Billionaire's Defiant Mistress (4 page)

BOOK: Billionaire's Defiant Mistress
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“I am very good in the garden. I like plants and flowers and trees.”

He was teasing her again because she knew, that he knew, what she was referring to. “I meant that pie making is women's work.”

“I see. I have heard all the arguments about sexual stereotyping and equality and feminism.” His tone became mocking. “You don't need to repeat any of it as I already know it off by heart.”

Sarah felt the blood surging in her veins. She thought she might be angry yet she was also a little thrilled by his politically incorrect speech. “You could be described as arrogant making such comments, Carlos.”

“I know. And I plead guilty. Men are men and a woman should be proud of her man. Not push him into taking over her role.”

Sarah looked at him only to discover they had locked their eyes. A battle was being fought over their eyes. But this was no fight over who should be baking pies and what status sexual stereotyping should have, it was something else. This was a battle which Sarah had never experienced before. A subtle struggle between two minds which Sarah felt she was learning quickly. There was a danger, but it was a pleasant danger to be toying with. She wanted to leap in and be reckless even though she could sense red-flags popping up around her. And then there was another side to her which was screaming at her to leave. Turn around and flee. Leave behind this arrogant, wealthy, far too handsome man with all his servants and wealth, who would no doubt break her heart without a concern. His contempt for women seemed all too clear.

But despite the thoughts swarming around her own mind she knew she wouldn't be going anywhere. There was a primitive urge at work here. That same feeling she had encountered when she first saw him. Her attraction had no basis in rationalising or understanding him. She was there with him because of something much more basic. She had desire. The danger was tempting. His attitude was challenging and her surroundings inspired her.

As her feelings and thoughts began to race she felt a little light headed. “I'll not have any more champagne whilst I have an empty stomach.” She placed her glass on the table.

Carlos had been observing her and had seen a change in her as she had briefly got lost in herself. He had seen her doubt and then a look of joy take over as if she had realised her life was a pleasure – even if only for a short time. At that moment he knew that she had wanted him. That he could have taken her in his arms and kissed her and she would have responded. But that moment had passed and she was clearly more interested in food right now. There would be more opportunities later he reasoned. “We can eat now. It's not good to drink too much without food.”

Sarah watched him as he strode round the table and pulled a cord which she realised was probably a bell. He is summoning his servants! Once again she had a surge of conflicting emotion as she thought about having a servant stroll in to attend to her needs. This was his reality, not hers. She thought about how she sometimes felt uncomfortable with an over attentive waiter in a restaurant. She wasn't one to put on people and actually preferred doing things for herself. Having a waitress in a restaurant with just one table seemed so unnecessary to her.

The door opened and a light haired woman walked in. She was in her forties at least, Sarah thought, due to the ample growth of greying hair. He introduced her as Elaine and she laid a dish in the middle of the table. She disappeared but soon returned with a large bowl of boiled potatoes and a plate with a variety of vegetables laid around it.

“It's a simple meal. And there will be dessert so don't forget to leave some room.” He pulled out a chair and helped Sarah sit down. She looked at the potatoes and vegetables and wondered if there might be enough food for four people – no enough for six people, it was piled so high.

Elaine seemed little interested in Sarah. She merely placed the food down, exchanged a few words in Spanish with Carlos and left the room. Sarah couldn't help but think about the life of Carlos's that Elaine saw. How many times did he have women back for dinner? How many women had there been who had sat in the very chair she was currently occupying? Did they stay the night in his bed? Was she just another woman who would be served breakfast by Elaine the following morning?

“Sarah.” Her thoughts were interrupted by the growling tone of his voice.

“Uh.. Sorry.” Where was her mind going? Why was she thinking about other women stopping the night?

“Thought you had left – in spirit at least.” He smiled in a charming way which demonstrated genuine concern.

Sarah helped herself to a couple of pieces of chicken, adding potatoes and vegetables which didn't seem to have any effect on the amount left in the serving dishes. “I was just thinking...”

“And what were you thinking?”

