Read Blind Love Online

Authors: Kishan Paul

Tags: #romantic suspense, #blind heroine, #handicap, #Disability, #ex-Marine, #Retinitis Pigmentosa, #therapist, #psychologist, #kidnapping, #guide dog

Blind Love (16 page)

BOOK: Blind Love
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Chapter Twenty-Five

Feeling Complete

A blanket of heat surrounded Lauren.

No, surrounded wasn’t the correct description.

It smothered her. She tried to shift but when a strong, masculine leg and two arms were wrapped around her, hugging tight, movement was impossible. To top it all off, one of Gabe’s hands cupped her breast possessively. The crazy thing was, for the first time in a long time, she didn’t mind being used as a human body pillow.

Her eyes sealed, she listened to his breathing and tried to let it lull her back to sleep. The little curls scattered across his very firm upper body tickled her skin each time his chest rose and brushed against her side. She leaned her cheek against his face and savored the warmth of his breath against her lips. No, she didn’t mind at all.

Every inch of her was exquisitely sore. He had touched, kissed and loved all parts of her more times than she could count. A heat rose to her cheeks at the thought of how she had screamed out his name.

An undeniable supercharge of chemistry existed between them. One she would allow herself to enjoy for a little while. A pang of guilt shot through her when the voice in her head started up again. It told her using him in no way changed her life situation. As usual, it was right, but she refused to listen. For once, her conscience would not be allowed to talk her out of this.

She needed to feel wanted, desired—even if only for a few days. Just as much as Gabe needed her to do the same for him. Soon, they’d both go their separate ways. Until it happened, they could find comfort in each other.

He now had a child to consider and she had her own pitiful mess. Neither of them were in a place in their lives where serious commitments were possible. A short-term fling allowed them a chance to enjoy each other for a little while and leave before things got messy—at least it was what she told herself. Funny how knowing her life was about to change impacted her decision-making abilities.

Fear wrapped itself around her throat. At some point, she’d need to open her eyes and figure out if her vision had gotten worse. She swallowed the anxiety and inched her face a little closer to Gabe’s.

Whatever happens, I’ll get through it. I always do.

Slowly, she cracked her lids. When bright lights greeted her, her muscles relaxed. Lauren let out the breath she held and opened her eyes all the way. A single tear spilled out. Nothing had changed. One side was still the same colorful blur it had been since she was fifteen. The other’s visual field was a smaller circular version of the first, at least it hadn’t telescoped any further…yet.

Gabe’s lips pressed against her cheek as he kissed the tear away. He ran his hand up and down her stomach, soothing her. She rested her face against his mouth and in return, he held her tighter and kissed her again. “Want to talk about it?”

He was someone who kept the promises he made no matter what it cost him. Marrying a seventeen-year-old woman and supporting her and her child for the past eight years was testament to that. Which was why she’d never tell him about her vision degenerating. She had no interest in his pity or in feeling like he was with her because he felt she needed him. The thought of it made her stiffen. She needed no one.

“Sometimes forgetting for a while works better.”

As if on cue, his erection tapped against her thigh. Lauren smiled. “Mmm, speaking of helping me forget.”

“At your service.” Gabe played with her nipple while he lightly traced circles around her belly button with his other hand. “No job’s too small,” he said as his fingers descended toward her core. Each movement sent waves of heat pooling between her legs.

Lauren grabbed his hand before it went any farther. His protests were silenced when she rolled on top and kissed him. Soon she moved lower, her lips planting lingering caresses against his neck during her descent. It was her turn to explore and love all parts of him.

He shuddered as she teased. Slowly licking and nipping at his body, Lauren approached her goal. When she kissed against the inside of his thigh, the bed shook and he seemed to have stopped breathing.

She wrapped her hand around his erection and caressed him.

“Fuuuck,” he hissed.

A smile tugged at her lips. That was exactly what she intended on doing.

Deciding he had invited her to do so, she wrapped her lips around the top of his erection and glided her tongue over the salty tip of him. With every gasp he made, each whisper of her name, her fears about her vision dissipated and her hunger for him intensified. Soon, her mouth filled with his length and his hips lifted to push himself deeper. Yes, forgetting was exactly what she needed.

Between his incoherent moans of appreciation, a foil wrapper ripped open. Gabe pulled himself out of her, handing her the condom. “Put it on. I need to be inside you now.”

She unrolled the latex slowly down the length of him, nipping at the base. Before she could do anymore, he lifted her up and laid her on her back. Her cries and his growls filled the silent room when he pushed his shaft into her.

