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Authors: Miranda Baker

Bottoms Up (9 page)

BOOK: Bottoms Up
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Johnny shut the door and shot a sharp glance at her. “I saw that.”

“Saw what?”

“You drooling over my bouncer.”

Destiny put her hands on her hips. Both men looked at her breasts.

“Sorry.” Matt looked away.

“I was hardly drooling,” Destiny grated, responding to the anger in his tone. What on earth was up with him?

Johnny’s voice was silky, dangerous as he caught her elbow and pulled her in front of the door again. He held her there. “If you weren’t black and blue already, I’d beat you for lying. You can’t have Lex. Don’t fuck my staff.” He tilted his head to the side for a moment, as if he were thinking about something, then he shrugged, glancing over his shoulder at his friend. “Now, Matt here is another story. He’s my best friend. We might be able to work something out if you want to be double-teamed tonight.”

Shock energized her. Destiny tried to break his hold, but struggling was counterproductive. The cold, hard wood against her sore back aroused her. “Don’t push your luck, Johnny. I don’t even know him.”

“I don’t know how not to push, babe.” He reached behind her and squeezed. She gasped as his rough hand stroked her ass.

Matt watched from the bed, gray eyes wide and avidly focused on them, on her. She heated further under his gaze.

Johnny thrust his leg between her thighs. His hands ran the length of her limbs. “I know Matt would be happy to oblige. We’ll make this good for you, I promise. Think about it.” Johnny’s voice coaxed her, encouraged her, dared her.

Oh, she was thinking about it, all right. She pictured herself between them, her body surrounded by hard, muscular flesh, their hands all over her, in her, commanding her. She bit her lip. Her knees buckled.

Johnny caught her and pulled her against his chest, facing away from him. He turned them both around and held her there, displayed in his arms, one hand on her breasts, the other cupping her pussy. She could see the rise and fall of Matt’s chest as he sat on the bed, waiting for her to make a decision.

Her head fell back against his chest. “I can’t do this, Johnny. I don’t know how.”

“Yes, you do. You can do it because I want you to.” Johnny’s voice was so certain, she almost believed him. “I thought you Aries girls liked a challenge.”

“And I thought you didn’t know anything about astrology.”

“I looked it up.” She felt him shrug. “Channel your adventurous spirit into something I need from you. Submission.”

Something a man needed from her. Hadn’t that been how all this started for her? Her journey into BDSM had started with Damian and his need to be dominated. Now she was faced with another man who wanted something from her that she didn’t know how to give.

Or did she? She couldn’t deny that the thought of being sandwiched between their hard bodies had her dripping. What did she want? She had no idea. Maybe there was more to learn by doing.

“Why not?” she heard herself say.

“Good girl,” Johnny breathed into her ear. Pleasure flashed, sharp and hot, between them.

He picked her up and carried her to the bed. They must have done this before, she realized, as he tossed her on the bed next to Matt.

“Did you lock the door?” Matt spoke for the first time since Johnny had proposed this crazy idea. He slid off the bed and crossed the room to check the bolt, shedding his briefs as he returned. Naked and erect, without his diffident pose, she could see that he and Johnny had a lot in common. Matt didn’t have the tattoos, the shaved head or the piercings, but he had the same bone-deep confidence and steely glint in his eyes.

They advanced in tandem.

“Holy shit,” she whispered under her breath.

Their laugh was the same too.

Matt pulled her to her feet to face Johnny. She could feel his hands ghosting over her body from behind her, exploring her hips, her breasts, her buttocks. They were softer than Johnny’s hands, and he whispered small words of praise against the curve of her neck as she submitted to his touch. She waited, watching Johnny as he watched Matt touch her.

A satisfied smile curved his lips.

Destiny relaxed. She entered the moment, secure in his dark gaze.

Matt’s hand drifted down her belly. “Watch out for the hardware,” Johnny said.

She felt Matt nod.

“Red, yellow and green?” he asked quietly over her shoulder.

Johnny nodded. “No blood. No blindfold. Use a condom.” The box sat prominently on the bedside table.

“Not a problem.”

“She wears a plug very well,” Johnny suggested.

“An excellent warm-up.”

She found herself upended on the bed. Smooth fingers probed her ass. The plug slid in easily and she surged back against their hands. “Get the bigger one.” Johnny’s voice.