Sarah could feel herself blushing but knew it wouldn't matter given the candlelight. But what was she thinking? Her thoughts were erratic and she wasn't too sure herself, and whatever it was she wasn't about to share. “You are the first person I have ever known who has their own staff. Is Elaine Spanish?”

“No she is English, but she has been with me for quite a long time.”

“And what about your other staff, where are they from?”

“They are all local. Would you like to check out their CVs?” He was softly spoken even though she could tell her conversation was annoying him. “Elaine has been with me since I first came to England, about ten years ago. And she has worked for me when I moved to Italy and then to Spain and Germany. Then, a few months ago I came back to England and she is still with me. She looks after me and is important to me. The other staff are new.
gardeners live locally and my driver is from not far away.” He spoke slightly quicker than normal as if reeling off a list of facts. He only stopped because having spoken with one breath he had run out of air. “Now, please relax, and enjoy your dinner.”

She looked up from her plate and smiled. He was being kind given that her stupid conversation was rather dull. She was grateful that he had told her off in such a subtle and calm way and without making it obvious that she had just been told off.

“I am more interested in you and how you managed to be working in the department store.”

“You are?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Well, I live in the Lake District, near Keswick. Have I told you that?”

“And what is it like in Keswick?” He was trying to sound interested.

She looked at him shyly wondering how she could describe the Lake District in an interesting way. It's beautiful when you are there, with its lakes and mountains, but it is mainly that –
and mountains.

“Oh, it is beautiful. I live near two lakes, Derwent Water and Bassenthwaite. In the summer we canoe a lot and of course walk a lot. I go fell running regularly but prefer playing tennis most of all which I do in Cockermouth, which isn't far away. And a little beyond that is the sea. I love being on the coast and staring out to sea. Always found the sea fascinating. Have you been to the Lake District?”

“No, never. I think I have heard of it. Is it north of Manchester?” He was enjoying listening to her enthusiasm and wanted to encourage her to speak more.

“It's quite a way north of Manchester, about 70 miles I would guess.”

“And what do you do in the Lake District? Do you live alone?”

“No, I am still at home with my mother. She has a guest house, a B&B as it's called in the UK. We get lots of tourists there, though not many in winter. That's one of the reasons I came down to Manchester. It is quiet up there at the moment and, well I guess I wanted to see some life outside of the Lake District. Live in the big city for a while. Feel a bit embarrassed still living with mum at my age.”

Carlos ran it through his head and thought how he wouldn't be staying at her place in the Lakes with mother around. But then he had no long term plans for Sarah anyway.

“I am from Spain, where staying at home with your parents is very common. There are many positive things for both parties – though you do lose some freedom and your independence.”

“Indeed.” He understood why she still lived at home. “I was getting into a rut. I wanted a change, so here I am.” She waited for a response but it didn't happen so she continued. “I work in a shop which sells hiking gear, though it has a section selling all kinds of tourist stuff. But they don't need me in winter. However, they had contacts in Manchester so they got me fixed up with a job here for the Christmas period and they said the experience would help me in the future. They want me to take on more responsibility for the shop in time, maybe manage it.” She took a breath as she paused. “I thought it would be good to be in Manchester for a while and it could help me in the future. So here I am.”

“Yes, you are here.” He put his cutlery together on his plate and leaned back in his chair. “And you being in Manchester is like a diamond in a mine – sparkling with beauty whilst surrounded by mud and dull coloured rock.”

Sarah felt her cheeks flush and she looked at her plate embarrassed. “You do say some strange things to me. It makes me feel awkward.”

“You must have men speak of your great beauty constantly, especially if you blush like that each time.”

“No, they don't.”

“I cannot believe there isn't a long line of suitors fighting for your affection.”

Sarah thought about some of the compliments men had paid her back home in the Lakes. There had been a 'not bad' when she'd been on a date and the occasional 'nice.' But she had only been out with boys whom she had grown up with. The only men she knew were more like brothers to her or they were married and she only saw them with their wives and children.

