Read Bleeding Heart Online

Authors: Alannah Carbonneau

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic Erotica

Bleeding Heart (15 page)

BOOK: Bleeding Heart
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He hissed in a breath and I opened my eyes to find him staring at me with fire in the depths of his cobalt eyes. “Fuck baby,” he gripped my hips with strong hands. “That’s fucking hot.”

I blushed and felt the need to pull away just as Calix lowered his head. Then, I lost myself to the heaven that was his mouth. Calix closed his mouth wide over the entirety of my sex, before pulling his mouth closed, dragging his lips around my clit before sucking hard and then gentle and then hard again. My body began shaking, the same heat that had been building when I’d been rocking against his cock ignited to new life and I struggled to restrain my moans. His tongue flicked over the swollen bead and I flinched, my entire body rocking in the teasing pleasure as he twirled his tongue round and round. Before long, my hips were moving against his tongue, and I was using him to pull my orgasm from deep within. My movements weren’t planned, but rather instinctual. They were hot, filled with fire and passion I never would have thought I possessed. But for Calix, I engulfed in flames every time whether I wanted to or not - and tonight - I wanted to.

Sensation rolled through me as he moved lower, licking in a circular motion at the entrance of my sex. My body quivered and my hands held tight to the sides of the chair as Calix pressed the pad of his thumb to my clit before pressing his tongue just inside of me. And I exploded. Stars danced behind my closed lids as an unfamiliar sound tore from deep in my throat. My back bowed and I closed my thighs around his face, trembling violently as he lapped at my orgasm.

Only when I was coming down from my high, did Calix lift his head. He looked satisfied and hungry all in one - and it was that look that made my belly clench in new desire and I marveled at the need I held within for this man.

“You’re so sweet.” He informed me as he slid his arms beneath the small of my back, lifting me up into his chest. “So fucking sweet, love.” He said again, and then I found myself in his arms with my face buried in his chest.

He was walking me across the deck, into the bedroom, and toward the bed. I knew this without an ounce of doubt. My heart began a steady climb into my throat as he moved and I held on tight to his big, strong body, seeking comfort from the very man who induced my fear.

I knew we were beside the bed when Calix stopped. Gently, he pulled me away from his chest to place me on the bed on top of the comforter. In this moment, as he looked down on me, with that beautiful hunger in his eyes, I felt equally exposed as I did enthralling. My heart was a wreck inside my chest. It was beating a painful symphony as I stared up at him, the light of the flickering candles danced over the beautiful expanse of his body.

His ebony hair was tousled and his jaw was set firmly, exquisitely, as he watched me take him in. He really was powerful. Even looking at him now, when he was entirely bared to me, exposed to me in such a trusting way, I could see he was powerful. His power wasn’t from money or the men he employed or the things he possessed - but it was the way he held himself. He was so firm, so magnificent, so - Calix.

Suddenly, I wasn’t afraid anymore. I didn’t know how it happened, and no matter how long I dissected it, I doubted I would ever understand the reason why - but I just wanted him. All of him. Entirely.

“You’re perfect.” I said softly. And I meant it.

It wasn’t a whispered tone - it was simple and quiet and perfect. Watching Calix breath in deep after hearing my words, I knew I’d touched him with the honesty in their depths. And for the first time, I wished I could tell him I loved him and that he would believe me. But it was just too soon. Something was telling me, warning me, to refrain from speaking those words to this powerful man.

Biting my lower lip to keep the words from finding their way from my mouth, I held his eyes with my own. And then he moved. My heart leapt. My body tightened and I breathed in a sharp, deep breath that tasted both of the salt of the water and the sweet freshness of the peonies beside the bed.

Slowly, Calix crawled over me. He placed his knee between my legs, pushing my legs apart as he settled himself slowly, swiftly, between my legs. My skin felt flushed - everywhere. The blood had risen to the surface of my skin, over sensitizing and warming me from the top of my head to the tip of my toes. As he placed his hands on either side of my head, before slowly lowering to his elbows as he slid one forearm beneath the crook of my neck, my entire body quaked in anticipation and wonder.

