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Authors: Sophie Stern

Blood Dolls (7 page)

BOOK: Blood Dolls
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Celia had never been so turned on.

She leaned against Gordon. He held her in place as she watched Jade dancing on Samuel. The woman turned to smile back at her, then returned her attention to the vampire in front of her. Jade looked like a perfect wanton, rubbing against Samuel in only her lace undergarments.

“Look at them,” Gordon whispered against her ear. Celia opened her eyes and watched. She’d never seen anything like this. She always knew vampires were intensely sexual beings, but she never imagined she could feel

Jade slowly moved her hips in lazy circles, raising her pelvis up and down on Samuel’s hardened cock. His robe had fallen open, exposing his length. He was hard, pressed up against Jade. The only thing separating them was the thin fabric of her panties, and Celia could see how wet they were.

Jade could feel every bit of Samuel.

“Doesn’t she look beautiful?” Gordon whispered. Celia had put her dress back on before wandering out of the room, and Gordon unlaced the shoulder straps to let the dress fall off of her. Now she was naked, too, watching Jade and Samuel.

Gordon held her in place with one hand on her waist. With the other, he began to play gently with her nipples. He stroked them softly at first, until they were hard and perky. Then he began to pinch her pink little nipples, twisting them a little.

He bit her neck, licked up to her ear.

“Tell me she’s beautiful,” he whispered.

“She’s fucking beautiful,” Celia said. She couldn’t move her eyes away. A song was playing: one she didn’t know. She couldn’t hear the words, couldn’t think straight. The only thing she could see was Jade dancing on Samuel.

The only thing she could see was the beauty.

“Go to her,” Gordon whispered. He let go of her breasts, ran his hands slowly down the side of her body to her waist. Then he licked her shoulder once more. “Go to Jade, beautiful.”

He released her. Her bare feet padded across the soft carpet until she was right behind Jade. Samuel’s hands were still on Jade, but his eyes were on Celia.

Celia ran her hands down Jade’s hair, gently tugging on the curls. Jade looked over her shoulder and Celia claimed her mouth in a soft kiss.

“Oh, fuck,” Gordon said from behind them. Celia just kissed Jade harder. She’d never been with a woman before. She’d always thought it would be sexy, beautiful, fun. It had just never happened. Now, though, she was being given permission. She could do anything in this moment. She could anything and it would be okay.

All the memories from her past were fading. Maybe it had something to do with Samuel’s saliva on her skin. Maybe it had to do with him coming inside of her. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he had fucked everyone else out of her mind and all she could see was him.

All she could see was this moment and all the ones that would come after.

Celia broke the kiss and ran her fingers down Jade’s spine. Jade turned back to Samuel and leaned toward him, pressing her chest against his. Celia undid Jade’s bra, slid it down her arms, and tossed it aside.

Now she could touch her friend’s breasts, could feel them heavy and full in her hands. Celia’s own breasts were small compared to Jade. She liked the difference, she liked seeing how big tits felt in her hands. Celia pressed up against Jade’s back and began to suck and nibble on her neck.

“You’re fucking beautiful,” she murmured. “Gorgeous. Perfect. Sweet.” Jade reached back and grabbed Celia’s neck, held her gently as she continued to grind against Samuel.

Then Celia felt Gordon pressed up against her back once more.

“The poor bastard is going to blow his load if you ladies don’t give him a little relief,” he said with a chuckle.

“Good idea,” Jade said, wiggling off of his lap. She turned to Celia, whispered in her ear, and Celia nodded. Turning, they both knelt in front of Samuel. His eyes opened wide, but he didn’t protest. He couldn’t. Not in this moment, not now. Celia was his queen and he, her king.

She was going to bow to him, to give him everything she had. She leaned forward first, sucking his cock into her mouth. She felt Jade beside her, licking his balls. Together, they were going to bring him off. Together, they were going to torment and play with him.

Side-by-side, they kissed and sucked Samuel. His hands were in their hair and on their cheeks, and soon he was close.

Celia felt a tug on her hair. Gordon yanked on her hair, pulling her to her knees in front of Samuel.

“Kneel for him,” he whispered.

Jade and Celia held hands as Samuel took his length in his hand. He watched them, looking at them with an expression Celia couldn’t quite place. Excitement, happiness, contentedness? He looked sated. He looked sultry. He looked lusty as he jerked himself to completion, spurting on their breasts.