The world seemed to stop spinning and for a while, neither of them moved, instead savored the connection. Every time they had made love, it was the same. An indescribable blanket of completeness overcame her. For a brief instant, she wasn’t alone in the world.

Gabe intertwined her hands into his and planted them over her head. He pressed his forehead against hers and whispered her name. The hunger and need she heard in his voice made her ache for something she knew she couldn’t have. Instead, she arched her back, forcing him in deeper.

“You feel so good,” he said.

Words were beyond her capacity. Lauren wanted to savor him and this moment, to numb her mind and soul to all other emotions.

When Gabe drew himself out, she shuddered at the void he left behind. He shifted his weight and pushed in again. Lauren gasped at the heat, the pressure, the fullness of him.

He moved in a slow smooth rhythm. All her senses focused on their union and each time his tip brushed against her in just the right spot, Lauren called out to him. When he released one of her hands, she reached for his face and kissed him. Every part of her ached to feel connected to him, her body, her soul.

He grabbed her waist, angled her hips, and seconds later sunk deeper than she thought humanly possible. Her mouth went slack. Lauren was losing control. Everything tightened as she felt herself climb with each thrust of his hips. When he tried to slow things down, she squeezed her legs around him and pushed him in harder.

Like a rollercoaster deliberately approaching its descent, she inched higher and higher toward the sky. Her body tightened in anticipation. Lauren’s nails dug into his back. As if sensing where she was, he began to pump harder, faster.

Lauren screamed out his name and arched her hips as her body detonated in the most exquisite of spasms. Tears escaped from her eyes while wave after explosive wave hit her. The more she fell, the harder he crashed into her, until he screamed for her and exploded deep within.

Their hands and bodies still intertwined, they stayed immobilized, savoring every last second of the most indescribable experience of her life.

Her legs still wrapped around him, Gabe rolled over onto his back and held her tight on top of him. Neither spoke for a long while, just clung to each other.

He smoothed her hair. “Any regrets?”

The tinge of worry in his voice made her cringe. The last time they spent the night together, she kicked him out the next morning. “Only one.”

When he stiffened, she giggled and kissed his cheek.

“What’s that?”

Lauren rested her head under his chin and played with the hair on his chest. “You remember back in May, when you offered to strip me naked in the backyard and take me on the grass?”


She smiled at the worried tone in his voice. “I regret not saying yes.”

His body shook when he laughed. It immediately made her list of top ten favorite things about him.

“Why are you leaving?”

Lauren tensed. “It’s something I need to do.”

For a little while he didn’t respond. She hoped it meant he was satisfied with her answer and would drop the subject.

His fingers moved along the dips of her spine and when he cleared his throat, she knew he wasn’t finished with the topic. “Why?”

“It’s complicated.”

“I’m pretty good with complicated. Have you seen my life lately?”

There was no doubt he was good at handling, but her convoluted mess wasn’t one she intended for him to take on. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

“So you’re running away, like you accused me of doing?”

When she tried to roll off, he tightened his hold on her. Instead of fighting it, she sighed and tucked her head back under his chin. There was a good chance this might be their last time together, why not enjoy it while she could. She bit her lip and answered his question. “Yeah.”

“And you won’t tell me why?”

Because I’m blind and things will only get harder for me.

He kissed the top of her scalp and crushed her into him. “Whatever it is, I hope you know there are a lot of people here who love you.”

A lot of people, but not him. Lauren blinked away the tears. It made sense. He didn’t ask her to stay. Theirs was a no-strings-attached, short-term relationship, exactly what she wanted. So why was she hurt? If he had begged her to not leave, she would have said it wasn’t an option anyway. Sometimes it would be nice if her brain and emotions communicated better with each other.

“So on Tuesday, when you leave, what happens to us?”

She blew out a breath before responding. “We go our separate ways.”

He continued to hold her close. Neither of them spoke. There was nothing left to say. Lauren found herself gripping on to Gabe tightly. Absorbing his strength and the peace around him for as long as possible. It wasn’t until the wheels of the garage frame squealed that she let him go.

Speaking of complicated. Ben had arrived.

Chapter Twenty-Six

The Morning After

Gabe laid flat on his back, staring at the ceiling, gnawing on Lauren’s admission about running away. He knew she was waiting for a response. But wasn’t sure what to say. Several emotions flowed within him at the same time. All of which were compliments of the naked woman curled on top of him with her face wedged under his chin.

On the one hand, he was happier than he’d ever been. Partly because he had spent the past ten hours having and then re-having the best sex of his life. A smile tugged at his lips and his dick lengthened at the thought of it all.

