Waking my parents by masturbating would
be bad enough, but having Jack burst into my room looking for
prowlers would've been a death sentence.

Slowly, my breathing became less ragged, and
the shrillness stopped. Exhausted, I collapsed, grabbing a fistful
of tissues on my nightstand to blot the excess wetness off my

All I wanted to do was go to sleep, but a
familiar voice haunted me in the darkness, tormenting me with its
doubts until exhaustion blackened everything.

You're eighteen, a High School grad, and a
virgin. What's wrong with this picture?

How many girls had Jack fucked when he was
your age? Christ, how many did he drag to his dorm room and ravage
underneath his roommate's nose?

Let's say more than a dozen. That seems fair
for a hard-as-nails alpha with an appetite he never tries to hide.
And that's all you need to know about why he'll never want a soft,
inexperienced, plain little sister like you...


Any leads, my boy? I hear
Crawford's son is working for a big operation a couple towns over.
Would you like me to introduce you?” Dad asked between sips of
orange juice.

Breakfast time, and all our eyes were on
Jack. He calmly chewed his eggs and sausage, answering only when he
was good and ready.

That place? Really, Dad?
I met Mister Declane when he came around to my school for
recruiting. Nice guy, but he's getting his ass kicked in the
business for a good reason.” Jack grabbed an invisible bottle and
took gulps.

Jack!” Mom

I just giggled. No matter how much he
matured, Jack hadn't let go of his uncanny ability to mix comedy
and truth.

Dad winced. “I really had no idea. Well,
perhaps you'd better tune up the truck and go on a few interviews
next week.”

Thanks. I'll do that, but
I'm taking the motorcycle. Same as I always do.”

Dad gave him a disapproving stare. Jack
smiled firmly. He respected the man his mother had re-married, but
there had always been a quiet tension between them.

Some days, I had to remind myself that Jack
was my step-brother. He'd been a part of my life as long as I could

I guess not being blood related made me feel
a little better about my taboo desires. But only to a point...

I want to go riding
before you get a job, Jack.” I stabbed a sausage link and poked the
tip into my mouth.

Mom narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms.
Jack looked at me and raised his chin, a bemused look on his

You really think you can
handle it, little Sis? This isn't like the scooter I had before I
left, you know.”

Oh, I know, Brother. I'm
ready to feel it purring between my legs.” I blushed.

I don't think you'll be
feeling anything, young lady.” Dad turned his dark eyes on me.
“Those things are dangerous. Takes big guys like your brother
months to learn how to ride them well.”

Oh, come on. I haven't
even found a date for the big August dance...don't I deserve a
little excitement?”

You do, honey. But that's
the kind you should be focusing on. Not gallivanting away with Jack
to the dirty oil fields.”

They're not that dirty,
Mom.” Jack smiled, flashing his perfect white teeth. “And what's
all this about the dance?”

Same one you used to
attend here in Willingston,” Dad said, pushing one last bite of
food into his mouth. “We don't have those disco clubs and lounges
like you had in the city.”

Jack flattened his hands on the table and
chuckled. “Ah, Dad. I never even stepped foot into those places.
The city girls didn't really appeal to me.”

Hm, I'll bet,” Mom said,
her voice dripping with disbelief. “Seriously, Stacey. Why don't
you go into town today with Jack? There's a cute barista boy
working in the new cafe.”

I stuck my tongue out. I couldn't believe
she found Tommy Lukacs cute. He'd been in half my classes, our
school's best cross country runner who'd shed so much body fat he
looked like a gangly scarecrow.

I think I'll pass on the
boy,” I said politely, dabbing the corners of my lips. “But I would
like to go with you, Jack. I've been cooped up on the farm ever
since you came back during the Fourth.”

Jack looked at me and smiled. I relaxed,
seeing none of the trace annoyance that sometimes filled his eyes
whenever I wanted to tag along with him.

Well, it probably
wouldn't hurt to spend some time with my pretty little sister.”
Jack followed my smile with his, a grin that knew he'd just given
me half the world.

Let me go change into
something fresh. I'll be ready in a couple minutes!” I rose with
him, and we pushed our chairs in together.

Don't forget to take the
truck!” Dad yelled after my brother, just before the the screen
door slammed behind him. “I'm not going to be peeling my only
daughter off the side of the road after wrecking one of those

I stiffened, stopped in mid-step halfway to
my room. Normally, Jack would've had a sharp retort, and perhaps a
full blown argument would've developed over his favorite ride.

It's okay, dear. It'll be
good for her to spend some time with him. Lord knows our little
girl needs some male company.”

Mom's sickly sympathetic words stayed with
me as I threw on new jeans and a burgundy tank top. I didn't need
her charity, damn it.

Even if she'd hit the root of my problems –
she'd never understand my crush on her mouth watering son.


Climb behind me, little
Sis. There you go. Now, wrap your hands around my waist and hold on
tight. It's only a short ride into town, but you're going to feel

What if Dad finds out?” I
whispered, my eyes bright with excitement.

I'll deal with him later.
If he sees us, we'll be out of here in the blink of an eye. Won't
be able to hear any yelling over this engine.”

BOOK: Big Brother's Breeding Dance (Virgin Sister Impregnation Sex)
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