Read Boston Avant-Garde: Impetuous Online

Authors: Kaitlin Maitland

Tags: #Erotic Contemporary

Boston Avant-Garde: Impetuous (6 page)

BOOK: Boston Avant-Garde: Impetuous
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Screw rational thought. His cock was now calling all the shots. Crystalline droplets sprinkled her soft skin, beading and rolling down her shapely curves. Her nipples peaked into hard little points. He remembered how they felt between his teeth and how they tasted beneath his tongue. His cock thickened, reaching toward his belly despite the frigid temperature of the water.

She glanced down at the obvious evidence of his interest. “I thought you might need someone to help you wash.”

Nicolai would’ve given her a clever comeback, except she chose that moment to squat down in the close quarters and wrap both hands around his shaft. His hands shot out to brace his weight on the walls. Water dripped down his bare forehead and ran into his eyes, but he couldn’t look away.

“I don’t see a sponge handy. Guess I’ll have to suck it clean.”

She gazed up at him and laved her tongue around the blunt tip of his cock. Getting a firm grip on his shaft, she sucked lightly on the head. Her tongue delved into the hole at the tip, and he had to clench his teeth to hold still. His balls were on fire. She planted the flat of her tongue against him and swirled around and around the head before swallowing him whole.

His shaft slid past her teeth, bumping the back of her throat. She gave a throaty moan that sent a ripple of vibrations up and down his hypersensitive skin. Pulling back, she created suction that threatened to rip the cum straight from his dick. The desire to grab her head and fuck her mouth was overwhelming, but he wanted to be gentle. Reaching down with shaking hands, he pushed a stray strand of wet hair behind her ear.

She cupped his tight sac in her hand and held it away from his body. Sucking his shaft in a series of rhythmic thrusts, she gently squeezed his balls at the same tempo. His heart hammered until it was thumping against his rib cage, and his breathing grew harsh.

Nicolai could count on one hand the number of times he’d allowed himself to come in a woman’s mouth. His control didn’t allow it. He chose the moment of release, when his partner was ready, when he felt as though the time was ripe. This was different. The wild girl sucking his cock wasn’t going to take no for an answer.

She increased her pace, kneading his sac and using her other hand to pump his shaft. Her tongue found his sensitive flange and kept pace until he was bombarded with stimulation that set his whole body humming with the need to come.

His impending release trickled down his spine, pooling in the small of his back and sending rivers of fire shooting down his legs. It burned inside his body, culminating in a need so intense he bit back a groan of pleasurable agony.

His climax came on like a tidal wave. He convulsed, his shoulders heaving forward as he strained into her mouth. Hot cum sprayed from his cock, bathing her tongue in his essence. It pulsed in concert with his heartbeat, and she swallowed as though she couldn’t get enough.

He reached down and dragged her upright. She stumbled a bit in the close quarters, and he pulled her flush against his body. Water caught in the places where their skin was pressed together, pooling until it overflowed.

“You taste amazing.” She reached up hesitantly, brushing his face with her fingers. The gentle touch was his undoing.

He leaned down and took her mouth in a satisfying kiss. She tasted of his maleness and her own feminine spice. He swept his tongue inside her mouth, mating with hers and mimicking the primal rhythm of sex. It wasn’t enough. He wanted more. He wanted forever.

The water sputtered when he turned it off, tapering to a steady dribble. He stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel. Once she was wrapped up tight, he picked her back up and flung her over his shoulder for the second time that night.

“Don’t throw me out!” She squirmed against her towel prison. “I shouldn’t have crashed your shower without an invitation. I’m sorry!”

Silly girl. As if any man could be angry with a naked, desirable woman inviting herself into his shower. He strode out of the bathroom, careful not to brain her on the doorjamb. There was a trail of water left in his wake, a minor concern. The window unit had lowered the temperature significantly. It still had no effect on his unruly cock, which was already anticipating the next round. Her curves pressed against his skin through the thin towel. It was a buffer, but not nearly enough. Anything between them was too much when all he wanted was to be inside her.

Swinging her right-side up, he cradled her lush body against his chest. “Would you shut up?”

