Read BirthControl Online

Authors: Sydney Addae

Tags: #interracial shifter series, #bwwm hot hot interracial romance romance multicultural romance steamy, #bwwm interracial romance, #la patron series, #wolf shifter series

BirthControl (10 page)

BOOK: BirthControl
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Aggravated and feeling as though she’d lost this battle, she paced back and forth. When Tyrese tilted his head to the side, she stopped and held a horrified cry as Silas’ face changed. Large teeth protruded from his mouth, and then he bit Tyrese on the neck.

“Stop,” she screamed, trying to move forward, but couldn’t. “Leave them alone.”

Silas stepped over to Tyrone, who tilted his neck as well. Seeing those long, sharp teeth pierce her son's neck scared her shitless. An unbearable tightness squeezed her heart, causing her legs to buckle. She clutched her chest to lessen the sharp pains racing through her. On her knees, she tried to call out again, but her throat had tightened to the point she couldn’t utter a word. Justifiable anger and disbelief of such barbaric treatment rendered her immobile. In her mind, she fought valiantly for her sons release. In reality, she passed out and her head hit the floor.

"Jasmine!" was the last word she heard.


Chapter Six


Jasmine woke up in slow degrees. Hungry, she sought out her stash of fiber bars she normally left on her night stand and came up empty. Confused, she sat up slowly as everything rushed back to her.

She and her sons were in Silas’ home. They’d been there a couple of days but she’d been sick to her stomach the first day and had slept most of the second day. Gently, she moved her leg over the side of the bed, testing to be sure her stomach was her friend. Confident that whatever had plagued her the past two days had passed, she dressed and searched for her sons.

Stepping into the hallway, she looked around. “Tyrone? Tyrese?” She turned slowly, searching in all directions for her sons. “Where are you?” Taking a few steps forward, she opened Tyrone’s bedroom door.

The room was empty.

“I know I told them I wanted to go exploring if I felt better today,” she mumbled, growing aggravated as she peeked into Tyrese’s empty bedroom. “It’s not my idea to have body guards with me everywhere I want to go.” Ever since she’d passed out watching Silas bite and bond with her sons, the twins had been underfoot assuring her they were okay and that Silas hadn’t overstepped his authority.

Realizing her sons weren’t in the bedrooms, she headed to the front of their wing, as Jacque had called it when they arrived days ago. It had been raining for the past two days and today was the first time she’d seen the sun since arriving. It hadn’t taken long for boredom to set in for the boys.

“Tyrone? Rese?” she called as she moved through the long halls. Frustrated from a lack of response or that they’d left without leaving a message, she decided to brave the outdoors and investigate their new accommodations on her own. Besides, there was a pressing problem with the mail she needed resolved. When she opened the door to head outside, she had to duck to avoid Jacque's knuckles.

“Oh, I am sorry, ma’am,” he said, moving to the side quickly. “I was about to knock. I should have heard you approaching the door, but I was distracted. Please forgive me.”

Jasmine smiled at his rushed words. He reminded her of Callum, so eager to please.

She stuck out her hand to put him at ease. “No problem. I was just going for a walk to get some fresh air. It’s good for the babies,” she added in case he had an objection.

“Splendid.” He clapped his hands and turned to walk alongside her. “I was coming to give you a delayed tour of the grounds. The Patron instructed me to make sure you were knowledgeable of the tunnels and the other wings.”

She nodded, pleased Silas remembered the request she’d made last night when he’d come to bed. “Thanks. Where is Silas?”

Jacque wasn’t much taller than her five feet, six inches. But his round barrel chest and thick arms made him seem shorter. He reminded her of a street brawler with long, thick, wavy brown hair. Throw in his bushy eyebrows, large nose and strong jaw, and he’d fit perfectly in a Rocky movie. His chocolate brown eyes swept over her as they strode down a long hall. “He’s working with the trainees.”

His short answer left her with more questions. But she doubted she’d get more answers from him. She looked at the separate buildings and stopped. “Where are we?”

Jacque chest rose as he looked around the compound. “We are in front of the Patron’s private residence. It has three wings. That one, the west wing, is his private living quarters.”

He pointed to the right of the two-storied brick mansion. The windows were elevated higher than the other side, but somehow it all matched. “The east wing is the one you are occupying, and that wing houses staff and guests.” He pointed to another section of the mansion. “And that is the north wing.”

Given his position as Patron, she equated the large structure to the White House, but wasn’t sure which came up lacking. She nodded, impressed by the sheer magnitude of the building. The massive grounds were manicured to perfection. Flowers bloomed in every imaginable color. Large trees were scattered about and intermingled with the buildings. They walked on the brick paved sidewalk in silence.

“That building is the training facility and dormitories for trainees.” He pointed to a large grey building sitting farther back from the main house. “Twice a year, Alpha applicants arrive here for training. The training is intense and takes five months. There’s a group here now. The Patron will spend time with them before he leaves again.”

“He’s leaving?” Silas hadn’t mentioned anything to her.

Jacque shrugged. “He’s always leaving. He has a large territory to oversee.” She turned away from the confused look he gave her.

“What’s that?” She pointed toward another building set further back from the training building.

“It’s a guest hotel of sorts. If the main building is full, we use this building to accommodate guests.” He touched her elbow. “I need to show you the tunnels. If there is ever an emergency, you and the pups—”


“Will need to head into the tunnels.” He paused. “Ah, yes…children.” He pointed toward the front door of the main house.