He’d fallen in lust more times than he could count, but had never been in love before. Lying in bed, savoring how Lauren’s lashes brushed against his neck each time she blinked, there was no question he had fallen hard for her.

There was also no doubt she loved him too. As much as she said one thing, her body repeatedly showed him something entirely different. But if he told her so, she’d kick him out the door. And this time around, he planned on hanging around for at least a cup of coffee before his ass hit the grass.

Since he couldn’t tell her how he felt, he kissed the top of her scalp and held her tight, willing her to feel the things he couldn’t say.

The other emotion warring for attention was dread. Gabe was shit-faced terrified that after Tuesday, he’d never see her again. Something had happened since their walk in the woods the other day and, whatever it was, it had scared her. The fear was etched in her eyes. He wanted to fight her demons, just wished she would show him what they were.

The fucked-up part of the whole mess was he couldn’t ask her to stay, either. Not like she’d have listened if he had. But with Autumn’s murderer on the loose and now someone wandering around behind their houses, things weren’t adding up. He couldn’t shake the grating thought the killer and the pot smoker in the woods could be one and the same.

It was why he’d made sure the doors to his house were locked before he headed over to Lauren’s last night. It was also why he left specific instructions with his mother on what to do if there was a problem. Not that it was necessary. Kayla Briggs knew how to handle a gun and kick a man’s ass. Gabe had seen her do enough of both growing up. Between her and the dog, he had not doubts Evan was in safe hands.

He ran his hand up and down Lauren’s spine. It was probably overreacting on his part but the more he thought about it, the better he felt about her getting as far away from Denver until this mess was cleared up. If anything happened to her…

As if she heard his thoughts, she started to pull away from him, but he wasn’t ready to let her go. He held her tighter and asked the million-dollar question. “On Tuesday, when you leave what happens to us?”

Her breath warmed his neck when she sighed. “You go back to Houston and I… We go our separate ways.”

The words cut him. He didn’t want a short-term fling—not with her, not anymore. Thoughts of staying in Denver had crossed his mind several times in the past few days. His brain buzzed with ideas on how to make it happen, but until Autumn’s killer was found and he knew everyone was safe, those were fantasies he couldn’t afford to have.

A door downstairs slammed shut. Both he and Lauren cringed. Their time alone was over.

Gabe played with a strand of her brown hair. “Sunny’s home.”

“No, she’s out of town. It’s Ben.”

At the mention of the asshole’s name, Gabe tightened his grip on her. He wasn’t ready to share.

“I need to get up,” she said.

He held on strong when she pulled away. “You’re not married to him. What we do is none of his business.”

She stuck her very sexy ass up in the air. It shook as she slid herself down and out of his arms. “All true, but I care about him and don’t want to hurt him more than necessary.”

He propped himself up on his elbows and admired her as she climbed out of bed. It wasn’t until she was hobbling around the room that he remembered about her ankle. “How’s your leg?”

“Shhh, keep your voice low,” she hissed.

An idea popped into his head. “I bet you have a lot of sore parts. Why don’t you come over here and let me massage them for you.”

She froze and for a split second, seemed to consider his proposition before she giggled and shook her head. “You are the horniest man I’ve ever met.” Her breasts bounced as she limped her way to the dresser. “Stop staring at me.”

He grinned and sat at the foot of the bed for a better view. When she bent over to open a drawer, he let his hand graze up the inside of her thigh. “We could make it quick. I’ll even do all the work.”

“Holster your gun, Cowboy. It’s not happening.” Lauren pulled out a small piece of bright red lace and turned to face him.

When she reached down to put it on, her breasts hung low and very close to him. She balanced on her good leg as she pulled the lace up the other one. His dick took notice and lengthened.

“Here let me help you.” He reached over, filling each of his hands with a breast. “There, much better.”

She froze, the lacy satin sitting halfway up her calf. When he squeezed and ran his thumbs over her nipples, her mouth dropped open. Before she had a chance to make a smart-ass comment, he leaned over and kissed the perfect V her cleavage made. Lauren shuddered and closed her eyes.

“Hmm,” he said as his lips moved higher up to her throat. “I’m not the only horny one here. Come back to bed and I’ll take care of that for you.”

She shook her head, yanked herself out of his hands, and finished putting on her panties. From another drawer, she pulled out a black bra and, to his disappointment, imprisoned his favorite parts.

When she turned around and bent over to grab something else, Gabe stopped breathing. The lovely red strip of fabric barely covered her ass crack and was waving at him like a cape at a Spanish bullfight. His pulsing bull nodded in agreement.