She opened one eye and saw him slowly fisting his cock. He crawled onto the bed in front of her and grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled. She gasped. He drilled his cock into her open mouth.

Matt pinched her clit, and the big plug in her ass had her so close to the edge that even his tiny pinches threatened to make her come. She couldn’t move or speak around Johnny’s cock.

“Come for us, Destiny.” It was Matt’s voice, not Johnny’s, but that was close enough to permission for her. She bucked against his fingers and sucked hard on Johnny’s cock as pleasure took her.

His fingers tightened painfully in her hair. “Enough.”

Johnny pulled her up to meet his mouth. His kisses were like a drug. With each stroke of his tongue, she fell deeper under his sway. She would do anything for him, anything he wanted, anything to keep him in front of her like this, making her feel treasured and beloved with his lips while Matt’s fingers danced inside her. Johnny’s skin was hot, his shoulders hard beneath her hands. She was going to come again, and she broke away, eyes pleading.

“Yes,” he said and pulled her back to his lips. She quivered and poured all of the gratitude she felt into their kiss.

“I want that ass,” Matt whispered behind her.

She whimpered when Johnny let her go. “Only fair,” he said. He slid off the bed and gestured for Matt to take his place. “Suck Matt’s cock so he’ll be ready for your ass, Destiny. Show him how good you can suck it while I fuck your tight little pussy.” Johnny put his hand on the middle of her back to force her head into Matt’s lap. No encouragement was necessary. Destiny bent to take him. His cock was long, making it a challenge to fit the whole thing in her mouth, but she made it a game to see how far she could get it in, enjoying the way he hissed and groaned as his rod disappeared down her throat.

She felt Johnny’s cock nudge her pussy. God, he felt huge. She swallowed a gag as his first thrust forced Matt’s cock deep into her throat.

“Goddamn. She’s too tight with the plug in,” Johnny said.

“Keep going. You’re doing her a favor.”

Destiny knew what that meant. It would be even tighter with two cocks inside her. Just the thought caused a ripple of pleasure to shoot through her. Wetness eased Johnny’s entry and he sighed, caressing her sore back. He leaned forward to stroke her clit, making her thrust her ass against him.

“Hey, hey, wait for me,” Matt said thickly.

Johnny slid out of her pussy and pulled her upright. They spun her between them again. Now her back was to Matt and she faced Johnny. Fingers popped the plug from her ass and eased cool gel into place.

“Condom,” Johnny said firmly.

They lifted her onto Matt’s lap as he sat on the high bed. Johnny supported her weight while Matt guided his cock into place.

His cock felt larger at the entrance to her ass than it had felt in her mouth. Wider, somehow more, maybe too much, at least until she opened her eyes and saw the way Johnny was looking at her. Discomfort turned to pleasure under his fiery gaze. She wanted to please him.

He spread her legs and stepped between them.

Johnny trailed a lazy finger through her labia until she was crazy with wanting him. She pumped her hips, trying to catch his fingertip in the right spot. Behind her, Matt groaned. “Get moving, John.”

Destiny was splayed out on Matt’s lap, legs wide, hooked over his knees, dying for Johnny’s cock. He took his time, leisurely running the head of his cock through her moisture. He bumped her clit teasingly and popped in and out a few times, giving her a bare hint of what was coming to her.

Then he came all the way in.

Destiny screamed. She couldn’t help it. There wasn’t enough room in her body to hold a breath. It was too much. She pushed against Johnny’s chest. He didn’t move an inch.

“Be still, Destiny. You can take it. Let your body do this.”

Johnny kissed her. Pleasure shot through her, everywhere. She surrendered, surfing the wave of bliss created by him. It was all brilliant and sharp, the wicked, pinching fingers on her nipples, the fullness of a cock in her ass, the pressure of a thumb on the top of her clit as Johnny’s cock slid in and out of her body.

Now there were hands on her hips, moving her up and down as Johnny moved in and out. He stared into her eyes. She stared back, hypnotized by the painful desire she saw there.

He increased the tempo of his hips, the pressure of his thumb, the power of his stare. Desperation clawed at her as she fought the raging power they had set in motion inside her body. She saw red, then white, as her body tensed.

“Now!” Johnny’s voice cracked like a whip.

She took his punishing thrusts to the heart of her, let him plunder her core and force her over the edge—trapped between them, no way to escape, nothing to call her own. She let him take her, again and again, to the edge and over, riding his powerful body to the top of a wave of pleasure that threatened to destroy her.