“Englishmen are not as expressive as you Spanish men. You use words to embellish your opinions more, I think.”

“So you are stereotyping English men and Spanish men, and declaring that you wish to be charmed by a Spanish man's words.”

“Be careful you don't get too boastful. Charming is not being boastful.”

His eyes lit up as he smiled. “And I think you are challenging me to be charming to you, you wonderful beauty.”

Sarah was already feeling tingling sensations down her spine each time he spoke. She felt that he was going to flatter her into submitting to him. She was still on her second glass of champagne but she was already feeling light headed. She wasn't high on alcohol but she was intoxicated by his words. The strangest sensations were washing through her thighs and into her stomach and she didn't seem able to do anything about them. She was hoping he would kiss her, yet she was still eating her dinner. And now she was worrying that she might be appearing too eager to be seduced by him. She wanted to be respected by him and not seen as someone who was easy – because she wasn't.

“This champagne is really going to my head. Could I have a glass of water instead please?” As Carlos reached for the water jug and poured her a glass of water she reflected on what she was thinking. What was making her think like this? She was having mixed feelings. She wanted to get closer to him and yet her head kept warning her that he was dangerous. He spoke softly and that made her want to kiss him, yet when his voice lowered and he became serious, she wanted him to kiss her. Her body was experiencing small waves of excitement yet her mind seemed to be stopping her from thinking straight. This was all new to Sarah and she wondered if her light headedness was because of the champagne – but she knew it wasn't. If he had any idea what she was thinking he would believe her to be on the edge of insanity.

Carlos could see the change in Sarah. She had calmed down and was relaxing more, even if she was quiet. He sensed a longing in her eyes and she seemed all too eager to listen to him, even to his most banal utterance. Her desire for him wasn't overt, she didn't seem to be sure what she wanted herself. But it was real. Refusing more champagne and drinking water instead was something he approved of as he wanted her to be in full control of her judgement. That way there are no moments of outrage in the morning and accusations of using alcohol to get her where he wanted her. He knew he wanted her. He was also pretty sure that she wanted him. But was she able to admit to herself that she desired him?

“You don't seem to have eaten much.”

“My appetite has disappeared. I do apologise for being such a poor dinner guest.”

“That's no problem. Does that mean that you are not interested in eating a dessert?”

Sarah normally loved sweet things, especially chocolate and creamy cakes. She seldom turned away a pudding. “Not at the moment. Maybe later. I hope Elaine isn't offended.”

“Elaine wouldn't take it personally,” he said, as he shook his head. “Let's take a walk round the garden, it might help you to get your appetite back.”

“I don't think these heels were made for walking around gardens.” She raised her eyes as she smiled. He laughed at her smile.

“You should have brought some hiking boots like the ones you wear at home.”

“I nearly did, but I didn't think they went with this dress so I went out and bought the heels instead.” They laughed again as they both imagined hiking boots and the black dress being a part of the same outfit.

But Sarah was already reconsidering. This was a one-off night. She would probably never be in such circumstances again. The light was reflecting on the rapidly forming frost, and to walk just a few hundred yards round the lawn would not be such a difficult task. It wasn't fell walking, or a twenty mile hike she was expected to do. Just a quick stroll in her shoes. A handsome man, a clear moonlit evening and a short walk under the stars wasn't something to pass up because of a couple of heels.

“Let's do it. I'm not going to let my shoes get in the way. Come on, let's go for a walk.” She stood up and beckoned for him to move.

“Okay.” Carlos walked to the door and unlocked it with the key in the keyhole before opening it wide.

Sarah walked out and immediately noticed the cold air against her skin. Her arms were bare as well as her feet and legs. In fact she had little more than her black dress on and it hadn't been designed for cold weather. “Brrrr. It's a lot colder suddenly.” She crossed her arms in front of her breasts as if cuddling herself to keep warm. Carlos instinctively put his arm round her shoulder to offer his warmth, but it was all too little. It was cold.

BOOK: Billionaire's Defiant Mistress
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