I remembered feeling afraid of Calix when he was like this, completely surrounding me. But tonight, I only felt small. I felt delicate and beautiful as his eyes swept over my face and his big body covered mine. We were chest to chest - hip to hip - core to core. I felt his silky shaft throbbing against my center and I wondered when he was going to make the move - I wanted him to make the move. But I didn’t encourage him - I didn’t know how. Instead, I simply stared up at him as I memorized the feel of his wonderful body over mine, the way the heat seeped from his skin into mine, and the feel of his ragged breathing as my own breaths mingled in the air with his.

He spoke, startling me with the husky deep sound. “I want you so bad, Nova.”

Butterflies took flight in my belly and I felt my lips curl. “I want you to take me.”

“Fuck,” he dropped his face into my neck and breathed in deep. “Even your scent makes me weak.”


“I want to burry my cock so deep inside you that you can’t tell where you begin and I end, love. I want you to feel me in a place no one has ever been. I want to feel you around me, your pussy gripping me tight.” He shifted his shaft against me and I gasped. His words had made me wetter than I had ever been - I was certain of it. “Baby,” he said against my shoulder. “You’re so wet. So fucking beautiful.” He lifted his face to look into my eyes.

“Please,” I whispered. “I don’t want to wait anymore.”

“Ask me, love.”

“Fuck me.” I whispered.

He shook his head, a frown tipping his lips. “No.” He pressed his forehead to mine. “Ask me - tell me what you really want.”

I didn’t understand his words, and I knew he could tell when I asked, “What?”

“Nova,” he shifted his hips against me once again and I gasped. “You asked me once to make love to you. I want to hear you ask me again.”

“Oh,” my belly fluttered and I felt my thighs tighten around his muscular hips.

“Love,” he prompted, kissing my lips gently.

With another roll of his hips, every defense I may have held against him shattered and I begged. “Make love to me, Calix.”

Calix crushed his mouth against mine, kissing me with a passion I had never before experienced. His entire body covered mine and his tongue slipped inside my mouth, tasting me. My every sound was swallowed by him. My every moan was his. And soon, I would be his too.

“I should finger you.” He ground out the words through hungry kisses. “I should ease you into this - but I’m selfish.”

Frowning, I murmured as he kissed me. “What?”

“You’re going to be tight - but I want my cock to be the first thing inside you.”

Oh Gods - I wanted that too. “Please,” I moaned again.

“Fuck, I’m weak.” Calix breathed again as he shifted.

I felt his hand move between our bodies, gripping the base of his cock as he watched me. His eyes were locked on mine as he guided his tip to my opening. He rested there for a moment and I watched a bead of sweat form on his brow. He was holding back. I knew he was holding back. His body, so strong and wonderful was quivering with trembles of desire begging to be unleashed. And, oh my, how I longed for that desire to be unleashed.

“Calix,” I spoke his name softly. “I’m ready for you.”

He kissed my forehead before shifting his hips forward and I felt him press in only the tiniest amount. It was a sweet kind of fulfillment I felt at being stretched by him and I bit hard on my lower lip. Then he pulled back and I released a large breath of air I didn’t realize I’d been holding.

“Relax, love.” He urged gently before pushing his way back inside - again only the smallest amount. He groaned a growled sound. “Shit, you’re so tight, love.”

“Oh,” I breathed as he moved again, pressing an inch or so deep. A warm rush moved through my body and I felt my hands move to grip his shoulders. “Calix,”

Calix pulled back and pushed in again - another inch - stretching. A pain began then - different from the pain of stretching and I felt him stiffen inside me. His eyes were locked on my face when I opened my eyes. He moved the arm beneath my neck to cup the back of my head with his hand. And then he covered my mouth with his as he pushed in another inch, swallowing the sound of my sharp cry as he broke past the barrier that held my virginity - my innocence. Calix now owned me entirely. Body and soul. I was his.

“Shhh love.” He cooed gently against my lips as he pulled back again before moving forward. He repeated this motion another few times as he kissed me - everywhere. He rained kisses over the entirety of my face and throat and shoulders. Lifting his head, he commanded. “Look at me, love.”

I looked up into his face - and then I felt him push all the way inside of me. My eyes widened before slamming closed. I buried my face into his throat as he stilled inside of me. I felt him deep - so deep inside me - I was certain we were one. Muffled cries sounded from my lips. Finally, I found my calm and before long, I had relaxed around him.