Johnny slammed his cock into her and roared.

Matt came too, with a low grunt, his hands gripping her hips in a double vise. He caught her when Johnny reeled back. Destiny couldn’t breathe. She gasped, every exhale a low moan of need.

“She’s not done,” Matt said breathlessly over her shoulder.

Through blurry tears, she saw Johnny toss his condom into the garbage can. He grabbed his pants from the floor and stepped into them. He stumbled. “You can finish her off.”

“Johnny?” Destiny cursed the quaver in her voice.

He pulled his boots on without looking at her, and zipped his pants. Then he walked swiftly out of the room, pulling the door shut tight behind him.

Destiny had always imagined the sound of her heart breaking would be louder than the click of a lock. A sob broke from her throat. The tears fell harder when Matt slipped out from underneath her, and her ass throbbed in protest.

“Don’t go anywhere,” he said roughly, yanking the comforter over her curled body. “I’ll be right back. Don’t fucking move.” He disappeared into the bathroom and she heard water running.

Then Matt left her, too, grabbing his shorts and shirt on the way out the door.

“John!” Matt’s voice caught him at his truck.

Johnny turned around. He kept his mouth shut because Matt didn’t deserve whatever he might say. He wasn’t angry with Matt.

“What the fuck just happened back there?” His friend’s usually calm gray eyes were furious.

“Nothing.” Johnny shrugged. “It was over.”

“Like hell. You don’t end a scene like that unless you’re an amateur or a fucking prick.”

“She was into it. Lighten up.”

Matt crossed his arms. “Lighten up?”

“Yeah—no big deal. It was just a scene.”

Matt shook his head disgustedly. “No way, John. We’ve known each other too long for that bullshit. You didn’t need me in there. I was just a human dildo while you mind-fucked her. I don’t appreciate that, buddy. You set me up.”

“Sorry. I just…couldn’t deal. I had to get out of there. Sorry if I was an asshole.”

“To say the least.”

Johnny leaned against his truck, flinching as the cold metal hit his bare back. He didn’t appreciate Matt’s holier-than-thou attitude, especially since Matt had no room to talk. “You aren’t exactly warm and fuzzy in the bedroom, either.”

“We’re not talking about me.” Matt glared at him. “You should have kept her to yourself if you’re attached to her.”

Johnny cursed. “I’m not attached to her.”

“Oh, really?” Matt’s angry expression dissolved into the wide-eyed innocence Johnny remembered from their boyhood, before Lisa died, before Matt left for law school and Johnny opened the bars, before real life. Only now, the innocence was an act because Matt said, “Then, if you’re sure it’s no big deal, she’s waiting upstairs for somebody. I wouldn’t mind playing with her again.”

Johnny threw a right hook.

Matt caught his fist in one hand and drew Johnny’s arm around his neck for a tight hug.

“Yeah, I can tell you don’t care at all. Not a bit. I don’t know what’s going on between you and Destiny, but you set
up too, John, and that’s not cool. She doesn’t know why you’re angry.”

“I said I was sorry.”

“Don’t tell me. Tell her.”

“I can’t.” Johnny’s voice was thick and tight in his throat.

“Yeah, I know.” Matt gave him a shove. “Get it together, John. Don’t let Lisa fuck this up too.”

Johnny considered throwing another punch, a close jab that Matt wouldn’t see coming—like the shot Matt had just taken at him. He clenched his fists. “When did you get so fucking smart?”

“She was my sister, jackass. You’re not the only one with baggage.” Matt put on his shirt. “I’m out of here. Go clean up your mess.”

He should have known Matt would understand. “Destiny’s got no boundaries, Matt. She doesn’t say no to anything. I can’t trust her. You’re right—she reminds me of Lisa.”

“Sure wish you’d mentioned that before I fucked her.” Matt pulled his car keys out of his pocket and unlocked his silver Lexus. “Get back up there, John. Make it right.”

Johnny watched as Matt pulled away from the curb. His face tightened with grief.

Lisa’s death had exploded their lives like a hammer blow, and, like a hammer, she had left her mark. Matt had lost his big sister and his carefree childhood in the same moment. He had been forced to take care of Colin, his younger brother, for a solid year until their parents could function again. Taking on responsibility so young had changed his friend and given him a black-and-white approach to life that was hard to live up to sometimes.

BOOK: Bottoms Up
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