“Good girls,” Gordon said from behind them. His voice was full of satisfaction, like a teacher congratulating a student on a job well done.

“You’ve made a mess,” Samuel said, looking at Celia. She looked down. Sure enough, she and Jade both had semen on their chests. “Clean each other up,” he said. Celia didn’t hesitate. She leaned over and began lapping the sticky cream from Jade, who cleaned Celia in turn.

When they were done, Gordon took Jade to the corner and snuggled her, fed from her, and brought her to orgasm. Celia sat on Samuel’s lap for awhile, watching the other couple.

“She’s beautiful,” Celia murmured.

“So are you,” Samuel asked. “Did you like seeing me with another woman?”

“Yes.” She didn’t think she would, didn’t think she was supposed to, but she had. Watching Jade touch Samuel, seeing her dance, had turned Celia on more than she’d ever been before. She was wet and aroused, especially now that she was watching Gordon play with Jade like she was a little toy.

“Celia,” Samuel gripped her chin, turned her gaze back to him. “I’m not monogamous. I never will be.”

“Okay,” she whispered, because she knew what he was saying. He was putting into words what she was thinking. He was telling her he liked her, maybe even loved her in his own way, but they would never have the type of exclusive relationship she was used to. He wasn’t human. Not anymore.

For him, sex and feeding went hand-in-hand. For him, being with one person would never be enough. He was giving her an out, a choice. He was letting her know she had a decision to make. She could take him as he was, or she could not. It was all up to her.

And strangely, when she nodded, when she ceded to him, Celia had never felt more at ease.




Living in the mansion was different than she expected. The other dolls weren’t jealous or weird or awkward. Obviously, they all slept with different vampires and some of them slept with the same ones, but no one seemed to behave uncomfortably about it. No one made anyone else feel strange. It was simply a normal part of the house.

There were other dolls aside from Tasha, Jade, and Ariana. Many of them spent their time with specific vampires in the mansion. Henry was one of the few male dolls. There were no female vampires, but some of the male vamps preferred male blood dolls and Samuel believed in having different dolls available for any particular taste.

Not all humans liked to drink the same liquor, he told Celia. Why would blood be any different?

There were dolls with different body sizes and hairstyles and fashion sense. There was a punk doll and a goth doll and one who looked like she belonged in a sorority house. There were a couple who were petite and a few who were curvy.

Celia liked all of them.

The dolls were buddies, companions. There was no darker side to living in the house. They had all come to the house in different ways and from different places, but they were all there now, and they all had the same future.

When Celia wasn’t with Samuel, she explored the mansion. She got to know it fairly well. There were no secret passageways or forbidden chambers or dark dungeons, but there were rooms with different themes and private bedrooms and large entertainment rooms.

“What are all the rooms for?” Celia asked one day. She and Samuel were walking to his office.

“Parties,” he said with a sly smile. He took her hand and held it, giving her a little squeeze. He seemed to enjoy touching her all the time. Even when they weren’t making love, even when she wasn’t feeding him, they were always touching.

“When am I going to get to see one of these infamous parties?” Celia wondered. She was curious about what vampires did when they were drinking, when they were having fun. When they weren’t just eating or brooding, what did they do? Did they act like normal people?

“They’re very sexual parties,” Samuel said. He turned the corner and they stopped in front of his office. He placed his palm on a panel beside the door, unlocking it.

“More sexual than the sitting room?”

“Much more sexual than that.” He stepped inside the office and she followed. Samuel closed and locked the door behind them, then went to his desk. He sat at the large chair and Celia walked over to the large bookshelves.

“Mind if I read something today?”

“You can read anything you like.”

Samuel had quite the collection. There were first editions and signed editions and leather bound books and hardcovers. There were things she’d never heard of and books she’d never imagined.

After a few minutes, Celia selected a copy of a romance novel and brought it over to Samuel. He motioned for her to sit at his feet, so she did. There was a large, round cushion there just for her. She sat down, leaned her head against his knee, and began to read.

The words flew off the page and into her imagination. As she read, Samuel played with her hair, made phone calls, and reviewed business transactions. Although he had been a doctor long ago, he had his own online company now. It allowed him to be independently wealthy, yet maintain his privacy.