I assumed Calix sensed my sudden relaxation because he began moving slowly inside me. I felt his length pull back before pressing in. In and out. In and out. In and out. It didn’t take him long to find a sweet rhythm and I soon forgot about the sharp pain because my hips were lifting to meet his. My legs wrapped around his back, my ankles locking as he pressed deeper. Our moans filled the space as he rocked inside of me, his pace quickening. A steady pressure built inside me - a pressure I recognized as he hit me every time, to the hilt. Then I felt his hand move between us once again and his thumb was on my clit. Not a moment after, I shattered around him as he claimed my mouth and my sound and my orgasm for himself.

Calix pumped once, twice, three times and then on a tense groan from deep in his throat, I felt warmth spill inside of me and I knew - he’d found his release.

Chapter 14

Calix wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight as he pressed tiny, slow kisses over my face. I was still breathing heavy - and he was still inside of me. I couldn’t believe how perfect this night had been. Never, in all my romances, had I ever encountered something so romantic as the night Calix had given to me. It had been perfect - Calix was perfect.

Slowly, he lifted himself onto his hands, still keeping himself buried deep. “How are you?”

“Mmm,” I smiled. “I’m good.”

I saw his eyes searching my face seriously, but his question was playful. “Just good, love?”

Shifting, to lean onto my elbows to kiss him, Calix hissed in a sharp breath and I stilled. “What?”

“God, you’ve fucking ruined me.”


He chuckled. “Nothing, love. It doesn’t matter.” He buried his face in my throat, pressing his lips to the hollow there. “I’m addicted to you. Already, I know this.”

I liked that idea - that he be addicted to me. I don’t know why, but I wanted to be his obsession. I wanted to be his craving and his weakness and I wanted to be his strength. I simply wanted Calix - all of him - always.

“Calix,” I spoke his name softly - again stopping myself from telling him I loved him. “Thank you.”

He caught my face in his hand, pressing a kiss to my lips. “You’re fucking amazing, love.”

“Hmm.” I moaned against his lips.

Calix pulled back, shifting to pull himself out of me. I felt - naked - in a way I had never felt before, and didn’t like, as he pulled away. “How are you feeling?”


He placed his hand against my sex and I flinched in shock. “Here, love?” He said gruffly. “How are you feeling here?”

“Oh,” I breathed as I moved my hips and felt a small ache. “A little sore. Not too bad though.”

His lips tensed and I frowned. Had he seriously expected me not to hurt after? He had been my first. Calix interrupted my thoughts with a gentle but firm command. “Stay here.”


Calix pushed himself from the bed to move to the bathroom. I heard the tap turn on and I listened, lying on the bed as I waited for him to come back. When he reappeared, he had a washcloth in his hand and he was coming around the bed.

“Open your legs.”

“Pardon me?”

“Love,” he sighed. “Let me.”

I didn’t know what he wanted me to let him do, but I opened my legs for him regardless. Such a small action depicted so much trust it was astonishingly aweing. It was then I realized that not only did I love Calix, I trusted him. I trusted him with the something I’d held precious for years - my body.

Calix pressed the warm cloth to my sex, cleaning me carefully and slowly before taking the cloth back to the bathroom without a word. When he reappeared, I’d covered myself beneath the crisp blankets. My body was exhausted. I was ready for bed.

“Tired, love?” Calix asked as I watched him move around the bedroom blowing out candles.

I nodded before answering audibly. “I am.”

When he’d finished blowing out the candles, he closed the glass wall and sheer curtains leading onto the deck of the bedroom, enclosing us in the only the soft light of the moon and candle on his side of the bed. I watched him walk to the bed, naked and beautiful, with his eyes on me. When he pulled back the sheets to join me, I didn’t wait for him to pull me in close to his body like usual. This time, I snuggled right into his chest and I felt his breath catch as he wrapped me in his arms. A long window stretched on the wall opposite the bed, letting in the light of the moon reflecting down on the water outside the yacht.

I was on the brink of sleep when I heard his low voice rumble. “You’re perfect, love.” He kissed the top of my head. “I don’t deserve you.”

I didn’t reply. I didn’t know what to say, so I said nothing at all. I pressed my face into his chest, wrapping my arms around him tighter and then I fell into sleep.

BOOK: Bleeding Heart
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