The view was short lived though, and he cursed under his breath when she pulled up her jeans, covering her assets.

“Promise me you’ll call my father this morning,” she said as she zipped up.

The mention of her family had him staring at the bracelet she still wore on her arm. “Speaking of which, the gift they gave you.”

She pulled out a green shirt and limped to the bathroom. “You mean the one with the tracking device in it?”

His brows raised. “You knew?”

“Yup. Sad isn’t it? They think I’m stupid.”

When he tried to follow her, she shut the door in his face.

After the toilet flushed and the water ran, she finally let him in and handed him a brand new toothbrush.

He grabbed some paste and stuffed the bristles in his mouth. Between the brushing and spitting, she continued her story.

“About a year ago they gave me a pendant. Same thing, it had a tracking chip in it. It took me awhile, but after they kept asking me pointed questions about places I had gone, I figured it out and when I did, gave it to my handyman right before he left the country to visit his family.”

She grabbed a comb from a side drawer. He took it out of her hand and started brushing her hair for her. “Did your parents figure it out?”

“Don’t think so.” She grinned. “To this day, they bring up Brazil and ask questions to see if I’ll fess up to having been there. I figure I’ll wear this for a little while and hand it off to someone else and see where I end up.”

He shook his head and followed her out of the bathroom. The woman was as smart as she was beautiful.

Lauren walked to the bedroom door and took a deep breath. “Ready to face Benjamin Dawson?”

Gabe chuckled. “Sure, let’s go.”

She stopped halfway into turning the knob.

“Problem?” He tried to keep his voice free of all emotion while watching her face turn all sorts of red.

Lauren rested her forehead on the doorframe and sighed. “You don’t have any clothes on, do you?”

“Why don’t you turn around and find out?”

“Can you please get dressed?”

“I will on one condition.” He tugged at her collar and kissed his way up her shoulder.

She tilted her head, granting him better access. “What?”

“Promise me I can come back tonight and continue where we left off.”

Her fingers ran through his hair while he nipped at her ear. “Only if you play nice when you’re with Ben.”

Dressed and on the first floor, Gabe paused to take in the scene in front of him. Lauren and Ben sat across from each other in the kitchen. Two cups were on the table between them. Still in his police blues, the ex-husband leaned forward, whispering something to her. His face reddened with anger while she fiddled with the rim of her mug and said nothing.

Gabe pulled a chair up and sat beside her. He grabbed Lauren’s coffee, taking a sip of the lukewarm brew. “Good stuff.”

Ben’s eyes narrowed as he watched Gabe. “I need to talk to him alone.”

She crossed her arms and shook her head. “It’s not going to happen, Ben.”

Gabe pointed his coffee mug at the man whose gaze hadn’t shifted from his. “I agree. He and I probably do need to have a chat.”

“And I said no.”

“Fine.” Ben cracked his neck and pointed his finger at Gabe. “She was in a low place yesterday and you took advantage of her.”

When Lauren started to disagree, Gabe put his hand on hers to quiet her. What the guy had said didn’t bother him for the most part. She had chosen him over Ben. The man had a right to be pissed. But something else about the comment
sting. He wasn’t going to focus on it yet.

“Take your fucking hand off her.” Ben rose out of his seat and the chair crashed to the floor.

Gabe’s muscles tightened as he waited for the man’s next move. He kept his fingers wrapped over Lauren’s and stayed rooted in his seat. “The only one you need to be pissed at is yourself. I wouldn’t be sitting here holding her hand if you hadn’t cheated on her. You’re going to have to step back and deal with the consequences of your actions.”

Ben opened his mouth and then shut it. He turned a deeper shade of red than before and his body shook. Instead of approaching, he clenched his teeth and stepped back. “You’re right. I fucked up. But you’re still a piece of shit, and the only reason I’m not kicking your ass is because she told me not to.”

He walked to the garage door and before he opened it, looked over at Lauren. The flash of pain Gabe saw in the man’s eyes made him look away. “Cat, you will get through this. And if you need to sleep with every man who comes along until you figure it out, go ahead. Just know when you’re done running, I’ll still be here.”

Seconds later, the door slammed shut and his car squealed out of the driveway.

Gabe took another sip of the brew. “So, I take it he knows why you’re leaving.”

She pulled her palm out from his and rested her head in her hands. “Go home, Gabe.”

Gabe gulped down the rest of the drink. On the bright side, at least he got to drink his coffee before she kicked him out this time.

BOOK: Blind Love
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