Surprise smoothed the frown lines between her green eyes. She was broadcasting her desire to talk so clearly that he had to appreciate the supreme effort it took her to remain silent. Any makeup she’d been wearing had washed down the drain. Her brown hair straggled around her face, and she was shivering with cold. She was still the most beautiful thing he’d ever laid eyes on.

She had thrown her white dress haphazardly across his bed in her rush to join him in the shower. He picked it up, intending to drape it over the back of the sofa. She made a whimpering sound when he touched it. It took a moment for him to understand what the issue was, but something in her expression tipped him off.

He pointedly set the dress aside. “You’re not going anywhere tonight.”

Chapter Six

“Are you trying to get in trouble, little girl?” Nicolai’s question was tempered by the lazy circles he was tracing on her bare back with his fingertips.

“Define trouble.” Desiree hadn’t known it was possible to be this satisfied before reaching orgasm. She could still taste the erotic spice of his cum on her tongue. She’d never experienced anything as euphoric as that one moment when she’d known beyond doubt she’d brought this powerful man to climax. It was a complex emotion, the heady sense of control and the humbling realization that he’d allowed her to push him to that point of vulnerability.

“Why are you here?”

“I came to see you.”

His chest vibrated beneath her cheek as he growled. Lounging back against the headboard, he seemed content to have her curl up beside him. He’d changed out his piercings. The new ones were even more enticing than the others. Black metal rings, each with a single bar that bisected the hoops and pierced each nipple to hold the disks in place. She brushed her fingertips across the left one, loving his quick inhalation.

“Did those hurt?”

“At first.” He laid his palm over her fingers and pressed her hand flat against his chest. “Why, are you going to get a set?”

It was impossible to even try and imagine how that would go over with her mother. She pictured herself trying to explain, politely, why there were two lumps in the boob portion of her cocktail dress. The mental image was so ludicrous she had to swallow back a giggle. “I don’t think that would work.”

“So you
play by the rules.”

“It’s complicated.”

“Then why are you here?”

He kept coming back around to that. She wondered what he’d say if he knew. “I started out at a so-called sex club last night.”

Tension rippled across the muscles beneath her cheek. “So-called sex club?”

“I went with a friend. She swore it was an upscale place with plenty of attractive men.”

He might act indifferent, but it was plain he didn’t like hearing that. He rolled her onto her back and braced his weight on his forearms. “And?”

“It was an upscale version of a wet T-shirt contest. I walked in and was informed I had to wear a silly costume and participate in a slave auction if I wanted to stay. The men could wear whatever they wanted and ogle the women like frat boys during rush week.”

He threw back his head and laughed. In the dim light coming from the windows, he looked rough and dangerous, but he was as much of a gentleman as anyone society had labeled that way.

“I left the sex club, got in a cab, and wound up here.”

“Where are those condoms you were flashing around last night?”

She reached over and groped the nightstand until her fingers brushed the little pile of foil packets she’d dumped there earlier. Brandishing one in his face, she felt the thrill of anticipation slide down her spine.

He reared back on his knees, his cock bouncing gently against his abdomen. “You put it on.”


“Because the way you’re going, you obviously need the practice.”

His words made her laugh, but they cut too. He was right. She’d been desperate to have sex. The trip to the sex club had been all about physical satisfaction. When she’d first walked into Jack’s, she had been looking for any attractive guy. Even the beach bum would’ve fit the bill. Then she’d seen Nicolai, and suddenly any attractive guy wasn’t enough.

She ripped open the package and gently rolled the condom over his erection. He quivered beneath her touch, and she could feel his heartbeat in the throbbing vein on the underside of his shaft. She thought about the night before, when she’d ridden him with such wild abandon. That wasn’t what she wanted tonight.

“Give me what I need, Nicolai.”

His massive body loomed above her in the semidarkness, but his touch was gentle. He cupped the side of her face with one hand and slid the other over her hip to stroke her ass. His fingertips caressed her skin as he lifted her thigh over his hip.

She was already wet, her body desperate for penetration. Still he waited, kneeling and watching her face. The hand on her ass moved lower, teasing as it danced closer to her core. She wriggled her butt, telling him what she wanted.

