Billionaires: Second Chance at Love

BOOK: Billionaires: Second Chance at Love
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Billionaires: Second Chance at Love


Erin Redheart

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.





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Chapter 1: Playing with the Billionaires


James was the only one in charge of the funeral arrangements. Dave acted like he was just visiting. Their father wasn’t the warmest person in the world, but he did leave them a fortune. Thanks to him, they were now the youngest billionaires in New York. For that reason alone, James felt that he deserved to be buried with respect. With over 500 guests expected to attend, he had a lot of things to plan and not very much time left.

From the hallway, he could hear strange sounds. He followed the noises and found Dave with his eyes closed and a big smile on his face. At first, James did not see the woman kneeling in front of him and giving him all that pleasure he seemed to enjoy so much.

“What the hell are you doing? I need some help with the funeral. I cannot believe you can think of sex now!”

“That is the only thing on my mind! You could use some fun too little brother!”

James slammed the door and left before he could say anything that he might regret. Their family was getting smaller and smaller. Five years ago, they lost their mother and now they only had each other. He was much closer to his friend Matt and he felt guilty about that. After all, Dave was his only brother and now that their father was gone, they had no other family. However, every time he made an effort to understand Dave, he failed miserably. Ever since they were children, Dave got anything he wanted without much effort. He was also his father’s favorite even though James was the one working so hard to please him. Even as adults, Dave found ways to work as little as possible. He spent his days sleeping and his nights enjoying women and alcohol. What drove James mad with envy was that his spoiled brother could charm anyone. This is why he could impress his father with the business deals he made. His charmed was powerful with women too. In that aspect, James couldn’t complain either. What Dave lacked was a conscience. He did not care if a woman was married or not. All he wanted was to have some fun before he discarded her and ruined her marriage and life. James warned him many times that he would get in trouble someday. It was more of a wish than a warning. Something had to happen to Dave to teach him a lesson. Life could not be so unfair…

It was difficult for James to trust people because in the end all most of them wanted was financial help. He had his heart broken many times in the past with friends and girlfriends. Thanks to the staff, he managed to get everything done just in time for the funeral. The two of them dressed in white suits with red roses in their pockets. This was how his father wanted it. It was a strange request, but then again Douglas was always full of surprises. With all the modesty, James could not help but notice how handsome they both looked. He had dark hair and his brother was blond. This was the only thing that made them looked different. If it weren’t for this small difference, people would think that they were identical twins. James was two years younger, but he always acted like the oldest brother.

All the women, even the married ones, were staring at the two young billionaires. They were now the most desirable bachelors in town and that scared James. For Dave, it was yet another tool to use with women. Not that he needed any more help. James on the other hand, wondered how he would ever know if a woman really loved him or if she was just interested in his money. He was tired of gold diggers and he preferred to be single until he met that special girl.

After the funeral, the will was read and as they expected, they each got equal shares of the businesses. This meant that they would almost never meet. Each of them would be too busy with their part of the empire their father left behind. There was always a competition between the brothers. Without actually saying it, they each made a promise to themselves to make their business the most successful.

James was an ambitious man when it came to business, but money was not the most important thing to him. He really wanted to help people in need. For this reason, he was involved in many charities. Many times he went out dressed in a simple pair of broken jeans and a t-shirt. He made friends and he never told anyone that he was, in fact, a billionaire. Whenever people did find out the truth, they got a certain look in their eyes. Their attitude towards him changed completely. It was almost like they were afraid. Some of them did not feel good enough to be his friends. Some thought he was supposed to help them, while others immediately hated him. It was not fair, but it was how the world worked. People behave strangely around money.

Chapter 2: Back Home


He was relieved to be back at home away from everybody. Now he could focus on his work. However, no matter how successful he was, he could not fully enjoy it. James often wondered how it would feel to have someone to share everything with. Women were practically lined up for him, but he could not choose any of them. They were all hungry for money and he hated that. Whenever he pretended to be a poor man, he felt free. He also loved to see how successful he was with women when they had no idea who he was. This is how he met Jessica. He was having a beer in his secret bar, posing as a poor guy. She was at another table having fun with her friends. The first thing he noticed about her was her big smile. She could light his heart on fire. She had sensual lips and he could not help but wonder how those lips would feel all over his body. Suddenly, his jeans became a little too tight.

To his surprise, she got up and started to walk towards his table. James was not usually a shy man, but at that moment he felt his palms sweating.

“Excuse me, can you please stop staring at me?”

“Ow…I am so sorry. I didn’t even realize that I was staring. It’s just that…you’re so beautiful.”

“Thank you, that’s sweet actually. Would you like to join us? I’m Jessica.”

“James. Nice to meet you!”

It was a magical night for James. At some point, she asked him if he wanted to get out of there. Jessica was very forward and he loved it. He told her that his roommate was home, so they went to her place. He did not want to let her know that he was a billionaire. For one night, he wanted to simply be James, a young man looking to have some fun without all the stress that money and business brought.

She lived in a very small, but cozy apartment. He was left alone for two minutes while she went to change into something more comfortable. When she came back naked, his jaw dropped. He had sex with a lot of women and most of them were gorgeous, but Jessica’s hot body was just too good to be true. Slowly, she took his shirt and pants off.  She was in control and for once he was happy to have a woman like that. Without a word, she took him into the shower and turned the hot water on. Using the soap, she carefully washed every inch of his body, focusing more on the hardest part of him.

“Make love to me,” she whispered while bending over. It was an invitation he could not refuse. He slowly kissed every inch of her body just to tease her. It was his turn to get his sweet revenge. When she begged him to become one with her, he obeyed.

“Do you want me to spend the night or should I go?”

“You can stay if you don’t mind waking up early with me. I have a job interview to get to.”

“Sure, I have to wake up early too.”

While she slept, he could not help looking at her. She looked just like an angel. Her dark hair was spread across the pillow and she had a smile on her face. James never thought that love at first sight was possible, but now he was starting to change his mind. He left for the office before she woke up. He had a lot to do and it was time for him to get back to reality.

His secretary informed him that he had a few people to interview for the assistant position. Lately he’d been working too hard and he was in desperate need for an assistant to ease the workload. After looking through the resumes his secretary chose, he wondered if he would ever find the right person for the job. His eyes stopped on a name: Jessica Smith. Jessica…this person had the same name as the girl he met the previous night. She actually had all the experience and qualifications he was looking for, too. He knew the name was just a strange coincidence, but even so, he was a little nervous.

When she entered his office, she dropped her purse. The shock of seeing her one-night stand was too big. Anger took over her and she could not control herself anymore:

“You lied to me! You said that you were just a poor guy living with a roommate.”

“Yes, I am so sorry about that.”

“What? Did you think that I was going to spend your precious money?”

“No! Please don’t think that. I just wanted to be someone else for one night.”

“I see, so you had no intention of calling me again.”

“Actually, I was going to call you tonight.”

“Don’t bother anymore,” she said and stormed out of the office before he could stop her.

Seeing her so angry was actually exciting for James. All the women he knew would have done anything to please him. Jessica was different. She knew what she wanted and she was not afraid to upset or offend him. He saw her as a challenge. A very hot challenge.

BOOK: Billionaires: Second Chance at Love
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