She had learned quickly that privacy, to a vampire, was one of the most important things in the universe. Yes, the world knew about vampires, but the world only had a small glimpse. Even Celia, living with them, believed she only knew what they wanted her to know.

After awhile, she began to feel drowsy, and she felt the book slip from her fingers.

“Careful,” Samuel said, taking it from her. He placed the book on his desk, then continued to play with her hair. “Are you sleepy, kitten?”

“A bit.”

“Go lie on the couch.”

Her feet moved of their own accord and she made her way to the sofa. It was in front of the fireplace and Celia thought it was one of the coziest places in the room. She curled up and closed her eyes, trying not to think too hard about her new life, trying not to think too much about the way things had turned for her.

She was no longer just an admin at her stepfather’s business. She was no longer worried about her mother. She was no longer just a plain, ordinary girl. Now, she was different. Now, things had changed.

Celia didn’t want to think about how quickly her life had turned around or how addicted she was to Samuel. It hadn’t been long. It had only been days or weeks. She didn’t even know. All she knew was that for the first time in her life, Celia wasn’t worried about how she would eat, or how she would protect herself, or how she would stay away from Raymond.

For the first time in a very long time, Celia felt safe.

At home.


And as she curled up in the middle of Samuel’s office, she closed her eyes, and she fell asleep.






He shouldn’t be thinking about keeping her. He knew that much. Samuel was smarter than that. He shouldn’t be thinking about keeping a woman, about asking one to marry him. He shouldn’t be thinking about turning her, about living forever with her. He shouldn’t.

If he had learned anything from Harper’s death, it was that nothing was forever. You might think it was, you might want it to be, but it wasn’t.

He had loved her.

Wanted her.

Cared for her.

He had protected her, but he had failed her. There was a reason there weren’t many female vampires and it had nothing to do with a vamp’s inability to commit to a woman. No, that wasn’t it at all.

The reason there were so few vamps had nothing to do with love and everything to do with the fact that females almost always died during the transition. Giving up your humanity wasn’t easy. Even men often died instead of coming back to life as something more, something else. Something darker.

Samuel still remembered his life as a human. Many of the vamps in the house didn’t. A lot of them, once they shifted, forgot what they were
. A lot of them forgot what it meant to be human. A lot of them forgot the little things.

The touch of grass beneath his feet, or the smell of a flower, or the way a child laughed: these were all things that made him feel human, real. Samuel remembered.

But when you became a vampire, something changed deep inside of you. Those little moments became few and far between. You didn’t want them, crave them anymore. You wanted something else instead. You wanted something carnal, something darker.

You wanted the sultry, the sexual. You needed it. You didn’t have time to smell the roses because you were too busy fucking them. It was a craving so intense Samuel wasn’t sure how he handled it.

That was where the dolls came in.

He wasn’t interested in hunting. Some vamps got off on that. They liked to find people to feed from, to feast upon. They liked to kill and maim. They liked to scare. He didn’t. He wasn’t about that. Maybe he was lazy or maybe he was just more human still than he wanted to admit.

It wouldn’t do for him, a big bad vamp, to admit he still cared. It wouldn’t be good for his image for him to admit he still had things he thought were important. That wasn’t the way to get respect. That wasn’t the way to prove how in control of himself and his men he was.

The truth was that Samuel had to be in control. He couldn’t afford to let his mask slip. Where would he be without it? He’d lived in this vampire world for nearly a century and only once had he loved someone so deeply he almost staked himself.


He had spent the last fifty years dreaming of her, thinking of her, missing her. He had spent half a century brooding over her. He had told Gordon again and again that he’d never find anyone like her, and he had been right.

Only now, as Samuel sat as his desk watching Celia sleep, he knew he didn’t need to find someone like Harper. He had found someone different, someone better. He had found someone who completed him in a different way, a better way. He found someone who made him feel different things, interesting things, things he didn’t think he was capable of feeling.

Celia made him feel curious and passionate and hungry for something other than just sex. Oh, she hadn’t staked his hunger. That would never be satisfied, but she’d given him something else to look forward to than just sex.

She’d given him a little bit of her heart, and he loved that.

It frightened the fuck out of him, but he loved it.

He loved her.

He loved Celia.

She wasn’t just a doll to him.

He loved her.




BOOK: Blood Dolls
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