“Always in a rush, wild girl. I have all night, and I don’t intend to waste it.”

His words made her belly clench with desire. She wanted all night, but right now she wanted him inside her any way she could have him. With a twist of her hips, his fingers grazed her slit.

The contact was barely enough to take the edge off, but Nicolai went rigid. “God, you’re so wet.”

As if he couldn’t help himself, he slid two fingers past her lips and into her slick pussy. Her body softened, begging for more. He began a slow rhythm, sliding in and out as he caressed her from top to bottom. The wet noise filled the room with the promise of fulfillment.

It wasn’t enough to satisfy, only making her want more. She reached out and placed her hands against his hips. Sliding lower, she found the erection bobbing between them. She brushed her fingers along the slick surface of the condom.

Nicolai stilled. “Damn that condom. I want to feel your touch.”

She couldn’t see his face, but he sounded almost disgruntled. “So it’s sort of like slow torture?”

He didn’t answer, growling instead when she wrapped her palm around his shaft and pumped it once. He was already kneeling between her legs. It didn’t take much to tug him closer to her goal. “Don’t make me wait any longer. I know you need it too.”

She whimpered when he pushed inside and slid deep into her channel. He was hard and hot, and she undulated against him, urging him to give her more.

“You are so tight, wild girl. You make me want to lose control.”

A bubble of emotion burst inside her, and she pulled him down for a kiss. He made love to her with his mouth, his tongue echoing the deep thrusts of his cock inside her pussy. She wrapped her arms around his neck, letting him set the pace and carry her toward completion.

He thrust hard, their bodies making wet sounds as they moved together in an erotic dance. He shifted his angle and drove in again, the tip of his cock sliding across a sweet spot deep inside that made her cry out in ecstasy. Her pussy trembled, tumbling her headlong into orgasm. Her channel bore down on his cock, and he shuddered, groaning as he climaxed inside her.

He pulled out and rolled gracefully to his side. One muscular arm still cradled her against his chest. She felt more cherished in that moment than she ever had. His lips brushed her forehead, and she snuggled closer.

He moved to get up. “I need to take care of this condom.”

“By all means, the faster we get rid of that one, the quicker we can get through the rest of the pile.”

His deep laugh floated behind him in the dim half-light.

She rolled to her stomach, resting her chin on her hands. Social situations were usually pretty cut-and-dried in her world, but she didn’t have any previous experiences with the question of whether to leave or stay after sex. Especially considering the vague relationship status between her and Nicolai. He’d said she wasn’t going anywhere tonight, but what did that mean exactly?

He reappeared, walking casually toward the bed as if he were 100 percent comfortable being buck naked. Of course, if every man had a body like his, clothing would become illegal. Nothing about him was little. He was larger than life with broad shoulders and an abdomen that was rock hard and rugged with muscle. His cock hung heavy between his legs. Even his calves were toned solid. She wouldn’t have been surprised to learn he lifted weights with his toes.

“You’re staring.”

“I like what I see.” She craned her neck back to see his shadowy face, wishing she could glean more from his expression. “Are you going to call a cab?”

“That all depends.” He slid into the bed. “Do you want me to?”

Deciding she had nothing to lose and everything to gain, Desiree snuggled up next to him and thrilled to the feeling of his arms pulling her closer. “No, I don’t.”

“Then I’m not calling a cab tonight.”

Her heart thudded, skipping a beat. She felt as though she’d been handed a stay of execution. One little word could mean a million things. Or more importantly, it could mean one. He wasn’t calling a cab tonight, but he might decide to call one in the morning. All things considered, she wasn’t sure which option was worse.


NICOLAI STAYED AWAKE long after her steady breathing told him she’d fallen asleep. The streets outside the window were as quiet as they ever got. It was long past midnight. Flynn had closed the bar by himself plenty of times before, but never because Nicolai had lost his head over a woman.

She stirred beside him. He picked up a stray lock of dark hair and tucked it behind her ear. In sleep she looked harmless. Two days in her company had proven otherwise. He’d thought he had her figured out from that first moment, but he couldn’t have been further off the mark. She was nothing he’d ever expected.

BOOK: Boston Avant-Garde: Impetuous
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