“Well, they are born human children,” she said with a bite in her voice. “I have no idea when they change into…wolves. I don’t think of them as pups.”

He opened the front door and pointed to a hall. “I hope you aren’t offended by the term pups. It is a term of endearment for our young. I certainly meant no offense.” He nodded to a young woman who passed them in the hall.

“I know you meant no offense and I’ve got to stop correcting everybody.” She released a pent up breath. “Stop being so touchy. I just need a little more time to get used to all this.” She waved her arm.

“No problem. I understand it’s all a bit new to you.” He opened a door and ushered her inside an elevator. “Here we are.”

He took out a key and pointed to the elevator panel. “I’ll need you to place your palm on the lit space.” He placed his hand on a glass plate which lit and beeped. The doors closed.

“Put my hand here?” She duplicated his actions.

“Yes.” He placed the key into a panel, a keyboard appeared and he typed in some information. There was a beep and then the panel disappeared. “You can remove your hand now.”

“What did that do?” She stepped back and looked at him.

“In order to access the private tunnels you’ll need to place your palm on the keypad and type in your sons’ date of birth. These sections of the tunnels aren’t for everyone.”

“Huh?” She searched his face for some clue of what he meant, but came up empty.

“The tunnels run beneath the compound. In case of an emergency, everyone can come underground. But there are different areas that are accessible by various means. The Patron has a secure area that he and a few others access.”

Nodding, she wondered if Tyrone and Tyrese had been placed in the system. Just as she thought to question Jacque, the elevator stopped. The doors swooshed open and she stepped into a cool concrete corridor.

Eyes wide, she looked around at what appeared to be a sterile environment and shivered. Jacque moved ahead, walking with purposeful strides. After another look behind her, she followed him. They passed three solid steel doors before he stopped and placed his palm on another glass panel. A clicking sound filled the otherwise quiet hall.

Rubbing her arms, she followed him into the room, uncertain what she’d find. Once inside, she remained still near the entry while Jacque turned on lights. With each flick of the switch, section after section of the large space became visible.

“This is where you and the…children will come if there is ever an emergency above ground.” He beckoned her closer and then pointed to a room off a hall that she couldn’t see. Taking small steps, she peeked around the corner and was amazed. It was a tastefully decorated family room with a large TV, two large sofas, chairs and tables. Bookshelves were filled with games, books and movies. Beyond that room was a large kitchen and dining area. Craning her neck, she tried to make out what other rooms were in the space.

Jacque walked down the hall pointing out rooms. “These large rooms have beds and two bathrooms. They sleep up to ten each.”

She hurried behind him to gaze into spaces filled with large bunk-beds and lockers.

“This room is La Patron’s.” He stopped in front of a closed door, waving her forward. “Place your palm on the panel.”

Hesitant, she did as he asked. For a second or two, nothing happened. Unsure, she swung her gaze to him.


The next moment, there was a clicking sound and the door opened. Jacque released a breath. “I needed to be sure and now I am,” he said, smiling at her.

Frowning, she glanced at him. “What?”

“Nothing.” He gestured her to enter the room.

Curious, she peeked inside before entering the dark space.

“Turn on the lights. The switch is on the wall near you.”

Jasmine felt along the wall until she encountered the switch and flipped it. Immediately the wall sconces brightened the room, giving it an ethereal glow. The room reminded her of the condo where she’d stayed in Maryland. A living area with a TV, leather sofa and scattered chairs filled the first room. A kitchen and dining room were just off this main area.

“What’s down the hall?” She looked back over her shoulder at Jacque, who remained in the corridor.

“Go and see.” He waved her on with a large smile.

“Why?” She frowned, puzzled at his behavior. “Why aren’t you coming?”

“These are the Patron’s private quarters. No one but he and his…the mother of his litter…children can enter.”

Her brow rose in surprise. “My sons can enter, but you can’t?”

He hesitated. “I’m not sure if they can enter or not. But La Patron’s litter will have access.”

Slowly, she nodded. “Okay. Give me a minute.”

A feeling of warmth filled her as she walked into the bedroom knowing no other woman had ever been here before. The large bed in the middle of the room seemed to welcome her. She opened the bathroom door and was pleasantly surprised to see an underground spring instead of a shower or tub. Moss covered the walls. The sweetest aroma of earth and flowers teased her. Tempted to explore the area beyond the bubbling spring she made a few steps forward and stopped. What if she got lost? Who’d find her? An uncanny certainty filled her that this room, this area was a secret that only Silas, and now she, were aware of. Backing up, she closed the door and retraced her steps. The space was large enough to house their family and that was all that mattered to her.

The journey topside was quiet. She was beginning to get an idea of who Silas was and what carrying his babies meant. Suddenly, her equating his home to the White House didn’t seem so farfetched.
What does that make you

Jacque steered her to a room where several people stood as they entered. “Ms. Bennett, I’d like to introduce you to the staff. These are some of the… people who take care of the facilities.” Jasmine had been sure she’d had her quota of surprises today, but she’d been wrong. After smiling and nodding at individuals whose names she was sure she wouldn’t remember, Jacque finally escorted her back to her wing.

He bowed as they reached her door. “Thank you for the pleasure of your company, if there is anything, anything at all that you need, just ask.”

BOOK: BirthControl
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