Read Blackmailed For Vengeance Online

Authors: Marie Kelly

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #love, #adult, #sex, #love story, #revenge, #vengeance, #sexual, #greek, #lovers, #blackmail, #romance and love, #greece, #adult romance erotica love story

Blackmailed For Vengeance (21 page)

BOOK: Blackmailed For Vengeance
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“Please, there really isn’t
much to say… Let’s just put this behind us and get on with our
lives” she said quietly

Yanis had shaken his head

“No, Lee, there are things we
need to talk about”

Lee had turned her back on

“Please, stop” she whispered
softly in anguish. Yanis had moved behind her his hands moving to
her shoulders. Feeling him so close behind her and her whole senses
invaded by the smell of him Lee had closed her eyes in pain

“You once said you loved me” he
said softly

Lee had shaken her head

“What does that matter… you
were quite clear about your feelings Yanis….and I won’t stay your
trophy wife or your mistress” she said softly

“When you told me, I was
shocked Lee” he said “Part of me was so happy and then I thought
you were just saying it to trick me the way that I thought you had
Jim, and I was so worried that if I said anything to you then you
would use it to get away from me”

She could hear his voice break

“I couldn’t lose you Lee, I had
brought you into my home to teach you a lesson and to throw you
away when I felt you had learnt that lesson, but the more time we
spent together, the more I realised that I never wanted you to
leave. I didn’t care about anything you had done, just so long as
you stayed with me. When I asked you to marry me, I thought that it
would be a way of keeping you in my life…and when you turned me
down, I was so damned confused, everything was falling apart and I
knew then deep down that you were not the person I pretended to
believe you were. The person I needed you to be because if not then
I knew I could never let you go”

Slowly he had turned her around
so that she could look into his eyes

“I love you Lee, I love you
with all my heart. I couldn’t believe that there were people like
you in this world and I am sorry for the way I treated you. I am
begging you to forgive me”

Lee had stood staring in
disbelief at the man before her, her mouth dry, as she watched him
pull out the engagement ring she had sent back to him two weeks

“The first time I gave you this
ring, it meant nothing to me, but now I am asking you, with all my
heart to marry me…to be my wife. Not some trophy wife, but the
woman I want to spend the rest of my life with… because without you
Lee, I can hardly breathe because I love you so much… I can’t sleep
at night without you being beside me…in fact I haven’t been able to
since we first started sleeping together” he had looked softly into
her eyes added so gently, his voice full of need “I need you

He paused waiting for her to
speak, but she had stood frozen watching him with an unfathomable
look in her eyes as he had looked at her, his eyes unsure and

“If you want to choose another
ring then we can do that” he said softly “but I had this one
engraved” he said, before reading her the inscription

Forgiveness and love

With that a small sob had
broken from her lips as she had thrown herself into his arms, as he
held her tightly against him

“I love you too Yanis, I have
been so miserable without you” she cried, kissing his cheek and
then his mouth as he had kissed her back laughing with her. As they
broke apart she had held out her finger with a dazzling smile, her
eyes once again bright with tears which perched on her eyelids

“And yes, I’ll marry you” she
said looking at him with such love on her whole face, knowing that
she didn’t need time to think about her answer, he had groaned as
he placed the ring back on her finger where it belonged. As he held
her hand looking at the ring he had smiled, one of his heart
stopping dazzling smiles before asking her

“Do you still want to go back
to the party” smiling as she had shaken her head, her smile

“Not any more” she said huskily
as she sat down on the large bed. With a soft moan, he had joined
her and pulling her into his arms they had kissed.

That night they had made love
so gently, each taking their time to explore the other as they had
brought each other to new heights of pleasure, before finally as
the dawn set, they had fallen into an exhausted sleep in each
others arms, both content and happy.

The next morning they had woken
late, still wrapped in each others arms. As she had moved against
him he had propped himself up on one arm to look down on her. His
face once again relaxed and his eyes bright as he had smiled down
at her

“Good morning future Mrs
Demitri” he had said huskily as she flashed a grin at him

“Good morning Mr Demitri” she
had giggled back before suddenly clapping her hand to her mouth and
quickly leaping from the bed, running to the bathroom. Yanis had
sat up in confusion as he had heard her being ill, his face worried
as she had returned, her face a little pale

“Lee, you are not well” he said
his voice full of concern for her, as she had rejoined him in the

With a small smile she had
laughed nervously

“Oh, it’s nothing, really” as
she gave a small shy smile

“But you are not well…you need
to see a doctor” he said his face and voice determined.

Lee had laughed

“I’ve seen a doctor” she said
softly, before looking at him with a strange worried look on her
face “I thought I had stomach flu…but apparently it should stop
sometime in the next 3 months”

Yanis had looked at her in
total confusion before realisation had come on him

“Your pregnant” he gasped in
wonder as she had smiled shyly up at him, before nodding

Yanis had placed his hand
gently on her stomach, his voice tight with emotion.

“How long have you known” he
asked, his eyes questioning her

“Two days” she said softly,
before placing her arms around his neck to look into his eyes

I was so unsure what to do,
Yanis. I was scared you would think I had deliberately got pregnant
to trap you into marrying me, proving that I really was some little
gold digger…and then I was scared that you might use the contract
to say that I couldn’t keep the baby because it happened while we
were engaged…. and then I thought that you would force me into a
loveless marriage”

He had smiled down at her his
face radiating happiness

“So it’s true what they say
about pregnant woman and their hormones” he said softly

Before pulling her tightly
against him in a hug

“I never thought I could feel
this happy,
. I love you so much” he said kissing her
gently on the lips, as Lee could feel her heart swell with

They were married two weeks
later in a small ceremony attended only by a select group of
people, including Peter, Jim and his boyfriend, John and the
children from the orphanage, many of whom played key roles as
ushers or flower girls. The press had the day after the orphanage
event splashed over the front page that the Golden couple were once
more together, showing the picture of their kiss in the hall
itself. They were delighted when the couple had allowed them to
take pictures out with the wedding venue itself, happily posing for
the cameras, and happy when Lee had announced that she would be
making money available for dance projects within urban areas,
knowing that her good friend Mrs Green would have been delighted at
how her money would be used to help others.

As they had stood face-to-face
reciting their vows they had looked at each other with such love.
Lee had still looked so slender the small life within her still
unnoticed by anybody, but as they stood together he had looked down
gently, his face full of love for his unborn child.

Finally so many things had made
sense to him. Since losing his mother he had thought love was a
weakness, something which brought about unhappiness and destruction
to people’s lives. He had never wanted it for himself, never
wanting to end up like his father, or alone with only memories like
Mrs Green. However, finally he had realised that so many people
were not fortunate to have the kind of love that both the older
woman and his father had experienced, and he remembered how perfect
his life had been before his mother’s death, when they were a
family when they had been so happy. He also remembered the look on
Mrs Green’s face, as she had told him that true love was so
special. Looking down on Lee, he could finally understand now
exactly what she meant, and he had felt his heart swell with the
love for her which filled him. For the first time in his life he
realised just how empty his life had been before she came into his,
and he had smiled with pure happiness, seeing how she had smiled
back at him with that smile which had so attracted him all those
months ago.


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